This ports id Software's Quake to run on the SDL plugin runtime. The source code originated from id under the GPLv2 license. I used https://github.com/ahefner/sdlquake as the base of my port. Performance is, unsurprisingly, not on par with what you're probably used to on PC. I average about 10FPS on ipod6g, but it's still playable. Sound works well enough, but in-game music is not supported. I've written ARM assembly routines for the inner sound loop. Make sure you turn the "brightness" all the way down, or colors will look funky. To run, extract Quake's data files to /.rockbox/quake. Have fun! Change-Id: I4285036e967d7f0722802d43cf2096c808ca5799
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117 lines
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# __________ __ ___.
# Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
# Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
# Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
# Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
# \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
# $Id$
SDL_SRCDIR := $(APPSDIR)/plugins/sdl
SDL_OBJDIR := $(BUILDDIR)/apps/plugins/sdl
SDL_SRC := $(call preprocess, $(SDL_SRCDIR)/SOURCES)
DUKE3D_SRC := $(call preprocess, $(SDL_SRCDIR)/SOURCES.duke)
WOLF3D_SRC := $(call preprocess, $(SDL_SRCDIR)/SOURCES.wolf)
QUAKE_SRC := $(call preprocess, $(SDL_SRCDIR)/SOURCES.quake)
SDL_OBJ := $(call c2obj, $(SDL_SRC))
DUKE3D_OBJ = $(call c2obj, $(DUKE3D_SRC))
WOLF3D_OBJ = $(call c2obj, $(WOLF3D_SRC))
QUAKE_OBJ = $(call c2obj, $(QUAKE_SRC))
# add source files to OTHER_SRC to get automatic dependencies
OTHER_INC += -I$(SDL_SRCDIR)/include
# include comes first because of possible system SDL headers taking
# precedence
# some of these are for Quake only
SDLFLAGS = -I$(SDL_SRCDIR)/include $(filter-out -O%,$(PLUGINFLAGS)) \
-O3 -Wno-unused-parameter -Xpreprocessor -Wno-undef -Wcast-align \
-ffast-math -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -fexpensive-optimizations \
-D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -D_REENTRANT -DSDL -DELF -w # disable all warnings
# use FPU on ARMv6
ifeq ($(ARCH_VERSION),6)
SDLFLAGS += -mfloat-abi=softfp
ifndef APP_TYPE
### no target has a big enough plugin buffer
ROCKS += $(SDL_OBJDIR)/duke3d.ovl
ROCKS += $(SDL_OBJDIR)/wolf3d.ovl
ROCKS += $(SDL_OBJDIR)/quake.ovl
DUKE3D_OUTLDS = $(SDL_OBJDIR)/duke3d.link
WOLF3D_OUTLDS = $(SDL_OBJDIR)/wolf3d.link
SDL_OVLFLAGS = -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-Map,$(basename $@).map
### simulator
ROCKS += $(SDL_OBJDIR)/duke3d.rock
ROCKS += $(SDL_OBJDIR)/wolf3d.rock
ROCKS += $(SDL_OBJDIR)/quake.rock
# Duke3D
$(SDL_OBJDIR)/duke3d.rock: $(SDL_OBJ) $(DUKE3D_OBJ) $(TLSFLIB)
$(SDL_OBJDIR)/duke3d.refmap: $(SDL_OBJ) $(DUKE3D_OBJ) $(TLSFLIB)
$(DUKE3D_OUTLDS): $(PLUGIN_LDS) $(SDL_OBJDIR)/duke3d.refmap
$(call PRINTS,PP $(@F))$(call preprocess2file,$<,$@,-DOVERLAY_OFFSET=$(shell \
$(TOOLSDIR)/ovl_offset.pl $(SDL_OBJDIR)/duke3d.refmap))
$(SILENT)$(CC) $(PLUGINFLAGS) -o $(basename $@).elf \
$(filter %.o, $^) \
$(filter %.a, $+) \
$(call PRINTS,LD $(@F))$(call objcopy,$(basename $@).elf,$@)
# Wolf3D
$(SDL_OBJDIR)/wolf3d.rock: $(SDL_OBJ) $(WOLF3D_OBJ) $(TLSFLIB)
$(SDL_OBJDIR)/wolf3d.refmap: $(SDL_OBJ) $(WOLF3D_OBJ) $(TLSFLIB)
$(WOLF3D_OUTLDS): $(PLUGIN_LDS) $(SDL_OBJDIR)/wolf3d.refmap
$(call PRINTS,PP $(@F))$(call preprocess2file,$<,$@,-DOVERLAY_OFFSET=$(shell \
$(TOOLSDIR)/ovl_offset.pl $(SDL_OBJDIR)/wolf3d.refmap))
$(SILENT)$(CC) $(PLUGINFLAGS) -o $(basename $@).elf \
$(filter %.o, $^) \
$(filter %.a, $+) \
$(call PRINTS,LD $(@F))$(call objcopy,$(basename $@).elf,$@)
# Quake
$(SDL_OBJDIR)/quake.rock: $(SDL_OBJ) $(QUAKE_OBJ) $(TLSFLIB)
$(SDL_OBJDIR)/quake.refmap: $(SDL_OBJ) $(QUAKE_OBJ) $(TLSFLIB)
$(call PRINTS,PP $(@F))$(call preprocess2file,$<,$@,-DOVERLAY_OFFSET=$(shell \
$(TOOLSDIR)/ovl_offset.pl $(SDL_OBJDIR)/quake.refmap))
$(SILENT)$(CC) $(PLUGINFLAGS) -o $(basename $@).elf \
$(filter %.o, $^) \
$(filter %.a, $+) \
$(call PRINTS,LD $(@F))$(call objcopy,$(basename $@).elf,$@)
# common
$(SDL_OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SDL_SRCDIR)/%.c $(SDL_SRCDIR)/sdl.make $(BUILDDIR)/sysfont.h
$(SILENT)mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(call PRINTS,CC $(subst $(ROOTDIR)/,,$<))$(CC) -I$(dir $<) $(SDLFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
$(SILENT)$(OC) --redefine-syms=$(SDL_SRCDIR)/redefines.txt $@