% $Id$ % \subsection{Doom} \screenshot{plugins/images/ss-doom}{Doom}{} This is the famous Doom game. \subsubsection{Getting started} For the game to run you need \fname{.wad} game files located in \fname{/games/doom/} on your player. Create the directory and save the following files there: \begin{description} \item[rockdoom.wad] The Rockbox \fname{.wad}, based on \fname{prboom.wad} from prboom-2.2.6 \item[Your wad files] Copy all Doom wads you wish to play into that directory. \end{description} The needed files can be found at \url{http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginDoom} To play addon wads create the \fname{addons} directory within doom. Place wad files in this directory. Currently doom only supports 10 addons in the directory. \subsubsection{Playing the game} After installation of the \fname{wad} files is complete you can start the game. \fixme{more description is needed} \begin{table} \begin{btnmap}{}{} \opt{h1xx,h300}{\ButtonUp} \opt{ipod4g,ipodcolor,ipodvideo}{\ButtonMenu} & Move Forward \\ \opt{h1xx,h300}{\ButtonDown} \opt{ipod4g,ipodcolor,ipodvideo}{na} & Down \\ \opt{h1xx,h300}{\ButtonLeft} \opt{ipod4g,ipodcolor,ipodvideo}{\fixme{tbd}} & Turn Left \\ \opt{h1xx,h300}{\ButtonRight} \opt{ipod4g,ipodcolor,ipodvideo}{\fixme{tbd}} & Turn Right \\ \opt{h1xx,h300}{\ButtonRec} \opt{ipod4g,ipodcolor,ipodvideo}{\ButtonPlay} & Shoot \\ \opt{h1xx,h300}{\ButtonMode} \opt{ipod4g,ipodcolor,ipodvideo}{\ButtonMenu} & Open \\ \opt{h1xx,h300}{\ButtonOff} \opt{ipod4g,ipodcolor,ipodvideo}{\fixme{Hold switch}} & Escape \\ \opt{h1xx,h300}{\ButtonSelect} \opt{ipod4g,ipodcolor,ipodvideo}{\fixme{tbd}} & Enter \\ \opt{h1xx,h300}{\ButtonOn} \opt{ipod4g,ipodcolor,ipodvideo}{\ButtonSelect} & Change Weapon \\ \end{btnmap} \end{table}