#define _PAGE_ RVF Conversions and Similar
#include "head.t"
This is a simple tutorial (or, at least, as simply put as possible) on how
to convert your video files to RVF (Rockbox Video File), to be played on
the Archos Recorder / FM Recorder / V2 line.
See also Fabian Merki's msi-rvf-gallery, a Java program for
building RVF movies out of individual JPEGs.
How To Convert AVI to RVF
This Process Is For Windows Users Only
- Convert your movie file to an AVI file, uncompressed, and with the size:
112x64. There are quite a few programs out there that will do this for you,
so I will leave this step up to you. One such program is "BPS Video
Converter" available online. Use google if you need.
- Download the tools required here:
Unzip to a PATH, such as C:\RVF, that is easily remembered.
- Press START on your taskbar, choose RUN and type in the box (minus
quotes): "command" You should now be looking at a command prompt. If you
don't know basic DOS commands, here is what you need to know:
Use 'cd' to change dir (format: cd [dir]) IE: "cd .." to go UP one, "cd
ROCKBOX" to enter a path "ROCKBOX"
- Navigate to your PATH in DOS prompt, using "cd" as illustrated above.
- Run the file, avitoyuv, which was in the packet you earlier downloaded, using the format:
avitoyuv [input.avi] [output.yuv]
For example, if your AVI movie is called "filename" then you'd put in the following:
avitoyuv filename.avi filename.yuv
OPTIONAL: You can name the output file differently, whatever you specify it
will be called. INFO: This can take long to convert.
- Now run the file, halftone, which was in the packet you earlier downloaded, using the format:
halftone [input.yuv] [output.rvf]
For example, if your YUV output from step 5 is called "filename" then you'd put in the following:
halftone filename.yuv filename.rvf
OPTIONAL: You can name the output differently, again. INFO: When this is
done, a long list will appear on your DOS screen and you will be back at the
command prompt again.
- Copy the .rvf output to your jukebox, load up a recent daily build and
plugins, and kick back and watch the movie!
Video tools, player: Jörg Hohensohn
Tutorial: Zakk Roberts
#include "foot.t"