2008-07-11 16:51:25 +00:00
// -*- c++ -*-
// GetPot Version $$Version$$ $$Date$$
// WEBSITE: http://getpot.sourceforge.net
// NOTE: The LPGL License for this library is only valid in case that
// it is not used for the production or development of applications
// dedicated to military industry. This is what the author calls
// the 'unofficial peace version of the LPGL'.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA
// (C) 2001-2005 Frank R. Schaefer <fschaef@users.sf.net>
#ifndef __include_guard_GETPOT_H__
#define __include_guard_GETPOT_H__
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(SOLARIS_RAW) || (__GNUC__ == 2) || defined(__HP_aCC)
#define strtok_r(a, b, c) strtok(a, b)
#endif // WINDOWS or SOLARIS or gcc 2.* or HP aCC
extern "C" {
// leave the 'extern C' to make it 100% sure to work -
// expecially with older distributions of header files.
#ifndef WIN32
// this is necessary (depending on OS)
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream> // not every compiler distribution includes <iostream>
// // with <fstream>
typedef std::vector<std::string> STRING_VECTOR;
#define victorate(TYPE, VARIABLE, ITERATOR) \
std::vector<TYPE>::const_iterator ITERATOR = (VARIABLE).begin(); \
for(; (ITERATOR) != (VARIABLE).end(); (ITERATOR)++)
class GetPot {
inline void __basic_initialization();
// (*) constructors, destructor, assignment operator -----------------------
inline GetPot();
inline GetPot(const GetPot&);
inline GetPot(const int argc_, char** argv_,
const char* FieldSeparator=0x0);
inline GetPot(const char* FileName,
const char* CommentStart=0x0, const char* CommentEnd=0x0,
const char* FieldSeparator=0x0);
inline ~GetPot();
inline GetPot& operator=(const GetPot&);
// (*) absorbing contents of another GetPot object
inline void absorb(const GetPot& That);
// -- for ufo detection: recording requested arguments, options etc.
inline void clear_requests();
inline void disable_request_recording() { __request_recording_f = false; }
inline void enable_request_recording() { __request_recording_f = true; }
// (*) direct access to command line arguments -----------------------------
inline const std::string operator[](unsigned Idx) const;
inline int get(unsigned Idx, int Default) const;
inline double get(unsigned Idx, const double& Default) const;
inline const std::string get(unsigned Idx, const char* Default) const;
inline unsigned size() const;
// (*) flags ---------------------------------------------------------------
inline bool options_contain(const char* FlagList) const;
inline bool argument_contains(unsigned Idx, const char* FlagList) const;
// (*) variables -----------------------------------------------------------
// -- scalar values
inline int operator()(const char* VarName, int Default) const;
inline double operator()(const char* VarName, const double& Default) const;
inline const std::string operator()(const char* VarName, const char* Default) const;
// -- vectors
inline int operator()(const char* VarName, int Default, unsigned Idx) const;
inline double operator()(const char* VarName, const double& Default, unsigned Idx) const;
inline const std::string operator()(const char* VarName, const char* Default, unsigned Idx) const;
// -- setting variables
// i) from outside of GetPot (considering prefix etc.)
// ii) from inside, use '__set_variable()' below
inline void set(const char* VarName, const char* Value, const bool Requested = true);
inline void set(const char* VarName, const double& Value, const bool Requested = true);
inline void set(const char* VarName, const int Value, const bool Requested = true);
inline unsigned vector_variable_size(const char* VarName) const;
inline STRING_VECTOR get_variable_names() const;
inline STRING_VECTOR get_section_names() const;
// (*) cursor oriented functions -------------------------------------------
inline void set_prefix(const char* Prefix) { prefix = std::string(Prefix); }
inline bool search_failed() const { return search_failed_f; }
// -- enable/disable search for an option in loop
inline void disable_loop() { search_loop_f = false; }
inline void enable_loop() { search_loop_f = true; }
// -- reset cursor to position '1'
inline void reset_cursor();
inline void init_multiple_occurrence();
// -- search for a certain option and set cursor to position
inline bool search(const char* option);
inline bool search(unsigned No, const char* P, ...);
// -- get argument at cursor++
inline int next(int Default);
inline double next(const double& Default);
inline const std::string next(const char* Default);
// -- search for option and get argument at cursor++
inline int follow(int Default, const char* Option);
inline double follow(const double& Default, const char* Option);
inline const std::string follow(const char* Default, const char* Option);
// -- search for one of the given options and get argument that follows it
inline int follow(int Default, unsigned No, const char* Option, ...);
inline double follow(const double& Default, unsigned No, const char* Option, ...);
inline const std::string follow(const char* Default, unsigned No, const char* Option, ...);
// -- lists of nominuses following an option
inline std::vector<std::string> nominus_followers(const char* Option);
inline std::vector<std::string> nominus_followers(unsigned No, ...);
// -- directly followed arguments
inline int direct_follow(int Default, const char* Option);
inline double direct_follow(const double& Default, const char* Option);
inline const std::string direct_follow(const char* Default, const char* Option);
inline std::vector<std::string> string_tails(const char* StartString);
inline std::vector<int> int_tails(const char* StartString, const int Default = 1);
inline std::vector<double> double_tails(const char* StartString, const double Default = 1.0);
// (*) nominus arguments ---------------------------------------------------
inline STRING_VECTOR nominus_vector() const;
inline unsigned nominus_size() const { return static_cast<unsigned int>(idx_nominus.size()); }
inline std::string next_nominus();
// (*) unidentified flying objects -----------------------------------------
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_arguments(unsigned Number, const char* Known, ...) const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_arguments(const STRING_VECTOR& Knowns) const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_arguments() const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_options(unsigned Number, const char* Known, ...) const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_options(const STRING_VECTOR& Knowns) const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_options() const;
inline std::string unidentified_flags(const char* Known,
int ArgumentNumber /* =-1 */) const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_variables(unsigned Number, const char* Known, ...) const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_variables(const STRING_VECTOR& Knowns) const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_variables() const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_sections(unsigned Number, const char* Known, ...) const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_sections(const STRING_VECTOR& Knowns) const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_sections() const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_nominuses(unsigned Number, const char* Known, ...) const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_nominuses(const STRING_VECTOR& Knowns) const;
inline STRING_VECTOR unidentified_nominuses() const;
// (*) output --------------------------------------------------------------
inline int print() const;
// (*) Type Declaration ----------------------------------------------------
struct variable {
// Variable to be specified on the command line or in input files.
// (i.e. of the form var='12 312 341')
// -- constructors, destructors, assignment operator
variable(const variable&);
variable(const char* Name, const char* Value, const char* FieldSeparator);
variable& operator=(const variable& That);
void take(const char* Value, const char* FieldSeparator);
// -- get a specific element in the string vector
// (return 0 if not present)
const std::string* get_element(unsigned Idx) const;
// -- data memebers
std::string name; // identifier of variable
STRING_VECTOR value; // value of variable stored in vector
std::string original; // value of variable as given on command line
// (*) member variables --------------------------------------------------------------
std::string prefix; // prefix automatically added in queries
std::string section; // (for dollar bracket parsing)
STRING_VECTOR section_list; // list of all parsed sections
// -- argument vector
STRING_VECTOR argv; // vector of command line arguments stored as strings
unsigned cursor; // cursor for argv
bool search_loop_f; // shall search start at beginning after
// // reaching end of arg array ?
bool search_failed_f; // flag indicating a failed search() operation
// // (e.g. next() functions react with 'missed')
// -- nominus vector
int nominus_cursor; // cursor for nominus_pointers
std::vector<unsigned> idx_nominus; // indecies of 'no minus' arguments
// -- variables
// (arguments of the form "variable=value")
std::vector<variable> variables;
// -- comment delimiters
std::string _comment_start;
std::string _comment_end;
// -- field separator (separating elements of a vector)
std::string _field_separator;
// -- some functions return a char pointer to a temporarily existing string
// this container makes them 'available' until the getpot object is destroyed.
std::vector<char*> __internal_string_container;
// -- keeping track about arguments that are requested, so that the UFO detection
// can be simplified
STRING_VECTOR _requested_arguments;
STRING_VECTOR _requested_variables;
STRING_VECTOR _requested_sections;
bool __request_recording_f; // speed: request recording can be turned off
// -- if an argument is requested record it and the 'tag' the section branch to which
// it belongs. Caution: both functions mark the sections as 'tagged'.
void __record_argument_request(const std::string& Arg);
void __record_variable_request(const std::string& Arg);
// (*) helper functions ----------------------------------------------------
// set variable from inside GetPot (no prefix considered)
inline void __set_variable(const char* VarName, const char* Value);
// -- produce three basic data vectors:
// - argument vector
// - nominus vector
// - variable dictionary
inline void __parse_argument_vector(const STRING_VECTOR& ARGV);
// -- helpers for argument list processing
// * search for a variable in 'variables' array
inline const variable* __find_variable(const char*) const;
// * support finding directly followed arguments
inline const char* __match_starting_string(const char* StartString);
// * support search for flags in a specific argument
inline bool __check_flags(const std::string& Str, const char* FlagList) const;
// * type conversion if possible
inline int __convert_to_type(const std::string& String, int Default) const;
inline double __convert_to_type(const std::string& String, double Default) const;
// * prefix extraction
const std::string __get_remaining_string(const std::string& String,
const std::string& Start) const;
// * search for a specific string
inline bool __search_string_vector(const STRING_VECTOR& Vec,
const std::string& Str) const;
// -- helpers to parse input file
// create an argument vector based on data found in an input file, i.e.:
// 1) delete comments (in between '_comment_start' '_comment_end')
// 2) contract assignment expressions, such as
// my-variable = '007 J. B.'
// into
// my-variable='007 J. B.'
// 3) interprete sections like '[../my-section]' etc.
inline void __skip_whitespace(std::istream& istr);
inline const std::string __get_next_token(std::istream& istr);
inline const std::string __get_string(std::istream& istr);
inline const std::string __get_until_closing_bracket(std::istream& istr);
inline STRING_VECTOR __read_in_stream(std::istream& istr);
inline STRING_VECTOR __read_in_file(const char* FileName);
inline std::string __process_section_label(const std::string& Section,
STRING_VECTOR& section_stack);
// -- dollar bracket expressions
std::string __DBE_expand_string(const std::string str);
std::string __DBE_expand(const std::string str);
const GetPot::variable* __DBE_get_variable(const std::string str);
STRING_VECTOR __DBE_get_expr_list(const std::string str, const unsigned ExpectedNumber);
std::string __double2string(const double& Value) const {
// -- converts a double integer into a string
char* tmp = new char[128];
#ifndef WIN32
snprintf(tmp, (int)sizeof(char)*128, "%e", Value);
_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(char)*128, "%e", Value);
std::string result(tmp);
delete [] tmp;
return result;
std::string __int2string(const int& Value) const {
// -- converts an integer into a string
char* tmp = new char[128];
#ifndef WIN32
snprintf(tmp, (int)sizeof(char)*128, "%i", Value);
_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(char)*128, "%i", Value);
std::string result(tmp);
delete [] tmp;
return result;
STRING_VECTOR __get_section_tree(const std::string& FullPath) {
// -- cuts a variable name into a tree of sub-sections. this is requested for recording
// requested sections when dealing with 'ufo' detection.
const char* Start = FullPath.c_str();
for(char *p = (char*)Start; *p ; p++) {
if( *p == '/' ) {
*p = '\0'; // set terminating zero for convinience
const std::string Section = Start;
*p = '/'; // reset slash at place
return result;
// (*) constructors, destructor, assignment operator
inline void
cursor = 0; nominus_cursor = -1;
search_failed_f = true; search_loop_f = true;
prefix = ""; section = "";
// automatic request recording for later ufo detection
__request_recording_f = true;
// comment start and end strings
_comment_start = std::string("#");
_comment_end = std::string("\n");
// default: separate vector elements by whitespaces
_field_separator = " \t\n";
STRING_VECTOR _apriori_argv;
GetPot::GetPot(const int argc_, char ** argv_,
const char* FieldSeparator /* =0x0 */)
// leave 'char**' non-const to honor less capable compilers ...
// TODO: Ponder over the problem when the argument list is of size = 0.
// This is 'sabotage', but it can still occur if the user specifies
// it himself.
assert(argc_ >= 1);
// if specified -> overwrite default string
if( FieldSeparator ) _field_separator = std::string(FieldSeparator);
// -- make an internal copy of the argument list:
STRING_VECTOR _apriori_argv;
// -- for the sake of clarity: we do want to include the first argument in the argument vector !
// it will not be a nominus argument, though. This gives us a minimun vector size of one
// which facilitates error checking in many functions. Also the user will be able to
// retrieve the name of his application by "get[0]"
int i=1;
for(; i<argc_; ++i) {
std::string tmp(argv_[i]); // recall the problem with temporaries,
_apriori_argv.push_back(tmp); // reference counting in arguement lists ...
GetPot::GetPot(const char* FileName,
const char* CommentStart /* = 0x0 */, const char* CommentEnd /* = 0x0 */,
const char* FieldSeparator/* = 0x0 */)
// if specified -> overwrite default strings
if( CommentStart ) _comment_start = std::string(CommentStart);
if( CommentEnd ) _comment_end = std::string(CommentEnd);
if( FieldSeparator ) _field_separator = FieldSeparator;
STRING_VECTOR _apriori_argv;
// -- file name is element of argument vector, however, it is not parsed for
// variable assignments or nominuses.
STRING_VECTOR args = __read_in_file(FileName);
_apriori_argv.insert(_apriori_argv.begin()+1, args.begin(), args.end());
GetPot::GetPot(const GetPot& That)
{ GetPot::operator=(That); }
// may be some return strings had to be created, delete now !
victorate(char*, __internal_string_container, it)
delete [] *it;
inline GetPot&
GetPot::operator=(const GetPot& That)
if (&That == this) return *this;
_comment_start = That._comment_start;
_comment_end = That._comment_end;
argv = That.argv;
variables = That.variables;
prefix = That.prefix;
cursor = That.cursor;
nominus_cursor = That.nominus_cursor;
search_failed_f = That.search_failed_f;
idx_nominus = That.idx_nominus;
search_loop_f = That.search_loop_f;
return *this;
inline void
GetPot::absorb(const GetPot& That)
if (&That == this) return;
STRING_VECTOR __tmp(That.argv);
inline void
_requested_arguments.erase(_requested_arguments.begin(), _requested_arguments.end());
_requested_variables.erase(_requested_variables.begin(), _requested_variables.end());
_requested_sections.erase(_requested_sections.begin(), _requested_sections.end());
inline void
GetPot::__parse_argument_vector(const STRING_VECTOR& ARGV)
if( ARGV.size() == 0 ) return;
// build internal databases:
// 1) array with no-minus arguments (usually used as filenames)
// 2) variable assignments:
// 'variable name' '=' number | string
STRING_VECTOR section_stack;
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator it = ARGV.begin();
section = "";
// -- do not parse the first argument, so that it is not interpreted a s a nominus or so.
// -- loop over remaining arguments
unsigned i=1;
for(; it != ARGV.end(); ++it, ++i) {
std::string arg = *it;
if( arg.length() == 0 ) continue;
// -- [section] labels
if( arg.length() > 1 && arg[0] == '[' && arg[arg.length()-1] == ']' ) {
// (*) sections are considered 'requested arguments'
if( __request_recording_f ) _requested_arguments.push_back(arg);
const std::string Name = __DBE_expand_string(arg.substr(1, arg.length()-2));
section = __process_section_label(Name, section_stack);
// new section --> append to list of sections
if( find(section_list.begin(), section_list.end(), section) == section_list.end() )
if( section.length() != 0 ) section_list.push_back(section);
else {
arg = section + __DBE_expand_string(arg);
// -- separate array for nominus arguments
if( arg[0] != '-' ) idx_nominus.push_back(unsigned(i));
// -- variables: does arg contain a '=' operator ?
const char* p = arg.c_str();
for(; *p ; p++) {
if( *p == '=' ) {
// (*) record for later ufo detection
// arguments carriying variables are always treated as 'requested' arguments.
// as a whole! That is 'x=4712' is considered a requested argument.
// unrequested variables have to be detected with the ufo-variable
// detection routine.
if( __request_recording_f ) _requested_arguments.push_back(arg);
// set terminating 'zero' to treat first part as single string
// => arg (from start to 'p') = Name of variable
// p+1 (until terminating zero) = value of variable
char* o = (char*)p++;
*o = '\0'; // set temporary terminating zero
// __set_variable(...)
// calls __find_variable(...) which registers the search
// temporarily disable this
const bool tmp = __request_recording_f;
__request_recording_f = false;
__set_variable(arg.c_str(), p); // v-name = c_str() bis 'p', value = rest
__request_recording_f = tmp;
*o = '='; // reset the original '='
GetPot::__read_in_file(const char* FileName)
std::ifstream i(FileName);
if( ! i ) return STRING_VECTOR();
// argv[0] == the filename of the file that was read in
return __read_in_stream(i);
GetPot::__read_in_stream(std::istream& istr)
STRING_VECTOR brute_tokens;
while(istr) {
const std::string Token = __get_next_token(istr);
if( Token.length() == 0 || Token[0] == EOF) break;
// -- reduce expressions of token1'='token2 to a single
// string 'token1=token2'
// -- copy everything into 'argv'
// -- arguments preceded by something like '[' name ']' (section)
// produce a second copy of each argument with a prefix '[name]argument'
unsigned i1 = 0;
unsigned i2 = 1;
unsigned i3 = 2;
while( i1 < brute_tokens.size() ) {
const std::string& SRef = brute_tokens[i1];
// 1) concatinate 'abcdef' '=' 'efgasdef' to 'abcdef=efgasdef'
// note: java.lang.String: substring(a,b) = from a to b-1
// C++ string: substr(a,b) = from a to a + b
if( i2 < brute_tokens.size() && brute_tokens[i2] == "=" ) {
if( i3 >= brute_tokens.size() )
arglist.push_back(brute_tokens[i1] + brute_tokens[i2]);
arglist.push_back(brute_tokens[i1] + brute_tokens[i2] + brute_tokens[i3]);
i1 = i3+1; i2 = i3+2; i3 = i3+3;
else {
i1=i2; i2=i3; i3++;
return arglist;
inline void
GetPot::__skip_whitespace(std::istream& istr)
// find next non-whitespace while deleting comments
int tmp = istr.get();
do {
// -- search a non whitespace
while( isspace(tmp) ) {
tmp = istr.get();
if( ! istr ) return;
// -- look if characters match the comment starter string
const std::istream::pos_type Pos = istr.tellg();
unsigned i=0;
for(; i<_comment_start.length() ; ++i) {
if( tmp != _comment_start[i] ) {
// HACK: The following line throws off msvc8:
// istr.seekg(Pos);
// -- one step more backwards, since 'tmp' already at non-whitespace
tmp = istr.get();
if( ! istr ) { istr.unget(); return; }
// 'tmp' contains last character of _comment_starter
// -- comment starter found -> search for comment ender
unsigned match_no=0;
while(1+1 == 2) {
tmp = istr.get();
if( ! istr ) { istr.unget(); return; }
if( tmp == _comment_end[match_no] ) {
if( match_no == _comment_end.length() ) {
break; // shuffle more whitespace, end of comment found
match_no = 0;
tmp = istr.get();
} while( istr );
inline const std::string
GetPot::__get_next_token(std::istream& istr)
// get next concatinates string token. consider quotes that embrace
// whitespaces
std::string token;
int tmp = 0;
int last_letter = 0;
while(1+1 == 2) {
last_letter = tmp; tmp = istr.get();
if( tmp == EOF
|| ((tmp == ' ' || tmp == '\t' || tmp == '\n') && last_letter != '\\') ) {
return token;
else if( tmp == '\'' && last_letter != '\\' ) {
// QUOTES: un-backslashed quotes => it's a string
token += __get_string(istr);
else if( tmp == '{' && last_letter == '$') {
token += '{' + __get_until_closing_bracket(istr);
else if( tmp == '$' && last_letter == '\\') {
token += tmp; tmp = 0; // so that last_letter will become = 0, not '$';
else if( tmp == '\\' && last_letter != '\\')
continue; // don't append un-backslashed backslashes
token += tmp;
inline const std::string
GetPot::__get_string(std::istream& istr)
// parse input until next matching '
std::string str;
int tmp = 0;
int last_letter = 0;
while(1 + 1 == 2) {
last_letter = tmp; tmp = istr.get();
if( tmp == EOF) return str;
// un-backslashed quotes => it's the end of the string
else if( tmp == '\'' && last_letter != '\\') return str;
else if( tmp == '\\' && last_letter != '\\') continue; // don't append
str += tmp;
inline const std::string
GetPot::__get_until_closing_bracket(std::istream& istr)
// parse input until next matching }
std::string str = "";
int tmp = 0;
int last_letter = 0;
int brackets = 1;
while(1 + 1 == 2) {
last_letter = tmp; tmp = istr.get();
if( tmp == EOF) return str;
else if( tmp == '{' && last_letter == '$') brackets += 1;
else if( tmp == '}') {
brackets -= 1;
// un-backslashed brackets => it's the end of the string
if( brackets == 0) return str + '}';
else if( tmp == '\\' && last_letter != '\\')
continue; // do not append an unbackslashed backslash
str += tmp;
inline std::string
GetPot::__process_section_label(const std::string& Section,
STRING_VECTOR& section_stack)
std::string sname = Section;
// 1) subsection of actual section ('./' prefix)
if( sname.length() >= 2 && sname.substr(0, 2) == "./" ) {
sname = sname.substr(2);
// 2) subsection of parent section ('../' prefix)
else if( sname.length() >= 3 && sname.substr(0, 3) == "../" ) {
do {
if( section_stack.end() != section_stack.begin() )
sname = sname.substr(3);
} while( sname.substr(0, 3) == "../" );
// 3) subsection of the root-section
else {
section_stack.erase(section_stack.begin(), section_stack.end());
// [] => back to root section
if( sname != "" ) {
// parse section name for 'slashes'
unsigned i=0;
while( i < sname.length() ) {
if( sname[i] == '/' ) {
if( i+1 < sname.length()-1 )
sname = sname.substr(i+1);
i = 0;
std::string section = "";
if( section_stack.size() != 0 ) {
victorate(std::string, section_stack, it)
section += *it + "/";
return section;
// convert string to DOUBLE, if not possible return Default
inline double
GetPot::__convert_to_type(const std::string& String, double Default) const
double tmp;
if( sscanf(String.c_str(),"%lf", &tmp) != 1 ) return Default;
return tmp;
// convert string to INT, if not possible return Default
inline int
GetPot::__convert_to_type(const std::string& String, int Default) const
// NOTE: intermediate results may be floating points, so that the string
// may look like 2.0e1 (i.e. float format) => use float conversion
// in any case.
return (int)__convert_to_type(String, (double)Default);
// (*) cursor oriented functions
inline const std::string
GetPot::__get_remaining_string(const std::string& String, const std::string& Start) const
// Checks if 'String' begins with 'Start' and returns the remaining String.
// Returns None if String does not begin with Start.
if( Start == "" ) return String;
// note: java.lang.String: substring(a,b) = from a to b-1
// C++ string: substr(a,b) = from a to a + b
if( String.find(Start) == 0 ) return String.substr(Start.length());
else return "";
// -- search for a certain argument and set cursor to position
inline bool
GetPot::search(const char* Option)
unsigned OldCursor = cursor;
const std::string SearchTerm = prefix + Option;
// (*) record requested arguments for later ufo detection
if( OldCursor >= argv.size() ) OldCursor = static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size()) - 1;
search_failed_f = true;
// (*) first loop from cursor position until end
unsigned c = cursor;
for(; c < argv.size(); c++) {
if( argv[c] == SearchTerm )
{ cursor = c; search_failed_f = false; return true; }
if( ! search_loop_f ) return false;
// (*) second loop from 0 to old cursor position
for(c = 1; c < OldCursor; c++) {
if( argv[c] == SearchTerm )
{ cursor = c; search_failed_f = false; return true; }
// in case nothing is found the cursor stays where it was
return false;
inline bool
GetPot::search(unsigned No, const char* P, ...)
// (*) recording the requested arguments happens in subroutine 'search'
if( No == 0 ) return false;
// search for the first argument
if( search(P) == true ) return true;
// start interpreting variable argument list
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, P);
unsigned i = 1;
for(; i < No; ++i) {
char* Opt = va_arg(ap, char *);
if( search(Opt) == true ) break;
if( i < No ) {
// loop was left before end of array --> hit but
// make sure that the rest of the search terms is marked
// as requested.
for(; i < No; ++i) {
char* Opt = va_arg(ap, char *);
// (*) record requested arguments for later ufo detection
return true;
// loop was left normally --> no hit
return false;
inline void
{ search_failed_f = false; cursor = 0; }
inline void
{ disable_loop(); reset_cursor(); }
// (*) direct access to command line arguments
inline const std::string
GetPot::operator[](unsigned idx) const
{ return idx < argv.size() ? argv[idx] : ""; }
inline int
GetPot::get(unsigned Idx, int Default) const
if( Idx >= argv.size() ) return Default;
return __convert_to_type(argv[Idx], Default);
inline double
GetPot::get(unsigned Idx, const double& Default) const
if( Idx >= argv.size() ) return Default;
return __convert_to_type(argv[Idx], Default);
inline const std::string
GetPot::get(unsigned Idx, const char* Default) const
if( Idx >= argv.size() ) return Default;
else return argv[Idx];
inline unsigned
GetPot::size() const
{ return static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size()); }
// -- next() function group
inline int
GetPot::next(int Default)
if( search_failed_f ) return Default;
if( cursor >= argv.size() )
{ cursor = static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size()); return Default; }
// (*) record requested argument for later ufo detection
const std::string Remain = __get_remaining_string(argv[cursor], prefix);
return Remain != "" ? __convert_to_type(Remain, Default) : Default;
inline double
GetPot::next(const double& Default)
if( search_failed_f ) return Default;
if( cursor >= argv.size() )
{ cursor = static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size()); return Default; }
// (*) record requested argument for later ufo detection
std::string Remain = __get_remaining_string(argv[cursor], prefix);
return Remain != "" ? __convert_to_type(Remain, Default) : Default;
inline const std::string
GetPot::next(const char* Default)
if( search_failed_f ) return Default;
if( cursor >= argv.size() )
{ cursor = static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size()); return Default; }
// (*) record requested argument for later ufo detection
const std::string Remain = __get_remaining_string(argv[cursor], prefix);
if( Remain == "" ) return Default;
// (*) function returns a pointer to a char array (inside Remain)
// this array will be deleted, though after this function call.
// To ensure propper functioning, create a copy inside *this
// object and only delete it, when *this is deleted.
char* result = new char[Remain.length()+1];
strncpy(result, Remain.c_str(), Remain.length()+1);
// store the created string internally, delete if when object deleted
return result;
// -- follow() function group
// distinct option to be searched for
inline int
GetPot::follow(int Default, const char* Option)
// (*) record requested of argument is entirely handled in 'search()' and 'next()'
if( search(Option) == false ) return Default;
return next(Default);
inline double
GetPot::follow(const double& Default, const char* Option)
// (*) record requested of argument is entirely handled in 'search()' and 'next()'
if( search(Option) == false ) return Default;
return next(Default);
inline const std::string
GetPot::follow(const char* Default, const char* Option)
// (*) record requested of argument is entirely handled in 'search()' and 'next()'
if( search(Option) == false ) return Default;
return next(Default);
// -- second follow() function group
// multiple option to be searched for
inline int
GetPot::follow(int Default, unsigned No, const char* P, ...)
// (*) record requested of argument is entirely handled in 'search()' and 'next()'
if( No == 0 ) return Default;
if( search(P) == true ) return next(Default);
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, P);
unsigned i=1;
for(; i<No; ++i) {
char* Opt = va_arg(ap, char *);
if( search(Opt) == true ) {
return next(Default);
return Default;
inline double
GetPot::follow(const double& Default, unsigned No, const char* P, ...)
// (*) record requested of argument is entirely handled in 'search()' and 'next()'
if( No == 0 ) return Default;
if( search(P) == true ) return next(Default);
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, P);
for(unsigned i=1; i<No; ++i) {
char* Opt = va_arg(ap, char *);
if( search(Opt) == true ) {
return next(Default);
return Default;
inline const std::string
GetPot::follow(const char* Default, unsigned No, const char* P, ...)
// (*) record requested of argument is entirely handled in 'search()' and 'next()'
if( No == 0 ) return Default;
if( search(P) == true ) return next(Default);
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, P);
unsigned i=1;
for(; i<No; ++i) {
char* Opt = va_arg(ap, char *);
if( search(Opt) == true ) {
return next(Default);
return Default;
// (*) lists of nominus following an option
inline std::vector<std::string>
GetPot::nominus_followers(const char* Option)
std::vector<std::string> result_list;
if( search(Option) == false ) return result_list;
while( 1 + 1 == 2 ) {
if( cursor >= argv.size() ) {
cursor = argv.size() - 1;
return result_list;
if( argv[cursor].length() >= 1 ) {
if( argv[cursor][0] == '-' ) {
return result_list;
// -- record for later ufo-detection
// -- append to the result list
inline std::vector<std::string>
GetPot::nominus_followers(unsigned No, ...)
std::vector<std::string> result_list;
// (*) record requested of argument is entirely handled in 'search()'
// and 'nominus_followers()'
if( No == 0 ) return result_list;
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, No);
for(unsigned i=0; i<No; ++i) {
char* Option = va_arg(ap, char *);
std::vector<std::string> tmp = nominus_followers(Option);
result_list.insert(result_list.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
// std::cerr << "option = '" << Option << "'" << std::endl;
// std::cerr << "length = " << tmp.size() << std::endl;
// std::cerr << "new result list = <";
// for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = result_list.begin();
// it != result_list.end(); ++it)
// std::cerr << *it << ", ";
// std::cerr << ">\n";
return result_list;
// (*) directly connected options
inline int
GetPot::direct_follow(int Default, const char* Option)
const char* FollowStr = __match_starting_string(Option);
if( FollowStr == 0x0 ) return Default;
// (*) record requested of argument for later ufo-detection
__record_argument_request(std::string(Option) + FollowStr);
if( ++cursor >= static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size()) ) cursor = static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size());
return __convert_to_type(FollowStr, Default);
inline double
GetPot::direct_follow(const double& Default, const char* Option)
const char* FollowStr = __match_starting_string(Option);
if( FollowStr == 0 ) return Default;
// (*) record requested of argument for later ufo-detection
__record_argument_request(std::string(Option) + FollowStr);
if( ++cursor >= static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size()) ) cursor = static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size());
return __convert_to_type(FollowStr, Default);
inline const std::string
GetPot::direct_follow(const char* Default, const char* Option)
if( search_failed_f ) return Default;
const char* FollowStr = __match_starting_string(Option);
if( FollowStr == 0 ) return Default;
// (*) record requested of argument for later ufo-detection
if( FollowStr ) __record_argument_request(std::string(Option) + FollowStr);
if( ++cursor >= static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size()) ) cursor = static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size());
return std::string(FollowStr);
inline std::vector<std::string>
GetPot::string_tails(const char* StartString)
std::vector<std::string> result;
const unsigned N = static_cast<unsigned int>(strlen(StartString));
std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = argv.begin();
unsigned idx = 0;
while( it != argv.end() ) {
// (*) does start string match the given option?
// NO -> goto next option
if( strncmp(StartString, (*it).c_str(), N) != 0) { ++it; ++idx; continue; }
// append the found tail to the result vector
// adapt the nominus vector
std::vector<unsigned>::iterator nit = idx_nominus.begin();
for(; nit != idx_nominus.end(); ++nit) {
if( *nit == idx ) {
for(; nit != idx_nominus.end(); ++nit) *nit -= 1;
// erase the found option
// 100% safe solution: set iterator back to the beginning.
// (normally, 'it--' would be enough, but who knows how the
// iterator is implemented and .erase() definitely invalidates
// the current iterator position.
if( argv.empty() ) break;
it = argv.begin();
cursor = 0;
nominus_cursor = -1;
return result;
inline std::vector<int>
GetPot::int_tails(const char* StartString, const int Default /* = -1 */)
std::vector<int> result;
const unsigned N = static_cast<unsigned int>(strlen(StartString));
std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = argv.begin();
unsigned idx = 0;
while( it != argv.end() ) {
// (*) does start string match the given option?
// NO -> goto next option
if( strncmp(StartString, (*it).c_str(), N) != 0) { ++it; ++idx; continue; }
// append the found tail to the result vector
result.push_back(__convert_to_type((*it).substr(N), Default));
// adapt the nominus vector
std::vector<unsigned>::iterator nit = idx_nominus.begin();
for(; nit != idx_nominus.end(); ++nit) {
if( *nit == idx ) {
for(; nit != idx_nominus.end(); ++nit) *nit -= 1;
// erase the found option
// 100% safe solution: set iterator back to the beginning.
// (normally, 'it--' would be enough, but who knows how the
// iterator is implemented and .erase() definitely invalidates
// the current iterator position.
if( argv.empty() ) break;
it = argv.begin();
cursor = 0;
nominus_cursor = -1;
return result;
inline std::vector<double>
GetPot::double_tails(const char* StartString,
const double Default /* = -1.0 */)
std::vector<double> result;
const unsigned N = static_cast<unsigned int>(strlen(StartString));
std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = argv.begin();
unsigned idx = 0;
while( it != argv.end() ) {
// (*) does start string match the given option?
// NO -> goto next option
if( strncmp(StartString, (*it).c_str(), N) != 0) { ++it; ++idx; continue; }
// append the found tail to the result vector
result.push_back(__convert_to_type((*it).substr(N), Default));
// adapt the nominus vector
std::vector<unsigned>::iterator nit = idx_nominus.begin();
for(; nit != idx_nominus.end(); ++nit) {
if( *nit == idx ) {
for(; nit != idx_nominus.end(); ++nit) *nit -= 1;
// erase the found option
// 100% safe solution: set iterator back to the beginning.
// (normally, 'it--' would be enough, but who knows how the
// iterator is implemented and .erase() definitely invalidates
// the current iterator position.
if( argv.empty() ) break;
it = argv.begin();
cursor = 0;
nominus_cursor = -1;
return result;
inline const char*
GetPot::__match_starting_string(const char* StartString)
// pointer to the place where the string after
// the match inside the found argument starts.
// 0 no argument matches the starting string.
const unsigned N = static_cast<unsigned int>(strlen(StartString));
unsigned OldCursor = cursor;
if( OldCursor >= static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size()) ) OldCursor = static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size()) - 1;
search_failed_f = true;
// (*) first loop from cursor position until end
unsigned c = cursor;
for(; c < argv.size(); c++) {
if( strncmp(StartString, argv[c].c_str(), N) == 0)
{ cursor = c; search_failed_f = false; return &(argv[c].c_str()[N]); }
if( ! search_loop_f ) return false;
// (*) second loop from 0 to old cursor position
for(c = 1; c < OldCursor; c++) {
if( strncmp(StartString, argv[c].c_str(), N) == 0)
{ cursor = c; search_failed_f = false; return &(argv[c].c_str()[N]); }
return 0;
// (*) search for flags
inline bool
GetPot::options_contain(const char* FlagList) const
// go through all arguments that start with a '-' (but not '--')
std::string str;
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator it = argv.begin();
for(; it != argv.end(); ++it) {
str = __get_remaining_string(*it, prefix);
if( str.length() >= 2 && str[0] == '-' && str[1] != '-' )
if( __check_flags(str, FlagList) ) return true;
return false;
inline bool
GetPot::argument_contains(unsigned Idx, const char* FlagList) const
if( Idx >= argv.size() ) return false;
// (*) record requested of argument for later ufo-detection
// an argument that is checked for flags is considered to be 'requested'
if( prefix == "" )
// search argument for any flag in flag list
return __check_flags(argv[Idx], FlagList);
// if a prefix is set, then the argument index is the index
// inside the 'namespace'
// => only check list of arguments that start with prefix
unsigned no_matches = 0;
unsigned i=0;
for(; i<argv.size(); ++i) {
const std::string Remain = __get_remaining_string(argv[i], prefix);
if( Remain != "") {
no_matches += 1;
if( no_matches == Idx)
return __check_flags(Remain, FlagList);
// no argument in this namespace
return false;
inline bool
GetPot::__check_flags(const std::string& Str, const char* FlagList) const
const char* p=FlagList;
for(; *p != '\0' ; p++)
if( Str.find(*p) != std::string::npos ) return true; // found something
return false;
// (*) nominus arguments
GetPot::nominus_vector() const
// return vector of nominus arguments
std::vector<unsigned>::const_iterator it = idx_nominus.begin();
for(; it != idx_nominus.end(); ++it) {
// (*) record for later ufo-detection
// when a nominus vector is requested, the entire set of nominus arguments are
// tagged as 'requested'
return nv;
inline std::string
if( nominus_cursor < int(idx_nominus.size()) - 1 ) {
const std::string Tmp = argv[idx_nominus[++nominus_cursor]];
// (*) record for later ufo-detection
// -- cannot use the Tmp variable, since it is temporary and c_str() will return a pointer
// to something that does no longer exist.
return Tmp;
return std::string("");
// (*) variables
inline int
GetPot::operator()(const char* VarName, int Default) const
// (*) recording of requested variables happens in '__find_variable()'
const variable* sv = __find_variable(VarName);
if( sv == 0 ) return Default;
return __convert_to_type(sv->original, Default);
inline double
GetPot::operator()(const char* VarName, const double& Default) const
// (*) recording of requested variables happens in '__find_variable()'
const variable* sv = __find_variable(VarName);
if( sv == 0 ) return Default;
return __convert_to_type(sv->original, Default);
inline const std::string
GetPot::operator()(const char* VarName, const char* Default) const
// (*) recording of requested variables happens in '__find_variable()'
const variable* sv = __find_variable(VarName);
if( sv == 0 ) return Default;
// -- returning a c_str() pointer is OK here, since the variable remains existant,
// while 'sv' of course is delete at the end of the function.
return sv->original;
inline int
GetPot::operator()(const char* VarName, int Default, unsigned Idx) const
// (*) recording of requested variables happens in '__find_variable()'
const variable* sv = __find_variable(VarName);
if( sv == 0 ) return Default;
const std::string* element = sv->get_element(Idx);
if( element == 0 ) return Default;
return __convert_to_type(*element, Default);
inline double
GetPot::operator()(const char* VarName, const double& Default, unsigned Idx) const
// (*) recording of requested variables happens in '__find_variable()'
const variable* sv = __find_variable(VarName);
if( sv == 0 ) return Default;
const std::string* element = sv->get_element(Idx);
if( element == 0 ) return Default;
return __convert_to_type(*element, Default);
inline const std::string
GetPot::operator()(const char* VarName, const char* Default, unsigned Idx) const
// (*) recording of requested variables happens in '__find_variable()'
const variable* sv = __find_variable(VarName);
if( sv == 0 ) return Default;
const std::string* element = sv->get_element(Idx);
if( element == 0 ) return Default;
return *element;
inline void
GetPot::__record_argument_request(const std::string& Name)
if( ! __request_recording_f ) return;
// (*) record requested variable for later ufo detection
// (*) record considered section for ufo detection
STRING_VECTOR STree = __get_section_tree(Name);
victorate(std::string, STree, it)
if( find(_requested_sections.begin(), _requested_sections.end(), *it) == _requested_sections.end() )
if( section.length() != 0 ) _requested_sections.push_back(*it);
inline void
GetPot::__record_variable_request(const std::string& Name)
if( ! __request_recording_f ) return;
// (*) record requested variable for later ufo detection
// (*) record considered section for ufo detection
STRING_VECTOR STree = __get_section_tree(Name);
victorate(std::string, STree, it)
if( find(_requested_sections.begin(), _requested_sections.end(), *it) == _requested_sections.end() )
if( section.length() != 0 ) _requested_sections.push_back(*it);
// (*) following functions are to be used from 'outside', after getpot has parsed its
// arguments => append an argument in the argument vector that reflects the addition
inline void
GetPot::__set_variable(const char* VarName, const char* Value)
const GetPot::variable* Var = __find_variable(VarName);
if( Var == 0 ) variables.push_back(variable(VarName, Value, _field_separator.c_str()));
else ((GetPot::variable*)Var)->take(Value, _field_separator.c_str());
inline void
GetPot::set(const char* VarName, const char* Value, const bool Requested /* = yes */)
const std::string Arg = prefix + std::string(VarName) + std::string("=") + std::string(Value);
__set_variable(VarName, Value);
// if user does not specify the variable as 'not being requested' it will be
// considered amongst the requested variables
if( Requested ) __record_variable_request(Arg);
inline void
GetPot::set(const char* VarName, const double& Value, const bool Requested /* = yes */)
{ __set_variable(VarName, __double2string(Value).c_str()); }
inline void
GetPot::set(const char* VarName, const int Value, const bool Requested /* = yes */)
{ __set_variable(VarName, __int2string(Value).c_str()); }
inline unsigned
GetPot::vector_variable_size(const char* VarName) const
const variable* sv = __find_variable(VarName);
if( sv == 0 ) return 0;
return static_cast<unsigned int>(sv->value.size());
GetPot::get_variable_names() const
std::vector<GetPot::variable>::const_iterator it = variables.begin();
for(; it != variables.end(); ++it) {
const std::string Tmp = __get_remaining_string((*it).name, prefix);
if( Tmp != "" ) result.push_back(Tmp);
return result;
GetPot::get_section_names() const
{ return section_list; }
inline const GetPot::variable*
GetPot::__find_variable(const char* VarName) const
const std::string Name = prefix + VarName;
// (*) record requested variable for later ufo detection
std::vector<variable>::const_iterator it = variables.begin();
for(; it != variables.end(); ++it) {
if( (*it).name == Name ) return &(*it);
return 0;
// (*) ouput (basically for debugging reasons
inline int
GetPot::print() const
std::cout << "argc = " << static_cast<unsigned int>(argv.size()) << std::endl;
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator it = argv.begin();
for(; it != argv.end(); ++it)
std::cout << *it << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
return 1;
// (*) dollar bracket expressions (DBEs) ------------------------------------
// 1) Entry Function: __DBE_expand_string()
// Takes a string such as
// "${+ ${x} ${y}} Subject-${& ${section} ${subsection}}: ${title}"
// calls __DBE_expand() for each of the expressions
// ${+ ${x} ${y}}
// ${& ${section} ${subsection}}
// ${Title}
// and returns the string
// "4711 Subject-1.01: Mit den Clowns kamen die Schwaene"
// assuming that
// x = "4699"
// y = "12"
// section = "1."
// subsection = "01"
// title = "Mit den Clowns kamen die Schwaene"
// 2) __DBE_expand():
// checks for the command, i.e. the 'sign' that follows '${'
// divides the argument list into sub-expressions using
// __DBE_get_expr_list()
// ${+ ${x} ${y}} -> "${x}" "${y}"
// ${& ${section} ${subsection}} -> "${section}" "${subsection}"
// ${Title} -> Nothing, variable expansion
// 3) __DBE_expression_list():
// builds a vector of unbracketed whitespace separated strings, i.e.
// " ${Number}.a ${: Das Marmorbild} AB-${& Author= ${Eichendorf}-1870}"
// is split into a vector
// [0] ${Number}.a
// [1] ${: Das Marmorbild}
// [2] AB-${& Author= ${Eichendorf}}-1870
// Each sub-expression is expanded using expand().
inline std::string
GetPot::__DBE_expand_string(const std::string str)
// Parses for closing operators '${ }' and expands them letting
// white spaces and other letters as they are.
std::string new_string = "";
unsigned open_brackets = 0;
unsigned first = 0;
unsigned i = 0;
for(; i<str.size(); ++i) {
if( i < str.size() - 2 && str.substr(i, 2) == "${" ) {
if( open_brackets == 0 ) first = i+2;
else if( str[i] == '}' && open_brackets > 0) {
open_brackets -= 1;
if( open_brackets == 0 ) {
const std::string Replacement = __DBE_expand(str.substr(first, i - first));
new_string += Replacement;
else if( open_brackets == 0 )
new_string += str[i];
return new_string;
GetPot::__DBE_get_expr_list(const std::string str_, const unsigned ExpectedNumber)
// ensures that the resulting vector has the expected number
// of arguments, but they may contain an error message
std::string str = str_;
// Separates expressions by non-bracketed whitespaces, expands them
// and puts them into a list.
unsigned i=0;
// (1) eat initial whitespaces
for(; i < str.size(); ++i)
if( ! isspace(str[i]) ) break;
STRING_VECTOR expr_list;
unsigned open_brackets = 0;
std::vector<unsigned> start_idx;
unsigned start_new_string = i;
unsigned l = static_cast<unsigned int>(str.size());
// (2) search for ${ } expressions ...
while( i < l ) {
const char letter = str[i];
// whitespace -> end of expression
if( isspace(letter) && open_brackets == 0) {
expr_list.push_back(str.substr(start_new_string, i - start_new_string));
bool no_breakout_f = true;
for(++i; i < l ; ++i) {
if( ! isspace(str[i]) )
{ no_breakout_f = false; start_new_string = i; break; }
if( no_breakout_f ) {
// end of expression list
if( expr_list.size() < ExpectedNumber ) {
const std::string pre_tmp("<< ${ }: missing arguments>>");
STRING_VECTOR tmp(ExpectedNumber - expr_list.size(), pre_tmp);
expr_list.insert(expr_list.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
return expr_list;
// dollar-bracket expression
if( str.length() >= i+2 && str.substr(i, 2) == "${" ) {
else if( letter == '}' && open_brackets > 0) {
int start = start_idx[start_idx.size()-1];
const std::string Replacement = __DBE_expand(str.substr(start, i-start));
if( start - 3 < (int)0)
str = Replacement + str.substr(i+1);
str = str.substr(0, start-2) + Replacement + str.substr(i+1);
l = static_cast<unsigned int>(str.size());
i = start + static_cast<unsigned int>(Replacement.size()) - 3;
// end of expression list
expr_list.push_back(str.substr(start_new_string, i-start_new_string));
if( expr_list.size() < ExpectedNumber ) {
const std::string pre_tmp("<< ${ }: missing arguments>>");
STRING_VECTOR tmp(ExpectedNumber - expr_list.size(), pre_tmp);
expr_list.insert(expr_list.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
return expr_list;
inline const GetPot::variable*
GetPot::__DBE_get_variable(std::string VarName)
static GetPot::variable ev;
std::string secure_Prefix = prefix;
prefix = section;
// (1) first search in currently active section
const GetPot::variable* var = __find_variable(VarName.c_str());
if( var != 0 ) { prefix = secure_Prefix; return var; }
// (2) search in root name space
prefix = "";
var = __find_variable(VarName.c_str());
if( var != 0 ) { prefix = secure_Prefix; return var; }
prefix = secure_Prefix;
// error occured => variable name == ""
char* tmp = new char[VarName.length() + 25];
#ifndef WIN32
snprintf(tmp, (int)sizeof(char)*(VarName.length() + 25),
_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(char)*(VarName.length() + 25),
"<<${ } variable '%s' undefined>>", VarName.c_str());
ev.name = "";
ev.original = std::string(tmp);
delete [] tmp;
return &ev;
inline std::string
GetPot::__DBE_expand(const std::string expr)
// ${: } pure text
if( expr[0] == ':' )
return expr.substr(1);
// ${& expr expr ... } text concatination
else if( expr[0] == '&' ) {
const STRING_VECTOR A = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr.substr(1), 1);
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator it = A.begin();
std::string result = *it++;
for(; it != A.end(); ++it) result += *it;
return result;
// ${<-> expr expr expr} text replacement
else if( expr.length() >= 3 && expr.substr(0, 3) == "<->" ) {
STRING_VECTOR A = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr.substr(3), 3);
std::string::size_type tmp = 0;
const std::string::size_type L = A[1].length();
while( (tmp = A[0].find(A[1])) != std::string::npos ) {
A[0].replace(tmp, L, A[2]);
return A[0];
// ${+ ...}, ${- ...}, ${* ...}, ${/ ...} expressions
else if( expr[0] == '+' ) {
STRING_VECTOR A = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr.substr(1), 2);
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator it = A.begin();
double result = __convert_to_type(*it++, 0.0);
for(; it != A.end(); ++it)
result += __convert_to_type(*it, 0.0);
return __double2string(result);
else if( expr[0] == '-' ) {
STRING_VECTOR A = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr.substr(1), 2);
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator it = A.begin();
double result = __convert_to_type(*it++, 0.0);
for(; it != A.end(); ++it)
result -= __convert_to_type(*it, 0.0);
return __double2string(result);
else if( expr[0] == '*' ) {
STRING_VECTOR A = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr.substr(1), 2);
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator it = A.begin();
double result = __convert_to_type(*it++, 0.0);
for(; it != A.end(); ++it)
result *= __convert_to_type(*it, 0.0);
return __double2string(result);
else if( expr[0] == '/' ) {
STRING_VECTOR A = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr.substr(1), 2);
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator it = A.begin();
double result = __convert_to_type(*it++, 0.0);
if( result == 0 ) return "0.0";
for(; it != A.end(); ++it) {
const double Q = __convert_to_type(*it, 0.0);
if( Q == 0.0 ) return "0.0";
result /= Q;
return __double2string(result);
// ${^ ... } power expressions
else if( expr[0] == '^' ) {
STRING_VECTOR A = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr.substr(1), 2);
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator it = A.begin();
double result = __convert_to_type(*it++, 0.0);
for(; it != A.end(); ++it)
result = pow(result, __convert_to_type(*it, 0.0));
return __double2string(result);
// ${== } ${<= } ${>= } comparisons (return the number of the first 'match'
else if( expr.length() >= 2 &&
( expr.substr(0,2) == "==" || expr.substr(0,2) == ">=" ||
expr.substr(0,2) == "<=" || expr[0] == '>' || expr[0] == '<')) {
// differentiate between two and one sign operators
unsigned op = 0;
enum { EQ, GEQ, LEQ, GT, LT };
if ( expr.substr(0, 2) == "==" ) op = EQ;
else if ( expr.substr(0, 2) == ">=" ) op = GEQ;
else if ( expr.substr(0, 2) == "<=" ) op = LEQ;
else if ( expr[0] == '>' ) op = GT;
else /* "<" */ op = LT;
if ( op == GT || op == LT ) a = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr.substr(1), 2);
else a = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr.substr(2), 2);
std::string x_orig = a[0];
double x = __convert_to_type(x_orig, 1e37);
unsigned i = 1;
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator y_orig = a.begin();
for(y_orig++; y_orig != a.end(); y_orig++) {
double y = __convert_to_type(*y_orig, 1e37);
// set the strings as reference if one wasn't a number
if ( x == 1e37 || y == 1e37 ) {
// it's a string comparison
if( (op == EQ && x_orig == *y_orig) || (op == GEQ && x_orig >= *y_orig) ||
(op == LEQ && x_orig <= *y_orig) || (op == GT && x_orig > *y_orig) ||
(op == LT && x_orig < *y_orig) )
return __int2string(i);
else {
// it's a number comparison
if( (op == EQ && x == y) || (op == GEQ && x >= y) ||
(op == LEQ && x <= y) || (op == GT && x > y) ||
(op == LT && x < y) )
return __int2string(i);
// nothing fulfills the condition => return 0
return "0";
// ${?? expr expr} select
else if( expr.length() >= 2 && expr.substr(0, 2) == "??" ) {
STRING_VECTOR a = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr.substr(2), 2);
double x = __convert_to_type(a[0], 1e37);
// last element is always the default argument
if( x == 1e37 || x < 0 || x >= a.size() - 1 ) return a[a.size()-1];
// round x to closest integer
return a[int(x+0.5)];
// ${? expr expr expr} if then else conditions
else if( expr[0] == '?' ) {
STRING_VECTOR a = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr.substr(1), 2);
if( __convert_to_type(a[0], 0.0) == 1.0 ) return a[1];
else if( a.size() > 2 ) return a[2];
// ${! expr} maxro expansion
else if( expr[0] == '!' ) {
const GetPot::variable* Var = __DBE_get_variable(expr.substr(1));
// error
if( Var->name == "" ) return std::string(Var->original);
const STRING_VECTOR A = __DBE_get_expr_list(Var->original, 2);
return A[0];
// ${@: } - string subscription
else if( expr.length() >= 2 && expr.substr(0,2) == "@:" ) {
const STRING_VECTOR A = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr.substr(2), 2);
double x = __convert_to_type(A[1], 1e37);
// last element is always the default argument
if( x == 1e37 || x < 0 || x >= A[0].size() - 1)
return "<<1st index out of range>>";
if( A.size() > 2 ) {
double y = __convert_to_type(A[2], 1e37);
if ( y != 1e37 && y > 0 && y <= A[0].size() - 1 && y > x )
return A[0].substr(int(x+0.5), int(y+1.5) - int(x+0.5));
else if( y == -1 )
return A[0].substr(int(x+0.5));
return "<<2nd index out of range>>";
else {
char* tmp = new char[2];
tmp[0] = A[0][int(x+0.5)]; tmp[1] = '\0';
std::string result(tmp);
delete [] tmp;
return result;
// ${@ } - vector subscription
else if( expr[0] == '@' ) {
STRING_VECTOR A = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr.substr(1), 2);
const GetPot::variable* Var = __DBE_get_variable(A[0]);
// error
if( Var->name == "" ) {
// make a copy of the string if an error occured
// (since the error variable is a static variable inside get_variable())
return std::string(Var->original);
double x = __convert_to_type(A[1], 1e37);
// last element is always the default argument
if (x == 1e37 || x < 0 || x >= Var->value.size() )
return "<<1st index out of range>>";
if ( A.size() > 2) {
double y = __convert_to_type(A[2], 1e37);
int begin = int(x+0.5);
int end = 0;
if ( y != 1e37 && y > 0 && y <= Var->value.size() && y > x)
end = int(y+1.5);
else if( y == -1 )
end = static_cast<unsigned int>(Var->value.size());
return "<<2nd index out of range>>";
std::string result = *(Var->get_element(begin));
int i = begin+1;
for(; i < end; ++i)
result += std::string(" ") + *(Var->get_element(i));
return result;
return *(Var->get_element(int(x+0.5)));
const STRING_VECTOR A = __DBE_get_expr_list(expr, 1);
const GetPot::variable* B = __DBE_get_variable(A[0]);
// make a copy of the string if an error occured
// (since the error variable is a static variable inside get_variable())
if( B->name == "" ) return std::string(B->original);
// (psuggs@pobox.com mentioned to me the warning MSVC++6.0 produces
// with: else return B->original (thanks))
return B->original;
// (*) unidentified flying objects
inline bool
GetPot::__search_string_vector(const STRING_VECTOR& VecStr, const std::string& Str) const
victorate(std::string, VecStr, itk) {
if( *itk == Str ) return true;
return false;
GetPot::unidentified_arguments(unsigned Number,
const char* KnownArgument1, ...) const
STRING_VECTOR known_arguments;
// (1) create a vector of known arguments
if( Number == 0 ) return STRING_VECTOR();
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, KnownArgument1);
unsigned i=1;
for(; i<Number; ++i)
known_arguments.push_back(std::string(va_arg(ap, char *)));
return unidentified_arguments(known_arguments);
GetPot::unidentified_arguments() const
{ return unidentified_arguments(_requested_arguments); }
GetPot::unidentified_arguments(const STRING_VECTOR& Knowns) const
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator it = argv.begin();
++it; // forget about argv[0] (application or filename)
for(; it != argv.end(); ++it) {
// -- argument belongs to prefixed section ?
const std::string arg = __get_remaining_string(*it, prefix);
if( arg == "" ) continue;
// -- check if in list
if( __search_string_vector(Knowns, arg) == false)
return ufos;
GetPot::unidentified_options(unsigned Number,
const char* KnownOption1, ...) const
STRING_VECTOR known_options;
// (1) create a vector of known arguments
if( Number == 0 ) return STRING_VECTOR();
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, KnownOption1);
unsigned i=1;
for(; i<Number; ++i)
known_options.push_back(std::string(va_arg(ap, char *)));
return unidentified_options(known_options);
GetPot::unidentified_options() const
// -- every option is an argument.
// -- the set of requested arguments contains the set of requested options.
// -- IF the set of requested arguments contains unrequested options,
// THEN they were requested as 'follow' and 'next' arguments and not as real options.
// => it is not necessary to separate requested options from the list
STRING_VECTOR option_list;
victorate(std::string, _requested_arguments, it) {
const std::string arg = *it;
if( arg.length() == 0 ) continue;
if( arg[0] == '-' ) option_list.push_back(arg);
return unidentified_options(option_list);
GetPot::unidentified_options(const STRING_VECTOR& Knowns) const
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator it = argv.begin();
++it; // forget about argv[0] (application or filename)
for(; it != argv.end(); ++it) {
// -- argument belongs to prefixed section ?
const std::string arg = __get_remaining_string(*it, prefix);
if( arg == "" ) continue;
// is argument really an option (starting with '-') ?
if( arg.length() < 1 || arg[0] != '-' ) continue;
if( __search_string_vector(Knowns, arg) == false)
return ufos;
inline std::string
GetPot::unidentified_flags(const char* KnownFlagList, int ArgumentNumber=-1) const
// Two modes:
// ArgumentNumber >= 0 check specific argument
// ArgumentNumber == -1 check all options starting with one '-'
// for flags
std::string ufos;
STRING_VECTOR known_arguments;
std::string KFL(KnownFlagList);
// (2) iteration over '-' arguments (options)
if( ArgumentNumber == -1 ) {
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator it = argv.begin();
++it; // forget about argv[0] (application or filename)
for(; it != argv.end(); ++it) {
// -- argument belongs to prefixed section ?
const std::string arg = __get_remaining_string(*it, prefix);
if( arg == "" ) continue;
// -- does arguments start with '-' (but not '--')
if ( arg.length() < 2 ) continue;
else if( arg[0] != '-' ) continue;
else if( arg[1] == '-' ) continue;
// -- check out if flags inside option are contained in KnownFlagList
const char* p=arg.c_str();
p++; // skip starting minus
for(; *p != '\0' ; p++)
if( KFL.find(*p) == std::string::npos ) ufos += *p;
// (1) check specific argument
else {
// -- only check arguments that start with prefix
int no_matches = 0;
unsigned i=1;
for(; i<argv.size(); ++i) {
const std::string Remain = __get_remaining_string(argv[i], prefix);
if( Remain != "") {
if( no_matches == ArgumentNumber) {
// -- the right argument number inside the section is found
// => check it for flags
const char* p = Remain.c_str();
p++; // skip starting minus
for(; *p != '\0' ; p++)
if( KFL.find(*p) == std::string::npos ) ufos += *p;
return ufos;
return ufos;
GetPot::unidentified_variables(unsigned Number,
const char* KnownVariable1, ...) const
STRING_VECTOR known_variables;
// create vector of known arguments
if( Number == 0 ) return STRING_VECTOR();
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, KnownVariable1);
unsigned i=1;
for(; i<Number; ++i)
known_variables.push_back(std::string(va_arg(ap, char *)));
return unidentified_variables(known_variables);
GetPot::unidentified_variables(const STRING_VECTOR& Knowns) const
victorate(GetPot::variable, variables, it) {
// -- check if variable has specific prefix
const std::string var_name = __get_remaining_string((*it).name, prefix);
if( var_name == "" ) continue;
// -- check if variable is known
if( __search_string_vector(Knowns, var_name) == false)
return ufos;
GetPot::unidentified_variables() const
{ return unidentified_variables(_requested_variables); }
GetPot::unidentified_sections(unsigned Number,
const char* KnownSection1, ...) const
STRING_VECTOR known_sections;
// (1) create a vector of known arguments
if( Number == 0 ) return STRING_VECTOR();
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, KnownSection1);
unsigned i=1;
for(; i<Number; ++i) {
std::string tmp = std::string(va_arg(ap, char *));
if( tmp.length() == 0 ) continue;
if( tmp[tmp.length()-1] != '/' ) tmp += '/';
return unidentified_sections(known_sections);
GetPot::unidentified_sections() const
{ return unidentified_sections(_requested_sections); }
GetPot::unidentified_sections(const STRING_VECTOR& Knowns) const
victorate(std::string, section_list, it) {
// -- check if section conform to prefix
const std::string sec_name = __get_remaining_string(*it, prefix);
if( sec_name == "" ) continue;
// -- check if section is known
if( __search_string_vector(Knowns, sec_name) == false )
return ufos;
GetPot::unidentified_nominuses(unsigned Number, const char* Known, ...) const
STRING_VECTOR known_nominuses;
// create vector of known arguments
if( Number == 0 ) return STRING_VECTOR();
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, Known);
unsigned i=1;
for(; i<Number; ++i) {
std::string tmp = std::string(va_arg(ap, char *));
if( tmp.length() == 0 ) continue;
return unidentified_nominuses(known_nominuses);
GetPot::unidentified_nominuses() const {
// -- every nominus is an argument.
// -- the set of requested arguments contains the set of requested nominuss.
// -- IF the set of requested arguments contains unrequested nominuss,
// THEN they were requested as 'follow' and 'next' arguments and not as real nominuses.
// => it is not necessary to separate requested nominus from the list
return unidentified_nominuses(_requested_arguments);
GetPot::unidentified_nominuses(const STRING_VECTOR& Knowns) const
// (2) iterate over all arguments
STRING_VECTOR::const_iterator it = argv.begin();
++it; // forget about argv[0] (application or filename)
for(; it != argv.end(); ++it) {
// -- check if nominus part of prefix
const std::string arg = __get_remaining_string(*it, prefix);
if( arg == "" ) continue;
if( arg.length() < 1 ) continue;
// option ? --> not a nomius
if( arg[0] == '-' ) continue;
// section ? --> not a real nominus
if( arg[0] == '[' && arg[arg.length()-1] == ']' ) continue;
// variable definition ? --> not a real nominus
bool continue_f = false;
unsigned i=0;
for(; i<arg.length() ; ++i)
if( arg[i] == '=' ) { continue_f = true; break; }
if( continue_f ) continue;
// real nominuses are compared with the given list
if( __search_string_vector(Knowns, arg) == false )
return ufos;
// (*) variable class
GetPot::variable::variable(const variable& That)
#ifdef WIN32
GetPot::variable::variable(const char* Name, const char* Value, const char* FieldSeparator)
: name(Name)
// make a copy of the 'Value'
take(Value, FieldSeparator);
inline const std::string*
GetPot::variable::get_element(unsigned Idx) const
{ if( Idx >= value.size() ) return 0; else return &(value[Idx]); }
inline void
GetPot::variable::take(const char* Value, const char* FieldSeparator)
original = std::string(Value);
// separate string by white space delimiters using 'strtok'
// thread safe usage of strtok (no static members)
char* spt = 0;
// make a copy of the 'Value'
char* copy = new char[strlen(Value)+1];
strcpy(copy, Value);
char* follow_token = strtok_r(copy, FieldSeparator, &spt);
if( value.size() != 0 ) value.erase(value.begin(), value.end());
while(follow_token != 0) {
follow_token = strtok_r(NULL, FieldSeparator, &spt);
delete [] copy;
inline GetPot::variable&
GetPot::variable::operator=(const GetPot::variable& That)
if( &That != this) {
name = That.name;
value = That.value;
original = That.original;
return *this;
#undef victorate
#endif // __include_guard_GETPOT_H__