The Latin Modern family uses T1 coding instead of the OT1 coding used by Computer Modern. Due to this it isn't necessary to emulate characters like umlauts which makes them searchable. As a side effect this also addresses FS#12057. git-svn-id: svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/trunk@29756 a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
410 lines
14 KiB
410 lines
14 KiB
% __________ __ ___.
% Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
% Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
% Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
% Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
% \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
% - M A N U A L -
% $Id$
% Copyright (C) 2006 The Rockbox Manual Team
% All files in this archive are subject to the GNU Free Documentation License
% See the file COPYING-MANUAL in the source tree docs/ directory for full license
% agreement.
% Contributors are listed in the file docs/CREDITS-MANUAL
% load ix-utf8enc.dfu to get additional characters from the inputenx package.
% This manual used to use Palatino as font. This caused issues with small caps
% (textsc), so do not use that font as default one anymore.
% Use Latin Modern instead which improves searchability of the PDF output.
\newcommand{\playername}{\playerman\ \playerlongtype}
\hypersetup{% add some values to the pdf properties
colorlinks = true,
pdfstartview = FitV,
linkcolor = blue,
citecolor = blue,
urlcolor = blue,
pdftitle = {Rockbox user manual},
pdfauthor = {The Rockbox Team},
pdfsubject = {Rockbox user manual for \playername}
\newcommand{\tabeltc}[1]{{\centering #1 \par}}
\newcommand{\tabelth}[1]{{\centering \textbf{\textit{#1}} \par}}
% Colors used to typeset table headers and alternating table rows
\colorlet{tblhdrbgcolor}{blue!30} % Background color for headers
\colorlet{tbloddrowbgcolor}{blue!10} % Background color for odd rows (headers not included)
\colorlet{tblevenrowbgcolor}{white} % Background color for even rows (headers not included)
\Urlmuskip = 0mu plus 1mu
% pdf output: try pdf first, then png and jpg as file format
% html output: try png first, then jpg. Ignore pdf files
% this only applies if no file extension is given!
% fancy header style adjustments
\fancyfoot[L]{\textsc{The Rockbox manual}}
\fancyfoot[R]{\textsc{\playerman{} \playertype}}
%% \newenvironment{example}
%% {\stepcounter{example}\paragraph{Example \theexample:}}
%% {\hfill$\Box$
%% \bigskip
%% \noindent}
% found on the internet, posting by Donald Arseneau
% I may as well include my robust expandable definions, which can be
% used in \edef or \write where the \def would not be executed:
% \if\blank --- checks if parameter is blank (Spaces count as blank)
% \if\given --- checks if parameter is not blank: like \if\blank{#1}\else
% \if\nil --- checks if parameter is null (spaces are NOT null)
% use \if\given{ } ... \else ... \fi etc.
{\catcode`\!=8 % funny catcode so ! will be a delimiter
\catcode`\Q=3 % funny catcode so Q will be a delimiter
\long\gdef\blank#1{88\fi\Ifbl@nk#1QQ..!}% if null or spaces
\long\gdef\nil#1{\IfN@Ught#1* {#1}!}% if null
\long\gdef\IfN@Ught#1 #2!{\blank{#2}}
\long\gdef\Ifbl@nk#1#2Q#3!{\ifx#3}% same as above
% environment for setting the changelog.
\newcommand{\genericimg}{\dapdisplaywidth x\dapdisplayheight x\dapdisplaydepth}
% add screenshot image.
% Usage: \screenshot{filename}{caption}{label}
% By using the 'H' (HERE) placement, the screenshots are placed where
% we want them.
% Note: use this only for screenshots!
% Note: leave caption empty to supress it.
% Resulting file names in the source should consist of up to 3 parts
% "filename-\genericimg-[\specimg|\seriesimg]" (the third is optional)
% filename is specified by the use of this macro in the tex file
% \genericimg will be generated using the display's resolution (see above)
% \specimg or \seriesimg are possible options set in the platform files
% Files will be used in the following order: 1.filename contains \specimg part
% 2. filename contains \seriesimg part, 3. filename without the third part
% set seriesimg if it isn't defined in the platform file to not break manuals
\typeout{Note: device specific image used}}
\typeout{Note: series specific image used}}
\typeout{Warning: deprecated plain image name used}}%
{\typeout{Missing image: #1 (\genericimg) (\specimg)}%
\color{red}{\textbf{WARNING!} Image not found}%
% command to display a note.
% Usage: \note{text of your note}
% Note: do NOT use \textbf or similar to emphasize text, use \emph!
\textbf{Note:}\ %
{\newcommand{\note}[1]{\ifinner\else\par\noindent\fi\textbf{Note:{} }#1\par}}
% command to display a warning.
% Usage: \warn{text of your warning}
% Note: do NOT use \textbf or similar to emphasize text!
\textbf{Warning:\ }%
{\newcommand{\warn}[1]{\ifinner\else\par\noindent\fi\textbf{Warning:{} }#1}}
% command to mark a text block as intended especially for blind people
% Usage: \blind{text}
% make table floats use "H" (as for screenshots) as default positioning
% change defaults for floats on a page as we have a lot of small images
\setcounter{topnumber}{3} % default: 2
\setcounter{bottomnumber}{2} % default: 1
\setcounter{totalnumber}{5} % default: 3
% Environment for typesetting tables in a consistent way. The header has
% a darker background; rows are white and light gray (alternating). Top,
% middle and bottom rules are automatically set.
% Params:
% #1 -- table width
% #2 -- column specification (as used in the package tabularx)
% #3 -- contents of the header row. The number of items must
% match the number of specs in #2
% #4 -- caption (optional). If used then this must be inside a floating
% environment, e.g. table
% #5 -- label (optional)
% Example:
% \begin{rbtabular}{0.9\textwidth}{lX}{Col1 & Col2}{}{}
% A1 & A2\\
% B1 & B2\\
% C1 & C2\\
% \end{rbtabular}
\expandafter\let\expandafter\SavedEndTab\csname endtabular*\endcsname
\expandafter\renewcommand\expandafter*\csname endtabular*\endcsname{%
\newcommand{\tabnlindent}{\newline\mbox{ }\mbox{ }}
% command to set the default table heading for button lists
\newcommand{\taghead}{\tblhdrstrut\textbf{Tag} & \textbf{Description} \\\midrule}
% environment intended to be used with tag maps (for wps)
% usage: \begin{tagmap}{caption}{label} Tag & Description \\ \end{tagmap}
% Note: this automatically sets the table lines.
% Note: you *need* to terminate the last line with a linebreak \\
% Cheers for the usenet helping me building this up :)
\expandafter\let\expandafter\SavedEndTab\csname endtabular*\endcsname
\expandafter\renewcommand\expandafter*\csname endtabular*\endcsname{%
\tabularx{\textwidth}{Xp{.7\textwidth}}\toprule\rowcolor{tblhdrbgcolor} % here is the table width defined
% When creating HTML, use the soul package.
% This produces much nicer HTML code (textsc results in each character being
% put in a separate <span>).
% set link to download server
% Usage: \download{bootloader/bootloader-ipodnano.ipod}
% gets expanded to
% "http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/bootloader-ipodnano.ipod"
% set link to the wiki.
% Usage: \wikilink{WebHome}
% with "WebHome" being the wiki page name
% define environment "code" based on fancyvrb.
% use it to set code the user should type / see on his screen.
% Note: the first 4 characters of each line will be stripped,
% requiring everything to be indendet by exactly _4_ spaces!
% This is intended to make the LaTeX sources more readable.
% Note: when using the code environment you need to use optv instead of opt!
{framerule=0.4pt, framesep=1ex,frame=lines,%numbers=left,stepnumber=5,%
% define environment "example" based on fancyvrb.
% use it to set example code the user should type / see on his screen.
% Note: the first 4 characters of each line will be stripped,
% requiring everything to be indendet by exactly _4_ spaces!
% This is intended to make the LaTeX sources more readable.
% Note: when using the example environment you need to use optv instead of opt!
{commentchar=!,framerule=0.4pt, framesep=1ex,frame=lines,%
% Use the nopt command to exclude a certain defined feature from a section
% Example:
% \nopt{ondio}{This text will be excluded for ondios}
\else \expandafter\@gobble \fi}
% Use the reference to handle get a flexible reference command
% usage \reference{ref_section}
section~\ref{#1} (page~\pageref{#1})%
% special HTML output adjustments
% generate index
% command to set the default table heading for button lists
\newcommand{\btnhead}{\textbf{Key} \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{%
& \textbf{Remote Key}} & \textbf{Action} \\\midrule}
% environment intended to be used with button maps
% usage: \begin{btnmap} Button & ButtonAction \\ \end{btnmap}
% Note: this automatically sets the table lines.
% Note: you *need* to terminate the last line with a linebreak \\
% Cheers for the usenet helping me building this up :)
% tabularx is set to be either two or three columns wide depending on whether
% HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP is defined in the platform file for the target in question.
% If it is, then every button table has three columns of the form
% Main Unit Key & Remote Key & Description \\
\expandafter\let\expandafter\SavedEndTab\csname endtabular*\endcsname
\expandafter\renewcommand\expandafter*\csname endtabular*\endcsname{%
% here is the table width defined for 3 columns
% here is the table width defined for 2 columns