With LCD driver all calculation will be performed on RGB888 and the hardware/OS
can display from our 24bit framebuffer.
It is not yet as performance optimized as the existing drivers but should be
good enough.The vast number of small changes is due to the fact that
fb_data can be a struct type now, while most of the code expected a scalar type.
lcd-as-memframe ASM code does not work with 24bit currently so the with 24bit
it enforces the generic C code.
All plugins are ported over. Except for rockpaint. It uses so much memory that
it wouldnt fit into the 512k plugin buffer anymore (patches welcome).
Change-Id: Ibb1964545028ce0d8ff9833ccc3ab66be3ee0754
The %Vf and %Vb tags change the colors for the rest of the viewport. This
requires the rest of the vp to be redrawn when they change due to a conditional.
The previous code did this redraw in all cases (conditional or not) which
led to visible blinking.
Change-Id: Ie59dfc6fe8ed76485a2a2bd7caf1315f1944c227
These where used for line styling during scrolling, which is now done in apps/,
The viewport struct doesn't need to record these anymore.
Change-Id: I810d9dcb2644b00a798c6e75acab69c74a78e77f
This fixes the radioart crash that was the result of buffering.c working
on a freed buffer at the same time as buflib (radioart uses buffering.c for the
images). With this change the buffer is owned by buflib exclusively so this
cannot happen.
As a result, audio_get_buffer() doesn't exist anymore. Callers should call
core_alloc_maximum() directly. This buffer needs to be protected as usual
against movement if necessary (previously it was not protected at all which
cased the radioart crash), To get most of it they can adjust the willingness of
the talk engine to give its buffer away (at the expense of disabling voice
interface) with the new talk_buffer_set_policy() function.
Change-Id: I52123012208d04967876a304451d634e2bef3a33
Much of the scrolling work is moved from lcd-bitmap-common to lcd-scroll.c,
a small scroll callback routine remains. This callback can potentially be
overridden by more extensive scrollers.
The callback also gets fed with pixel-based scrolling information, which
finally removes the strict line-based nature of the scroll engine. Along with
this is the change from scroll_stop_viewport_line() to scroll_stop_viewport_rect()
which works on a pixel-based rectangle instead of lines.
The ultimate goal is to move most of the scroll work to apps, which can
much better decide which line decorations to apply etc. This work is laying
the ground work.
Change-Id: I3b2885cf7d8696ddd9253d5a9a73318d3d42831a
With radioart enabled there appears to be buffer corruption when
the image is loaded causing the player to data abort in skin_render_line()
So, disable the code untill someone can fix it.
Change-Id: I6acf3f76ce38aa2784b1b24ed6da29a9c5bee479
Use %x9(id) to draw an image in the whole current viewport using the
9 segment drawer (which draws the corners as normal and *tiles*
the middle segments to the needed width/height).
Future work is to make it scale instead of tile
Change-Id: Ic3ed1cad93f96091694801eb442e0da5a2401203
Kudos to funman for figuring out the problem - skin_find_item() rather
stupidly uses the global skin_buffer variable in skin_parser.c which is
fine in the parser EXCEPT it gets changed in skin_render when the sbs
is being redrawn while another skin is loading, so fix this by makeing
skin_find_item() use a local data pointer so a skin_render() during
parsing won't break anything.
Change-Id: I80e1c0efe569c18225e5772159c18ebb21e07332
This is a bit of a hack. We now trigger an event when the skin engine
is doing a full redraw (which means fullscreen clear) before the
lcd_update() to give the current screen a chance to redraw to avoid the
screen flicker.
This commit fixes the issue for screens which are entirely the list
widget (i.e browser and menus), other screens will need aditional fixes
(i.e quickscreen, time&date screen)
Change-Id: I3725c51518be724ce7aacee9877663c2de6866fa
%dr(x, y, width, height, [colour1[, colour2]]):
x,y - viewport relative pixel coordinates to start the rectangle.
width, height - obvious. can be '-' to fill the viewport
if both colours are left out the viewports foreground colour will be used
if one colour is specified it will fill the rectangle that colour.
if both colours are specified it will gradient fill the rectangle.
Change-Id: Iad451e99ded663bc7c5d182443659db7d909b388
This is a bit of a hack. We now trigger an event when the skin engine
is doing a full redraw (which means fullscreen clear) before the
lcd_update() to give the current screen a chance to redraw to avoid the
screen flicker.
This commit fixes the issue for screens which are entirely the list
widget (i.e browser and menus), other screens will need aditional fixes
(i.e quickscreen, time&date screen)
Change-Id: I3ffdcd8ccad2c663732f8d5983049c837de00fe5
This call is cheap (except if the list config changes, but then it should
be called anyway), and do_refresh isn't always set appropriately, e.g.
when the screen has just changed, which could cause the list config to be
null at bad times, which caused the standard list to be shown instead of
the desired skinned list.
Change-Id: I47dd2552d6d1062456ede4529c4891e80a8159ea
Reviewed-on: http://gerrit.rockbox.org/113
Reviewed-by: Frank Gevaerts <frank@gevaerts.be>
Internally remove some hacks around how %x() is handled.
%x() inside the default viewport will no longer work if
other viewports are used, so if you are using viewports and
%x() make sure it is in a viewport!
Change-Id: I8ecab805d55fc0f8476ff0516cba38e23400aa20
The framebuffer the lcd driver uses can now be changed on the fly
which means that regular lcd_* drawing functions can draw onto the
"backdrop" buffer. The skin engine can use this to create layered
Add the tag %VB to a viewport to draw that viewport onto the
backdrop layer. If you want to draw an image onto the backdrop
framebuffer use %x(backdrop filename) instead of %X() inside
a viewport with %VB.
Change-Id: I741498e2af6d4f2d78932cabe8942317893e7cfc
Massive thanks to Michael Chicoine and other testers for finding the early bugs.
This removes all skin memory limitations
git-svn-id: svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk@30991 a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
due to lack of user feedback the actual tags may change, hopefully not though.
The way it works is the skin specifies a rectangle and a viewport label. For each item in the list that is being displayed all viewports with the specified label are drawn. However, instead of the viewport x/y position being offset from the top left corner like normal they are offset from the rectangle position in the list (so think of them as child-viewports of the rectangle which moves).
Normally the rectangle will move down the screen to show a normal list, this can be changed to move across the screen in a grid pattern.
The UI viewport is used to bound the items (i.e %Vi() )
Scrolling is completly disabled in all items except the currently selected item.
This works well in combination with the %cs tag to show differently styled lists based on the current screen :)
New tags:
%LT - Get the current items text
%LI - Get the current items icon number
%Lc - Use as a conditional to determine if the current item is the selected item
%LB - BAR TAG to show the scroll bar, params/options like other bar types. It still needs a bit of work though. Use as a conditional to find out if the bar is actually needed
%Lb(viewport, width, height [,tile]) - specify the viewport label to draw for each item and the size of each item. if the last param is 'tile' it will form a grid instead of a list
%?LB<%LB(0,0,10,185, invert)>
%s%?Lc<%Vg(00ffaa, ff0000, 000000)%Vs(gradient)%>%>%>%ac>zzzzzzz %LT zzzzz%s%?Lc<%ar%<%<%<>
git-svn-id: svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk@30461 a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
%Vs(mode[, param]) : mode can be "invert", "color" (where param is the colour to use", "clear" to disable the current style, "gradient" where param is the number of lines the gradient should draw over.
%Vg(start colour, end colour, [text colour]), if this tag isnt used the list selection colours from the settings will set the gradient colours
git-svn-id: svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk@30302 a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
%vs(name, [set|inc|dec], value [,max]) - name is the id, set sets the value, inc increments by value, dec decrements by value
%vg(name) - get the current value
%vl(name [,timeout]) - 'has it changed in [timeout]'?
values start at 1 and are all reset to 1 on skin load
git-svn-id: svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk@29655 a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
%pL for the left channel, %pR for the right channel... usable as a value, conditional or bar (exactly the same as %pv/%bl/etc)
git-svn-id: svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk@29043 a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
As a conditional it scales its value to the number of options you give it (like volume)
git-svn-id: svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk@28613 a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
This also moves draw_player_fullbar() and draw_player_progress() from skin_display.c to skin_tokens.c. Charcell is a bit different from bitmap here because drawing a progress bar is a combination of setting up the LCD controller (custom characters) and providing a format string. The custom character definition might fit in skin_display.c, but the format strings are needed in skin_tokens.c. Putting these functions in skin_tokens.c seemed to fit better.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk@28241 a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
Remember that skins update at a rather slow speed so even if you have %t(0.2) in your skin it depends on which screen you are in for it to work (the main menu only updates at 2FPS, the WPS is 25FPS with peakmeters enabled... this is on the fixme list)
git-svn-id: svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk@28226 a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
Skins are now more self contained in the skin manager which in the future might allow on demand skin loading (i.e smaller skin buffers)
Skin backdrops are also managed more intelegently (fixes a bug where you can get a crazy backdrop loaded if a .sbs fails to load)
the rockbox_default rescue theme is now called rockbox_failsafe to better express what it actually is.
This commit hopefully/maybe fixes the heavily reported data aborts, so please check if you are getting them
git-svn-id: svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk@28073 a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657