2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// r_draw.c
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "d_local.h" // FIXME: shouldn't need to include this
// !!! if these are changed, they must be changed in asm_draw.h too !!!
#define FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED 0x80000000
unsigned int cacheoffset;
int c_faceclip; // number of faces clipped
zpointdesc_t r_zpointdesc;
polydesc_t r_polydesc;
clipplane_t *entity_clipplanes;
clipplane_t view_clipplanes[4];
clipplane_t world_clipplanes[16];
2019-08-10 00:08:10 +00:00
#ifdef USE_PQ_OPT2
clipplane_fxp_t view_clipplanes_fxp[4];
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
medge_t *r_pedge;
qboolean r_leftclipped, r_rightclipped;
static qboolean makeleftedge, makerightedge;
qboolean r_nearzionly;
int sintable[SIN_BUFFER_SIZE];
int intsintable[SIN_BUFFER_SIZE];
mvertex_t r_leftenter, r_leftexit;
mvertex_t r_rightenter, r_rightexit;
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
#ifdef USE_PQ_OPT2
mvertex_fxp_t r_leftenter_fxp, r_leftexit_fxp;
mvertex_fxp_t r_rightenter_fxp, r_rightexit_fxp;
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
typedef struct
float u,v;
int ceilv;
} evert_t;
int r_emitted;
float r_nearzi;
float r_u1, r_v1, r_lzi1;
int r_ceilv1;
2019-08-10 00:08:10 +00:00
#ifdef USE_PQ_OPT1
int r_u1_fxp, r_v1_fxp, r_lzi1_fxp;
extern int modelorg_fxp[3];
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
qboolean r_lastvertvalid;
#if !id386
void R_EmitEdge (mvertex_t *pv0, mvertex_t *pv1)
edge_t *edge, *pcheck;
int u_check;
float u, u_step;
vec3_t local, transformed;
float *world;
int v, v2, ceilv0;
float scale, lzi0, u0, v0;
int side;
if (r_lastvertvalid)
u0 = r_u1;
v0 = r_v1;
lzi0 = r_lzi1;
ceilv0 = r_ceilv1;
world = &pv0->position[0];
// transform and project
VectorSubtract (world, modelorg, local);
TransformVector (local, transformed);
if (transformed[2] < NEAR_CLIP)
transformed[2] = NEAR_CLIP;
lzi0 = 1.0 / transformed[2];
// FIXME: build x/yscale into transform?
scale = xscale * lzi0;
u0 = (xcenter + scale*transformed[0]);
if (u0 < r_refdef.fvrectx_adj)
u0 = r_refdef.fvrectx_adj;
if (u0 > r_refdef.fvrectright_adj)
u0 = r_refdef.fvrectright_adj;
scale = yscale * lzi0;
v0 = (ycenter - scale*transformed[1]);
if (v0 < r_refdef.fvrecty_adj)
v0 = r_refdef.fvrecty_adj;
if (v0 > r_refdef.fvrectbottom_adj)
v0 = r_refdef.fvrectbottom_adj;
ceilv0 = (int) ceil(v0);
world = &pv1->position[0];
// transform and project
VectorSubtract (world, modelorg, local);
TransformVector (local, transformed);
if (transformed[2] < NEAR_CLIP)
transformed[2] = NEAR_CLIP;
r_lzi1 = 1.0 / transformed[2];
scale = xscale * r_lzi1;
r_u1 = (xcenter + scale*transformed[0]);
if (r_u1 < r_refdef.fvrectx_adj)
r_u1 = r_refdef.fvrectx_adj;
if (r_u1 > r_refdef.fvrectright_adj)
r_u1 = r_refdef.fvrectright_adj;
scale = yscale * r_lzi1;
r_v1 = (ycenter - scale*transformed[1]);
if (r_v1 < r_refdef.fvrecty_adj)
r_v1 = r_refdef.fvrecty_adj;
if (r_v1 > r_refdef.fvrectbottom_adj)
r_v1 = r_refdef.fvrectbottom_adj;
if (r_lzi1 > lzi0)
lzi0 = r_lzi1;
if (lzi0 > r_nearzi) // for mipmap finding
r_nearzi = lzi0;
// for right edges, all we want is the effect on 1/z
if (r_nearzionly)
r_emitted = 1;
r_ceilv1 = (int) ceil(r_v1);
// create the edge
if (ceilv0 == r_ceilv1)
// we cache unclipped horizontal edges as fully clipped
if (cacheoffset != 0x7FFFFFFF)
cacheoffset = FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED |
(r_framecount & FRAMECOUNT_MASK);
return; // horizontal edge
side = ceilv0 > r_ceilv1;
edge = edge_p++;
edge->owner = r_pedge;
edge->nearzi = lzi0;
if (side == 0)
// trailing edge (go from p1 to p2)
v = ceilv0;
v2 = r_ceilv1 - 1;
edge->surfs[0] = surface_p - surfaces;
edge->surfs[1] = 0;
u_step = ((r_u1 - u0) / (r_v1 - v0));
u = u0 + ((float)v - v0) * u_step;
// leading edge (go from p2 to p1)
v2 = ceilv0 - 1;
v = r_ceilv1;
edge->surfs[0] = 0;
edge->surfs[1] = surface_p - surfaces;
u_step = ((u0 - r_u1) / (v0 - r_v1));
u = r_u1 + ((float)v - r_v1) * u_step;
edge->u_step = u_step*0x100000;
edge->u = u*0x100000 + 0xFFFFF;
// we need to do this to avoid stepping off the edges if a very nearly
// horizontal edge is less than epsilon above a scan, and numeric error causes
// it to incorrectly extend to the scan, and the extension of the line goes off
// the edge of the screen
// FIXME: is this actually needed?
if (edge->u < r_refdef.vrect_x_adj_shift20)
edge->u = r_refdef.vrect_x_adj_shift20;
if (edge->u > r_refdef.vrectright_adj_shift20)
edge->u = r_refdef.vrectright_adj_shift20;
// sort the edge in normally
u_check = edge->u;
if (edge->surfs[0])
u_check++; // sort trailers after leaders
if (!newedges[v] || newedges[v]->u >= u_check)
edge->next = newedges[v];
newedges[v] = edge;
pcheck = newedges[v];
while (pcheck->next && pcheck->next->u < u_check)
pcheck = pcheck->next;
edge->next = pcheck->next;
pcheck->next = edge;
edge->nextremove = removeedges[v2];
removeedges[v2] = edge;
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
#ifdef USE_PQ_OPT2
void R_EmitEdgeFXP_fxp (mvertex_fxp_t *pv0, mvertex_fxp_t *pv1)
//This is just like R_EmitEdge_fxp, except that the vertex parameters are
//already fixed point, and don't need to be converted.
edge_t *edge, *pcheck;
int u_check;
//float u, u_step;
int u_fxp, u_step_fxp;
//vec3_t local, transformed;
int local_fxp[3], transformed_fxp[3];
int *world;
int v, v2, ceilv0;
//float scale, lzi0, u0, v0;
int scale_fxp, scale2_fxp, lzi0_fxp, u0_fxp, v0_fxp;
int side;
if (r_lastvertvalid)
u0_fxp = r_u1_fxp;
v0_fxp = r_v1_fxp;
lzi0_fxp = r_lzi1_fxp;
//lzi0 = r_lzi1;
ceilv0 = r_ceilv1;
world = &pv0->position[0];
// transform and project
//VectorSubtract (world, modelorg, local);
//Vector Subtract (and convert)
//TransformVector (local, transformed);
//transformed_fxp[0] = (int)(local_fxp[0]*vright[0])+(int)(local_fxp[1]*vright[1])+(int)(local_fxp[2]*vright[2]);
//transformed_fxp[1] = (int)(local_fxp[0]*vup[0])+(int)(local_fxp[1]*vup[1])+(int)(local_fxp[2]*vup[2]);
//transformed_fxp[2] = (int)(local_fxp[0]*vpn[0])+(int)(local_fxp[1]*vpn[1])+(int)(local_fxp[2]*vpn[2]);
//13.19 / 24.8 = 21.11
transformed_fxp[0] = local_fxp[0]/vright_fxp[0]+local_fxp[1]/vright_fxp[1]+local_fxp[2]/vright_fxp[2];
transformed_fxp[1] = local_fxp[0]/vup_fxp[0]+local_fxp[1]/vup_fxp[1]+local_fxp[2]/vup_fxp[2];
transformed_fxp[2] = local_fxp[0]/vpn_fxp[0]+local_fxp[1]/vpn_fxp[1]+local_fxp[2]/vpn_fxp[2];
if (transformed_fxp[2] < (int)(NEAR_CLIP*2048.0))
transformed_fxp[2] = (int)(NEAR_CLIP*2048.0);
transformed_fxp[0]/=16; //21.11->25.7
transformed_fxp[1]/=16; //21.11->25.7
transformed_fxp[2]/=8; //21.11->24.8
//lzi0 = (float)(1.0 / transformed[2]);
// FIXME: build x/yscale into transform?
//scale = xscale * lzi0;
//u0 = (xcenter + scale*transformed[0]);
//Dan: Is this needed?
if (!transformed_fxp[2]) scale_fxp=0;
else scale_fxp=xscale_fxp/transformed_fxp[2]; //9.23 / 24.8 = 17.15
scale2_fxp=transformed_fxp[0]*(scale_fxp); // 25.7 * 17.15 = 10.22
if (transformed_fxp[0]<0) {
if (scale2_fxp>0) scale2_fxp=-511*4194304;
} else {
if (scale2_fxp<0) scale2_fxp=511*4194304;
if (u0_fxp < r_refdef_fvrectx_adj_fxp)
u0_fxp = r_refdef_fvrectx_adj_fxp;
if (u0_fxp > r_refdef_fvrectright_adj_fxp)
u0_fxp = r_refdef_fvrectright_adj_fxp;
//scale = yscale * lzi0;
//v0 = (ycenter - scale*transformed[1]);
//Dan: Is this needed?
if (!transformed_fxp[2]) scale_fxp=0;
else scale_fxp=yscale_fxp/transformed_fxp[2]; //9.23 / 24.8 = 17.15
scale2_fxp=transformed_fxp[1]*(scale_fxp); // 25.7 * 17.15 = 10.22
if (transformed_fxp[1]<0) {
if (scale2_fxp>0) scale2_fxp=-511*4194304;
} else {
if (scale2_fxp<0) scale2_fxp=511*4194304; //255*8388608;
v0_fxp = ycenter_fxp-scale2_fxp;
if (v0_fxp < r_refdef_fvrecty_adj_fxp)
v0_fxp = r_refdef_fvrecty_adj_fxp;
if (v0_fxp > r_refdef_fvrectbottom_adj_fxp)
v0_fxp = r_refdef_fvrectbottom_adj_fxp;
ceilv0 = v0_fxp/4194304;
if (v0_fxp&0x3FFFFF) ceilv0++;
world = &pv1->position[0];
// transform and project
//VectorSubtract (world, modelorg, local);
//Vector Subtract (and convert)
//TransformVector (local, transformed);
//transformed_fxp[0] = ((int)(local_fxp[0]*vright[0]))+((int)(local_fxp[1]*vright[1]))+((int)(local_fxp[2]*vright[2]));
//transformed_fxp[1] = ((int)(local_fxp[0]*vup[0]))+((int)(local_fxp[1]*vup[1]))+((int)(local_fxp[2]*vup[2]));
//transformed_fxp[2] = ((int)(local_fxp[0]*vpn[0]))+((int)(local_fxp[1]*vpn[1]))+((int)(local_fxp[2]*vpn[2]));
transformed_fxp[0] = local_fxp[0]/vright_fxp[0]+local_fxp[1]/vright_fxp[1]+local_fxp[2]/vright_fxp[2];
transformed_fxp[1] = local_fxp[0]/vup_fxp[0]+local_fxp[1]/vup_fxp[1]+local_fxp[2]/vup_fxp[2];
transformed_fxp[2] = local_fxp[0]/vpn_fxp[0]+local_fxp[1]/vpn_fxp[1]+local_fxp[2]/vpn_fxp[2];
if (transformed_fxp[2] < (int)(NEAR_CLIP*2048.0))
transformed_fxp[2] = (int)(NEAR_CLIP*2048.0);
//r_lzi1 = (float)(1.0 / transformed[2]);
//scale = xscale * r_lzi1;
//Dan: Is this needed?
if (!transformed_fxp[2]) scale_fxp=0;
else scale_fxp=xscale_fxp/transformed_fxp[2]; //9.23 / 24.8 = 17.15
scale2_fxp=transformed_fxp[0]*(scale_fxp); // 24.8 * 17.15 = 9.23 //21.11
if (transformed_fxp[0]<0) {
if (scale2_fxp>0) scale2_fxp=-511*4194304;
} else {
if (scale2_fxp<0) scale2_fxp=511*4194304;
//r_u1 = (xcenter + scale*transformed[0]);
r_u1_fxp = xcenter_fxp + scale2_fxp;
if (r_u1_fxp < r_refdef_fvrectx_adj_fxp)
r_u1_fxp = r_refdef_fvrectx_adj_fxp;
if (r_u1_fxp > r_refdef_fvrectright_adj_fxp)
r_u1_fxp = r_refdef_fvrectright_adj_fxp;
//scale = yscale * r_lzi1;
//r_v1 = (ycenter - scale*transformed[1]);
//Dan: Is this needed?
if (!transformed_fxp[2]) scale_fxp=0;
else scale_fxp=yscale_fxp/transformed_fxp[2]; //9.23 / 24.8 = 17.15
scale2_fxp=transformed_fxp[1]*(scale_fxp); // 23.9 * 17.15 = 9.23 //21.11
if (transformed_fxp[1]<0) {
if (scale2_fxp>0) scale2_fxp=-511*4194304;
} else {
if (scale2_fxp<0) scale2_fxp=511*4194304;
r_v1_fxp = ycenter_fxp - scale2_fxp;
if (r_v1_fxp < r_refdef_fvrecty_adj_fxp)
r_v1_fxp = r_refdef_fvrecty_adj_fxp;
if (r_v1_fxp > r_refdef_fvrectbottom_adj_fxp)
r_v1_fxp = r_refdef_fvrectbottom_adj_fxp;
//if (r_lzi1 > lzi0)
// lzi0 = r_lzi1;
if (r_lzi1_fxp < lzi0_fxp)
lzi0_fxp = r_lzi1_fxp;
//if (lzi0 > r_nearzi) // for mipmap finding
// r_nearzi = lzi0;
if (/*128*/128.0/lzi0_fxp > r_nearzi) { // for mipmap finding
//if (!lzi0_fxp) r_nearzi=0;
r_nearzi = (float)(128.0/lzi0_fxp);
// for right edges, all we want is the effect on 1/z
if (r_nearzionly)
r_emitted = 1;
//r_ceilv1 = (int) ceil(r_v1);
r_ceilv1 = r_v1_fxp/4194304;
if (r_v1_fxp&0x3FFFFF) r_ceilv1++;
// create the edge
if (ceilv0 == r_ceilv1)
// we cache unclipped horizontal edges as fully clipped
if (cacheoffset != 0x7FFFFFFF)
cacheoffset = FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED |
(r_framecount & FRAMECOUNT_MASK);
return; // horizontal edge
side = ceilv0 > r_ceilv1;
edge = edge_p++;
edge->owner = NULL;
edge->owner = r_pedge;
//Dan: Is this needed?
if (!lzi0_fxp) edge->nearzi=0.0;
else edge->nearzi = (float)(128.0f/*256.0*//lzi0_fxp);
if (side == 0)
int tmp;
// trailing edge (go from p1 to p2)
v = ceilv0;
v2 = r_ceilv1 - 1;
edge->surfs[0] = surface_p - surfaces;
edge->surfs[1] = 0;
//u_step = ((r_u1 - u0) / (r_v1 - v0));
//u = u0 + ((float)v - v0) * u_step;
tmp=((r_v1_fxp - v0_fxp)>>10);
if (tmp)
u_step_fxp=(r_u1_fxp - u0_fxp) / tmp; //10.22 / 15.12 = 22.10
u_fxp = u0_fxp + ((v*4194304 - v0_fxp)>>12 * u_step_fxp>>12);
int tmp;
// leading edge (go from p2 to p1)
v2 = ceilv0 - 1;
v = r_ceilv1;
edge->surfs[0] = 0;
edge->surfs[1] = surface_p - surfaces;
//u_step = ((u0 - r_u1) / (v0 - r_v1));
//u = r_u1 + ((float)v - r_v1) * u_step;
tmp=((v0_fxp - r_v1_fxp)>>10);
if (tmp)
u_step_fxp = (u0_fxp - r_u1_fxp) / tmp;
u_fxp = r_u1_fxp + ((v*4194304 - r_v1_fxp)>>12 * u_step_fxp>>12);
//edge->u_step = tmp*0x100000;
//edge->u = (int)(/*(u_fxp/65536)*0x100000*/u_fxp/4 + 0xFFFFF);
edge->u_step = u_step_fxp*1024;///16; //tmp*0x100000;
edge->u = (int)(/*(u_fxp/65536)*0x100000*/u_fxp/4 + 0xFFFFF);
// we need to do this to avoid stepping off the edges if a very nearly
// horizontal edge is less than epsilon above a scan, and numeric error causes
// it to incorrectly extend to the scan, and the extension of the line goes off
// the edge of the screen
// FIXME: is this actually needed?
if (edge->u < r_refdef.vrect_x_adj_shift20)
edge->u = r_refdef.vrect_x_adj_shift20;
if (edge->u > r_refdef.vrectright_adj_shift20)
edge->u = r_refdef.vrectright_adj_shift20;
// sort the edge in normally
u_check = edge->u;
if (edge->surfs[0])
u_check++; // sort trailers after leaders
if (!newedges[v] || newedges[v]->u >= u_check)
edge->next = newedges[v];
newedges[v] = edge;
pcheck = newedges[v];
while (pcheck->next && pcheck->next->u < u_check)
pcheck = pcheck->next;
edge->next = pcheck->next;
pcheck->next = edge;
edge->nextremove = removeedges[v2];
removeedges[v2] = edge;
2019-08-10 00:08:10 +00:00
#ifdef USE_PQ_OPT1
void R_EmitEdge_fxp (mvertex_t *pv0, mvertex_t *pv1)
edge_t *edge, *pcheck;
int u_check;
//float u, u_step;
int u_fxp, u_step_fxp;
//vec3_t local, transformed;
int local_fxp[3], transformed_fxp[3];
float *world;
int v, v2, ceilv0;
//float scale, lzi0, u0, v0;
int scale_fxp, scale2_fxp, lzi0_fxp, u0_fxp, v0_fxp;
int side;
if (r_lastvertvalid)
u0_fxp = r_u1_fxp;
v0_fxp = r_v1_fxp;
lzi0_fxp = r_lzi1_fxp;
//lzi0 = r_lzi1;
ceilv0 = r_ceilv1;
world = &pv0->position[0];
// transform and project
//VectorSubtract (world, modelorg, local);
//Vector Subtract (and convert)
//TransformVector (local, transformed);
//transformed_fxp[0] = (int)(local_fxp[0]*vright[0])+(int)(local_fxp[1]*vright[1])+(int)(local_fxp[2]*vright[2]);
//transformed_fxp[1] = (int)(local_fxp[0]*vup[0])+(int)(local_fxp[1]*vup[1])+(int)(local_fxp[2]*vup[2]);
//transformed_fxp[2] = (int)(local_fxp[0]*vpn[0])+(int)(local_fxp[1]*vpn[1])+(int)(local_fxp[2]*vpn[2]);
transformed_fxp[0] = local_fxp[0]/vright_fxp[0]+local_fxp[1]/vright_fxp[1]+local_fxp[2]/vright_fxp[2];
transformed_fxp[1] = local_fxp[0]/vup_fxp[0]+local_fxp[1]/vup_fxp[1]+local_fxp[2]/vup_fxp[2];
transformed_fxp[2] = local_fxp[0]/vpn_fxp[0]+local_fxp[1]/vpn_fxp[1]+local_fxp[2]/vpn_fxp[2];
if (transformed_fxp[2] < (int)(NEAR_CLIP*1048576.0))
transformed_fxp[2] = (int)(NEAR_CLIP*1048576.0);
//lzi0 = (float)(1.0 / transformed[2]);
// FIXME: build x/yscale into transform?
//scale = xscale * lzi0;
//u0 = (xcenter + scale*transformed[0]);
scale_fxp=xscale_fxp/transformed_fxp[2]; //9.23 / 24.8 = 17.15
scale2_fxp=transformed_fxp[0]*(scale_fxp); // 25.7 * 17.15 = 10.22
if (transformed_fxp[0]<0) {
if (scale2_fxp>0) scale2_fxp=-511*4194304;
} else {
if (scale2_fxp<0) scale2_fxp=511*4194304;
if (u0_fxp < r_refdef_fvrectx_adj_fxp)
u0_fxp = r_refdef_fvrectx_adj_fxp;
if (u0_fxp > r_refdef_fvrectright_adj_fxp)
u0_fxp = r_refdef_fvrectright_adj_fxp;
//scale = yscale * lzi0;
//v0 = (ycenter - scale*transformed[1]);
scale_fxp=yscale_fxp/transformed_fxp[2]; //9.23 / 24.8 = 17.15
scale2_fxp=transformed_fxp[1]*(scale_fxp); // 25.7 * 17.15 = 10.22
if (transformed_fxp[1]<0) {
if (scale2_fxp>0) scale2_fxp=-511*4194304;
} else {
if (scale2_fxp<0) scale2_fxp=511*4194304; //255*8388608;
v0_fxp = ycenter_fxp-scale2_fxp;
if (v0_fxp < r_refdef_fvrecty_adj_fxp)
v0_fxp = r_refdef_fvrecty_adj_fxp;
if (v0_fxp > r_refdef_fvrectbottom_adj_fxp)
v0_fxp = r_refdef_fvrectbottom_adj_fxp;
ceilv0 = v0_fxp/4194304;
if (v0_fxp&0x3FFFFF) ceilv0++;
world = &pv1->position[0];
// transform and project
//VectorSubtract (world, modelorg, local);
//Vector Subtract (and convert)
//TransformVector (local, transformed);
//transformed_fxp[0] = ((int)(local_fxp[0]*vright[0]))+((int)(local_fxp[1]*vright[1]))+((int)(local_fxp[2]*vright[2]));
//transformed_fxp[1] = ((int)(local_fxp[0]*vup[0]))+((int)(local_fxp[1]*vup[1]))+((int)(local_fxp[2]*vup[2]));
//transformed_fxp[2] = ((int)(local_fxp[0]*vpn[0]))+((int)(local_fxp[1]*vpn[1]))+((int)(local_fxp[2]*vpn[2]));
transformed_fxp[0] = local_fxp[0]/vright_fxp[0]+local_fxp[1]/vright_fxp[1]+local_fxp[2]/vright_fxp[2];
transformed_fxp[1] = local_fxp[0]/vup_fxp[0]+local_fxp[1]/vup_fxp[1]+local_fxp[2]/vup_fxp[2];
transformed_fxp[2] = local_fxp[0]/vpn_fxp[0]+local_fxp[1]/vpn_fxp[1]+local_fxp[2]/vpn_fxp[2];
//if (transformed[2] < NEAR_CLIP)
// transformed[2] = (float)NEAR_CLIP;
if (transformed_fxp[2] < (int)(NEAR_CLIP*524288.0))
transformed_fxp[2] = (int)(NEAR_CLIP*524288.0);
//r_lzi1 = (float)(1.0 / transformed[2]);
//scale = xscale * r_lzi1;
scale_fxp=xscale_fxp/transformed_fxp[2]; //9.23 / 24.8 = 17.15
scale2_fxp=transformed_fxp[0]*(scale_fxp); // 24.8 * 17.15 = 9.23 //21.11
if (transformed_fxp[0]<0) {
if (scale2_fxp>0) scale2_fxp=-511*4194304;
} else {
if (scale2_fxp<0) scale2_fxp=511*4194304;
//r_u1 = (xcenter + scale*transformed[0]);
r_u1_fxp = xcenter_fxp + scale2_fxp;
if (r_u1_fxp < r_refdef_fvrectx_adj_fxp)
r_u1_fxp = r_refdef_fvrectx_adj_fxp;
if (r_u1_fxp > r_refdef_fvrectright_adj_fxp)
r_u1_fxp = r_refdef_fvrectright_adj_fxp;
//scale = yscale * r_lzi1;
//r_v1 = (ycenter - scale*transformed[1]);
scale_fxp=yscale_fxp/transformed_fxp[2]; //9.23 / 24.8 = 17.15
scale2_fxp=transformed_fxp[1]*(scale_fxp); // 23.9 * 17.15 = 9.23 //21.11
if (transformed_fxp[1]<0) {
if (scale2_fxp>0) scale2_fxp=-511*4194304;
} else {
if (scale2_fxp<0) scale2_fxp=511*4194304;
r_v1_fxp = ycenter_fxp - scale2_fxp;
if (r_v1_fxp < r_refdef_fvrecty_adj_fxp)
r_v1_fxp = r_refdef_fvrecty_adj_fxp;
if (r_v1_fxp > r_refdef_fvrectbottom_adj_fxp)
r_v1_fxp = r_refdef_fvrectbottom_adj_fxp;
//if (r_lzi1 > lzi0)
// lzi0 = r_lzi1;
if (r_lzi1_fxp < lzi0_fxp)
lzi0_fxp = r_lzi1_fxp;
//if (lzi0 > r_nearzi) // for mipmap finding
// r_nearzi = lzi0;
if (128.0/lzi0_fxp > r_nearzi) { // for mipmap finding
//if (!lzi0_fxp) r_nearzi=0;
r_nearzi = (float)(128.0/lzi0_fxp);
// for right edges, all we want is the effect on 1/z
if (r_nearzionly)
r_emitted = 1;
//r_ceilv1 = (int) ceil(r_v1);
r_ceilv1 = r_v1_fxp/4194304;
if (r_v1_fxp&0x3FFFFF) r_ceilv1++;
// create the edge
if (ceilv0 == r_ceilv1)
// we cache unclipped horizontal edges as fully clipped
if (cacheoffset != 0x7FFFFFFF)
cacheoffset = FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED |
(r_framecount & FRAMECOUNT_MASK);
return; // horizontal edge
side = ceilv0 > r_ceilv1;
edge = edge_p++;
edge->owner = NULL;
edge->owner = r_pedge;
edge->nearzi = (float)(128.0/lzi0_fxp);
//float tmp;
if (side == 0)
//int tmp;
// trailing edge (go from p1 to p2)
v = ceilv0;
v2 = r_ceilv1 - 1;
edge->surfs[0] = surface_p - surfaces;
edge->surfs[1] = 0;
//u_step = ((r_u1 - u0) / (r_v1 - v0));
//u = u0 + ((float)v - v0) * u_step;
u_step_fxp=(r_u1_fxp - u0_fxp) / ((r_v1_fxp - v0_fxp)>>10); //10.22 / 15.12 = 22.10
u_fxp = u0_fxp + ((v*4194304 - v0_fxp)>>12 * u_step_fxp>>12);
//tmp=(((r_u1_fxp - u0_fxp)/8388608.0) / ((r_v1_fxp - v0_fxp)/8388608.0));
//u_fxp = u0_fxp + (((float)v - v0_fxp/8388608.0) * tmp)*8388608.0;
//int tmp;
// leading edge (go from p2 to p1)
v2 = ceilv0 - 1;
v = r_ceilv1;
edge->surfs[0] = 0;
edge->surfs[1] = surface_p - surfaces;
//u_step = ((u0 - r_u1) / (v0 - r_v1));
//u = r_u1 + ((float)v - r_v1) * u_step;
u_step_fxp = (u0_fxp - r_u1_fxp) / ((v0_fxp - r_v1_fxp)>>10);
u_fxp = r_u1_fxp + ((v*4194304 - r_v1_fxp)>>12 * u_step_fxp>>12);
//tmp=(((u0_fxp - r_u1_fxp)/8388608.0) / ((v0_fxp - r_v1_fxp)/8388608.0));
//u_step_fxp = (int)(tmp*8388608.0);
//u_fxp = r_u1_fxp + (((float)v - r_v1_fxp/8388608.0) * tmp)*8388608.0;
//edge->u_step = tmp*0x100000;
//edge->u = (int)(/*(u_fxp/65536)*0x100000*/u_fxp/4 + 0xFFFFF);
edge->u_step = u_step_fxp*1024;///16; //tmp*0x100000;
edge->u = (int)(/*(u_fxp/65536)*0x100000*/u_fxp/4 + 0xFFFFF);
// we need to do this to avoid stepping off the edges if a very nearly
// horizontal edge is less than epsilon above a scan, and numeric error causes
// it to incorrectly extend to the scan, and the extension of the line goes off
// the edge of the screen
// FIXME: is this actually needed?
if (edge->u < r_refdef.vrect_x_adj_shift20)
edge->u = r_refdef.vrect_x_adj_shift20;
if (edge->u > r_refdef.vrectright_adj_shift20)
edge->u = r_refdef.vrectright_adj_shift20;
// sort the edge in normally
u_check = edge->u;
if (edge->surfs[0])
u_check++; // sort trailers after leaders
if (!newedges[v] || newedges[v]->u >= u_check)
edge->next = newedges[v];
newedges[v] = edge;
pcheck = newedges[v];
while (pcheck->next && pcheck->next->u < u_check)
pcheck = pcheck->next;
edge->next = pcheck->next;
pcheck->next = edge;
edge->nextremove = removeedges[v2];
removeedges[v2] = edge;
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
#ifdef USE_PQ_OPT2
void R_ClipEdge_fxp (mvertex_fxp_t pv0[3], mvertex_fxp_t pv1[3], clipplane_fxp_t *clip)
int d0_fxp, d1_fxp, f_fxp;
mvertex_fxp_t clipvert_fxp;
if (clip)
//13.19 / 20.12 = 25.7
//d0 = DotProduct (pv0->position, clip->normal) - clip->dist;
//d1 = DotProduct (pv1->position, clip->normal) - clip->dist;
if (d0_fxp >= 0)
// point 0 is unclipped
if (d1_fxp >= 0)
// both points are unclipped
// only point 1 is clipped
// we don't cache clipped edges
cacheoffset = 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (!(d0_fxp))
else {
f_fxp = (((d0_fxp - d1_fxp)<<7)/(d0_fxp)); //(25.7->18.14) / 25.7 = 25.7
if (!f_fxp) f_fxp=2<<29;
clipvert_fxp.position[0] = pv0->position[0] +
(((pv1->position[0] - pv0->position[0])/f_fxp)<<7); //13.19 / 25.7 = 20.12
clipvert_fxp.position[1] = pv0->position[1] +
(((pv1->position[1] - pv0->position[1])/f_fxp)<<7);
clipvert_fxp.position[2] = pv0->position[2] +
(((pv1->position[2] - pv0->position[2])/f_fxp)<<7);
if (clip->leftedge)
r_leftclipped = true;
r_leftexit_fxp = clipvert_fxp;
else if (clip->rightedge)
r_rightclipped = true;
r_rightexit_fxp = clipvert_fxp;
R_ClipEdge_fxp (pv0, &clipvert_fxp, clip->next);
// point 0 is clipped
if (d1_fxp < 0)
// both points are clipped
// we do cache fully clipped edges
if (!r_leftclipped)
cacheoffset = FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED |
(r_framecount & FRAMECOUNT_MASK);
// only point 0 is clipped
r_lastvertvalid = false;
// we don't cache partially clipped edges
cacheoffset = 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (!d0_fxp)
else {
f_fxp = (((d0_fxp - d1_fxp)<<7)/d0_fxp); //12.20 / 20.12 = 24.8
if (!f_fxp) f_fxp=2<<29;
clipvert_fxp.position[0] = pv0->position[0] +
(((pv1->position[0] - pv0->position[0])/f_fxp)<<7); //12.20 / 24.8 = 20.12
clipvert_fxp.position[1] = pv0->position[1] +
(((pv1->position[1] - pv0->position[1])/f_fxp)<<7);
clipvert_fxp.position[2] = pv0->position[2] +
(((pv1->position[2] - pv0->position[2])/f_fxp)<<7);
if (clip->leftedge)
r_leftclipped = true;
r_leftenter_fxp = clipvert_fxp;
else if (clip->rightedge)
r_rightclipped = true;
r_rightenter_fxp = clipvert_fxp;
R_ClipEdge_fxp (&clipvert_fxp, pv1, clip->next);
} while ((clip = clip->next) != NULL);
mvertex_t p0, p1;
R_EmitEdge (&p0, &p1);
// add the edge
R_EmitEdgeFXP_fxp (pv0, pv1);
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
static inline void R_ClipEdge (mvertex_t *pv0, mvertex_t *pv1, clipplane_t *clip)
float d0, d1, f;
mvertex_t clipvert;
if (clip)
d0 = DotProduct (pv0->position, clip->normal) - clip->dist;
d1 = DotProduct (pv1->position, clip->normal) - clip->dist;
if (d0 >= 0)
// point 0 is unclipped
if (d1 >= 0)
// both points are unclipped
// only point 1 is clipped
// we don't cache clipped edges
cacheoffset = 0x7FFFFFFF;
f = d0 / (d0 - d1);
clipvert.position[0] = pv0->position[0] +
f * (pv1->position[0] - pv0->position[0]);
clipvert.position[1] = pv0->position[1] +
f * (pv1->position[1] - pv0->position[1]);
clipvert.position[2] = pv0->position[2] +
f * (pv1->position[2] - pv0->position[2]);
if (clip->leftedge)
r_leftclipped = true;
r_leftexit = clipvert;
else if (clip->rightedge)
r_rightclipped = true;
r_rightexit = clipvert;
R_ClipEdge (pv0, &clipvert, clip->next);
// point 0 is clipped
if (d1 < 0)
// both points are clipped
// we do cache fully clipped edges
if (!r_leftclipped)
cacheoffset = FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED |
(r_framecount & FRAMECOUNT_MASK);
// only point 0 is clipped
r_lastvertvalid = false;
// we don't cache partially clipped edges
cacheoffset = 0x7FFFFFFF;
f = d0 / (d0 - d1);
clipvert.position[0] = pv0->position[0] +
f * (pv1->position[0] - pv0->position[0]);
clipvert.position[1] = pv0->position[1] +
f * (pv1->position[1] - pv0->position[1]);
clipvert.position[2] = pv0->position[2] +
f * (pv1->position[2] - pv0->position[2]);
if (clip->leftedge)
r_leftclipped = true;
r_leftenter = clipvert;
else if (clip->rightedge)
r_rightclipped = true;
r_rightenter = clipvert;
R_ClipEdge (&clipvert, pv1, clip->next);
} while ((clip = clip->next) != NULL);
// add the edge
2019-08-10 00:08:10 +00:00
#ifndef USE_PQ_OPT1
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
R_EmitEdge (pv0, pv1);
2019-08-10 00:08:10 +00:00
R_EmitEdge_fxp (pv0, pv1);
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
#endif // !id386
void R_EmitCachedEdge (void)
edge_t *pedge_t;
pedge_t = (edge_t *)((unsigned long)r_edges + r_pedge->cachededgeoffset);
if (!pedge_t->surfs[0])
pedge_t->surfs[0] = surface_p - surfaces;
pedge_t->surfs[1] = surface_p - surfaces;
if (pedge_t->nearzi > r_nearzi) // for mipmap finding
r_nearzi = pedge_t->nearzi;
r_emitted = 1;
void R_RenderFace (msurface_t *fa, int clipflags)
int i, lindex;
unsigned mask;
mplane_t *pplane;
float distinv;
vec3_t p_normal;
medge_t *pedges, tedge;
clipplane_t *pclip;
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
#ifdef USE_PQ_OPT2
clipplane_fxp_t *pclip_fxp;
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
// skip out if no more surfs
if ((surface_p) >= surf_max)
// ditto if not enough edges left, or switch to auxedges if possible
if ((edge_p + fa->numedges + 4) >= edge_max)
r_outofedges += fa->numedges;
// set up clip planes
pclip = NULL;
for (i=3, mask = 0x08 ; i>=0 ; i--, mask >>= 1)
if (clipflags & mask)
view_clipplanes[i].next = pclip;
pclip = &view_clipplanes[i];
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
#ifdef USE_PQ_OPT2
pclip_fxp = NULL;
for (i=3, mask = 0x08 ; i>=0 ; i--, mask >>= 1)
if (clipflags & mask)
view_clipplanes_fxp[i].next = pclip_fxp;
pclip_fxp = &view_clipplanes_fxp[i];
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
// push the edges through
r_emitted = 0;
r_nearzi = 0;
r_nearzionly = false;
makeleftedge = makerightedge = false;
pedges = currententity->model->edges;
r_lastvertvalid = false;
for (i=0 ; i<fa->numedges ; i++)
lindex = currententity->model->surfedges[fa->firstedge + i];
if (lindex > 0)
r_pedge = &pedges[lindex];
// if the edge is cached, we can just reuse the edge
if (!insubmodel)
if (r_pedge->cachededgeoffset & FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED)
if ((r_pedge->cachededgeoffset & FRAMECOUNT_MASK) ==
r_lastvertvalid = false;
if ((((unsigned long)edge_p - (unsigned long)r_edges) >
r_pedge->cachededgeoffset) &&
(((edge_t *)((unsigned long)r_edges +
r_pedge->cachededgeoffset))->owner == r_pedge))
R_EmitCachedEdge ();
r_lastvertvalid = false;
// assume it's cacheable
cacheoffset = (byte *)edge_p - (byte *)r_edges;
r_leftclipped = r_rightclipped = false;
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
#ifndef USE_PQ_OPT2
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
R_ClipEdge (&r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[0]],
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
R_ClipEdge_fxp (&r_pcurrentvertbase_fxp[r_pedge->v[0]],
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
r_pedge->cachededgeoffset = cacheoffset;
if (r_leftclipped)
makeleftedge = true;
if (r_rightclipped)
makerightedge = true;
r_lastvertvalid = true;
lindex = -lindex;
r_pedge = &pedges[lindex];
// if the edge is cached, we can just reuse the edge
if (!insubmodel)
if (r_pedge->cachededgeoffset & FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED)
if ((r_pedge->cachededgeoffset & FRAMECOUNT_MASK) ==
r_lastvertvalid = false;
// it's cached if the cached edge is valid and is owned
// by this medge_t
if ((((unsigned long)edge_p - (unsigned long)r_edges) >
r_pedge->cachededgeoffset) &&
(((edge_t *)((unsigned long)r_edges +
r_pedge->cachededgeoffset))->owner == r_pedge))
R_EmitCachedEdge ();
r_lastvertvalid = false;
// assume it's cacheable
cacheoffset = (byte *)edge_p - (byte *)r_edges;
r_leftclipped = r_rightclipped = false;
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
#ifndef USE_PQ_OPT2
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
R_ClipEdge (&r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[1]],
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
R_ClipEdge_fxp (&r_pcurrentvertbase_fxp[r_pedge->v[1]],
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
r_pedge->cachededgeoffset = cacheoffset;
if (r_leftclipped)
makeleftedge = true;
if (r_rightclipped)
makerightedge = true;
r_lastvertvalid = true;
// if there was a clip off the left edge, add that edge too
// FIXME: faster to do in screen space?
// FIXME: share clipped edges?
if (makeleftedge)
r_pedge = &tedge;
r_lastvertvalid = false;
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
#ifndef USE_PQ_OPT2
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
R_ClipEdge (&r_leftexit, &r_leftenter, pclip->next);
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
R_ClipEdge_fxp (&r_leftexit_fxp, &r_leftenter_fxp, pclip_fxp->next);
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
// if there was a clip off the right edge, get the right r_nearzi
if (makerightedge)
r_pedge = &tedge;
r_lastvertvalid = false;
r_nearzionly = true;
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
#ifndef USE_PQ_OPT2
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
R_ClipEdge (&r_rightexit, &r_rightenter, view_clipplanes[1].next);
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
R_ClipEdge_fxp (&r_rightexit_fxp, &r_rightenter_fxp, view_clipplanes_fxp[1].next);
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
// if no edges made it out, return without posting the surface
if (!r_emitted)
surface_p->data = (void *)fa;
surface_p->nearzi = r_nearzi;
surface_p->flags = fa->flags;
surface_p->insubmodel = insubmodel;
surface_p->spanstate = 0;
surface_p->entity = currententity;
surface_p->key = r_currentkey++;
surface_p->spans = NULL;
pplane = fa->plane;
// FIXME: cache this?
TransformVector (pplane->normal, p_normal);
// FIXME: cache this?
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
distinv = (float) 1.0 / (pplane->dist - DotProduct (modelorg, pplane->normal));
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
#ifndef USE_PQ_OPT3
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
surface_p->d_zistepu = p_normal[0] * xscaleinv * distinv;
surface_p->d_zistepv = -p_normal[1] * yscaleinv * distinv;
surface_p->d_ziorigin = p_normal[2] * distinv -
xcenter * surface_p->d_zistepu -
ycenter * surface_p->d_zistepv;
2019-08-10 00:31:24 +00:00
surface_p->d_zistepu_fxp=(int)(p_normal[0] * xscaleinv * distinv*4194304.0f);
surface_p->d_zistepv_fxp=(int)(-p_normal[1] * yscaleinv * distinv*4194304.0f);
surface_p->d_ziorigin_fxp=((int)(p_normal[2] * distinv * 4194304.0f)) -
((int)(xcenter * surface_p->d_zistepu_fxp)) -
((int)(ycenter * surface_p->d_zistepv_fxp));
2018-02-11 20:34:30 +00:00
//JDC VectorCopy (r_worldmodelorg, surface_p->modelorg);
void R_RenderBmodelFace (bedge_t *pedges, msurface_t *psurf)
int i;
unsigned mask;
mplane_t *pplane;
float distinv;
vec3_t p_normal;
medge_t tedge;
clipplane_t *pclip;
// skip out if no more surfs
if (surface_p >= surf_max)
// ditto if not enough edges left, or switch to auxedges if possible
if ((edge_p + psurf->numedges + 4) >= edge_max)
r_outofedges += psurf->numedges;
// this is a dummy to give the caching mechanism someplace to write to
r_pedge = &tedge;
// set up clip planes
pclip = NULL;
for (i=3, mask = 0x08 ; i>=0 ; i--, mask >>= 1)
if (r_clipflags & mask)
view_clipplanes[i].next = pclip;
pclip = &view_clipplanes[i];
// push the edges through
r_emitted = 0;
r_nearzi = 0;
r_nearzionly = false;
makeleftedge = makerightedge = false;
// FIXME: keep clipped bmodel edges in clockwise order so last vertex caching
// can be used?
r_lastvertvalid = false;
for ( ; pedges ; pedges = pedges->pnext)
r_leftclipped = r_rightclipped = false;
R_ClipEdge (pedges->v[0], pedges->v[1], pclip);
if (r_leftclipped)
makeleftedge = true;
if (r_rightclipped)
makerightedge = true;
// if there was a clip off the left edge, add that edge too
// FIXME: faster to do in screen space?
// FIXME: share clipped edges?
if (makeleftedge)
r_pedge = &tedge;
R_ClipEdge (&r_leftexit, &r_leftenter, pclip->next);
// if there was a clip off the right edge, get the right r_nearzi
if (makerightedge)
r_pedge = &tedge;
r_nearzionly = true;
R_ClipEdge (&r_rightexit, &r_rightenter, view_clipplanes[1].next);
// if no edges made it out, return without posting the surface
if (!r_emitted)
surface_p->data = (void *)psurf;
surface_p->nearzi = r_nearzi;
surface_p->flags = psurf->flags;
surface_p->insubmodel = true;
surface_p->spanstate = 0;
surface_p->entity = currententity;
surface_p->key = r_currentbkey;
surface_p->spans = NULL;
pplane = psurf->plane;
// FIXME: cache this?
TransformVector (pplane->normal, p_normal);
// FIXME: cache this?
distinv = 1.0 / (pplane->dist - DotProduct (modelorg, pplane->normal));
surface_p->d_zistepu = p_normal[0] * xscaleinv * distinv;
surface_p->d_zistepv = -p_normal[1] * yscaleinv * distinv;
surface_p->d_ziorigin = p_normal[2] * distinv -
xcenter * surface_p->d_zistepu -
ycenter * surface_p->d_zistepv;
//JDC VectorCopy (r_worldmodelorg, surface_p->modelorg);
void R_RenderPoly (msurface_t *fa, int clipflags)
int i, lindex, lnumverts, s_axis, t_axis;
float dist, lastdist, lzi, scale, u, v, frac;
unsigned mask;
vec3_t local, transformed;
clipplane_t *pclip;
medge_t *pedges;
mplane_t *pplane;
mvertex_t verts[2][100]; //FIXME: do real number
polyvert_t pverts[100]; //FIXME: do real number, safely
int vertpage, newverts, newpage, lastvert;
qboolean visible;
// FIXME: clean this up and make it faster
// FIXME: guard against running out of vertices
s_axis = t_axis = 0; // keep compiler happy
// set up clip planes
pclip = NULL;
for (i=3, mask = 0x08 ; i>=0 ; i--, mask >>= 1)
if (clipflags & mask)
view_clipplanes[i].next = pclip;
pclip = &view_clipplanes[i];
// reconstruct the polygon
// FIXME: these should be precalculated and loaded off disk
pedges = currententity->model->edges;
lnumverts = fa->numedges;
vertpage = 0;
for (i=0 ; i<lnumverts ; i++)
lindex = currententity->model->surfedges[fa->firstedge + i];
if (lindex > 0)
r_pedge = &pedges[lindex];
verts[0][i] = r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[0]];
r_pedge = &pedges[-lindex];
verts[0][i] = r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[1]];
// clip the polygon, done if not visible
while (pclip)
lastvert = lnumverts - 1;
lastdist = DotProduct (verts[vertpage][lastvert].position,
pclip->normal) - pclip->dist;
visible = false;
newverts = 0;
newpage = vertpage ^ 1;
for (i=0 ; i<lnumverts ; i++)
dist = DotProduct (verts[vertpage][i].position, pclip->normal) -
if ((lastdist > 0) != (dist > 0))
frac = dist / (dist - lastdist);
verts[newpage][newverts].position[0] =
verts[vertpage][i].position[0] +
((verts[vertpage][lastvert].position[0] -
verts[vertpage][i].position[0]) * frac);
verts[newpage][newverts].position[1] =
verts[vertpage][i].position[1] +
((verts[vertpage][lastvert].position[1] -
verts[vertpage][i].position[1]) * frac);
verts[newpage][newverts].position[2] =
verts[vertpage][i].position[2] +
((verts[vertpage][lastvert].position[2] -
verts[vertpage][i].position[2]) * frac);
if (dist >= 0)
verts[newpage][newverts] = verts[vertpage][i];
visible = true;
lastvert = i;
lastdist = dist;
if (!visible || (newverts < 3))
lnumverts = newverts;
vertpage ^= 1;
pclip = pclip->next;
// transform and project, remembering the z values at the vertices and
// r_nearzi, and extract the s and t coordinates at the vertices
pplane = fa->plane;
switch (pplane->type)
case PLANE_X:
s_axis = 1;
t_axis = 2;
case PLANE_Y:
s_axis = 0;
t_axis = 2;
case PLANE_Z:
s_axis = 0;
t_axis = 1;
r_nearzi = 0;
for (i=0 ; i<lnumverts ; i++)
// transform and project
VectorSubtract (verts[vertpage][i].position, modelorg, local);
TransformVector (local, transformed);
if (transformed[2] < NEAR_CLIP)
transformed[2] = NEAR_CLIP;
lzi = 1.0 / transformed[2];
if (lzi > r_nearzi) // for mipmap finding
r_nearzi = lzi;
// FIXME: build x/yscale into transform?
scale = xscale * lzi;
u = (xcenter + scale*transformed[0]);
if (u < r_refdef.fvrectx_adj)
u = r_refdef.fvrectx_adj;
if (u > r_refdef.fvrectright_adj)
u = r_refdef.fvrectright_adj;
scale = yscale * lzi;
v = (ycenter - scale*transformed[1]);
if (v < r_refdef.fvrecty_adj)
v = r_refdef.fvrecty_adj;
if (v > r_refdef.fvrectbottom_adj)
v = r_refdef.fvrectbottom_adj;
pverts[i].u = u;
pverts[i].v = v;
pverts[i].zi = lzi;
pverts[i].s = verts[vertpage][i].position[s_axis];
pverts[i].t = verts[vertpage][i].position[t_axis];
// build the polygon descriptor, including fa, r_nearzi, and u, v, s, t, and z
// for each vertex
r_polydesc.numverts = lnumverts;
r_polydesc.nearzi = r_nearzi;
r_polydesc.pcurrentface = fa;
r_polydesc.pverts = pverts;
// draw the polygon
D_DrawPoly ();
void R_ZDrawSubmodelPolys (model_t *pmodel)
int i, numsurfaces;
msurface_t *psurf;
float dot;
mplane_t *pplane;
psurf = &pmodel->surfaces[pmodel->firstmodelsurface];
numsurfaces = pmodel->nummodelsurfaces;
for (i=0 ; i<numsurfaces ; i++, psurf++)
// find which side of the node we are on
pplane = psurf->plane;
dot = DotProduct (modelorg, pplane->normal) - pplane->dist;
// draw the polygon
if (((psurf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) && (dot < -BACKFACE_EPSILON)) ||
(!(psurf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) && (dot > BACKFACE_EPSILON)))
// FIXME: use bounding-box-based frustum clipping info?
R_RenderPoly (psurf, 15);