#include "zxvid_com.h" /* screen routines for color targets */ #define N0 0x00 #define N1 0xC0 #define B0 0x00 #define B1 0xFF #define IN0 (0xFF-N0) #define IN1 (0xFF-N1) #define IB0 (0xFF-B0) #define IB1 (0xFF-B1) static const fb_data _16bpp_colors[32] = { /* normal */ LCD_RGBPACK(N0, N0, N0), LCD_RGBPACK(N0, N0, N1), LCD_RGBPACK(N1, N0, N0), LCD_RGBPACK(N1, N0, N1), LCD_RGBPACK(N0, N1, N0), LCD_RGBPACK(N0, N1, N1), LCD_RGBPACK(N1, N1, N0), LCD_RGBPACK(N1, N1, N1), LCD_RGBPACK(B0, B0, B0), LCD_RGBPACK(B0, B0, B1), LCD_RGBPACK(B1, B0, B0), LCD_RGBPACK(B1, B0, B1), LCD_RGBPACK(B0, B1, B0), LCD_RGBPACK(B0, B1, B1), LCD_RGBPACK(B1, B1, B0), LCD_RGBPACK(B1, B1, B1), /* inverted */ LCD_RGBPACK(IN0, IN0, IN0), LCD_RGBPACK(IN0, IN0, IN1), LCD_RGBPACK(IN1, IN0, IN0), LCD_RGBPACK(IN1, IN0, IN1), LCD_RGBPACK(IN0, IN1, IN0), LCD_RGBPACK(IN0, IN1, IN1), LCD_RGBPACK(IN1, IN1, IN0), LCD_RGBPACK(IN1, IN1, IN1), LCD_RGBPACK(IB0, IB0, IB0), LCD_RGBPACK(IB0, IB0, IB1), LCD_RGBPACK(IB1, IB0, IB0), LCD_RGBPACK(IB1, IB0, IB1), LCD_RGBPACK(IB0, IB1, IB0), LCD_RGBPACK(IB0, IB1, IB1), LCD_RGBPACK(IB1, IB1, IB0), LCD_RGBPACK(IB1, IB1, IB1), }; void init_spect_scr(void) { int i; int offset = settings.invert_colors ? 16 : 0; for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) sp_colors[i] = i + offset; sp_image = (char *) &image_array; spscr_init_mask_color(); spscr_init_line_pointers(HEIGHT); } void update_screen(void) { fb_data *frameb; int y=0; #if LCD_HEIGHT >= ZX_HEIGHT && LCD_WIDTH >= ZX_WIDTH /* 'set but not used' byte *scrptr; scrptr = (byte *) SPNM(image); */ frameb = rb->lcd_framebuffer; for ( y = 0 ; y < HEIGHT*WIDTH; y++ ){ frameb[y] = _16bpp_colors[(unsigned)sp_image[y]]; } #else int x=0; int srcx, srcy=0; /* x / y coordinates in source image */ unsigned char* image; image = sp_image + ( (Y_OFF)*(WIDTH) ) + X_OFF; frameb = rb->lcd_framebuffer; for(y = 0; y < LCD_HEIGHT; y++) { srcx = 0; /* reset our x counter before each row... */ for(x = 0; x < LCD_WIDTH; x++) { *frameb = _16bpp_colors[image[srcx>>16]]; srcx += X_STEP; /* move through source image */ frameb++; } srcy += Y_STEP; /* move through the source image... */ image += (srcy>>16)*WIDTH; /* and possibly to the next row. */ srcy &= 0xffff; /* set up the y-coordinate between 0 and 1 */ } #endif if ( settings.showfps ) { int percent=0; int TPF = HZ/50;/* ticks per frame */ if ((*rb->current_tick-start_time) > TPF ) percent = 100*video_frames/((*rb->current_tick-start_time)/TPF); rb->lcd_putsxyf(0,0,"%d %%",percent); } rb -> lcd_update(); }