
216 lines
5.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

if($ARGV[0] eq "-r") {
shift @ARGV;
shift @ARGV;
my $verbose;
if($ARGV[0] eq "-v") {
$verbose =1;
shift @ARGV;
sub filesize {
my ($filename)=@_;
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
= stat($filename);
return $size;
sub buildlangs {
my ($outputlang)=@_;
my $dir = "$ROOT/apps/lang";
opendir(DIR, $dir);
my @files = grep { /\.lang$/ } readdir(DIR);
for(@files) {
my $output = $_;
$output =~ s/(.*)\.lang/$1.lng/;
print "lang $_\n" if($verbose);
system ("$ROOT/tools/binlang $dir/english.lang $dir/$_ $outputlang/$output >/dev/null 2>&1");
sub buildzip {
my ($zip, $image, $notplayer)=@_;
# remove old traces
`rm -rf .rockbox`;
mkdir ".rockbox", 0777;
mkdir ".rockbox/langs", 0777;
mkdir ".rockbox/rocks", 0777;
mkdir ".rockbox/codecs", 0777;
my $c = 'find apps -name "*.codec" ! -empty -exec cp {} .rockbox/codecs/ \;';
print `$c`;
$c= 'find apps "(" -name "*.rock" -o -name "*.ovl" ")" ! -empty -exec cp {} .rockbox/rocks/ \;';
print `$c`;
open VIEWERS, "$ROOT/apps/plugins/viewers.config" or
die "can't open viewers.config";
@viewers = <VIEWERS>;
close VIEWERS;
open VIEWERS, ">.rockbox/viewers.config" or
die "can't create .rockbox/viewers.config";
mkdir ".rockbox/viewers", 0777;
for (@viewers) {
if (/,(.+).rock,/) {
my $r = "$1.rock";
my $o = "$1.ovl";
if(-e ".rockbox/rocks/$r") {
`mv .rockbox/rocks/$r .rockbox/viewers`;
print VIEWERS $_;
elsif(-e ".rockbox/viewers/$r") {
# in case the same plugin works for multiple extensions, it
# was already moved to the viewers dir
print VIEWERS $_;
if(-e ".rockbox/rocks/$o") {
# if there's an "overlay" file for the .rock, move that as
# well
`mv .rockbox/rocks/$o .rockbox/viewers`;
close VIEWERS;
if($notplayer) {
`cp $ROOT/apps/plugins/sokoban.levels .rockbox/rocks/`; # sokoban levels
`cp $ROOT/apps/plugins/snake2.levels .rockbox/rocks/`; # snake2 levels
mkdir ".rockbox/fonts", 0777;
opendir(DIR, "$ROOT/fonts") || die "can't open dir fonts";
my @fonts = grep { /\.bdf$/ && -f "$ROOT/fonts/$_" } readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
my $maxfont;
open(HEADER, "<$ROOT/firmware/export/font.h");
while(<HEADER>) {
if(/^\#define MAX_FONT_SIZE[ \t]*(\d+)/) {
$maxfont = $1;
die "no decent max font size" if ($maxfont < 2000);
for(@fonts) {
my $f = $_;
print "FONT: $f\n" if($verbose);
my $o = $f;
$o =~ s/\.bdf/\.fnt/;
my $cmd ="$ROOT/tools/convbdf -s 32 -l 255 -f -o \".rockbox/fonts/$o\" \"$ROOT/fonts/$f\" >/dev/null 2>&1";
print "CMD: $cmd\n" if($verbose);
# no need to add fonts we cannot load anyway
my $fontsize = filesize(".rockbox/fonts/$o");
if($fontsize > $maxfont) {
if($image) {
# image is blank when this is a simulator
if( filesize("rockbox.ucl") > 1000 ) {
`cp rockbox.ucl .rockbox/`; # UCL for flashing
if( filesize("rombox.ucl") > 1000) {
`cp rombox.ucl .rockbox/`; # UCL for flashing
mkdir ".rockbox/docs", 0777;
"TECH")) {
`cp $ROOT/docs/$_ .rockbox/docs/$_.txt`;
# now copy the file made for reading on the unit:
#if($notplayer) {
# `cp $webroot/docs/Help-JBR.txt .rockbox/docs/`;
#else {
# `cp $webroot/docs/Help-Stu.txt .rockbox/docs/`;
`rm -f $zip`;
`find .rockbox | zip $zip -@ >/dev/null`;
if($image) {
`zip $zip $image`;
# remove the .rockbox afterwards
`rm -rf .rockbox`;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
$date=sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $year,$mon, $mday);
$shortdate=sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", $year%100,$mon, $mday);
# made once for all targets
sub runone {
my ($type, $target)=@_;
# build a full install zip file
buildzip("", $target,
($type eq "player")?0:1);
my $target = $ARGV[0];
my $exe = $ARGV[1];
if(!$exe) {
# not specified, guess!
if($target =~ /(recorder|ondio)/i) {
$exe = "ajbrec.ajz";
elsif($target =~ /iriver/i) {
$exe = "rockbox.iriver";
elsif($target =~ /gmini/i) {
$exe = "rockbox.gmini";
else {
$exe = "archos.mod";
elsif($exe =~ /rockboxui/) {
# simulator, exclude the exe file
$exe = "";
if($target =~ /player/i) {
runone("player", $exe);
else {
runone("recorder", $exe);