steamcompmgr: Make out of screenshot images not fatal

This shouldn't crash...
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Ashton 2023-11-07 16:19:48 +00:00
parent 1d468679da
commit 10d28b9cb3

View file

@ -2824,114 +2824,121 @@ paint_all(bool async)
std::shared_ptr<CVulkanTexture> pScreenshotTexture = vulkan_acquire_screenshot_texture(g_nOutputWidth, g_nOutputHeight, false, drmCaptureFormat);
assert( pScreenshotTexture != nullptr );
// Basically no color mgmt applied for screenshots. (aside from being able to handle HDR content with LUTs)
for ( uint32_t nInputEOTF = 0; nInputEOTF < EOTF_Count; nInputEOTF++ )
if ( pScreenshotTexture )
frameInfo.lut3D[nInputEOTF] = g_ScreenshotColorMgmtLuts[nInputEOTF].vk_lut3d;
frameInfo.shaperLut[nInputEOTF] = g_ScreenshotColorMgmtLuts[nInputEOTF].vk_lut1d;
// Remove everything but base planes from the screenshot.
for (int i = 0; i < frameInfo.layerCount; i++)
if (frameInfo.layers[i].zpos >= (int)g_zposExternalOverlay)
// Basically no color mgmt applied for screenshots. (aside from being able to handle HDR content with LUTs)
for ( uint32_t nInputEOTF = 0; nInputEOTF < EOTF_Count; nInputEOTF++ )
frameInfo.layerCount = i;
frameInfo.lut3D[nInputEOTF] = g_ScreenshotColorMgmtLuts[nInputEOTF].vk_lut3d;
frameInfo.shaperLut[nInputEOTF] = g_ScreenshotColorMgmtLuts[nInputEOTF].vk_lut1d;
bool bResult = vulkan_screenshot( &frameInfo, pScreenshotTexture );
if ( bResult != true )
xwm_log.errorf("vulkan_screenshot failed");
std::thread screenshotThread = std::thread([=] {
pthread_setname_np( pthread_self(), "gamescope-scrsh" );
const uint8_t *mappedData = pScreenshotTexture->mappedData();
if (pScreenshotTexture->format() == VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM)
// Remove everything but base planes from the screenshot.
for (int i = 0; i < frameInfo.layerCount; i++)
// Make our own copy of the image to remove the alpha channel.
auto imageData = std::vector<uint8_t>(currentOutputWidth * currentOutputHeight * 4);
const uint32_t comp = 4;
const uint32_t pitch = currentOutputWidth * comp;
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < currentOutputHeight; y++)
if (frameInfo.layers[i].zpos >= (int)g_zposExternalOverlay)
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < currentOutputWidth; x++)
frameInfo.layerCount = i;
bool bResult = vulkan_screenshot( &frameInfo, pScreenshotTexture );
if ( bResult != true )
xwm_log.errorf("vulkan_screenshot failed");
std::thread screenshotThread = std::thread([=] {
pthread_setname_np( pthread_self(), "gamescope-scrsh" );
const uint8_t *mappedData = pScreenshotTexture->mappedData();
if (pScreenshotTexture->format() == VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM)
// Make our own copy of the image to remove the alpha channel.
auto imageData = std::vector<uint8_t>(currentOutputWidth * currentOutputHeight * 4);
const uint32_t comp = 4;
const uint32_t pitch = currentOutputWidth * comp;
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < currentOutputHeight; y++)
// BGR...
imageData[y * pitch + x * comp + 0] = mappedData[y * pScreenshotTexture->rowPitch() + x * comp + 2];
imageData[y * pitch + x * comp + 1] = mappedData[y * pScreenshotTexture->rowPitch() + x * comp + 1];
imageData[y * pitch + x * comp + 2] = mappedData[y * pScreenshotTexture->rowPitch() + x * comp + 0];
imageData[y * pitch + x * comp + 3] = 255;
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < currentOutputWidth; x++)
// BGR...
imageData[y * pitch + x * comp + 0] = mappedData[y * pScreenshotTexture->rowPitch() + x * comp + 2];
imageData[y * pitch + x * comp + 1] = mappedData[y * pScreenshotTexture->rowPitch() + x * comp + 1];
imageData[y * pitch + x * comp + 2] = mappedData[y * pScreenshotTexture->rowPitch() + x * comp + 0];
imageData[y * pitch + x * comp + 3] = 255;
char pTimeBuffer[1024] = "/tmp/gamescope.png";
char pTimeBuffer[1024] = "/tmp/gamescope.png";
if ( !propertyRequestedScreenshot )
time_t currentTime = time(0);
struct tm *localTime = localtime( &currentTime );
strftime( pTimeBuffer, sizeof( pTimeBuffer ), "/tmp/gamescope_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.png", localTime );
if ( !propertyRequestedScreenshot )
time_t currentTime = time(0);
struct tm *localTime = localtime( &currentTime );
strftime( pTimeBuffer, sizeof( pTimeBuffer ), "/tmp/gamescope_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.png", localTime );
if ( stbi_write_png(pTimeBuffer, currentOutputWidth, currentOutputHeight, 4,, pitch) )
xwm_log.infof("Screenshot saved to %s", pTimeBuffer);
xwm_log.errorf( "Failed to save screenshot to %s", pTimeBuffer );
else if (pScreenshotTexture->format() == VK_FORMAT_G8_B8R8_2PLANE_420_UNORM)
char pTimeBuffer[1024] = "/tmp/gamescope.raw";
if ( !propertyRequestedScreenshot )
time_t currentTime = time(0);
struct tm *localTime = localtime( &currentTime );
strftime( pTimeBuffer, sizeof( pTimeBuffer ), "/tmp/gamescope_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.raw", localTime );
FILE *file = fopen(pTimeBuffer, "wb");
if (file)
fwrite(mappedData, 1, pScreenshotTexture->totalSize(), file );
char cmd[4096];
sprintf(cmd, "ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pixel_format nv12 -video_size %dx%d -i %s %s_encoded.png", pScreenshotTexture->width(), pScreenshotTexture->height(), pTimeBuffer, pTimeBuffer);
int ret = system(cmd);
/* Above call may fail, ffmpeg returns 0 on success */
if (ret) {
xwm_log.infof("Ffmpeg call return status %i", ret);
xwm_log.errorf( "Failed to save screenshot to %s", pTimeBuffer );
} else {
if ( stbi_write_png(pTimeBuffer, currentOutputWidth, currentOutputHeight, 4,, pitch) )
xwm_log.infof("Screenshot saved to %s", pTimeBuffer);
xwm_log.errorf( "Failed to save screenshot to %s", pTimeBuffer );
else if (pScreenshotTexture->format() == VK_FORMAT_G8_B8R8_2PLANE_420_UNORM)
xwm_log.errorf( "Failed to save screenshot to %s", pTimeBuffer );
char pTimeBuffer[1024] = "/tmp/gamescope.raw";
if ( !propertyRequestedScreenshot )
time_t currentTime = time(0);
struct tm *localTime = localtime( &currentTime );
strftime( pTimeBuffer, sizeof( pTimeBuffer ), "/tmp/gamescope_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.raw", localTime );
FILE *file = fopen(pTimeBuffer, "wb");
if (file)
fwrite(mappedData, 1, pScreenshotTexture->totalSize(), file );
char cmd[4096];
sprintf(cmd, "ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pixel_format nv12 -video_size %dx%d -i %s %s_encoded.png", pScreenshotTexture->width(), pScreenshotTexture->height(), pTimeBuffer, pTimeBuffer);
int ret = system(cmd);
/* Above call may fail, ffmpeg returns 0 on success */
if (ret) {
xwm_log.infof("Ffmpeg call return status %i", ret);
xwm_log.errorf( "Failed to save screenshot to %s", pTimeBuffer );
} else {
xwm_log.infof("Screenshot saved to %s", pTimeBuffer);
xwm_log.errorf( "Failed to save screenshot to %s", pTimeBuffer );
XDeleteProperty( root_ctx->dpy, root_ctx->root, root_ctx->atoms.gamescopeScreenShotAtom );
takeScreenshot = false;
xwm_log.errorf( "Oh no, we ran out of screenshot images. Not actually writing a screenshot." );
XDeleteProperty( root_ctx->dpy, root_ctx->root, root_ctx->atoms.gamescopeScreenShotAtom );
takeScreenshot = false;
takeScreenshot = false;
gpuvis_trace_end_ctx_printf( paintID, "paint_all" );