allows menus + submenus + context menus all with simple tables menu_t which is a table of strings func_t which are the corresponding functions to go with those strings see lua_scripts/submenu_demo.lua Change-Id: I907b74b4abef0ecbe49f181d0ced6e6d20e94de5
464 lines
15 KiB
464 lines
15 KiB
--[[ Lua Print functions
* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
--[[ Exposed Functions
if not rb.lcd_framebuffer then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "No Support!") return nil end
local _print = {} do
-- internal constants
local _clr = require("color") -- _clr functions required
local _NIL = nil -- _NIL placeholder
local _LCD = rb.lcd_framebuffer()
local WHITE = _clr.set(-1, 255, 255, 255)
local BLACK = _clr.set(0, 0, 0, 0)
local DRMODE_SOLID = 3
local col_buf, s_lines = {}, {}
local _p_opts = _NIL
local tabstring = string.rep(" ", 2)
-- print internal helper functions
-- clamps value to >= min and <= max
local function clamp(val, min, max)
-- Warning doesn't check if min < max
if val < min then
return min
elseif val < max then
return val
return max
-- Gets size of text
local function text_extent(msg, font)
-- res, w, h
return rb.font_getstringsize(msg, font or rb.FONT_UI)
-- Updates a single line on the screen
local function update_line(enabled, opts, line, h)
if enabled ~= true then return end
local o = opts or _p_opts
-- updates screen in specified rectangle
rb.lcd_update_rect(o.x - 1, o.y + line * h,
clamp(o.x + o.width, 1, rb.LCD_WIDTH) - 1,
clamp(o.y + line * h + 1 + h, 1, rb.LCD_HEIGHT) - 1)
-- Clears a single line on the screen
local function clear_line(opts, line, h)
local o = opts or _p_opts
_LCD:clear(o.bg_pattern, o.x, o.y + line * h + 1,
o.x + o.width, line * h + h + o.y)
-- Sets the maximum number of lines on the screen
local function max_lines(opts)
local h = opts.height
local _, _, th = text_extent("W", opts.font)
return h / th
--saves the items displayed for side to side scroll
local function col_buf_insert(msg, line, _p_opts)
--if _p_opts.line <= 1 then col_buf = {} end
if not col_buf[line] then
table.insert(col_buf, line, msg)
--replaces / strips tab characters
local function check_escapes(o, msg)
--[[ --for replacing a variety of escapes
local tabsz = 2
local tabstr = string.rep(" ", tabsz)
local function repl(esc)
local ret = ""
if esc:sub(1,1) == "\t" then ret = string.rep(tabstr, esc:len()) end
return ret
msg = msg:gsub("(%c+)", repl)
msg = msg:gsub("\t", tabstring)
local res, w, h = text_extent(msg, o.font)
return w, h, msg
local function set_linedesc(t_linedesc, opts)
local o = opts or _print.opt.get(true)
--local out = function() local t = {} for k, v in pairs(o) do t[#t + 1] = tostring(k) t[#t + 1] = tostring(v) end return table.concat(t, "\n") end
--rb.splash_scroller(1000, out())
local linedesc ={
--These are the defaults - changes will be made below if you supplied t_linedesc
indent = 0, -- internal indent text
line = 0, -- line index within group
nlines = 1, -- selection grouping
offset = 0, -- internal item offset
scroll = true,
selected = false, --internal
separator_height = 0,
line_separator = false,
show_cursor = false,
show_icons = false,
icon = -1,
icon_fn = function() return -1 end,
style = rb.STYLE_COLORBAR,
text_color = o.fg_pattern or WHITE,
line_color = o.bg_pattern or BLACK,
line_end_color= o.bg_pattern or BLACK,
if type(t_linedesc) == "table" then
if not o.linedesc then
o.linedesc = {}
for k, v in pairs(linedesc) do
o.linedesc[k] = v
for k, v in pairs(t_linedesc) do
o.linedesc[k] = v
if o.linedesc.separator_height > 0 then
o.linedesc.line_separator = true
o.linedesc = linedesc
return o.linedesc
-- set defaults for print view
local function set_defaults()
_p_opts = { x = 1,
y = 1,
width = rb.LCD_WIDTH - 1,
height = rb.LCD_HEIGHT - 1,
font = rb.FONT_UI,
drawmode = DRMODE_SOLID,
fg_pattern = WHITE,
bg_pattern = BLACK,
sel_pattern = WHITE,
line = 1,
max_line = _NIL,
col = 0,
header = false, --Internal use - treats first entry as header
ovfl = "auto", -- auto, manual, none
justify = "left", --left, center, right
autoupdate = true, --updates screen as items are added
drawsep = false, -- separator between items
set_linedesc(nil, _p_opts) -- default line display
_p_opts.max_line = max_lines(_p_opts)
s_lines, col_buf = {}, {}
return _p_opts
-- returns table with settings for print
-- if bByRef is _NIL or false then a copy is returned
local function get_settings(bByRef)
_p_opts = _p_opts or set_defaults()
if not bByRef then
-- shallow copy of table
local copy = {}
for k, v in pairs(_p_opts) do
copy[k] = v
return copy
return _p_opts
-- sets the settings for print with your passed table
local function set_settings(t_opts)
_p_opts = t_opts or set_defaults()
if t_opts then
_p_opts.max_line = max_lines(_p_opts)
col_buf = {}
-- sets colors for print
local function set_color(fgclr, bgclr, selclr)
local o = get_settings(true)
if fgclr ~= _NIL then
o.fg_pattern, o.sel_pattern = fgclr, fgclr
o.sel_pattern = selclr or o.sel_pattern
o.bg_pattern = bgclr or o.bg_pattern
-- helper function sets up colors/marker for selected items
local function show_selected(iLine, msg)
if rb.LCD_DEPTH == 2 then -- invert 2-bit screens
local o = get_settings() -- using a copy of opts so changes revert
if not o then rb.set_viewport() return end
o.fg_pattern = 3 - o.fg_pattern
o.bg_pattern = 3 - o.bg_pattern
o = _NIL
show_selected = function() end -- no need to check again
-- sets line explicitly or increments line if line is _NIL
local function set_line(iLine)
local o = get_settings(true)
o.line = iLine or o.line + 1
if(o.line < 1 or o.line > o.max_line) then
o.line = 1
-- clears the set print area
local function clear()
local o = get_settings(true)
_LCD:clear(o.bg_pattern, o.x, o.y, o.x + o.width, o.y + o.height)
if o.autoupdate == true then rb.lcd_update() end
for i=1, #col_buf do col_buf[i] = _NIL end
s_lines = {}
-- screen update after each call to print.f
local function set_update(bAutoUpdate)
local o = get_settings(true)
o.autoupdate = bAutoUpdate or false
-- sets print area
local function set_area(x, y, w, h)
local o = get_settings(true)
o.x, o.y = clamp(x, 1, rb.LCD_WIDTH), clamp(y, 1, rb.LCD_HEIGHT)
o.width, o.height = clamp(w, 1, rb.LCD_WIDTH - o.x), clamp(h, 1, rb.LCD_HEIGHT - o.y)
o.max_line = max_lines(_p_opts)
return o.line, o.max_line
-- when string is longer than print width scroll -- "auto", "manual", "none"
local function set_overflow(str_mode)
-- "auto", "manual", "none"
local str_mode = str_mode or "auto"
local o = get_settings(true)
o.ovfl = str_mode:lower()
col_buf = {}
-- aligns text to: "left", "center", "right"
local function set_justify(str_mode)
-- "left", "center", "right"
local str_mode = str_mode or "left"
local o = get_settings(true)
o.justify = str_mode:lower()
-- selects line
local function select_line(iLine)
s_lines[iLine] = true
-- Internal print function
local function print_internal(t_opts, x, w, h, msg)
local linedesc
local line_separator = false
local o = t_opts
local ld = o.linedesc or set_linedesc()
local show_cursor = ld.show_cursor or 0
local line_indent = 0
local linestyle = ld.style or rb.STYLE_COLORBAR
if o.justify ~= "left" then
line_indent = (o.width - w) --"right"
if o.justify == "center" then
line_indent = line_indent / 2
local line = o.line - 1 -- rb is 0-based lua is 1-based
if o.ovfl == "manual" then --save msg for later side scroll
col_buf_insert(msg, o.line, o)
-- bit of a pain to set the fields this way but its much more efficient than iterating a table to set them
local function set_desc(tld, scroll, separator_height, selected, style, indent, text_color, line_color, line_end_color)
tld.scroll = scroll
tld.separator_height = separator_height
tld.selected = selected
tld.style = style
tld.indent = indent
tld.text_color = text_color
tld.line_color = line_color
tld.line_end_color = line_end_color
line_separator = ld.line_separator or o.drawsep
local indent = line_indent < 0 and 0 or line_indent --rb scroller doesn't like negative offset!
if o.line == 1 and o.header then
set_desc(ld, true, 1, false, rb.STYLE_DEFAULT,
indent, o.fg_pattern, o.bg_pattern, o.bg_pattern)
ld.show_cursor = false
elseif s_lines[o.line] then
--/* Display line selector */
local style = show_cursor == true and rb.STYLE_DEFAULT or linestyle
local ovfl = (o.ovfl == "auto" and w >= o.width and x == 0)
set_desc(ld, ovfl, 0, true, style, indent,
o.bg_pattern, o.sel_pattern, o.sel_pattern)
set_desc(ld, false, 0, false, rb.STYLE_DEFAULT,line_indent,
o.fg_pattern, o.bg_pattern, o.bg_pattern)
if ld.show_icons then
ld.icon = ld.icon_fn(line, ld.icon or -1)
rb.lcd_put_line(x, line *h, msg, ld)
ld.show_cursor = show_cursor
ld.style = linestyle
if line_separator then
if ld.selected == true then
rb.set_viewport(o) -- revert drawmode if selected
if not o.header then
rb.lcd_drawline(0, line * h, o.width, line * h)
rb.lcd_drawline(0, line * h + h, o.width, line * h + h) --only to add the last line
-- but we don't have an idea which line is the last line here so every line is the last line!
--only update the line we changed
update_line(o.autoupdate, o, line, h)
set_line(_NIL) -- increments line counter
-- Helper function that acts mostly like a normal printf() would
local function printf(fmt, v1, ...)
local o = get_settings(true)
local w, h, msg, rep
local line = o.line - 1 -- rb is 0-based lua is 1-based
if not (fmt) or (fmt) == "\n" then -- handles blank line / single '\n'
local res, w, h = text_extent(" ", o.font)
clear_line(o, line, h)
update_line(o.autoupdate, o, line, h)
if (fmt) then set_line(_NIL) end
return o.line, o.max_line, o.width, h
fmt, rep = fmt.gsub(fmt or "", "%%h", "%%s")
o.header = (rep == 1)
msg = string.format(fmt, v1, ...)
show_selected(o.line, msg)
w, h, msg = check_escapes(o, msg)
print_internal(o, o.col, w, h, msg)
return o.line, o.max_line, w, h
-- x > 0 scrolls right x < 0 scrolls left
local function set_column(x)
local o = get_settings()
if o.ovfl ~= "manual" then return end -- no buffer stored to scroll
local res, w, h, str, line
for key, value in pairs(col_buf) do
line = key - 1 -- rb is 0-based lua is 1-based
o.line = key
if value then
show_selected(key, value)
res, w, h = text_extent(value, o.font)
clear_line(o, line, h)
print_internal(o, x + o.col, w, h, value)
update_line(o.autoupdate, o, line, h)
o = _NIL
--expose functions to the outside through _print table
_print.opt = {}
_print.opt.column = set_column
_print.opt.color = set_color
_print.opt.area = set_area
_print.opt.set = set_settings
_print.opt.get = get_settings
_print.opt.defaults = set_defaults
_print.opt.overflow = set_overflow
_print.opt.justify = set_justify
_print.opt.sel_line = select_line
_print.opt.line = set_line
_print.opt.linedesc = set_linedesc
_print.opt.autoupdate = set_update
_print.selected = function() return s_lines end
_print.clear = clear
_print.f = printf
end --_print functions
return _print