Sean Bartell cadb3627fc Add rbcodecplatform.h and rbcodecconfig.h.
librbcodec users must provide these two files when the library is built.
rbcodecconfig.h provides configuration #defines and basic types, and
will be included by public librbcodec headers, so it must not conflict
with the user's code. rbcodecplatform.h provides various OS functions,
and will only be included by source files and private headers. This
system is intended to provide maximum flexibility for use on embedded
systems, where no operating system headers are included. Unix systems
can just copy rbcodecconfig-example.h and rbcodecplatform-unix.h with
minimal changes.

Change-Id: I350a2274d173da391fd1ca00c4202e9760d91def
Reviewed-by: Nils Wallménius <>
Tested-by: Nils Wallménius <>
2012-05-03 14:49:35 +02:00

278 lines
7.4 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "platform.h"
#include "metadata.h"
#include "metadata_common.h"
#include "metadata_parsers.h"
#include "rbunicode.h"
#include "string-extra.h"
/* NOTE: This file was modified to work properly with the new nsf codec based
on Game_Music_Emu */
uint32_t nHeader;
uint8_t nHeaderExtra;
uint8_t nVersion;
uint8_t nTrackCount;
uint8_t nInitialTrack;
uint16_t nLoadAddress;
uint16_t nInitAddress;
uint16_t nPlayAddress;
uint8_t szGameTitle[32];
uint8_t szArtist[32];
uint8_t szCopyright[32];
uint16_t nSpeedNTSC;
uint8_t nBankSwitch[8];
uint16_t nSpeedPAL;
uint8_t nNTSC_PAL;
uint8_t nExtraChip;
uint8_t nExpansion[4];
} __attribute__((packed));
uint16_t nLoadAddress;
uint16_t nInitAddress;
uint16_t nPlayAddress;
uint8_t nIsPal;
uint8_t nExt;
uint8_t nTrackCount;
uint8_t nStartingTrack;
} __attribute__((packed));
#define CHAR4_CONST(a, b, c, d) FOURCC(a, b, c, d)
#define CHUNK_INFO 0x0001
#define CHUNK_DATA 0x0002
#define CHUNK_NEND 0x0004
#define CHUNK_plst 0x0008
#define CHUNK_time 0x0010
#define CHUNK_fade 0x0020
#define CHUNK_tlbl 0x0040
#define CHUNK_auth 0x0080
#define CHUNK_BANK 0x0100
static bool parse_nsfe(int fd, struct mp3entry *id3)
unsigned int chunks_found = 0;
long track_count = 0;
long playlist_count = 0;
struct NSFE_INFOCHUNK info;
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct NSFE_INFOCHUNK));
/* default values */
info.nTrackCount = 1;
id3->length = 150 * 1000;
/* begin reading chunks */
while (!(chunks_found & CHUNK_NEND))
uint32_t chunk_size, chunk_type;
if (read_uint32le(fd, &chunk_size) != (int)sizeof(uint32_t))
return false;
if (read_uint32be(fd, &chunk_type) != (int)sizeof(uint32_t))
return false;
switch (chunk_type)
/* first three types are mandatory (but don't worry about NEND
anyway) */
case CHAR4_CONST('I', 'N', 'F', 'O'):
if (chunks_found & CHUNK_INFO)
return false; /* only one info chunk permitted */
chunks_found |= CHUNK_INFO;
/* minimum size */
if (chunk_size < 8)
return false;
ssize_t size = MIN(sizeof(struct NSFE_INFOCHUNK), chunk_size);
if (read(fd, &info, size) != size)
return false;
if (size >= 9)
track_count = info.nTrackCount;
chunk_size -= size;
case CHAR4_CONST('D', 'A', 'T', 'A'):
if (!(chunks_found & CHUNK_INFO))
return false;
if (chunks_found & CHUNK_DATA)
return false; /* only one may exist */
if (chunk_size < 1)
return false;
chunks_found |= CHUNK_DATA;
case CHAR4_CONST('N', 'E', 'N', 'D'):
/* just end parsing regardless of whether or not this really is the
last chunk/data (but it _should_ be) */
chunks_found |= CHUNK_NEND;
/* remaining types are optional */
case CHAR4_CONST('a', 'u', 't', 'h'):
if (chunks_found & CHUNK_auth)
return false; /* only one may exist */
chunks_found |= CHUNK_auth;
/* szGameTitle, szArtist, szCopyright */
char ** const ar[] = { &id3->title, &id3->artist, &id3->album };
char *p = id3->id3v2buf;
long buf_rem = sizeof (id3->id3v2buf);
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(ar) && chunk_size && buf_rem; i++)
long len = read_string(fd, p, buf_rem, '\0', chunk_size);
if (len < 0)
return false;
*ar[i] = p;
p += len;
buf_rem -= len;
if (chunk_size >= (uint32_t)len)
chunk_size -= len;
chunk_size = 0;
case CHAR4_CONST('p', 'l', 's', 't'):
if (chunks_found & CHUNK_plst)
return false; /* only one may exist */
chunks_found |= CHUNK_plst;
/* each byte is the index of one track */
playlist_count = chunk_size;
case CHAR4_CONST('t', 'i', 'm', 'e'):
case CHAR4_CONST('f', 'a', 'd', 'e'):
case CHAR4_CONST('t', 'l', 'b', 'l'): /* we unfortunately can't use these anyway */
/* don't care how many of these there are even though there should
be only one */
if (!(chunks_found & CHUNK_INFO))
return false;
case CHAR4_CONST('B', 'A', 'N', 'K'):
default: /* unknown chunk */
/* check the first byte */
chunk_type = (uint8_t)chunk_type;
/* chunk is vital... don't continue */
if(chunk_type >= 'A' && chunk_type <= 'Z')
return false;
/* otherwise, just skip it */
} /* end switch */
lseek(fd, chunk_size, SEEK_CUR);
} /* end while */
if (track_count | playlist_count)
id3->length = MAX(track_count, playlist_count)*1000;
/* Single subtrack files will be treated differently
by gme's nsf codec */
if (id3->length <= 1000) id3->length = 150 * 1000;
* if we exited the while loop without a 'return', we must have hit an NEND
* chunk if this is the case, the file was layed out as it was expected.
* now.. make sure we found both an info chunk, AND a data chunk... since
* these are minimum requirements for a valid NSFE file
return (chunks_found & (CHUNK_INFO | CHUNK_DATA)) ==
static bool parse_nesm(int fd, struct mp3entry *id3)
struct NESM_HEADER hdr;
char *p = id3->id3v2buf;
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (read(fd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)) != sizeof(hdr))
return false;
/* Length */
id3->length = (hdr.nTrackCount > 1 ? hdr.nTrackCount : 150) * 1000;
/* Title */
id3->title = p;
p += strlcpy(p, hdr.szGameTitle, 32) + 1;
/* Artist */
id3->artist = p;
p += strlcpy(p, hdr.szArtist, 32) + 1;
/* Copyright (per codec) */
id3->album = p;
strlcpy(p, hdr.szCopyright, 32);
return true;
bool get_nsf_metadata(int fd, struct mp3entry* id3)
uint32_t nsf_type;
if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0 ||
read_uint32be(fd, &nsf_type) != (int)sizeof(nsf_type))
return false;
id3->vbr = false;
id3->filesize = filesize(fd);
/* we only render 16 bits, 44.1KHz, Mono */
id3->bitrate = 706;
id3->frequency = 44100;
if (nsf_type == CHAR4_CONST('N', 'S', 'F', 'E'))
return parse_nsfe(fd, id3);
else if (nsf_type == CHAR4_CONST('N', 'E', 'S', 'M'))
return parse_nesm(fd, id3);
/* not a valid format*/
return false;