/* Copyright (c) 2010 Boris Moiseev (cyberbobs at gmail dot com) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */ // Local #include "AbstractStringAppender.h" // Qt #include #include #include #include const char formattingMarker = '%'; AbstractStringAppender::AbstractStringAppender() : m_format(QLatin1String("%t{yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.zzz} [%-7l] <%c> %m\n")) {} QString AbstractStringAppender::format() const { QReadLocker locker(&m_formatLock); return m_format; } void AbstractStringAppender::setFormat(const QString& format) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_formatLock); m_format = format; } QString AbstractStringAppender::stripFunctionName(const char* name) { QRegExp rx("^.+\\s((?:[\\w\\d]+::)+)?([\\w\\d\\<\\>~]+)(?:\\(.*\\)).*$"); // XXX: SLOW! return QString::fromLatin1(name).replace(rx, QString(QLatin1String("\\1\\2"))); } QString AbstractStringAppender::formattedString(const QDateTime& timeStamp, Logger::LogLevel logLevel, const char* file, int line, const char* function, const QString& message) const { QString f = format(); const int size = f.size(); QString result; int i = 0; while (i < f.size()) { QChar c = f.at(i); // We will silently ignore the broken % marker at the end of string if (c != QLatin1Char(formattingMarker) || (i + 1) == size) { result.append(c); } else { QChar command = f.at(++i); // Check for the padding instruction int fieldWidth = 0; if (command.isDigit() || command.category() == QChar::Punctuation_Dash) { int j = 1; while ((i + j) < size && f.at(i + j).isDigit()) j++; fieldWidth = f.mid(i, j).toInt(); i += j; command = f.at(i); } // Log record chunk to insert instead of formatting instruction QString chunk; // Time stamp if (command == QLatin1Char('t')) { if (f.at(i + 1) == QLatin1Char('{')) { int j = 1; while ((i + 2 + j) < size && f.at(i + 2 + j) != QLatin1Char('}')) j++; if ((i + 2 + j) < size) { chunk = timeStamp.toString(f.mid(i + 2, j)); i += j; i += 2; } } if (chunk.isNull()) chunk = timeStamp.toString(QLatin1String("HH:mm:ss.zzz")); } // Log level else if (command == QLatin1Char('l')) chunk = Logger::levelToString(logLevel); // Uppercased log level else if (command == QLatin1Char('L')) chunk = Logger::levelToString(logLevel).toUpper(); // Filename else if (command == QLatin1Char('F')) chunk = QLatin1String(file); // Filename without a path else if (command == QLatin1Char('f')) chunk = QString(QLatin1String(file)).section('/', -1); // Source line number else if (command == QLatin1Char('i')) chunk = QString::number(line); // Function name, as returned by Q_FUNC_INFO else if (command == QLatin1Char('C')) chunk = QString::fromLatin1(function); // Stripped function name else if (command == QLatin1Char('c')) chunk = stripFunctionName(function); // Log message else if (command == QLatin1Char('m')) chunk = message; // We simply replace the double formatting marker (%) with one else if (command == QLatin1Char(formattingMarker)) chunk = QLatin1Char(formattingMarker); // Do not process any unknown commands else { chunk = QLatin1Char(formattingMarker); chunk.append(command); } result.append(QString(QLatin1String("%1")).arg(chunk, fieldWidth)); } ++i; } return result; }