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#include "mips.h"
.extern main
.global start
.set mips32r2
.set noreorder
.section .init.text,"ax",%progbits
di # disable interrupts
bltzal zero, load_addr # ra = PC + 8, branch not taken
addiu v0, ra, -12 # calc real load address
# account for branch delay slot
# and very first 'di' instruction
la t0, 0x80000000 # an idx op should use an unmappable address
ori t1, t0, 0x4000 # 16kB cache
mtc0 zero, C0_TAGLO
mtc0 zero, C0_TAGHI
cache ICIndexStTag, 0(t0) # index store icache tag
cache DCIndexStTag, 0(t0) # index store dcache tag
bne t0, t1, cache_init_loop
addiu t0, t0, 0x10
li t0, 3 # enable cache for kseg0 accesses
mtc0 t0, C0_CONFIG
la t0, relocstart
la t1, relocend
beq t0, v0, entry_point # no relocation needed
lw s0, 0(v0) # src
lw s1, 4(v0)
lw s2, 8(v0)
lw s3, 12(v0)
sw s0, 0(t0) # dst
sw s1, 4(t0)
sw s2, 8(t0)
sw s3, 12(t0)
synci 0(t0) # dcache writeback invalidate
# icache invalidate
addiu t0, t0, 16 # inc dst addr
blt t0, t1, reloc_loop
addiu v0, v0, 16 # inc src addr
la t0, entry_point
jr.hb t0
li t0, 0xb0020000 # INTC base
lw zero, 4(t0) # INTC_MSK mask all interrupt sources
li t0, 0x00404000 # BEV=1 for C0_EBASE setup, IM6=1, IE=0
mtc0 t0, C0_STATUS
la t0, _irqbase # vectors base address must be 4k aligned
mtc0 t0, C0_EBASE
li t0, 0x00004000
mtc0 t0, C0_STATUS # BEV=0, IM6=1, IE=0
li t1, 0x08800000
mtc0 t1, C0_CAUSE # DC=1, IV=1
mtc0 zero,C0_INTCTL # VS = 0
# clear bss
la t0, bssbegin
la t1, bssend
beq t0, t1, stack_setup
sw zero, 0(t0)
bne t0, t1, clear_bss_loop
addiu t0, 4
# setup stack
la k0, irqstackend
la sp, stackend
la t0, stackbegin
li t1, 0xdeadbeef
sw t1, 0(t0)
bne t0, sp, stack_munge_loop
addiu t0, 4
# jump to C code with enabled interrupts
la t0, main
jr.hb t0
.set at
.set reorder
/* s0-s7 not saved as this are callee saved registers
* CO_STATUS is not saved as nested interrupts are not supported
* Separate irqstack is used for context save and irq processing
* k0 holds the address of the top of this stack and k1 is used
* to hold original sp value. Since we do not support nesting
* there is nothing to worry about
.extern INT_UDC
.global irq_handler
.set mips32r2
.set noreorder
.set noat
.section .irq_vector,"ax",%progbits
move k1, sp
move sp, k0
addiu sp, sp, -84
/* context save */
sw AT, 0(sp)
sw v0, 4(sp)
sw v1, 8(sp)
sw a0, 12(sp)
sw a1, 16(sp)
sw a2, 20(sp)
sw a3, 24(sp)
sw t0, 28(sp)
sw t1, 32(sp)
sw t2, 36(sp)
sw t3, 40(sp)
sw t4, 44(sp)
sw t5, 48(sp)
sw t6, 52(sp)
sw t7, 56(sp)
sw t8, 60(sp)
sw t9, 64(sp)
sw fp, 68(sp)
sw ra, 72(sp)
mfhi t0
mflo t1
sw t0, 76(sp)
sw t1, 80(sp)
/* handle interrupt */
lui t0, 0xb002 /* INTC base */
lw a0, 0(t0) /* INTC_PD */
lw a1, 4(t0) /* INTC_MSK */
and a0, a0, a1 /* mask */
andi a0, a0, 0x10 /* UDC flag */
beq a0, zero, restore
/* irq dispatch */
la a0, INT_UDC
jalr a0
/* context restore */
lw t0, 76(sp)
lw t1, 80(sp)
mthi t0
mtlo t1
lw AT, 0(sp)
lw v0, 4(sp)
lw v1, 8(sp)
lw a0, 12(sp)
lw a1, 16(sp)
lw a2, 20(sp)
lw a3, 24(sp)
lw t0, 28(sp)
lw t1, 32(sp)
lw t2, 36(sp)
lw t3, 40(sp)
lw t4, 44(sp)
lw t5, 48(sp)
lw t6, 52(sp)
lw t7, 56(sp)
lw t8, 60(sp)
lw t9, 64(sp)
lw fp, 68(sp)
lw ra, 72(sp)
addiu sp, sp, 84
move sp, k1
.set reorder
.set at