Merge remote-tracking branch 'weblate/main'

This commit is contained in:
Dessalines 2021-03-01 10:52:55 -05:00
commit c601099416
8 changed files with 104 additions and 21 deletions

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"post": "Publicar",
"post": "publicar",
"remove_post": "Suprimir publicació",
"no_posts": "No hi han publicacions.",
"create_a_post": "Crear una publicació",
@ -257,5 +257,47 @@
"upload_icon": "Puja icona",
"leave_mod_team": "deixar l'equip de moderadors",
"display_name": "Nom a mostrar",
"active": "Actiu"
"active": "Actiu",
"top_week": "El millor de la setmana",
"top_month": "El millor del mes",
"top_year": "El millor de l'any",
"top_all": "El millor de tots els temps",
"join_lemmy": "Uneix-te a Lemmy",
"active_in_the_last": "activitat en l'últim",
"most_comments": "Més comentaris",
"day": "dia",
"week": "setmana",
"number_of_months": "{{count}} mes",
"number_of_months_plural": "{{count}} mesos",
"couldnt_find_parent_comment": "No s'ha pogut trobar el comentari principal.",
"parent_comment_not_in_post": "El comentari principal pertany a un altre publicació.",
"allowed_instances": "Instàncies permeses",
"blocked_instances": "Instàncies bloquejades",
"report_too_long": "Informe massa llarg.",
"couldnt_create_report": "No s'ha pogut crear l'informe.",
"couldnt_resolve_report": "No s'ha pogut resoldre l'informe.",
"new_comments": "Comentaris nous",
"support_lemmy": "Dóna suport a Lemmy",
"cake_day_info": "Avui és el Lemmy-versari de {{ creator_name }}!",
"report_reason_required": "Motiu de l'informe necessari.",
"expand": "Expandir",
"collapse": "Replegar",
"captcha": "Captcha",
"invalid_password": "Contrasenya no vàlida. La contrasenya ha de tenir <= 60 caràcters.",
"strikethrough": "ratllat",
"spoiler": "espòiler",
"must_login": "Has d'<1>iniciar sessió o registrar-te</1> per a comentar.",
"no_password_reset": "No podràs restablir la contrasenya sense un correu electrònic.",
"captcha_incorrect": "Captcha incorrecte.",
"enter_code": "Introdueix el codi",
"what_is": "Què és",
"cake_day_title": "Lemmy-versari:",
"invalid_post_title": "Títol de la publicació invàlid",
"invalid_url": "URL invàlida.",
"play_captcha_audio": "Reproduïr l'Àudio del Captcha",
"not_a_moderator": "No ets un moderador.",
"bio": "Biografia",
"name_explain": "Nom s'utilitza com l'identificador de la comunitat, no pot ser canviat.",
"display_name_explain": "Nom a mostrar — mostrat com el títol de la pàgina de la comunitat, pot ser canviat.",
"bio_length_overflow": "La biografia d'usuari no pot excedir els 300 caràcters."

View file

@ -268,8 +268,8 @@
"enter_code": "Εισαγωγή κωδικού",
"play_captcha_audio": "Αναπαραγωγή ηχητικού captcha",
"bio": "Βιογραφικό",
"instances": "Περιπτώσεις (instances)",
"linked_instances": "Συνδεδεμένες περιπτώσεις (instances)",
"instances": "Διακομιστές",
"linked_instances": "Συνδεδεμένοι διακομιστές",
"none_found": "Δεν βρέθηκε τίποτα.",
"remove_posts_comments": "Αφαίρεση δημοσιεύσεων και σχολίων",
"leave_mod_team": "αποχώρηση από την ομάδα συντονιστών",
@ -294,5 +294,9 @@
"couldnt_find_parent_comment": "Δεν μπόρεσε να βρεθεί το σχόλιο γονέας.",
"parent_comment_not_in_post": "Το σχόλιο γονέας ανήκει σε άλλη δημοσίευση.",
"allowed_instances": "Επιτρεπόμενοι διακομιστές",
"blocked_instances": "Αποκλεισμένοι διακομιστές"
"blocked_instances": "Αποκλεισμένοι διακομιστές",
"new_comments": "Νέα σχόλια",
"expand": "Επέκταση",
"collapse": "Σμίκρυνση",
"captcha": "Captcha"

View file

@ -281,5 +281,23 @@
"enter_code": "Enigu kodon",
"report_reason_required": "Necesas kialo de raporto.",
"report_too_long": "Raporto estas tro longa.",
"couldnt_resolve_report": "Ne povis trakti raporton."
"couldnt_resolve_report": "Ne povis trakti raporton.",
"top_week": "Supraj semajnaj",
"top_month": "Supraj monataj",
"top_year": "Supraj jaraj",
"top_all": "Supraj ĉiamaj",
"active_in_the_last": "aktiva ĝis antaŭ",
"most_comments": "Plej komentitaj",
"day": "tago",
"week": "semajno",
"number_of_months": "{{count}} monato",
"number_of_months_plural": "{{count}} monatoj",
"couldnt_find_parent_comment": "Ne povis trovi patran komenton.",
"parent_comment_not_in_post": "La patra komento apartenas al alia afiŝo.",
"allowed_instances": "Permesitaj nodoj",
"blocked_instances": "Blokitaj nodoj",
"captcha": "Kontrolo de homeco",
"new_comments": "Nove komentitaj",
"expand": "Etendi",
"collapse": "Maletendi"

View file

@ -295,5 +295,9 @@
"month": "mes",
"allowed_instances": "Instancias permitidas",
"blocked_instances": "Instancias bloqueadas",
"couldnt_find_parent_comment": "No se pudo encontrar el comentario principal."
"couldnt_find_parent_comment": "No se pudo encontrar el comentario principal.",
"new_comments": "Nuevos comentarios",
"expand": "Expandir",
"collapse": "Colapsar",
"captcha": "Captcha"

View file

@ -295,5 +295,9 @@
"allowed_instances": "Baimendutako instantziak",
"blocked_instances": "Blokeatuta dauden instantziak",
"couldnt_find_parent_comment": "Ezin izan da iruzkin nagusia aurkitu.",
"parent_comment_not_in_post": "Iruzkin nagusia beste bidalketa bati dagokio."
"parent_comment_not_in_post": "Iruzkin nagusia beste bidalketa bati dagokio.",
"captcha": "Captcha",
"collapse": "Kolapsatu",
"expand": "Zabaldu",
"new_comments": "Iruzkin berriak"

View file

@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
"code": "Code",
"joined": "Membre depuis",
"by": "par",
"to": "vers",
"to": "dans",
"from": "de",
"transfer_community": "transférer la communauté",
"transfer_site": "transférer le site",

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"show_nsfw": "민감한 콘텐츠 보기",
"sorting_help": "정렬 도움말",
"appoint_as_mod": "중재자로 임명됨",
"inbox_for": "<1> {{user}} </ 1>의 받은 편지함",
"inbox_for": "<1>{{user}}</1>의 받은 편지함",
"private_message_disclaimer": "경고 : 개인 메시지는 완전하지 않습니다. 더 안전한 메시징을 위해 <1> </1>을 사용해보세요.",
"subscribe_to_communities": "관심있는 <1> 커뮤니티</1>를 구독하세요.",
"leave_mod_team": "중재자 팀에서 탈퇴",
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"cross_post": "퍼가기",
"cross_posted_to": "퍼온글: ",
"comments": "덧글",
"number_of_comments": "덧 수 {{count}}",
"number_of_comments": "덧글수 {{count}}",
"remove_comment": "덧글 삭제",
"remove_posts_comments": "게시글과 덧글 삭제",
"communities": "커뮤니티",
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"select_a_community": "커뮤니티 선택",
"create_community": "커뮤니티 만들기",
"remove_community": "커뮤니티 삭제",
"number_of_posts": "게시물 수 {{count}}",
"number_of_posts": "게시물 수 {{count}}",
"trending_communities": "인기있는 <1>커뮤니티</1>",
"list_of_communities": "커뮤니티 목록",
"number_of_communities": "커뮤니티 {{count}}",
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
"sticky": "스티키",
"link": "링크",
"archive_link": "링크 아카이브",
"bold": "두껍게",
"bold": "게",
"italic": "기울임",
"header": "본문제목",
"quote": "인용",
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
"recent_comments": "최근 덧글",
"modified": "수정됨",
"code": "코드",
"to": ">>",
"to": "to",
"transfer_community": "커뮤니티 양도",
"by": "작성",
"joined": "가입",
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
"not_logged_in": "로그인하지 않았습니다.",
"bio_length_overflow": "자기 소개는 300자를 초과 할 수 없습니다.",
"logged_in": "로그인.",
"must_login": "덧글을 달려면 <1> 로그인하거나 가입 </ 1>해야합니다.",
"must_login": "덧글을 달려면 <1> 로그인하거나 가입 </1>해야합니다.",
"site_saved": "즐겨찾기에 저장되었습니다.",
"couldnt_create_comment": "덧글을 작성할 수 없습니다.",
"couldnt_like_comment": "덧글에 좋아요 표시를 할 수 없습니다.",
@ -285,5 +285,9 @@
"report_reason_required": "사유를 제출해야합니다.",
"report_too_long": "보고 글이 너무 길어요.",
"couldnt_create_report": "보고서를 생성할 수 없습니다.",
"couldnt_resolve_report": "보고서를 해결할 수 없습니다."
"couldnt_resolve_report": "보고서를 해결할 수 없습니다.",
"new_comments": "새 덧글",
"expand": "자세히",
"collapse": "간략히",
"captcha": "Captcha"

View file

@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
"create_post": "Plaats post",
"number_of_posts": "{{count}} post",
"number_of_posts_plural": "{{count}} posts",
"posts": "posts",
"posts": "Posts",
"related_posts": "Deze posts kunnen gerelateerd zijn",
"cross_posts": "Deze link is ook geplaatst in:",
"cross_post": "cross-post",
"comments": "Reacties",
"number_of_comments": "{{count}} reactie",
"number_of_comments_plural": "{{count}} reacties",
"remove_comment": "Verwijder reactie",
"communities": "Communities",
"remove_comment": "Verwijder eactie",
"communities": "Gemeenschappen",
"users": "Gebruikers",
"create_a_community": "Maak een community",
"create_community": "Maak community",
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"reply": "reageer",
"cancel": "Annuleer",
"unlock": "ontsluiten",
"lock": "sluiten",
"lock": "vergrendelen",
"link": "link",
"mod": "moderator",
"mods": "moderators",
@ -239,5 +239,12 @@
"click_to_delete_picture": "Klik om de afbeelding te verwijderen.",
"select_a_community": "Kies een community",
"invalid_username": "Ongeldige gebruikersnaam.",
"remove_posts_comments": "Posts en reacties verwijderen"
"remove_posts_comments": "Posts en reacties verwijderen",
"bold": "Vetgedrukt",
"italic": "schuingedrukt",
"subscript": "subscrip",
"superscript": "superscrip",
"upload_banner": "Banner uploaden",
"upload_icon": "Upload",
"strikethrough": "doorgestreept"