/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Adopted for MPIO HD300 by Marcin Bukat * Copyright (C) 2007 by Jens Arnold * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include "cpu.h" .section .icode,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .global lcd_write_command .type lcd_write_command,@function lcd_write_command: move.l (4, %sp), %d0 move.w %d0, 0xf0000000 rts .wc_end: .size lcd_write_command,.wc_end-lcd_write_command .align 2 .global lcd_write_command_ex .type lcd_write_command_ex,@function lcd_write_command_ex: lea.l 0xf0000000, %a0 move.l (4, %sp), %d0 /* Command */ move.w %d0, (%a0)+ /* Write to LCD, set A0 = 1 */ move.l (8, %sp), %d0 /* Data */ cmp.l #-1, %d0 /* -1? */ beq.b .last move.w %d0, (%a0) /* Write to LCD */ move.l (12, %sp), %d0 /* Data */ cmp.l #-1, %d0 /* -1? */ beq.b .last move.w %d0, (%a0) /* Write to LCD */ .last: rts .wcex_end: .size lcd_write_command_ex,.wcex_end-lcd_write_command_ex .align 2 .global lcd_write_data .type lcd_write_data,@function lcd_write_data: movem.l (4, %sp), %a0-%a1 /* Data pointer */ move.l %a1, %d0 /* Length */ lea 0xf0000002, %a1 .loop: /* When running in IRAM, this loop takes 10 cycles plus the LCD write. The 10 cycles are necessary to follow the LCD timing specs at 140MHz */ nop /* 3(0/0) */ move.b (%a0)+, %d1 /* 3(1/0) */ move.w %d1, (%a1) /* 1(0/1) */ subq.l #1, %d0 /* 1(0/0) */ bne .loop /* 2(0/0) */ rts .wd_end: .size lcd_write_data,.wd_end-lcd_write_data .align 2 .global lcd_grey_data .type lcd_grey_data,@function /* The main loop assumes the buffers are in SDRAM. Otherwise the LCD * controller timing won't be met at 124 MHz and graphical glitches * will occur. */ lcd_grey_data: lea.l (-11*4, %sp), %sp movem.l %d2-%d7/%a2-%a6, (%sp) /* free some registers */ movem.l (11*4+4, %sp), %a0-%a2 /* values, phases, length */ lea.l (%a1, %a2.l*4), %a2 /* end address */ lea 0xf0000002, %a3 /* LCD data port */ moveq.l #24, %d6 /* shift count */ move.l #0xc30c3, %d7 /* bit shuffle factor */ moveq.l #12, %d2 add.l %a1, %d2 and.l #0xfffffff0, %d2 /* first line bound */ cmp.l %d2, %a2 /* end address lower than first line bound? */ bhs.s 1f move.l %a2, %d2 /* -> adjust end address of head loop */ 1: cmp.l %a1, %d2 bls.s .g_hend .g_hloop: move.l (%a1), %d0 /* fetch 4 pixel phases */ move.l %d0, %d1 and.l #0x80808080, %d1 /* separate MSBs of the 4 phases */ eor.l %d1, %d0 /* clear them in %d0 */ add.l (%a0)+, %d0 /* add 4 pixel values to the phases */ move.l %d0, (%a1)+ /* store new phases, advance pointer */ lsr.l #1, %d1 /* %d1 = .0.......1.......2.......3...... */ mulu.l %d7, %d1 /* %d1 = 00112233112233..2233....33...... */ not.l %d1 /* negate bits */ lsr.l %d6, %d1 /* %d1 = ........................00112233 */ move.w %d1, (%a3) /* write pixel block */ cmp.l %a1, %d2 /* go up to first line bound */ bhi.s .g_hloop .g_hend: cmp.l %a1, %a2 bls.w .g_tend lea.l (-12, %a2), %a2 cmp.l %a1, %a2 bls.s .g_lend .g_lloop: movem.l (%a1), %d0-%d3 /* fetch 4 blocks of 4 pixel phases each */ move.l %d0, %d4 /* calculate first pixel block */ and.l #0x80808080, %d4 eor.l %d4, %d0 lsr.l #1, %d4 mulu.l %d7, %d4 not.l %d4 lsr.l %d6, %d4 move.w %d4, (%a3) /* write first pixel block to LCD */ move.l %d1, %d5 /* calculate second pixel block */ and.l #0x80808080, %d5 eor.l %d5, %d1 lsr.l #1, %d5 mulu.l %d7, %d5 not.l %d5 lsr.l %d6, %d5 move.l %d2, %d4 /* calculate third pixel block */ and.l #0x80808080, %d4 eor.l %d4, %d2 lsr.l #1, %d4 mulu.l %d7, %d4 not.l %d4 lsr.l %d6, %d4 move.w %d5, (%a3) /* write second pixel block to LCD */ movem.l (%a0), %d5/%a4-%a6 /* fetch 4 blocks of 4 pixel values each */ lea.l (16, %a0), %a0 move.w %d4, (%a3) /* write third pixel block to LCD */ move.l %d3, %d4 /* calculate fourth pixel block */ and.l #0x80808080, %d4 eor.l %d4, %d3 lsr.l #1, %d4 mulu.l %d7, %d4 not.l %d4 lsr.l %d6, %d4 add.l %d5, %d0 /* calculate 4*4 new pixel phases */ add.l %a4, %d1 /* (packed addition) */ add.l %a5, %d2 add.l %a6, %d3 movem.l %d0-%d3, (%a1) /* store 4*4 new pixel phases */ lea.l (16, %a1), %a1 move.w %d4, (%a3) /* write fourth pixel block to LCD */ cmp.l %a1, %a2 /* go up to last line bound */ bhi.s .g_lloop .g_lend: lea.l (12, %a2), %a2 cmp.l %a1, %a2 bls.s .g_tend .g_tloop: move.l (%a1), %d0 /* fetch 4 pixel phases */ move.l %d0, %d1 and.l #0x80808080, %d1 eor.l %d1, %d0 add.l (%a0)+, %d0 /* add 4 pixel values to the phases */ move.l %d0, (%a1)+ /* store new phases, advance pointer */ lsr.l #1, %d1 mulu.l %d7, %d1 not.l %d1 lsr.l %d6, %d1 move.w %d1, (%a3) /* write pixel block */ cmp.l %a1, %a2 /* go up to end address */ bhi.s .g_tloop .g_tend: movem.l (%sp), %d2-%d7/%a2-%a6 /* restore registers */ lea.l (11*4, %sp), %sp rts .gd_end: .size lcd_grey_data,.gd_end-lcd_grey_data