William Wilgus 1482a31134 Try # 3 for lua make file
Change-Id: I888612f3339ffcde28602a4e739b08f630de9c28
2018-07-24 07:31:40 +02:00

404 lines
14 KiB

--[[ Lua Image functions
* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
--[[ Exposed Functions
-- Exposed Constants
--[[Other rbimage Functions:
img:_len() or #img -- returns number of pixels in image
img:__tostring([item]) or tostring(img) -- returns data about the image item = 0
is the same as tostring(img) otherwise
item = 1 is the first item in list
item = 7 is the 7th item
item = 8 is the data address in hex
-- See Constants _img.RLI_INFO_....
img:_data(element) -- returns/sets raw pixel data
NOTE!! this data is defined by the target and targets with
different color depth, bit packing, etc will not be
compatible with the same image's data on another target
if not rb.lcd_framebuffer then rb.splash(rb.HZ, "No Support!") return nil end
local _img = {} do
-- internal constants
local _NIL = nil -- _NIL placeholder
local _math = require("math_ex") -- math functions needed
-- returns new image -of- img sized to fit w/h tiling to fit if needed
local function tile(img, w, h)
local hs , ws = img:height(), img:width()
local t_img = rb.new_image(w, h)
for x = 1, w, ws do t_img:copy(img, x, 1, 1, 1) end
for y = hs, h, hs do t_img:copy(t_img, 1, y, 1, 1, w, hs) end
return t_img
-- resizes src to size of dst
local function resize(dst, src)
-- simple nearest neighbor resize derived from rockbox - pluginlib_bmp.c
-- pretty rough results highly recommend building one more suited..
local dw, dh = dst:width(), dst:height()
local xstep = (bit.lshift(src:width(),8) / (dw)) + 1
local ystep = (bit.lshift(src:height(),8) / (dh))
local xpos, ypos = 0, 0
local src_x, src_y
-- walk the dest get src pixel
function rsz_trans(val, x, y)
if x == 1 then
src_y = bit.rshift(ypos,8) + 1
xpos = xstep - bit.rshift(xstep,4) + 1
ypos = ypos + ystep;
src_x = bit.rshift(xpos,8) + 1
xpos = xpos + xstep
return (src:get(src_x, src_y, true) or 0)
--/* (dst*, [x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, clip, function]) */
dst:marshal(1, 1, dw, dh, _NIL, _NIL, false, rsz_trans)
-- returns new image -of- img rotated in whole degrees 0 - 360
local function rotate(img, degrees)
-- we do this backwards as if dest was the unrotated object
degrees = 360 - degrees
local c, s = _math.d_cos(degrees), _math.d_sin(degrees)
-- get the center of the source image
local s_xctr, s_yctr = img:width() / 2, img:height() / 2
-- get the the new center of the dest image at rotation angle
local d_xctr = ((math.abs(s_xctr * c) + math.abs(s_yctr * s))/ 10000) + 1
local d_yctr = ((math.abs(s_xctr * s) + math.abs(s_yctr * c))/ 10000) + 1
-- calculate size of rect new image will occupy
local dw, dh = d_xctr * 2 - 1, d_yctr * 2 - 1
local r_img = rb.new_image(dw, dh)
-- r_img:clear() -- doesn't need cleared as we walk every pixel
--[[rotation works on origin of 0,0 we need to offset to the center of the
image and then place the upper left back at the origin (0, 0)]]
--[[0,0|-----| ^< |-------| v> 0,0|-------|
| | | 0,0 | | |
|_____| |_______| |_______| ]]
-- walk the dest get translated src pixel, oversamples src to fill gaps
function rot_trans(val, x, y)
-- move center x/y to the origin
local xtran = x - d_xctr;
local ytran = y - d_yctr;
-- rotate about the center of the image by x degrees
local yrot = ((xtran * s) + (ytran * c)) / 10000 + s_yctr
local xrot = ((xtran * c) - (ytran * s)) / 10000 + s_xctr
-- upper left of src image back to origin, copy src pixel
return img:get(xrot, yrot, true) or 0
r_img:marshal(1, 1, dw, dh, _NIL, _NIL, false, rot_trans)
return r_img
-- saves img to file: name
local function save(img, name)
-- bmp saving derived from rockbox - screendump.c
-- bitdepth is limited by the device
-- eg. device displays greyscale, rgb images are saved greyscale
local file
local fbuffer = {} -- concat buffer for file writes, reused
local function dump_fbuffer(thresh)
if #fbuffer >= thresh then
for i=1, #fbuffer do fbuffer[i] = _NIL end -- reuse table
local function s_bytesLE(bits, value)
-- bits must be multiples of 8 (sizeof byte)
local byte
local result = ""
for b = 1, bit.rshift(bits, 3) do
if value > 0 then
byte = value % 256
value = (value - byte) / 256
result = result .. string.char(byte)
result = result .. string.char(0)
return result
local function s_bytesBE(bits, value)
-- bits must be multiples of 8 (sizeof byte)
local byte
local result = ""
for b = 1, bit.rshift(bits, 3) do
if value > 0 then
byte = value % 256
value = (value - byte) / 256
result = string.char(byte) .. result
result = string.char(0) .. result
return result
local function c_cmp(color, shift)
-- [RR][GG][BB]
return, shift), 0xFF)
local cmp = {["r"] = function(c) return c_cmp(c, 16) end,
["g"] = function(c) return c_cmp(c, 08) end,
["b"] = function(c) return c_cmp(c, 00) end}
local function bmp_color(color)
return s_bytesLE(8, cmp.b(color))..
s_bytesLE(8, cmp.g(color))..
s_bytesLE(8, cmp.r(color))..
s_bytesLE(8, 0) .. ""
end -- c_cmp(color, c.r))
local function bmp_color_mix(c1, c2, num, den)
-- mixes c1 and c2 as ratio of numerator / denominator
-- used 2x each save results
local bc1, gc1, rc1 = cmp.b(c1), cmp.g(c1), cmp.r(c1)
return s_bytesLE(8, cmp.b(c2) - bc1 * num / den + bc1)..
s_bytesLE(8, cmp.g(c2) - gc1 * num / den + gc1)..
s_bytesLE(8, cmp.r(c2) - rc1 * num / den + rc1)..
s_bytesLE(8, 0) .. ""
local w, h = img:width(), img:height()
local depth = tonumber(img:__tostring(6)) -- RLI_INFO_DEPTH = 0x6
local format = tonumber(img:__tostring(7)) -- RLI_INFO_FORMAT = 0x7
local bpp, bypl -- bits per pixel, bytes per line
-- bypl, pad rows to a multiple of 4 bytes
if depth <= 4 then
bpp = 8 -- 256 color image
bypl = (w + 3)
elseif depth <= 16 then
bpp = 16
bypl = (w * 2 + 3)
elseif depth <= 24 then
bpp = 24
bypl = (w * 3 + 3)
bpp = 32
bypl = (w * 4 + 3)
local linebytes =, bit.bnot(3))
local bytesperpixel = bit.rshift(bpp, 3)
local headersz = 54
local imgszpad = h * linebytes
local compression, n_colors = 0, 0
local h_ppm, v_ppm = 0x00000EC4, 0x00000EC4 --Pixels Per Meter ~ 96 dpi
if depth == 16 then
compression = 3 -- BITFIELDS
n_colors = 3
elseif depth <= 8 then
n_colors = bit.lshift(1, depth)
headersz = headersz + (4 * n_colors)
file ='/' .. name, "w+") -- overwrite, rb ignores the 'b' flag
if not file then
rb.splash(rb.HZ, "Error opening /" .. name)
-- create a bitmap header 'rope' with image details -- concatenated at end
local bmpheader = fbuffer
bmpheader[01] = "BM"
bmpheader[02] = s_bytesLE(32, headersz + imgszpad)
bmpheader[03] = "\0\0\0\0" -- WORD reserved 1 & 2
bmpheader[04] = s_bytesLE(32, headersz) -- BITMAPCOREHEADER size
bmpheader[05] = s_bytesLE(32, 40) -- BITMAPINFOHEADER size
bmpheader[06] = s_bytesLE(32, w)
bmpheader[07] = s_bytesLE(32, h)
bmpheader[08] = "\1\0" -- WORD color planes ALWAYS 1
bmpheader[09] = s_bytesLE(16, bpp) -- bits/pixel
bmpheader[10] = s_bytesLE(32, compression)
bmpheader[11] = s_bytesLE(32, imgszpad)
bmpheader[12] = s_bytesLE(32, h_ppm) -- biXPelsPerMeter
bmpheader[13] = s_bytesLE(32, v_ppm) -- biYPelsPerMeter
bmpheader[14] = s_bytesLE(32, n_colors)
bmpheader[15] = s_bytesLE(32, n_colors)
-- Color Table (#n_colors entries)
if depth == 1 then -- assuming positive display
bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = bmp_color(0xFFFFFF)
bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = bmp_color(0x0)
elseif depth == 2 then
bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = bmp_color(0xFFFFFF)
bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = bmp_color_mix(0xFFFFFF, 0, 1, 3)
bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = bmp_color_mix(0xFFFFFF, 0, 2, 3)
bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = bmp_color(0x0)
elseif depth == 16 then
if format == 555 then
-- red bitfield mask
bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = s_bytesLE(32, 0x00007C00)
-- green bitfield mask
bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = s_bytesLE(32, 0x000003E0)
-- blue bitfield mask
bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = s_bytesLE(32, 0x0000001F)
else --565
-- red bitfield mask
bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = s_bytesLE(32, 0x0000F800)
-- green bitfield mask
bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = s_bytesLE(32, 0x000007E0)
-- blue bitfield mask
bmpheader[#bmpheader + 1] = s_bytesLE(32, 0x0000001F)
dump_fbuffer(0) -- write the header to the file now
local imgdata = fbuffer
-- pad rows to a multiple of 4 bytes
local bytesleft = linebytes - (bytesperpixel * w)
local t_data = {}
local fs_bytes_E = s_bytesLE -- default save in Little Endian
if format == 3553 then -- RGB565SWAPPED
fs_bytes_E = s_bytesBE -- Saves in Big Endian
-- Bitmap lines start at bottom unless biHeight is negative
for point in img:points(1, h, w + bytesleft, 1) do
imgdata[#imgdata + 1] = fs_bytes_E(bpp, point or 0)
dump_fbuffer(31) -- buffered write, increase # for performance
dump_fbuffer(0) --write leftovers to file
end -- save(img, name)
--searches an image for target color
local function search(img, x1, y1, x2, y2, targetclr, variation, stepx, stepy)
if variation > 128 then variation = 128 end
if variation < -128 then variation = -128 end
local targeth = targetclr + variation
local targetl = targetclr - variation
if targeth < targetl then
local swap = targeth
targeth = targetl
targetl = swap
for point, x, y in img:points(x1, y1, x2, y2, stepx, stepy) do
if point >= targetl and point <= targeth then
return point, x, y
return nil, nil, nil
--[[ we won't be extending these into RLI_IMAGE]]
-- creates a new rbimage size w x h
local function new(w, h)
return rb.new_image(w, h)
-- returns new image -of- file: name (_NIL if error)
local function load(name)
return rb.read_bmp_file("/" .. name)
-- expose tostring constants to outside through _img table
_img.RLI_INFO_ALL = 0x0
_img.RLI_INFO_TYPE = 0x1
_img.RLI_INFO_WIDTH = 0x2
_img.RLI_INFO_HEIGHT = 0x3
_img.RLI_INFO_ELEMS = 0x4
_img.RLI_INFO_BYTES = 0x5
_img.RLI_INFO_DEPTH = 0x6
_img.RLI_INFO_FORMAT = 0x7
-- expose functions to the outside through _img table = save = search
_img.rotate = rotate
_img.resize = resize
_img.tile = tile
-- adds the above _img functions into the metatable for RLI_IMAGE
local ex = getmetatable(rb.lcd_framebuffer())
for k, v in pairs(_img) do
if ex[k] == _NIL then ex[k] = v end
-- not exposed through RLI_IMAGE = new
_img.load = load
end -- _img functions
return _img