What works:
- LCD: 16-bit RGB565
- all buttons, including scrollwheel
- SD Card
- Battery level and charging/not charging status
- audio
- sample rate switching
- HP / LO detect, with "safe" fixed LO volume -
LO volume will only be put to user-defined max volume
if headphones are not present.
- rtc
- Plugins build, tried a couple and they seem OK
- Bootloader, installable to nand via usbboot
What doesn't work:
- Dual Boot
- power on/off has intermittent, low volume audio click
(sometimes it's completely silent, sometimes there's
a click)
- Audio uses 16-bit volume scaling, so clicking/popping
is pretty bad at lower volumes - need 32 bit volume
scaling, 24 bit I2S data
- USB HID keys not yet defined
- no jztool support
- Stereo Switch pins: Direction select, AC_DC
(probably not even hooked up)
- What is the actual purpose of the Stereo Swtich?
- How does the bluetooth module connect?
"Someday" stuff:
- get LCD working at higher bit depth
- Bluetooth
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