Amaury Pouly 15155ed100 regtools: update xml format documentation
Change-Id: I7e293532983f350a6f7cd9c7bc2bc6633c8fd3f2
Reviewed-by: Amaury Pouly <>
2013-12-02 20:21:58 +01:00

135 lines
5 KiB

This file describes the format of the register map based on XML.
As any XML document, the content of the file should be enclosed in a "xml" tag.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- desc -->
Element: soc
The XML can contain one or more SoC description. Each description is enclosed in
a "soc" tag. The following properties are defined:
- "name" (mandatory,string): the mnemonic of the SoC.
- "desc" (optional,string): a textual description of the SoC.
<soc name="stmp3700" desc="STMP3700">
<!-- soc desc -->
Each SoC can contain any number of devices. Each device is enclosed in a "dev"
tag. A device is logical group of registers and doesn't have a precise meaning.
If a SoC has several copies of the same device at different addresses (SSP1, SSP2
for example), then only one copy has to be described since a device can have
several address (see section). The following properties are defined:
- "name" (mandatory,string): the mnemonic of the device.
- "long_name" (optional,string): a short description of the device.
- "desc" (optional,string): a long description of the SoC.
- "version" (optional,string): version of the register description for this device.
<dev name="APBH" long_name="APHB DMA" desc="AHB-to-APBH Bridge with DMA" version="3.2.0">
<!-- dev desc>
Each device can have one or more addresses associated with it. Each address is
enclosed in a "addr" tag. This allows to describe several blocks are once on SoCs
where several copies of the same block exist at different addresses.
The following properties are defined:
- "name" (mandatory,string): unique name of this instance of the device.
- "addr" (mandatory,integer): base address of this instance of the device.
<addr name="SSP1" addr="0x80010000" />
<addr name="SSP2" addr="0x80034000" />
Each device can contain any number of registers. Each register is enclosed in a
"reg" tag. If a SoC has several copies of the same register at different addresses
(INTERRUPT0, INTERRUPT1 for example), then only one copy has to be described since
a register can have several address (see section).
The following properties are defined:
- "name" (mandatory,string): the mnemonic of the register.
- "sct" (optional,"yes" or "no"): STMP specific attribute to specify the existence
of the SCT variants of this register.
As a shortcut, in the case the register has a single address, one can add one more
- "addr" (optional,integer): base address of this instance of the register.
<reg name="TIMCTRLn" sct="yes">
<!-- reg desc -->
The address shortcut has the following standard translation:
<reg name="GPIO_PADR" addr="0x00">
<!-- bla -->
is equivalent to:
<reg name="GPIO_PADR">
<addr name="GPIO_PADR" addr="0x00">
<!-- bla -->
Each device can have one or more addresses associated with it. Each address
is enclosed in a "addr" tag. This allows to describe several register at once on
SoCs where a similar register is replicated several times.
The following properties are defined:
- "name" (mandatory,string): unique name of this instance of the register.
- "addr" (mandatory,integer): base address of this instance of the register.
<addr name="TIMCTRL0" addr="0x20" />
<addr name="TIMCTRL1" addr="0x40" />
<addr name="TIMCTRL2" addr="0x60" />
In the special case where the addresses of the register follow a pattern, an
explicit formula can be described as part of the format. There is no specific
requirement on the formula except that the register addresses be indexed by
a variable "n" which range from 0 to N-1 where N is the number of address.
The formula is not used for anything except header generation where it is
handy to have a formula rather a long list of conditionals.
The following properties are defined:
- "string" (mandatory,string): the equation describing the addresses.
<formula string="0x20+n*0x20"/>
Each register can be further divided into disjoints fields. Each field
is enclosed in a "field" tag. A field is defined as a contiguous set
of bits in the register. The following properties are defined:
- "name" (mandatory,string): the mnemonic of field
- "bitrange" (mandatory,string): the bit range of the field written as
"n-m" where n and m are integers giving the most (resp. least) significant
bit of the field.
<field name="PRESCALE" bitrange="5:4">
<!-- field desc -->
Each field can describe a list of named values in cases where this is appropriate.
Each value is enclosed in a "value" tag. The following properties are defined:
- "name" (mandatory,string): the mnemonic of the value.
- "value" (mandatory,integer): the associated value.
<value name="DIV_BY_1" value="0x0" />
<value name="DIV_BY_2" value="0x1" />