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/* This file is part of libmspack.
* (C) 2003-2004 Stuart Caie.
* libmspack is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1
* For further details, see the file COPYING.LIB distributed with libmspack
#ifndef MSPACK_CHM_H
#define MSPACK_CHM_H 1
#include "lzx.h"
/* generic CHM definitions */
#define chmhead_Signature (0x0000)
#define chmhead_Version (0x0004)
#define chmhead_HeaderLen (0x0008)
#define chmhead_Unknown1 (0x000C)
#define chmhead_Timestamp (0x0010)
#define chmhead_LanguageID (0x0014)
#define chmhead_GUID1 (0x0018)
#define chmhead_GUID2 (0x0028)
#define chmhead_SIZEOF (0x0038)
#define chmhst_OffsetHS0 (0x0000)
#define chmhst_LengthHS0 (0x0008)
#define chmhst_OffsetHS1 (0x0010)
#define chmhst_LengthHS1 (0x0018)
#define chmhst_SIZEOF (0x0020)
#define chmhst3_OffsetCS0 (0x0020)
#define chmhst3_SIZEOF (0x0028)
#define chmhs0_Unknown1 (0x0000)
#define chmhs0_Unknown2 (0x0004)
#define chmhs0_FileLen (0x0008)
#define chmhs0_Unknown3 (0x0010)
#define chmhs0_Unknown4 (0x0014)
#define chmhs0_SIZEOF (0x0018)
#define chmhs1_Signature (0x0000)
#define chmhs1_Version (0x0004)
#define chmhs1_HeaderLen (0x0008)
#define chmhs1_Unknown1 (0x000C)
#define chmhs1_ChunkSize (0x0010)
#define chmhs1_Density (0x0014)
#define chmhs1_Depth (0x0018)
#define chmhs1_IndexRoot (0x001C)
#define chmhs1_FirstPMGL (0x0020)
#define chmhs1_LastPMGL (0x0024)
#define chmhs1_Unknown2 (0x0028)
#define chmhs1_NumChunks (0x002C)
#define chmhs1_LanguageID (0x0030)
#define chmhs1_GUID (0x0034)
#define chmhs1_Unknown3 (0x0044)
#define chmhs1_Unknown4 (0x0048)
#define chmhs1_Unknown5 (0x004C)
#define chmhs1_Unknown6 (0x0050)
#define chmhs1_SIZEOF (0x0054)
#define pmgl_Signature (0x0000)
#define pmgl_QuickRefSize (0x0004)
#define pmgl_Unknown1 (0x0008)
#define pmgl_PrevChunk (0x000C)
#define pmgl_NextChunk (0x0010)
#define pmgl_Entries (0x0014)
#define pmgl_headerSIZEOF (0x0014)
#define pmgi_Signature (0x0000)
#define pmgi_QuickRefSize (0x0004)
#define pmgi_Entries (0x0008)
#define pmgi_headerSIZEOF (0x000C)
#define lzxcd_Length (0x0000)
#define lzxcd_Signature (0x0004)
#define lzxcd_Version (0x0008)
#define lzxcd_ResetInterval (0x000C)
#define lzxcd_WindowSize (0x0010)
#define lzxcd_CacheSize (0x0014)
#define lzxcd_Unknown1 (0x0018)
#define lzxcd_SIZEOF (0x001C)
#define lzxrt_Unknown1 (0x0000)
#define lzxrt_NumEntries (0x0004)
#define lzxrt_EntrySize (0x0008)
#define lzxrt_TableOffset (0x000C)
#define lzxrt_UncompLen (0x0010)
#define lzxrt_CompLen (0x0018)
#define lzxrt_FrameLen (0x0020)
#define lzxrt_Entries (0x0028)
#define lzxrt_headerSIZEOF (0x0028)
/* CHM compression definitions */
struct mschm_compressor_p {
struct mschm_compressor base;
struct mspack_system *system;
char *temp_file;
int use_temp_file;
int error;
/* CHM decompression definitions */
struct mschmd_decompress_state {
struct mschmd_header *chm; /* CHM file being decompressed */
off_t offset; /* uncompressed offset within folder */
off_t inoffset; /* offset in input file */
struct lzxd_stream *state; /* LZX decompressor state */
struct mspack_system sys; /* special I/O code for decompressor */
struct mspack_file *infh; /* input file handle */
struct mspack_file *outfh; /* output file handle */
struct mschm_decompressor_p {
struct mschm_decompressor base;
struct mspack_system *system;
struct mschmd_decompress_state *d;
int error;