William Wilgus 28f91ff3dc Lua Fix settings_helper for the gigaBeastS
the gigabeatS has an embedded struct that needs to be parsed

Change-Id: I88c9101afaaa95182f37ade1410cccb4fb768e33
2018-12-17 09:41:15 -06:00

431 lines
13 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# __________ __ ___.
# Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
# Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
# Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
# Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
# \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
# $Id$
# Copyright (C) 2018 William Wilgus
# All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License.
# See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement.
# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
# KIND, either express or implied.
use strict;
use warnings;
# Extracts members from c struct
# places them in a lua array 'member = {offset,size,"type"}'
# requires two passes
# first pass outputs a c file that shall be compiled with the -S option
# second pass extracts the member, offset, size, type from the assembly
my $svnrev = '$Revision$';
my $helper_name = 'LUA_RB_SETTINGS_H_HELPER';
############# configuration #############
my @sections = (
'struct system_status',
'struct user_settings',
'struct replaygain_settings',
'struct eq_band_setting',
'struct compressor_settings',
'struct mp3_enc_config',
'', # nothing to be captured just placeholder for lua section
'struct mp3entry',
'struct mp3_albumart',
'struct embedded_cuesheet',
#'struct cuesheet',
#'struct cue_track_info',
my @sections_lua = (
# structs will have their dependencies included automagically
my @includes = ();
my $section_lua_suffix = '';
my %replace_type_prefix = (
unsigned => 'u_',
signed => '',
struct => 's_',
const => 'const_',
enum => 'e_',
'#pointer#' => 'ptr_',
my %replace_type = (
int => 'i',
uint => 'u_i',
long => 'l',
char => 'c',
bool => 'b',
double => 'd',
'#string#' => 'str',
############# internal #############
my @section_count = (); #variables found
my @section_found = (); #{} bracket matches
my @section_lists = (); #variable declarations
my @section_asm_regex = ();
my @section_begin_regex = ();
my $header = '';
my $array_marker = '_typeisarray_';
my $pointer_marker = '_typeisptr_';
my $current_include;
############# precompile regex for speed #############
my $array_mark_regex = qr/^.*${array_marker}$/;
my $pointer_mark_regex = qr/^(.*)${pointer_marker}.*$/;
my $incl_regex = qr/^.*\".+\/(.+\.h)\".*$/;
my $extern_regex = qr/^extern\b.*$/;
#type var ????;
my $decl_regex = qr/^(.+?\s.+;)/;
my $typevar_regex = qr/\W*(?<type>.*?)\W*(?<var>[^\s\[]+)(?<arr>)\W*;/;
my$typevar_array_regex = qr/\W*(?<type>.*?)\W*(?<var>[^\s\[]+)\W*(?<arr>\[.+\]).*;/;
# struct or union defined within another structure
my $embed_structunion_regex = qr/\W*(struct|union\s[^;}]+)/;
my $asm_regex = qr/.*?,.*?(\".+?\".*?=.*?,.+?,.+?\".+\".*?,.*);/;
my $asmMOST_regex = qr/\"(?<member>.+)\"=(?<offset>\d+),(?<size>\d+),\"(?<type>.+)\",(?<arr>\d+).*/;
for(my $i = 0; $i < @sections; $i++)
$section_asm_regex[$i] = qr/\"$sections[$i]\"${asm_regex}/;
$section_begin_regex[$i] = qr/^$sections[$i]\b\s*+[^\*;]*$/;
$section_count[$i] = 0;
$section_found[$i] = 0;
$section_lists[$i] = '';
my $section_end_regex = qr/}\s*;.*$/;
#extract all the variables within the structs(sections)
while(my $line = <STDIN>)
next if($line =~ /^\s+$/);
if($header) # [PASS 2]
for(my $i = 0; $i < @sections; $i++)
next if(!$sections[$i]);
if($line =~ $section_asm_regex[$i])
$section_lists[$i] .= $1.'@';
elsif($line =~ s/$helper_name\W*//) #is this the second pass?
$header = $line;
#warn $header."\n";
for(my $i = 0; $i < @sections; $i++)
@section_lists[$i] = '';
@section_count[$i] = 0;
else # [PASS 1]
if($line =~ $incl_regex){$current_include = $1; next;}
elsif($line =~ $extern_regex){next;}
for(my $i = 0; $i < @sections; $i++)
next if(!$sections[$i]);
if($section_found[$i] > 0)
# variable declaration?
if($line =~ $decl_regex)
$section_lists[$i] .= $1.'@';
# struct or union defined within a structure skip if single line
elsif($line =~ $embed_structunion_regex && (index($line, "}") < 0))
my $embedtype = $line;
$embedtype =~ s{[^\w\d_]+}{}gx; #strip non conforming chars
while($line = <STDIN>)
#skip over the contents user will have to determine how to parse
if($line =~ /^\s*}.+$/)
if($line =~ $decl_regex)
$section_lists[$i] .= $embedtype." ".$1.'@';
# struct end?
if($line =~ $section_end_regex)
elsif($line =~ $section_begin_regex[$i]) # struct begin?
push (@includes, $current_include);
$current_include = '';
$section_lists[$i] = '';
$section_count[$i] = 0;
for(my $i = 0; $i < @sections; $i++)
warn "$0 Warning formatting error in: $sections[$i]\n";
sub Extract_Variable {
#[PASS 1] extracts the member, offset, size, and type from the include file
my $sinput = $_[0];
my ($type, $var, $arr);
$sinput =~ s{\s*\*\s*}{${pointer_marker}}gx;
if($sinput =~ $typevar_array_regex) #arrays
$type = $+{type};
$var = $+{var};
$arr = $+{var};
if($type eq ''){$type = "<unknown>";}
if($sinput =~ s/\bchar\b//){$type = $replace_type{'#string#'};}
else{$type .= ${array_marker};} #for identification of array .. stripped later
elsif($sinput =~ $typevar_regex)
$type = $+{type};
$var = $+{var};
$arr = $+{var};
else {
warn "Skipping ".$sinput."\n";
return ('', '', '');
# Type substitutions
$type =~ s/^(unsigned|signed|struct)/$replace_type_prefix{$1}/x;
$type =~ s/\b(const|enum)\b/$replace_type_prefix{$1}/gx;
$type =~ s/^(?:.?+)(bool)\b/$replace_type{lc $1}/ix;
$type =~ s/^(uint|int)(?:\d\d_t)\b/$replace_type{lc $1}/ix; # ...intNN_t...
if($type =~ $array_mark_regex)
$type =~ s/\b(int|long|char|double)(${array_marker}.*)\b/$replace_type{$1}$2/;
else {$type =~ s/\b(int|long|char|double)\b/$replace_type{$1}/;}
$type =~ s{\s+}{}gx;
$var =~ s{[^\w\d_]+}{}gx; # strip non conforming chars
$arr =~ s{[^\[\d\]]+}{}gx; # get element count
return ($type, $var, $arr);
sub Print_Variable {
#[PASS 2] prints the member, offset, size, and type from the assembly file
my $sinput = $_[0];
my ($member, $offset, $size, $type, $arr);
$sinput =~ s{[^\w\d_,=\"\*]+}{}gx;
if($sinput =~ $asmMOST_regex)
$member = $+{member};
$offset = $+{offset};
$size = $+{size};
$type = $+{type};
$arr = $+{arr};
if($type =~ /^(.*)${array_marker}$/) # strip array marker add [n]
$type = sprintf('%s[%d]', $1, $arr);
printf "\t%s = {0x%x, %d, \"%s\"},\n", $member, $offset, $size, $type;
return 1;
return 0;
if($header) #output sections to lua file [PASS 2]
print "-- Don't change this file!\n";
printf "-- It is automatically generated %s\n", $svnrev;
print "-- member = {offset, size, \"type\"}\n\n";
print "--";
foreach my $key (sort(keys %replace_type_prefix)) {
print $key, '= \'', $replace_type_prefix{$key}, '\', ';
print "\n--";
foreach my $key (sort(keys %replace_type)) {
print $key, '= \'', $replace_type{$key}, '\', ';
print "\n\n";
for(my $i = 0; $i < @sections_lua; $i++)
print "$sections_lua[$i]$section_lua_suffix = {\n";
my @members=split('@', $section_lists[$i]);
$section_lists[$i] = '';
foreach my $memb(@members)
$section_count[$i] -= Print_Variable($memb);
print "}\n\n";
if($sections[$i] && $section_count[$i] ne 0)
warn "$0 Warning: Failed to extract '$sections[$i]'\n";
#my ($user,$system,$cuser,$csystem) = times;
#warn "Pass2 ".$user." ".$system." ".$cuser." ".$csystem."\n";
#else output sections to .c file [PASS 1]
my $c_header = join(", ", $helper_name, @sections);
my $print_variable = 'PRINT_M_O_S_T';
my $print_array = 'PRINT_ARRAY_M_O_S_T';
my $emit_asm = 'ASM_EMIT_M_O_S_T';
foreach my $incl(@includes)
printf "#include \"%s\"\n", $incl;
print <<EOF
#include <stddef.h> /* offsetof */
#include <stdbool.h>
/* (ab)uses the compiler to emit member offset and size to asm comments */
/* GAS supports C-style comments in asm files other compilers may not */
NOTE: ? may differ between machines */
#undef ${emit_asm}
#define ${emit_asm}(name, member, type, offset, size, elems) asm volatile\\
("/* "#name ", " #member " = %0, %1, " #type ", %2; */\\n" : : \\
"n"(offset), "n"(size), "n"(elems))
/* constraint 'n' - An immediate integer operand with a known numeric value is allowed */
#undef ${print_variable}
#define ${print_variable}(name, member, value, type) ${emit_asm}(#name, \\
#member, #type, offsetof(name, member), sizeof(value), 0)
#undef ${print_array}
#define ${print_array}(name, member, value, type) ${emit_asm}(#name, \\
#member, #type, offsetof(name, member), sizeof(value), sizeof(value)/sizeof(value[0]))
int main(void)
/* GAS supports C-style comments in asm files other compilers may not */
/* This header identifies assembler output for second pass */
asm volatile("/* $c_header; */");
my $section_prefix = "section_";
my $format_asm = " %s(%s, %s, ${section_prefix}%d.%s, %s);\n";
for(my $i = 0; $i < @sections; $i++)
if($sections[$i] && $section_lists[$i])
printf "%s %s%d;\n", $sections[$i], $section_prefix, $i; #create variable for each section
my @members=split('@', $section_lists[$i]);
$section_lists[$i] = '';
foreach my $memb(@members)
my ($type, $var, $arr) = Extract_Variable($memb);
my $call = ${print_variable};
if($var =~ $pointer_mark_regex) #strip pointer marker
$type = $type.$1;
$var =~ s{.*${pointer_marker}}{}gx;
$type = $replace_type_prefix{'#pointer#'}.$type;
if($type && $var)
if($type =~ $array_mark_regex){$call = ${print_array};}
printf $format_asm, $call, $sections[$i], $var, $i, $var, $type;
print <<EOF
return 0;
#my ($user,$system,$cuser,$csystem) = times;
#warn "Pass1 ".$user." ".$system." ".$cuser." ".$csystem."\n";