* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id$
tcctool is a utility for uploading code to Telechips TCC77x based
devices in USB boot mode.
It has been tested on the iaudio 7 and Logik DAX DAB/MP3 Player, but
should work on other devices if the appropriate magic value is
identified from existing "firmware recovery" programs - see the
"devices" array in tcctool.c
It can be used for safely testing firmware images before performing a
firmware upgade.
A first test when using tcctool on a new device can be to upload the
original firmware. If you do this, make sure you upload the same
version that is installed on your player - otherwise you may find
yourself with corrupted config files and music database.
Building for Windows
1) Download libusb-win32-device-bin- from:
2) Extract libusb-win32-device-bin- in the tcctool
source directory.
3) Type "make tcctool.exe" to compile.
4) Copy the following four files from libusb-win32-device-bin-
to tcctool-driver-win32/
5) Create the tcctool-win32.zip file from the directory above tcctool as follows:
zip tcctool-win32.zip tcctool/tcctool.exe tcctool/tcctool-windows.txt tcctool/tcctool-driver/win32/*
6) See tcctool/tcctool-windows.txt for Windows usage instructions.