/* Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * PrBoom a Doom port merged with LxDoom and LSDLDoom * based on BOOM, a modified and improved DOOM engine * Copyright (C) 1999 by * id Software, Chi Hoang, Lee Killough, Jim Flynn, Rand Phares, Ty Halderman * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by * Jess Haas, Nicolas Kalkhof, Colin Phipps, Florian Schulze * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. * * DESCRIPTION: * Gamma correction LUT stuff. * Color range translation support * Functions to draw patches (by post) directly to screen. * Functions to blit a block to the screen. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "doomdef.h" #include "r_main.h" #include "r_draw.h" #include "m_bbox.h" #include "w_wad.h" /* needed for color translation lump lookup */ #include "v_video.h" #include "i_video.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "m_swap.h" #include "rockmacros.h" // Each screen is [SCREENWIDTH*SCREENHEIGHT]; byte *d_screens[6] IBSS_ATTR; int dirtybox[4]; /* jff 4/24/98 initialize this at runtime */ const byte *colrngs[CR_LIMIT]; // Now where did these came from? const byte gammatable[5][256] = // CPhipps - const { {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32, 33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48, 49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64, 65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80, 81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96, 97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112, 113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128, 128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143, 144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159, 160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175, 176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191, 192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207, 208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223, 224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239, 240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255}, 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251,252,252,253,254,254,255,255} }; int usegamma; /* * V_InitColorTranslation * * Loads the color translation tables from predefined lumps at game start * No return * * Used for translating text colors from the red palette range * to other colors. The first nine entries can be used to dynamically * switch the output of text color thru the HUlib_drawText routine * by embedding ESCn in the text to obtain color n. Symbols for n are * provided in v_video.h. * * cphipps - constness of crdef_t stuff fixed */ typedef struct { const char *name; const byte **map; } crdef_t; // killough 5/2/98: table-driven approach static const crdef_t crdefs[] = { {"CRBRICK", &colrngs[CR_BRICK ]}, {"CRTAN", &colrngs[CR_TAN ]}, {"CRGRAY", &colrngs[CR_GRAY ]}, {"CRGREEN", &colrngs[CR_GREEN ]}, {"CRBROWN", &colrngs[CR_BROWN ]}, {"CRGOLD", &colrngs[CR_GOLD ]}, {"CRRED", &colrngs[CR_RED ]}, {"CRBLUE", &colrngs[CR_BLUE ]}, {"CRORANGE", &colrngs[CR_ORANGE]}, {"CRYELLOW", &colrngs[CR_YELLOW]}, {"CRBLUE2", &colrngs[CR_BLUE2]}, {NULL, NULL} }; // killough 5/2/98: tiny engine driven by table above void V_InitColorTranslation(void) { register const crdef_t *p; for (p=crdefs; p->name; p++) *p->map = W_CacheLumpName(p->name); } // // V_MarkRect // // Marks a rectangular portion of the screen specified by // upper left origin and height and width dirty to minimize // the amount of screen update necessary. No return. // void V_MarkRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) { M_AddToBox(dirtybox, x, y); M_AddToBox(dirtybox, x+width-1, y+height-1); } // // V_CopyRect // // Copies a source rectangle in a screen buffer to a destination // rectangle in another screen buffer. Source origin in srcx,srcy, // destination origin in destx,desty, common size in width and height. // Source buffer specfified by srcscrn, destination buffer by destscrn. // // Marks the destination rectangle on the screen dirty. // // No return. // void V_CopyRect(int srcx, int srcy, int srcscrn, int width, int height, int destx, int desty, int destscrn, enum patch_translation_e flags) { byte *src; byte *dest; if (flags & VPT_STRETCH) { srcx=srcx*SCREENWIDTH/320; srcy=srcy*SCREENHEIGHT/200; width=width*SCREENWIDTH/320; height=height*SCREENHEIGHT/200; destx=destx*SCREENWIDTH/320; desty=desty*SCREENHEIGHT/200; } #ifdef RANGECHECK if (srcx<0 ||srcx+width >SCREENWIDTH || srcy<0 || srcy+height>SCREENHEIGHT ||destx<0||destx+width >SCREENWIDTH || desty<0 || desty+height>SCREENHEIGHT) I_Error ("V_CopyRect: Bad arguments"); #endif V_MarkRect (destx, desty, width, height); src = d_screens[srcscrn]+SCREENWIDTH*srcy+srcx; dest = d_screens[destscrn]+SCREENWIDTH*desty+destx; for ( ; height>0 ; height--) { memcpy (dest, src, width); src += SCREENWIDTH; dest += SCREENWIDTH; } } // // V_DrawBlock // // Draw a linear block of pixels into the view buffer. // // The bytes at src are copied in linear order to the screen rectangle // at x,y in screenbuffer scrn, with size width by height. // // The destination rectangle is marked dirty. // // No return. // // CPhipps - modified to take the patch translation flags. For now, only stretching is // implemented, to support highres in the menus // void V_DrawBlock(int x, int y, int scrn, int width, int height, const byte *src, enum patch_translation_e flags) { byte *dest; #ifdef RANGECHECK if (x<0 ||x+width >((flags & VPT_STRETCH) ? 320 : SCREENWIDTH) || y<0 || y+height>((flags & VPT_STRETCH) ? 200 : SCREENHEIGHT)) I_Error ("V_DrawBlock: Bad V_DrawBlock"); if (flags & (VPT_TRANS | VPT_FLIP)) I_Error("V_DrawBlock: Unsupported flags (%u)", flags); #endif if (flags & VPT_STRETCH) { byte *dest; int s_width; fixed_t dx = (320 << FRACBITS) / SCREENWIDTH; x = (x * SCREENWIDTH) / 320; y = (y * SCREENHEIGHT) / 200; s_width = (width * SCREENWIDTH) / 320; height = (height * SCREENHEIGHT) / 200; if (!scrn) V_MarkRect (x, y, width, height); dest = d_screens[scrn] + y*SCREENWIDTH+x; // x & y no longer needed while (height--) { const byte *const src_row = src + width * ((height * 200) / SCREENHEIGHT); byte *const dst_row = dest + SCREENWIDTH * height; fixed_t tx; for (x=0, tx=0; x> FRACBITS]; } } else { V_MarkRect (x, y, width, height); dest = d_screens[scrn] + y*SCREENWIDTH+x; while (height--) { memcpy (dest, src, width); src += width; dest += SCREENWIDTH; } } } /* * V_DrawBackground tiles a 64x64 patch over the entire screen, providing the * background for the Help and Setup screens, and plot text betwen levels. * cphipps - used to have M_DrawBackground, but that was used the framebuffer * directly, so this is my code from the equivalent function in f_finale.c */ void V_DrawBackground(const char* flatname, int scrn) { /* erase the entire screen to a tiled background */ const byte *src; int x,y; int lump; // killough 4/17/98: src = W_CacheLumpNum(lump = firstflat + R_FlatNumForName(flatname)); V_DrawBlock(0, 0, scrn, 64, 64, src, 0); for (y=0 ; ySCREENWIDTH || y<0 || y+height>SCREENHEIGHT) I_Error ("V_GetBlock: Bad arguments"); #endif src = d_screens[scrn] + y*SCREENWIDTH+x; while (height--) { memcpy (dest, src, width); src += SCREENWIDTH; dest += width; } } // // V_Init // // Allocates the 4 full screen buffers in low DOS memory // No return // void V_Init (void) { int i; // CPhipps - allocate only 2 screens all the time, the rest can be allocated as and when needed #define PREALLOCED_SCREENS 2 // CPhipps - no point in "stick these in low dos memory on PCs" anymore // Allocate the screens individually, so I_InitGraphics can release d_screens[0] // if e.g. it wants a MitSHM buffer instead for (i=0 ; itopoffset); x -= SHORT(patch->leftoffset); // // CPhipps - auto-no-stretch if not high-res // if (flags & VPT_STRETCH) // if ((SCREENWIDTH==320) && (SCREENHEIGHT==200)) // flags &= ~VPT_STRETCH; // CPhipps - null translation pointer => no translation if (!trans) flags &= ~VPT_TRANS; #ifdef RANGECHECK if (x<0 ||x+SHORT(patch->width) > ((flags & VPT_STRETCH) ? 320 : SCREENWIDTH) || y<0 || y+SHORT(patch->height) > ((flags & VPT_STRETCH) ? 200 : SCREENHEIGHT)) // killough 1/19/98: improved error message: I_Error("V_DrawMemPatch: Patch (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) exceeds LFB Bad V_DrawMemPatch (flags=%u)", x, y, x+SHORT(patch->width), y+SHORT(patch->height), flags); #endif if (!(flags & VPT_STRETCH)) { unsigned int col; const column_t *column; byte *desttop = d_screens[scrn]+y*SCREENWIDTH+x; unsigned int w = SHORT(patch->width); if (!scrn) V_MarkRect (x, y, w, SHORT(patch->height)); w--; // CPhipps - note: w = width-1 now, speeds up flipping for (col=0 ; (unsigned int)col<=w ; desttop++, col++) { column = (column_t *)((byte *)patch + LONG(patch->columnofs[(flags & VPT_FLIP) ? w-col : col])); // step through the posts in a column while (column->topdelta != 0xff ) { // killough 2/21/98: Unrolled and performance-tuned register const byte *source = (byte *)column + 3; register byte *dest = desttop + column->topdelta*SCREENWIDTH; register int count = column->length; if (!(flags & VPT_TRANS)) { if ((count-=4)>=0) do { register byte s0,s1; s0 = source[0]; s1 = source[1]; dest[0] = s0; dest[SCREENWIDTH] = s1; dest += SCREENWIDTH*2; s0 = source[2]; s1 = source[3]; source += 4; dest[0] = s0; dest[SCREENWIDTH] = s1; dest += SCREENWIDTH*2; } while ((count-=4)>=0); if (count+=4) do { *dest = *source++; dest += SCREENWIDTH; } while (--count); column = (column_t *)(source+1); //killough 2/21/98 even faster } else { // CPhipps - merged translation code here if ((count-=4)>=0) do { register byte s0,s1; s0 = source[0]; s1 = source[1]; s0 = trans[s0]; s1 = trans[s1]; dest[0] = s0; dest[SCREENWIDTH] = s1; dest += SCREENWIDTH*2; s0 = source[2]; s1 = source[3]; s0 = trans[s0]; s1 = trans[s1]; source += 4; dest[0] = s0; dest[SCREENWIDTH] = s1; dest += SCREENWIDTH*2; } while ((count-=4)>=0); if (count+=4) do { *dest = trans[*source++]; dest += SCREENWIDTH; } while (--count); column = (column_t *)(source+1); } } } } else { // CPhipps - move stretched patch drawing code here // - reformat initialisers, move variables into inner blocks byte *desttop; int col; int w = (SHORT( patch->width ) << 16) -1; // CPhipps - -1 for faster flipping int stretchx, stretchy; int DX = (SCREENWIDTH<<16) / 320; int DXI = (320<<16) / SCREENWIDTH; int DY = (SCREENHEIGHT<<16) / 200; register int DYI = (200<<16) / SCREENHEIGHT; int DY2, DYI2; stretchx = ( x * DX ) >> 16; stretchy = ( y * DY ) >> 16; DY2 = DY / 2; DYI2 = DYI* 2; if (!scrn) V_MarkRect ( stretchx, stretchy, (SHORT( patch->width ) * DX ) >> 16, (SHORT( patch->height) * DY ) >> 16 ); desttop = d_screens[scrn] + stretchy * SCREENWIDTH + stretchx; // Clamp down the screenwidth if(w>>16>=319) w=(SCREENWIDTH-1)*DXI; for ( col = 0; col <= w; x++, col+=DXI, desttop++ ) { const column_t *column; { unsigned int d = patch->columnofs[(flags & VPT_FLIP) ? ((w - col)>>16): (col>>16)]; column = (column_t*)((byte*)patch + LONG(d)); } while ( column->topdelta != 0xff ) { register const byte *source = ( byte* ) column + 3; register byte *dest = desttop + (( column->topdelta * DY ) >> 16 ) * SCREENWIDTH; register int count = ( column->length * DY ) >> 16; register int srccol = 0x8000; count = (count>SCREENHEIGHT)?SCREENHEIGHT:count; // Bounds checking allows those messed up // GP32 mods to work (they're using patch-> // height values of 240, this code cuts off // thier bottom few pixels if (flags & VPT_TRANS) while (count--) { *dest = trans[source[srccol>>16]]; dest += SCREENWIDTH; srccol+= DYI; } else while (count--) { *dest = source[srccol>>16]; dest += SCREENWIDTH; srccol+= DYI; } column = ( column_t* ) (( byte* ) column + ( column->length ) + 4 ); } } } } // CPhipps - some simple, useful wrappers for that function, for drawing patches from wads // CPhipps - GNU C only suppresses generating a copy of a function if it is // static inline; other compilers have different behaviour. // This inline is _only_ for the function below #ifdef __GNUC__ inline #endif void V_DrawNumPatch(int x, int y, int scrn, int lump, int cm, enum patch_translation_e flags) { V_DrawMemPatch(x, y, scrn, (const patch_t*)W_CacheLumpNum(lump), cm, flags); W_UnlockLumpNum(lump); } /* cph - * V_NamePatchWidth - returns width of a patch. * V_NamePatchHeight- returns height of a patch. * * Doesn't really belong here, but is often used in conjunction with * this code. * This is needed to reduce the number of patches being held locked * in memory, since a lot of code was locking and holding pointers * to graphics in order to get this info easily. Also, we do endian * correction here, which reduces the chance of other code forgetting * this. */ int V_NamePatchWidth(const char* name) { int lump = W_GetNumForName(name); int w; w = SHORT(((const patch_t*)W_CacheLumpNum(lump))->width); W_UnlockLumpNum(lump); return w; } int V_NamePatchHeight(const char* name) { int lump = W_GetNumForName(name); int w; w = SHORT(((const patch_t*)W_CacheLumpNum(lump))->height); W_UnlockLumpNum(lump); return w; } // CPhipps - // V_PatchToBlock // // Returns a simple bitmap which contains the patch. See-through parts of the // patch will be undefined (in fact black for now) byte *V_PatchToBlock(const char* name, int cm, enum patch_translation_e flags, unsigned short* width, unsigned short* height) { (void)cm; (void)flags; byte *oldscr = d_screens[1]; byte *block; const patch_t *patch; d_screens[1] = calloc(SCREENWIDTH*SCREENHEIGHT, 1); patch = W_CacheLumpName(name); // One of those odd things that don't seem to have a purpose other then rangechecking // On screens smaller than 320X200 this line causes problems. // V_DrawMemPatch(SHORT(patch->leftoffset), SHORT(patch->topoffset), // 1, patch, cm, flags); #ifdef RANGECHECK if (flags & VPT_STRETCH) I_Error("V_PatchToBlock: Stretching not supported"); #endif *width = SHORT(patch->width); *height = SHORT(patch->height); W_UnlockLumpName(name); V_GetBlock(0, 0, 1, *width, *height, block = malloc((long)(*width) * (*height))); free(d_screens[1]); d_screens[1] = oldscr; return block; } // // V_SetPalette // // CPhipps - New function to set the palette to palette number pal. // Handles loading of PLAYPAL and calls I_SetPalette void V_SetPalette(int pal) { I_SetPalette(pal); } // // V_FillRect // // CPhipps - New function to fill a rectangle with a given colour void V_FillRect(int scrn, int x, int y, int width, int height, byte colour) { byte* dest = d_screens[scrn] + x + y*SCREENWIDTH; while (height--) { memset(dest, colour, width); dest += SCREENWIDTH; } }