
320 lines
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* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2008 by Maurus Cuelenaere
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
* init.S
* Initialization code for JzRISC.
* Author: Seeger Chin
* e-mail:
* Copyright (C) 2006 Ingenic Semiconductor Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include "config.h"
#include "mips.h"
.set mips32
.extern system_main
.global _start
.section .init.text
.set noreorder
.set noat
.word 0 /* Unknown */
.word 0 /* Filesize */
la ra, _start
init cp0 registers.
mtc0 zero, C0_WATCHLO
mtc0 zero, C0_WATCHHI
li t0, (M_StatusBEV | M_StatusIM7 | M_StatusIM6 \
| M_StatusIM5 | M_StatusIM4 | M_StatusIM3 \
| M_StatusIM2 | M_StatusERL | M_StatusSM)
BEV = Enable Boot Exception Vectors
IMx = Interrupt mask
ERL = Denotes error level
SM = Supervisor Mode
mtc0 t0, C0_STATUS
li t1, M_CauseIV
mtc0 t1, C0_CAUSE
init caches, assumes a 4way*128set*32byte i/d cache
li t0, 3 // enable cache for kseg0 accesses
mtc0 t0, C0_CONFIG // CONFIG reg
la t0, 0x80000000 // an idx op should use a unmappable address
ori t1, t0, 0x4000 // 16kB cache
mtc0 zero, C0_TAGLO // TAGLO reg
mtc0 zero, C0_TAGHI // TAGHI reg
cache 0x8, 0(t0) // index store icache tag
cache 0x9, 0(t0) // index store dcache tag
bne t0, t1, _init_cache_loop
addiu t0, t0, 0x20 // 32 bytes per cache line
Invalidate BTB
mfc0 t0, C0_CONFIG
ori t0, 2
mtc0 t0, C0_CONFIG
clear BSS section
la t0, _edata
la t1, _end
sw zero, 0(t0)
bne t0, t1, _init_bss_loop
addiu t0, 4
clear IBSS section
la t0, _iedata
la t1, _iend
sw zero, 0(t0)
bne t0, t1, _init_ibss_loop
addiu t0, 4
copy IRAM section
la t0, _iramcopy
la t1, _iramstart
la t2, _iramend
lw t3, 0(t0)
sw t3, 0(t1)
addiu t1, 4
bne t1, t2, _init_iram_loop
addiu t0, 4
setup stack, jump to C code
la sp, stackend
la t0, stackbegin
li t1, 0xDEADBEEF
sw t1, 0(t0)
bne t0, sp, _init_stack_loop
addiu t0, t0, 4
la t0, system_main
jr t0
.section .vectors, "ax", %progbits
.extern real_exception_handler
.global except_common_entry
.type except_common_entry,@function
la k0, real_exception_handler
jr k0
.fill 0x20
.extern _int
.extern _exception
.global real_exception_handler
.type real_exception_handler,@function
.set noreorder
addiu sp, -0x80
sw ra, 0(sp)
sw fp, 4(sp)
sw gp, 8(sp)
sw t9, 0xC(sp)
sw t8, 0x10(sp)
sw s7, 0x14(sp)
sw s6, 0x18(sp)
sw s5, 0x1C(sp)
sw s4, 0x20(sp)
sw s3, 0x24(sp)
sw s2, 0x28(sp)
sw s1, 0x2C(sp)
sw s0, 0x30(sp)
sw t7, 0x34(sp)
sw t6, 0x38(sp)
sw t5, 0x3C(sp)
sw t4, 0x40(sp)
sw t3, 0x44(sp)
sw t2, 0x48(sp)
sw t1, 0x4C(sp)
sw t0, 0x50(sp)
sw a3, 0x54(sp)
sw a2, 0x58(sp)
sw a1, 0x5C(sp)
sw a0, 0x60(sp)
sw v1, 0x64(sp)
sw v0, 0x68(sp)
sw $1, 0x6C(sp)
mflo t0 # Move From LO
sw t0, 0x70(sp)
mfhi t0 # Move From HI
sw t0, 0x74(sp)
mfc0 t0, C0_STATUS # Status register
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sw t0, 0x78(sp)
mfc0 t0, C0_EPC # Exception Program Counter
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sw t0, 0x7C(sp)
li k1, 0x7C
mfc0 k0, C0_CAUSE # C0_CAUSE of last exception
and k0, k1
beq zero, k0, _int
j _exception
.global _int
.type _int,@function
jal intr_handler
lw ra, 0(sp)
lw fp, 4(sp)
sw gp, 8(sp)
lw t9, 0xC(sp)
lw t8, 0x10(sp)
lw s7, 0x14(sp)
lw s6, 0x18(sp)
lw s5, 0x1C(sp)
lw s4, 0x20(sp)
lw s3, 0x24(sp)
lw s2, 0x28(sp)
lw s1, 0x2C(sp)
lw s0, 0x30(sp)
lw t7, 0x34(sp)
lw t6, 0x38(sp)
lw t5, 0x3C(sp)
lw t4, 0x40(sp)
lw t3, 0x44(sp)
lw t2, 0x48(sp)
lw t1, 0x4C(sp)
lw t0, 0x50(sp)
lw a3, 0x54(sp)
lw a2, 0x58(sp)
lw a1, 0x5C(sp)
lw a0, 0x60(sp)
lw v1, 0x64(sp)
lw v0, 0x68(sp)
lw v1, 0x6C(sp)
lw k0, 0x70(sp)
mtlo k0 # Move To LO
lw k0, 0x74(sp)
mthi k0 # Move To HI
lw k0, 0x78(sp)
mtc0 k0, C0_STATUS # Status register
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
lw k0, 0x7C(sp)
mtc0 k0, C0_EPC # Exception Program Counter
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
addiu sp, 0x80
eret # Exception Return
.extern _exception_handler
.global _exception
.type _exception,@function
add a0, sp, $0
mfc0 a1, C0_CAUSE # C0_CAUSE of last exception
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
mfc0 a2, C0_EPC # Exception Program Counter
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
sll zero, 1
la k0, exception_handler
jr k0
.set reorder