% $Id$ % \section{\label{ref:FMradio}FM Radio} \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{ \note{The early V2 models were in fact FM Recorders in disguise, so they had the FM radio still mounted. Rockbox enables it if present - in case this menu does not show on your unit you can skip this chapter.\\} } \opt{sansa}{ \note{Not all Sansas have a radio receiver. Generally all american models do, but european models might not. Rockbox will display the radio menu only if it can find a radio receiver in your Sansa.} } \screenshot{main_menu/images/ss-fm-radio-screen}{The FM radio screen}{} This menu option switches to the radio screen. The FM radio has the ability \opt{recording}{to record and } to remember station frequency settings (presets). \opt{masf}{\note{The radio will shorten battery life, because the MAS-chip is set to record mode for instant recordings.} } \begin{table} \begin{btnmap}{}{} \ActionFMPrev, \ActionFMNext \opt{IRIVER_RC_H100_PAD}{& \ActionRCFMPrev, \ActionRCFMNext} & Change frequency in \setting{SCAN} mode or jump to next/previous station in \setting{PRESET} mode\\ % Long \ActionFMPrev, \ActionFMNext \opt{IRIVER_RC_H100_PAD}{& Long \ActionRCFMPrev, Long \ActionRCFMNext} & Seek to next station or preset in \setting{SCAN} mode.\\ % \ActionFMSettingsInc, \ActionFMSettingsDec \opt{IRIVER_RC_H100_PAD}{& \ActionRCFMVolUp, \ActionRCFMVolDown} & Change volume.\\ \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{ \ButtonPlay & Freezes all screen updates. May enhance radio reception in some cases.\\ } % \ActionFMExit \opt{IRIVER_RC_H100_PAD}{& \ActionRCFMExit} & Leave the radio screen with the radio playing.\\ % \ActionFMStop \opt{IRIVER_RC_H100_PAD}{& \ActionRCFMStop} & Stops the radio and returns to \setting{Main Menu}.\\% % \nopt{ONDIO_PAD}{% \nopt{RECORDER_PAD}{\ActionFMPlay \opt{IRIVER_RC_H100_PAD}{& \ActionRCFMPlay} & Mutes radio playback.\\}% % \ActionFMMode \opt{IRIVER_RC_H100_PAD}{& \ActionRCFMMode} & Switches between \setting{SCAN} and \setting{PRESET} mode.\\ % \ActionFMPreset \opt{IRIVER_RC_H100_PAD}{& \ActionRCFMPreset} & Opens a list of radio presets. You can view all the presets that you have, and switch to the station.\\ }% % \ActionFMMenu \opt{IRIVER_RC_H100_PAD}{& \ActionRCFMMenu} & Displays the FM radio settings menu.\\ \end{btnmap} \end{table} \begin{description} \item[Saving a preset:] Up to 64 of your favourite stations can be saved as presets. \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{Press \ButtonFTwo{} to go to the presets list, press \ButtonFOne{} to add a preset.}% \nopt{RECORDER_PAD}{% \ActionFMMenu{} to go to the menu, then select \setting{Add preset}.% } Enter the name (maximum number of characters is 32). Press \ActionKbdDone{} to save. \note{See this page for pre-made FM radio presets from all around the world.} \wikilink{FmPresets} \item[Selecting a preset:] \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ActionFMMenu{} to open the menu, select \setting{Preset}}% \nopt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ActionFMPreset} to go to the presets list. Use \ActionFMSettingsInc{} and \ActionFMSettingsDec{} to move the cursor and then press \ActionStdOk{} to select. Use \ButtonLeft{} to leave the preset without selecting anything. \item[Removing a preset:] \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ActionFMMenu{} to open the menu, select \setting{Preset}}% \nopt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ActionFMPreset} to go to the presets list. Use \ActionFMSettingsInc{} and \ActionFMSettingsDec{} to move the cursor and then press \ActionStdContext{} on the preset that you wish to remove, then select \setting{Remove Preset}. \opt{RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD}{ \item[Recording:] \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{Press \ButtonFThree}% \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{Double press \ButtonMenu} to start recording the currently playing station. Press \ButtonOff{} to stop recording.% \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{ Press \ButtonPlay{} again to seamlessly start recording to a new file.} The settings for the recording can be changed in the \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{\ButtonFOne{} menu}% \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{respective menu reached through the FM radio settings menu (Long \ButtonMenu)} before starting the recording. See \reference{ref:Recordingsettings} for details of recording settings. } \end{description} \note{The radio will turn off when starting playback of an audio file.}