#include #include #include #include #include #include "system.h" #include "metadata.h" #include "metadata_common.h" #include "metadata_parsers.h" #include "rbunicode.h" #include "string-extra.h" struct NESM_HEADER { uint32_t nHeader; uint8_t nHeaderExtra; uint8_t nVersion; uint8_t nTrackCount; uint8_t nInitialTrack; uint16_t nLoadAddress; uint16_t nInitAddress; uint16_t nPlayAddress; uint8_t szGameTitle[32]; uint8_t szArtist[32]; uint8_t szCopyright[32]; uint16_t nSpeedNTSC; uint8_t nBankSwitch[8]; uint16_t nSpeedPAL; uint8_t nNTSC_PAL; uint8_t nExtraChip; uint8_t nExpansion[4]; } __attribute__((packed)); struct NSFE_INFOCHUNK { uint16_t nLoadAddress; uint16_t nInitAddress; uint16_t nPlayAddress; uint8_t nIsPal; uint8_t nExt; uint8_t nTrackCount; uint8_t nStartingTrack; } __attribute__((packed)); #define CHAR4_CONST(a, b, c, d) FOURCC(a, b, c, d) static bool parse_nsfe(int fd, struct mp3entry *id3) { bool info_found = false; bool end_found = false; bool data_found = false; struct NSFE_INFOCHUNK info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct NSFE_INFOCHUNK)); /* default values */ info.nTrackCount = 1; id3->length = 2*1000*60; /* begin reading chunks */ while (!end_found) { int32_t chunk_size, chunk_type; if (read_uint32le(fd, &chunk_size) != (int)sizeof(uint32_t)) return false; if (read_uint32be(fd, &chunk_type) != (int)sizeof(uint32_t)) return false; switch (chunk_type) { case CHAR4_CONST('I', 'N', 'F', 'O'): { /* only one info chunk permitted */ if (info_found) return false; info_found = true; /* minimum size */ if (chunk_size < 8) return false; ssize_t size = MIN((ssize_t)sizeof(struct NSFE_INFOCHUNK), chunk_size); if (read(fd, &info, size) != size) return false; if (size >= 9) id3->length = info.nTrackCount*1000; lseek(fd, chunk_size - size, SEEK_CUR); break; } case CHAR4_CONST('a', 'u', 't', 'h'): { if (!info_found) return false; /* szGameTitle, szArtist, szCopyright */ char ** const ar[] = { &id3->title, &id3->artist, &id3->album }; char *p = id3->id3v2buf; long buf_rem = sizeof (id3->id3v2buf); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(ar) && chunk_size && buf_rem; i++) { long len = read_string(fd, p, buf_rem, '\0', chunk_size); if (len < 0) return false; *ar[i] = p; p += len; buf_rem -= len; if (chunk_size >= len) chunk_size -= len; else chunk_size = 0; } lseek(fd, chunk_size, SEEK_CUR); break; } case CHAR4_CONST('D', 'A', 'T', 'A'): if (chunk_size < 1) return false; data_found = true; /* fall through */ case CHAR4_CONST('f', 'a', 'd', 'e'): case CHAR4_CONST('t', 'i', 'm', 'e'): case CHAR4_CONST('B', 'A', 'N', 'K'): case CHAR4_CONST('p', 'l', 's', 't'): case CHAR4_CONST('t', 'l', 'b', 'l'): /* we unfortunately can't use these anyway */ { if (!info_found) return false; lseek(fd, chunk_size, SEEK_CUR); break; } case CHAR4_CONST('N', 'E', 'N', 'D'): { end_found = true; break; } default: /* unknown chunk */ { /* check the first byte */ chunk_type = (uint8_t)chunk_type; /* chunk is vital... don't continue */ if(chunk_type >= 'A' && chunk_type <= 'Z') return false; /* otherwise, just skip it */ lseek(fd, chunk_size, SEEK_CUR); break; } } /* end switch */ } /* end while */ /* * if we exited the while loop without a 'return', we must have hit an NEND * chunk if this is the case, the file was layed out as it was expected. * now.. make sure we found both an info chunk, AND a data chunk... since * these are minimum requirements for a valid NSFE file */ return info_found && data_found; } static bool parse_nesm(int fd, struct mp3entry *id3) { struct NESM_HEADER hdr; char *p = id3->id3v2buf; lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); if (read(fd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)) != sizeof(hdr)) return false; /* Length */ id3->length = hdr.nTrackCount*1000; /* Title */ id3->title = p; p += strlcpy(p, hdr.szGameTitle, 32) + 1; /* Artist */ id3->artist = p; p += strlcpy(p, hdr.szArtist, 32) + 1; /* Copyright (per codec) */ id3->album = p; strlcpy(p, hdr.szCopyright, 32); return true; } bool get_nsf_metadata(int fd, struct mp3entry* id3) { uint32_t nsf_type; if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0 || read_uint32be(fd, &nsf_type) != (int)sizeof(nsf_type)) return false; id3->vbr = false; id3->filesize = filesize(fd); /* we only render 16 bits, 44.1KHz, Mono */ id3->bitrate = 706; id3->frequency = 44100; if (nsf_type == CHAR4_CONST('N', 'S', 'F', 'E')) return parse_nsfe(fd, id3); else if (nsf_type == CHAR4_CONST('N', 'E', 'S', 'M')) return parse_nesm(fd, id3); /* not a valid format*/ return false; }