# $Id$ id: LANG_SOUND_SETTINGS desc: in the main menu eng: "Sound Settings" new: "Ustawienia dzwieku" id: LANG_GENERAL_SETTINGS desc: in the main menu eng: "General Settings" new: "Ustawienia" id: LANG_GAMES desc: in the main menu eng: "Games" new: "Gry" id: LANG_DEMOS desc: in the main menu eng: "Demos" new: "Dema" id: LANG_INFO desc: in the main menu eng: "Info" new: "Info" id: LANG_VERSION desc: in the main menu eng: "Version" new: "Wersja" id: LANG_DEBUG desc: in the main menu eng: "Debug (Keep Out!)" new: "Sledz bledy (ostroznie!)" id: LANG_USB desc: in the main menu eng: "USB (Sim)" new: "USB (sim)" id: LANG_ROCKBOX_INFO desc: displayed topmost on the info screen eng: "Rockbox Info:" new: "Rockbox Info:" id: LANG_BUFFER_STAT_PLAYER desc: the buffer size player-screen width, %d MB %d fraction of MB eng: "Buf: %d.%03dMB" new: "Buf: %d.%03dMB" id: LANG_BUFFER_STAT_RECORDER desc: the buffer size recorder-screen width, %d MB %d fraction of MB eng: "Buffer: %d.%03dMB" new: "Bufor: %d.%03dMB" id: LANG_BATTERY_LEVEL_PLAYER desc: the battery level in percentage eng: "Batt: %d%%%s" new: "Bat: %d%%%s" id: LANG_BATTERY_LEVEL_RECORDER desc: the battery level in percentage eng: "Battery: %d%%%s" new: "Bateria: %d%%%s" id: LANG_BATTERY_CHARGE desc: tells that the battery is charging, instead of battery level eng: "Battery: Charging" new: "Bateria: ladowanie" id: LANG_BOUNCE desc: in the demos menu eng: "Bounce" new: "Skaczacy napis" id: LANG_SNOW desc: in the demos menu eng: "Snow" new: "Snieg" id: LANG_TETRIS desc: in the games menu eng: "Tetris" new: "Tetris" id: LANG_SOKOBAN desc: in the games menu eng: "Sokoban" new: "Sokoban" id: LANG_WORMLET desc: in the games menu eng: "Wormlet" new: "Robal" id: LANG_SNAKE desc: in the games menu eng: "Snake" new: "Waz" id: LANG_PLAYLIST_LOAD desc: displayed on screen while loading a playlist eng: "Loading..." new: "Ladowanie..." id: LANG_PLAYLIST_SHUFFLE desc: displayed on screen while shuffling a playlist eng: "Shuffling..." new: "Losowanie..." id: LANG_PLAYLIST_PLAY desc: displayed on screen when start playing a playlist eng: "Playing..." new: "Odtwarzam..." id: LANG_PLAYINDICES_PLAYLIST desc: in playlist.indices() when playlist is full eng: "Playlist" new: "Playlista" id: LANG_PLAYINDICES_BUFFER desc: in playlist.indices() when playlist is full eng: "Buffer Full" new: "Pelny bufor" id: LANG_PLAYINDICES_AMOUNT desc: number of files in playlist eng: "%d Files" new: "%d plikow" id: LANG_SETTINGS_SAVE_PLAYER desc: displayed if save settings has failed eng: "Save Failed" new: "Blad zapisu" id: LANG_SETTINGS_BATTERY_PLAYER desc: if save settings has failed eng: "Batt. Low?" new: "Slabe bat.?" id: LANG_SETTINGS_SAVE_RECORDER desc: displayed if save settings has failed eng: "Save Failed" new: "Blad zapisu" id: LANG_SETTINGS_BATTERY_RECORDER desc: if save settings has failed eng: "Is Battery Low?" new: "Slabe baterie?" id: LANG_TIME_SET desc: used in set_time() eng: "ON To Set" new: "ON - ustaw" id: LANG_TIME_REVERT desc: used in set_time() eng: "OFF To Revert" new: "OFF - przywroc" id: LANG_HIDDEN desc: in settings_menu eng: "" new: "Ukryte pliki" id: LANG_HIDDEN_SHOW desc: in settings_menu eng: "" new: "Pokaz" id: LANG_HIDDEN_HIDE desc: in settings_menu eng: "" new: "Ukryj" id: LANG_CONTRAST desc: in settings_menu eng: "Contrast" new: "Kontrast" id: LANG_SHUFFLE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Shuffle" new: "Losowo" id: LANG_PLAY_SELECTED desc: in settings_menu eng: "Play Selected First" new: "Graj pierwsze zaznaczone" id: LANG_MP3FILTER desc: in settings_menu eng: "" new: "Filtr muzyczny" id: LANG_SORT_CASE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Sort Case Sensitive" new: "Sortuj uwzgl. wielkosc liter" id: LANG_RESUME desc: in settings_menu eng: "Resume" new: "Dokoncz" id: LANG_OFF desc: Used in a lot of places eng: "Off" new: "wyl." id: LANG_RESUME_SETTING_ASK desc: in settings_menu eng: "Ask" new: "Pytaj" id: LANG_ON desc: Used in a lot of places eng: "On" new: "wlacz" id: LANG_BACKLIGHT desc: in settings_menu eng: "Backlight" new: "Podswietlenie" id: LANG_SCROLL desc: in settings_menu eng: "Scroll Speed Setting Example" new: "Przykladowa predkosc przesuwu" id: LANG_DISCHARGE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Deep Discharge" new: "Rozladowanie" id: LANG_TIME desc: in settings_menu eng: "Set Time/Date" new: "Ustaw Date/Czas" id: LANG_SPINDOWN desc: in settings_menu eng: "Disk Spindown" new: "Usypianie dysku" id: LANG_FFRW_STEP desc: in settings_menu eng: "FF/RW Min Step" new: "Skok przewijania (minim.)" id: LANG_FFRW_ACCEL desc: in settings_menu eng: "FF/RW Accel" new: "Przyspieszenie przewijania" id: LANG_FOLLOW desc: in settings_menu eng: "Follow Playlist" new: "Idz do playlisty" # depreciated id: LANG_RESET_ASK_PLAYER desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "" new: "Na pewno?" # depreciated id: LANG_RESET_CONFIRM_PLAYER desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "" new: "GRAJ/STOP" id: LANG_RESET_ASK_RECORDER desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "Are You Sure?" new: "Jestes pewny?" # depreciated id: LANG_RESET_CONFIRM_RECORDER desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "" new: "GRAJ = Tak" # depreciated id: LANG_RESET_CANCEL_RECORDER desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "OFF=Cancel" new: "OFF=Anuluj" id: LANG_RESET_DONE_SETTING desc: visual confirmation after settings reset eng: "Settings" new: "Ustawienia" id: LANG_RESET_DONE_CLEAR desc: visual confirmation after settings reset eng: "Cleared" new: "Oczyszczono" id: LANG_RESET_DONE_CANCEL desc: Visual confirmation of cancelation eng: "Canceled" new: "Anulowano" id: LANG_CASE_MENU desc: in fileview_settings_menu() eng: "Sort Mode" new: "Tryb sortowania" id: LANG_SCROLL_MENU desc: in display_settings_menu() eng: "Scroll" new: "Przesuwanie napisow" id: LANG_RESET desc: in system_settings_menu() eng: "Reset Settings" new: "Ustawienia domyslne" id: LANG_PLAYBACK desc: in settings_menu() eng: "Playback" new: "Odtwarzanie" id: LANG_FILE desc: in settings_menu() eng: "File View" new: "Widok plikow" id: LANG_DISPLAY desc: in settings_menu() eng: "Display" new: "Wyswietlanie" id: LANG_SYSTEM desc: in settings_menu() eng: "System" new: "System" id: LANG_VOLUME desc: in sound_settings eng: "Volume" new: "Wzmocnienie" id: LANG_BALANCE desc: in sound_settings eng: "Balance" new: "Balans" id: LANG_BASS desc: in sound_settings eng: "Bass" new: "Bas" id: LANG_TREBLE desc: in sound_settings eng: "Treble" new: "Wysokie" id: LANG_LOUDNESS desc: in sound_settings eng: "Loudness" new: "Glosnosc" id: LANG_BBOOST desc: in sound settings eng: "Bass Boost" new: "Podbicie basu" id: LANG_DECAY desc: in sound_settings eng: "AV Decay Time" new: "Czas zejscia" id: LANG_CHANNEL_MENU desc: in sound_settings eng: "Channels" new: "Kanaly" id: LANG_CHANNEL desc: in sound_settings eng: "Channel Configuration" new: "Konfiguracja kanalow" id: LANG_CHANNEL_STEREO desc: in sound_settings eng: "Stereo" new: "stereo" id: LANG_CHANNEL_MONO desc: in sound_settings eng: "Mono" new: "mono" id: LANG_CHANNEL_LEFT desc: in sound_settings eng: "Mono Left" new: "mono lewy" id: LANG_CHANNEL_RIGHT desc: in sound_settings eng: "Mono Right" new: "mono prawy" id: LANG_AUTOVOL desc: in sound_settings eng: "Auto Volume" new: "Aut. wzmocnienie" id: LANG_SHOWDIR_ERROR_BUFFER desc: in showdir(), displayed on screen when you reach buffer limit eng: "Dir Buffer" new: "Bufor katalogow" id: LANG_SHOWDIR_ERROR_FULL desc: in showdir(), displayed on screen when you reach buffer limit eng: "Is Full!" new: "jest pelny!" id: LANG_RESUME_ASK desc: question asked at the begining when resume is on eng: "Resume?" new: "Dokonczyc?" id: LANG_RESUME_CONFIRM_PLAYER desc: possible answers to resume question eng: "(PLAY/STOP)" new: "(GRAJ/STOP)" id: LANG_RESUME_CONFIRM_RECORDER desc: possible answer to resume question eng: "PLAY = Yes" new: "GRAJ = Tak" id: LANG_RESUME_CANCEL_RECORDER desc: possible answer to resume question eng: "Any Other = No" new: "Kazdy inny = Nie" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_ON_PLAYER desc: displayed when key lock is on eng: "Key Lock ON" new: "Blokada klawiszy" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_OFF_PLAYER desc: displayed when key lock is turned off eng: "Key Lock OFF" new: "Klawisze odblokowane" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_ON_RECORDER desc: displayed when key lock is on eng: "Key Lock Is ON" new: "Klawisze sa zablokowane" id: LANG_KEYLOCK_OFF_RECORDER desc: displayed when key lock is turned off eng: "Key Lock Is OFF" new: "Klawisze sa odblokowane" id: LANG_MUTE_ON_PLAYER desc: displayed when mute is on eng: "Mute ON" new: "Wyciszenie" id: LANG_MUTE_OFF_PLAYER desc: displayed when mute is off eng: "Mute OFF" new: "Wzmocn. normalne" id: LANG_MUTE_ON_RECORDER desc: displayed when mute is on eng: "Mute Is ON" new: "Wyciszenie" id: LANG_MUTE_OFF_RECORDER desc: displayed when mute is off eng: "Mute Is OFF" new: "Wzmocn. normalne" id: LANG_ID3_INFO desc: in the browse_id3() function eng: "-ID3 Info- " new: "-Info ID3- " id: LANG_ID3_SCREEN desc: in the browse_id3() function eng: "--Screen-- " new: "--Ekran-- " id: LANG_ID3_TITLE desc: in wps eng: "[Title]" new: "[Tytul]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_TITLE desc: in wps when no title is avaible eng: "" new: "" id: LANG_ID3_ARTIST desc: in wps eng: "[Artist]" new: "[Artysta]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_ARTIST desc: in wps when no artist is avaible eng: "" new: "" id: LANG_ID3_ALBUM desc: in wps eng: "[Album]" new: "[Album]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_ALBUM desc: in wps when no album is avaible eng: "" new: "" id: LANG_ID3_TRACKNUM desc: in wps eng: "[Tracknum]" new: "[Sciezka nr]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_TRACKNUM desc: in wps if no track number is avaible eng: "" new: "" id: LANG_ID3_LENGHT desc: in wps eng: "[Length]" new: "[Dlugosc]" id: LANG_ID3_PLAYLIST desc: in wps eng: "[Playlist]" new: "[Playlista]" id: LANG_ID3_BITRATE desc: in wps eng: "[Bitrate]" new: "[Bitrate]" id: LANG_ID3_FRECUENCY desc: in wps eng: "[Frequency]" new: "[Czestotl.]" id: LANG_ID3_PATH desc: in wps eng: "[Path]" new: "[Sciezka]" id: LANG_PITCH_UP desc: in wps eng: "Pitch Up" new: "Podnies" id: LANG_PITCH_DOWN desc: in wps eng: "Pitch Down" new: "Obniz" id: LANG_PAUSE desc: in wps eng: "Pause" new: "Pauza" id: LANG_F2_MODE desc: in wps F2 pressed eng: "Mode:" new: "tryb:" id: LANG_DIR_FILTER desc: in wps F2 pressed eng: "" new: "Filtr katalogow: %s" id: LANG_F3_STATUS desc: in wps F3 pressed eng: "Status" new: "Gorny" id: LANG_F3_SCROLL desc: in wps F3 pressed eng: "Scroll" new: "Lewy" id: LANG_F3_BAR desc: in wps F3 pressed eng: "Bar" new: "pasek" id: LANG_END_PLAYLIST_PLAYER desc: when playlist has finished eng: "End Of List" new: "Koniec listy" id: LANG_END_CONFIRM_PLAYER desc: when playlist has finished eng: "" new: "Wcisnij ON" id: LANG_END_PLAYLIST_RECORDER desc: when playlist has finished eng: "End Of Song List" new: "Koniec playlisty" id: LANG_END_CONFIRM_RECORDER desc: when playlist has finished eng: "" new: "Wcisnij ON" id: LANG_SNAKE_SCORE desc: when you die in snake game eng: "Your score:" new: "Twoj wynik:" id: LANG_SNAKE_HISCORE desc: high score in snake game eng: "High Score: %d" new: "Rekord: %d" id: LANG_SNAKE_HISCORE_NEW desc: new high score in snake game eng: "New High Score!" new: "Nowy rekord!" id: LANG_SNAKE_PAUSE desc: displayed when game is paused eng: "Game Paused" new: "Gra wstrzymana" id: LANG_SNAKE_RESUME desc: what to do to resume game eng: "[PLAY] To Resume" new: "[GRAJ] dalej" id: LANG_SNAKE_QUIT desc: how to quit game eng: "[OFF] To Quit" new: "[OFF] zakoncz" id: LANG_SNAKE_LEVEL desc: level of difficulty eng: "Level - %d" new: "Poziom - %d" id: LANG_SNAKE_RANGE desc: range of levels eng: "(1 - Slow, 9 - Fast)" new: "(1- wolno, 9 - szybko)" id: LANG_SNAKE_START desc: how to start or pause the game eng: "[PLAY] To Start/Pause" new: "[GRAJ] start/wstrzymaj" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_LEVEL desc: must be smaller than 6 characters eng: "Level" new: "Trudn" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_MOVE desc: must be smaller than 6 characters eng: "Moves" new: "Ruchy" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_WIN desc: displayed when you win eng: "YOU WIN!!" new: "WYGRALES!" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_QUIT desc: how to quit game eng: "[OFF] To Stop" new: "[OFF] zatrzymaj" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_F1 desc: what does F1 do eng: "[F1] - Level" new: "[F1] - poziom" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_F2 desc: what does F2 do eng: "[F2] Same Level" new: "[F2] ten sam poz." id: LANG_SOKOBAN_F3 desc: what does F3 do eng: "[F3] + Level" new: "[F3] + poziom" # Next ids are for Worlmet Game. # Lenght restrictions for score board strings (LANG_SB_XXX): # LCD_PROPFONTS: max 43 pixel # fix font: max 7 characters id: LANG_WORMLET_LENGTH desc: wormlet game eng: "Len:%d" new: "Dl.:%d" id: LANG_WORMLET_GROWING desc: wormlet game eng: "Growing" new: "Rosnie" id: LANG_WORMLET_HUNGRY desc: wormlet game eng: "Hungry" new: "Glodny" id: LANG_WORMLET_WORMED desc: wormlet game eng: "Wormed" new: "robacz." id: LANG_WORMLET_ARGH desc: wormlet game eng: "Argh" new: "Auc" id: LANG_WORMLET_CRASHED desc: wormlet game eng: "Crashed" new: "Rozbity" id: LANG_WORMLET_HIGHSCORE desc: wormlet game eng: "Hs: %d" new: "Rek.%d" # Length restrictions for wormlet config screen strings (LANG_CS_XXX) # They must fit on the entire screen - preferably with the # key names aligned right id: LANG_WORMLET_PLAYERS desc: wormlet game eng: "%d Players UP/DN" new: "%d Graczy G/D" id: LANG_WORMLET_WORMS desc: wormlet game eng: "%d Worms L/R" new: "%d Robakow L/P" id: LANG_WORMLET_REMOTE_CTRL desc: wormlet game eng: "Remote Control F1" new: "Zdalne ster. F1" id: LANG_WORMLET_NO_REM_CTRL desc: wormlet game eng: "No Rem. Control F1" new: "Brak zdal.ster. F1" id: LANG_WORMLET_2_KEY_CTRL desc: wormlet game eng: "2 Key Control F1" new: "2 klaw. steruj. F1" id: LANG_WORMLET_4_KEY_CTRL desc: wormlet game eng: "4 Key Control F1" new: "4 klaw. steruj. F1" id: LANG_WORMLET_NO_CONTROL desc: wormlet game eng: "Out Of Control" new: " Brak sterow. " # Wormlet game ids ended id: LANG_TETRIS_LOSE desc: tetris game eng: "You Lose!" new: "Przegrales!" id: LANG_TETRIS_LEVEL desc: tetris game eng: "Rows - Level" new: "rzedow - poziom" id: LANG_POWEROFF_IDLE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Idle Poweroff" new: "Aut. wylaczanie" id: LANG_LANGUAGE_LOADED desc: shown when a language has been loaded from the dir browser eng: "New Language" new: "Nowy jezyk" id: LANG_FILTER desc: setting name for dir filter eng: "Show Files" new: "Pokaz pliki" id: LANG_FILTER_MUSIC desc: show only music-related files eng: "Music" new: "muzyczne" id: LANG_FILTER_SUPPORTED desc: show all file types supported by Rockbox eng: "Supported" new: "wspierane" id: LANG_FILTER_ALL desc: show all files eng: "All" new: "wszystkie" id: LANG_SET_BOOL_YES desc: bool true representation eng: "Yes" new: "Tak" id: LANG_SET_BOOL_NO desc: bool false representation eng: "No" new: "Nie" id: LANG_PM_MENU desc: in the display menu eng: "Peak Meter" new: "Wskaznik szczyt." id: LANG_PM_RELEASE desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Peak Release" new: "Zwolnienie szczyt." id: LANG_PM_PEAK_HOLD desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Peak Hold Time" new: "Czas trzymania szczyt." id: LANG_PM_CLIP_HOLD desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Clip Hold Time" new: "Czas trzymania przester." id: LANG_PM_ETERNAL desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Eternal" new: "Zawsze" id: LANG_PM_UNITS_PER_READ desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Units Per Read" new: "fragm. na odczyt" id: LANG_BACKLIGHT_ON_WHEN_CHARGING desc: in display_settings_menu eng: "Backlight On When Plugged" new: "Podswietl kiedy podlaczony" id: LANG_REPEAT desc: in settings_menu eng: "Repeat" new: "Powtorz" id: LANG_REPEAT_ALL desc: repeat playlist once all songs have completed eng: "All" new: "wszystkie" id: LANG_REPEAT_ONE desc: repeat one song eng: "One" new: "pojedynczy" id: LANG_RESET_CONFIRM desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "PLAY=Reset" new: "GRAJ=Reset" id: LANG_RESET_CANCEL desc: confirm to reset settings eng: "OFF=Cancel" new: "OFF=Anuluj" # NOTE: ignore this label. It is no longer used/was an error. # We are aware of this and it will this instance will be removed in the future id: LANG_TETRIS_LEVEL id: LANG_TIMEFORMAT desc: select the time format of time in status bar eng: "Time Format" new: "Format czasu" id: LANG_12_HOUR_CLOCK desc: option for 12 hour clock eng: "12 Hour Clock" new: "12-godzinny" id: LANG_24_HOUR_CLOCK desc: option for 24 hour clock eng: "24 Hour Clock" new: "24-godzinny" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_SUNDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Sun" new: "Ndz" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_MONDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Mon" new: "Pon" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_TUESDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Tue" new: "Wto" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_WEDNESDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Wed" new: "Sro" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_THURSDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Thu" new: "Czw" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_FRIDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Fri" new: "Pia" id: LANG_WEEKDAY_SATURDAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for weekday eng: "Sat" new: "Sob" id: LANG_MONTH_JANUARY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Jan" new: "Sty" id: LANG_MONTH_FEBRUARY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Feb" new: "Lut" id: LANG_MONTH_MARCH desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Mar" new: "Mar" id: LANG_MONTH_APRIL desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Apr" new: "Kwi" id: LANG_MONTH_MAY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "May" new: "Maj" id: LANG_MONTH_JUNE desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Jun" new: "Cze" id: LANG_MONTH_JULY desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Jul" new: "Lip" id: LANG_MONTH_AUGUST desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Aug" new: "Sie" id: LANG_MONTH_SEPTEMBER desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Sep" new: "Wrz" id: LANG_MONTH_OCTOBER desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Oct" new: "Paz" id: LANG_MONTH_NOVEMBER desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Nov" new: "Lis" id: LANG_MONTH_DECEMBER desc: Maximum 3-letter abbreviation for monthname eng: "Dec" new: "Gru" id: LANG_CUBE desc: the name of the cube demo in the demo menu eng: "Cube" new: "Bryla" id: LANG_OSCILLOGRAPH desc: the name of the oscillograph demo in the demo menu eng: "Oscillograph" new: "Oscylograf" id: LANG_RESUME_SETTING_ASK_ONCE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Ask Once" new: "Zapytaj raz" id: LANG_BATTERY_DISPLAY desc: Battery type title eng: "Battery Display" new: "Wyswietlanie baterii" id: LANG_VOLUME_DISPLAY desc: Volume type title eng: "Volume Display" new: "Wyswietlanie wzmocnienia" id: LANG_DISPLAY_GRAPHIC desc: Label for type of icon display eng: "Graphic" new: "Graficznie" id: LANG_DISPLAY_NUMERIC desc: Label for type of icon display eng: "Numeric" new: "Numerycznie" id: LANG_PM_PERFORMANCE desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Performance" new: "Wydajnosc" id: LANG_PM_HIGH_PERFORMANCE desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "High performance" new: "Wysoka wydajnosc" id: LANG_PM_ENERGY_SAVER desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Save Energy" new: "Oszczedz. energii" id: LANG_PM_SCALE desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "dBfs <-> Linear" new: "dBfs <-> linearny" id: LANG_PM_DBFS desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "dBfs" new: "dBfs" id: LANG_PM_LINEAR desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Linear" new: "linearny" id: LANG_PM_MIN desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Minimum Of Range" new: "Zakres minimum" id: LANG_PM_MAX desc: in the peak meter menu eng: "Maximum Of Range" new: "Zakres maksimum" id: LANG_RECORDING desc: in the main menu eng: "Recording" new: "Nagrywanie" id: LANG_RECORDING_GAIN desc: in the recording screen eng: "Gain" new: "Wzmocnienie" id: LANG_RECORDING_LEFT desc: in the recording screen eng: "Left" new: "lewy" id: LANG_RECORDING_RIGHT desc: in the recording screen eng: "Right" new: "prawy" id: LANG_RECORDING_QUALITY desc: in the recording settings eng: "Quality" new: "Jakosc" id: LANG_RECORDING_FREQUENCY desc: in the recording settings eng: "Frequency" new: "Czestotliwosc" id: LANG_RECORDING_SOURCE desc: in the recording settings eng: "Source" new: "Zrodlo" id: LANG_RECORDING_CHANNELS desc: in the recording settings eng: "Channels" new: "Kanaly" id: LANG_RECORDING_SRC_MIC desc: in the recording settings eng: "Mic" new: "Mikrofon" id: LANG_RECORDING_SRC_LINE desc: in the recording settings eng: "Line In" new: "Line In" id: LANG_RECORDING_SRC_DIGITAL desc: in the recording settings eng: "Digital" new: "Digital" id: LANG_RECORDING_SETTINGS desc: in the main menu eng: "Recording Settings" new: "Ustawienia nagrywania" id: LANG_DISK_STAT desc: disk size info eng: "Disk: %d.%dGB" new: "Dysk %d.%dGB" id: LANG_DISK_FREE_STAT desc: disk size info eng: "Free: %d.%dGB" new: "Wolne: %d.%GB" id: LANG_POWEROFF desc: disk poweroff flag eng: "Disk Poweroff" new: "Wylaczanie dysku" id: LANG_FILTER_PLAYLIST desc: show only playlist eng: "Playlists" new: "playlisty" id: LANG_BATTERY_TIME desc: battery level in % and estimated time remaining eng: "%d%% %dh %dm" new: "%d%% %dg %dm" id: LANG_SLEEP_TIMER desc: sleep timer setting eng: "Sleep Timer" new: "Usypiacz" id: LANG_MP3BUFFER_MARGIN desc: MP3 buffer margin time eng: "Anti-Skip Buffer" new: "Bufor antywstrzasowy" id: LANG_BIDIR_SCROLL desc: Bidirectional scroll limit eng: "Bidirectional Scroll Limit" new: "Limit przesuwania dwukierunkowego" id: LANG_SCROLL_DELAY desc: Delay before scrolling eng: "Scroll Start Delay" new: "Opoznienie rozpoczecia przesuwania" id: LANG_SCROLL_STEP desc: Pixels to advance per scroll eng: "Scroll Step Size" new: "Rozmiar skoku przesuwania" id: LANG_SCROLL_STEP_EXAMPLE desc: Pixels to advance per scroll eng: "Scroll Step Size Setting Example Text" new: "Przykladowy rozmiar skoku przesuwania" id: LANG_SCROLL_SPEED desc: in display_settings_menu() eng: "Scroll Speed" new: "Predkosc przesuwania" id: LANG_TRICKLE_CHARGE desc: in settings_menu eng: "Trickle Charge" new: "Wolne ladowanie" id: LANG_BATTERY_TOPOFF_CHARGE desc: in info display, shows that top off charge is running eng: "Battery: Top-Off Chg" new: "Bateria: Doladowanie" id: LANG_BATTERY_TRICKLE_CHARGE desc: in info display, shows that trickle charge is running eng: "Battery: Trickle Chg" new: "Bateria: Wolne ladowanie" id: LANG_BATTERY_CAPACITY desc: in settings_menu eng: "Battery Capacity" new: "Pojemnosc baterii" id: LANG_QUEUE_QUEUED desc: queued track name %s eng: "Queued: %s" new: "W kolejce: %s" id: LANG_QUEUE_TOTAL desc: number of queued tracks %d eng: "Total Queued: %d" new: "Wszystkich w kolejce: %d" id: LANG_QUEUE_FULL desc: queue buffer full eng: "Queue Buffer Full" new: "Pusty bufor kolejki" id: LANG_MENU_SETTING_CANCEL desc: Visual confirmation of canceling a changed setting eng: "Canceled" new: "Anulowano" id: LANG_MENU_SETTING_OK desc: Visual confirmation of changing a setting eng: "OK" new: "OK" id: LANG_PLAYER_ONPLAY_1 desc: Line #1 of player ON+PLAY screen eng: "\x81 Queue" new: "\x81 Kolejka" id: LANG_PLAYER_ONPLAY_2 desc: Line #2 of player ON+PLAY screen eng: "- Ren + Del" new: "- Zm. + Kas" id: LANG_QUEUE desc: The verb/action Queue eng: "Queue" new: "Kolejka" id: LANG_DELETE desc: The verb/action Delete eng: "Delete" new: "Skasuj" id: LANG_REALLY_DELETE desc: Really Delete? eng: "Delete?" new: "Skasowac?" id: LANG_DELETED desc: A file has beed deleted eng: "Deleted" new: "Skasowany" id: LANG_RENAME desc: The verb/action Rename eng: "Rename" new: "Zm.Naz" id: LANG_FAILED desc: Something failed. To be appended after above actions eng: "Failed" new: "nie udalo sie" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_ALARM_MENU desc: The name of the additional entry in the main menu for the RTC alarm mod. eng: "Wake-Up Alarm" new: "Alarm - Budzik" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_TIME desc: The current alarm time shown in the alarm menu for the RTC alarm mod. eng: "Alarm Time: %02d:%02d" new: "Czas alarmu: %02d:%02d" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_TIME_TO_GO desc: The time until the alarm will go off shown in the alarm menu for the RTC alarm mod. eng: "Waking Up In %d:%02d" new: "Budzenie za %d:%02d" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_SHUTDOWN desc: The text that tells the user that the alarm time is ok and the device shuts off (for the RTC alarm mod). eng: "Shutting Down..." new: "Wylaczanie..." id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_ERROR desc: The text that tells that the time is incorrect (for the RTC alarm mod). eng: "Alarm Time Is Too Soon!" new: "Za wczesny czas alarmu!" id: LANG_ALARM_MOD_KEYS desc: Shown key functions in alarm menu (for the RTC alarm mod). eng: "PLAY=Set OFF=Cancel" new: "GRAJ=Ustaw OFF=Anuluj" id: LANG_CREATE_PLAYLIST desc: Menu option for creating a playlist eng: "Create Playlist" new: "Stworz playliste" id: LANG_CREATING desc: Screen feedback during playlist creation eng: "Creating" new: "Tworzenie" id: LANG_PLAYER_KEYBOARD_BACKSPACE desc: Backspace alternative in player keyboard interaction eng: "Backspace" new: "Cofnij" id: LANG_PLAYER_KEYBOARD_DELETE desc: Delete alternative in player keyboard interaction eng: "Delete" new: "Skasuj" id: LANG_PLAYER_KEYBOARD_ACCEPT desc: Accept alternative in player keyboard interaction eng: "Accept" new: "Akceptuj" id: LANG_PLAYER_KEYBOARD_ABORT desc: Abort alternative in player keyboard interaction eng: "Abort" new: "Opusc" id: LANG_MENU_SHOW_ID3_INFO desc: Menu option to start id3 viewer eng: "Show ID3 Info" new: "Pokaz info ID3" id: LANG_ID3_GENRE desc: ID3 frame 'genre' eng: "[Genre]" new: "[Gatunek]" id: LANG_ID3_YEAR desc: ID3 info 'year' eng: "[Year]" new: "[Rok]" id: LANG_ID3_NO_INFO desc: ID3 info is missing eng: "" new: "" id: LANG_RECORDING_TIME desc: Display of recorded time eng: "Time:" new: "Czas:" id: LANG_RECORDING_SIZE desc: Display of recorded file size eng: "Size:" new: "Rozmiar:" id: LANG_CPU_SLEEP desc: in system_settings_menu() eng: "Power Saving" new: "Oszczedzanie" id: LANG_SETTINGS_LOADED1 desc: Feedback shown when a .cfg file is loaded eng: "Settings" new: "Ustawienia" id: LANG_SETTINGS_LOADED2 desc: Feedback shown when a .cfg file is loaded eng: "Loaded" new: "zaladowane" id: LANG_FADE_ON_STOP desc: options menu to set fade on stop or pause eng: "Fade On Stop/Pause" new: "Fade przy zatrzymaniu" id: LANG_SOKOBAN_ON desc: how to undo move eng: "[ON] To Undo" new: "[ON] przywroc" id: LANG_INVERT desc: in settings_menu eng: "Invert" new: "Negatyw" id: LANG_CHANNEL_STEREO_NARROW_PLAYER desc: in sound_settings eng: "St. Narrow" new: "waskie st." id: LANG_CHANNEL_STEREO_NARROW_RECORDER desc: in sound_settings eng: "Stereo Narrow" new: "waskie stereo" id: LANG_CHANNEL_STEREO_WIDE desc: in sound_settings eng: "Stereo Wide" new: "szerokie stereo" id: LANG_CHANNEL_KARAOKE desc: in sound_settings eng: "Karaoke" new: "karaoke"