Rockbox supports custom fonts (for the Recorder and Ondio only) and a number of different languages. Rockbox comes with several fonts and languages already included. If new fonts and language files have been created, then they will be found at \url{} and \url{}.
Rockbox can load fonts dynamically. Simply copy the .fnt file to the \dap\ and ``play'' them in the directory browser or select \textbf{General Settings {\textgreater} Fonts} from the Main Menu .
Rockbox can load language files at runtime. Simply copy the .lng file (do not use the .lang file) to the \dap\ and ``play'' it in the Rockbox directory browser or select \textbf{General Settings {}-{\textgreater} Languages }from the Main Menu.
If you want a language to be loaded automatically every time you start up, it must be located in the \fname{/.rockbox }folder and the file name must be a maximum of 24 characters long.
Rockbox supports many different languages. You can get .lng files at \url{}.
\item Maximum file size used is \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx,h300,ipodcolor,ipodnano}{1600}\opt{player}{400} bytes. If you have a bigger WPS file, only the first part of it will be loaded and used.
Custom WPS files may be located anywhere on the drive. The only restriction is that they must end in .wps. When you ``play'' a .wps file, it will be used for future WPS screens. If the ``played'' .wps file is located in the \fname{/.rockbox} folder, it will be remembered and used after reboot. The .wps filename must be no more than 24 characters long for it to be remembered.
Quite simply, enter the WPS code in your favourite text editor, Notepad on Windows works fine. When you save it, instead of saving it as a .txt file, save it as a .wps file. Example: Instead of \fname{Rockbox.txt}, save the file as \fname{Rockbox.wps}. To make sure non english characters display correctly in your WPS you must save the .wps file with UTF-8 character encoding. This can be done in most editors, for example Notepad in Windows 2000 or XP (but not in 9x/ME) can do this. See appendix \ref{ref:wps_tags} for all the tags that are available.
If the tag specified by ``xx'' has a value, the text between the ``{\textless}'' and the ``{\textbar}'' is displayed (the true part), else the text between the ``{\textbar}'' and the ``{\textgreater}'' is displayed (the false part).
The else part is optional, so the ``{\textbar}'' does not have to be specified if no else part is desired. The conditionals nest, so the text in the if and else part can contain all \% commands, including conditionals.
The last else part is optional, and will be displayed if the tag has no value. The WPS parser will always display the last part if the tag has no value, or if the list of alternatives is too short.
Conditionals can be used with sublines to display a different set and/or number of sublines on the line depending on the evaluation of the conditional.
The format above will do two different things depending if ID3 tags are present. If the ID3 artist and title are present :
Display id3 title for 8 seconds,\\
Display id3 artist for 3 seconds,\\
If the ID3 artist and title are not present :\\
Display the filename continuously.\\
Note that by using a subline display time of 0 in one branch of a conditional, a subline can be skipped (not displayed) when that condition is met.
\subsubsection{Using Images}
You can have as many as 52 images in your WPS. There are two ways of displaying images:
\item Load and always show the image, using the \%x tag
\item Preload the image with \%xl and show it with \%xd. This way you can have your images displayed conditionally.
\item Load an image and show as backdrop using the \%X tag. The image must be of the same exact dimensions as your display. (Currently only supported on color targets).
This example loads and displays a background image, and preloads four other images at the same x and y position. Which image to display is determined by the \%mm tag (the repeat mode).
That is, "tracknum - title [artist, album]", where most fields are only displayed if available. Could also be rendered as "filename" or "tracknum - title [artist]".
A .cfg file is used to load settings from a plain text file. A .cfg file may reside anywhere on the hard disk. The only restriction is that the filename must end in .cfg
Hint: Use the ``Write .cfg file'' feature \textbf({Main Menu{}-{\textgreater} General Settings}) to save the current settings, then use a text editor to customize the settings file. See appendix \ref{ref:config_file_options} for the full reference of available options.
\item The current version is the latest stable version developed by the Rockbox Team. It's free of known critical bugs. It is available from \url{}.
\item The Daily Build is a development version of Rockbox. It supports all new features and patches developed since last stable version. It may also contain bugs! This version is generated automatically every day and can be found at \url{}.
\item Bleeding edge builds are the same as the Daily build, but built from the latest development on each commit to the CVS repository. These builds are for people who want to test the code that developers just checked in.
Rockbox is able to load and start another firmware file without rebooting. You just press PLAY on an \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio}{.ajz}\opt{player}{.mod}\opt{h1xx,h300}{.iriver}\opt{ipodnano,ipodvideo,ipodnano}{.ipod} file. This can be used to test new firmware versions without deleting your current version.