#include "rockmacros.h" #include "defs.h" #include "rc.h" static rcvar_t rcvars[150]; static int nvars; void rc_export(rcvar_t *v) { const rcvar_t end = RCV_END; if (!v) return; nvars++; // rcvars = realloc(rcvars, sizeof (rcvar_t) * (nvars+1)); // if (!rcvars) // die("out of memory adding rcvar %s\n", v->name); rcvars[nvars-1] = *v; rcvars[nvars] = end; } void rc_exportvars(rcvar_t *vars) { while(vars->type) rc_export(vars++); } int rc_findvar(char *name) { int i; if (!rcvars) return -1; for (i = 0; rcvars[i].name; i++) if (!strcmp(rcvars[i].name, name)) break; if (!rcvars[i].name) return -1; return i; } int my_atoi(const char *s) { int a = 0; if (*s == '0') { s++; if (*s == 'x' || *s == 'X') { s++; while (*s) { if (isdigit(*s)) a = (a<<4) + *s - '0'; else if (strchr("ABCDEF", *s)) a = (a<<4) + *s - 'A' + 10; else if (strchr("abcdef", *s)) a = (a<<4) + *s - 'a' + 10; else return a; s++; } return a; } while (*s) { if (strchr("01234567", *s)) a = (a<<3) + *s - '0'; else return a; s++; } return a; } if (*s == '-') { s++; for (;;) { if (isdigit(*s)) a = (a*10) + *s - '0'; else return -a; s++; } } while (*s) { if (isdigit(*s)) a = (a*10) + *s - '0'; else return a; s++; } return a; } int rc_setvar_n(int i, int c, char **v) { int j; int *n; char **s; switch (rcvars[i].type) { case rcv_int: if (c < 1) return -1; n = (int *)rcvars[i].mem; *n = my_atoi(v[0]); return 0; case rcv_string: if (c < 1) return -1; s = (char **)rcvars[i].mem; // if (*s) free(*s); strcpy(*s,v[0]); if (!*s) die("out of memory setting rcvar %s\n", rcvars[i].name); return 0; case rcv_vector: if (c > rcvars[i].len) c = rcvars[i].len; for (j = 0; j < c ; j++) ((int *)rcvars[i].mem)[j] = my_atoi(v[j]); return 0; case rcv_bool: if (c < 1 || atoi(v[0]) || strchr("yYtT", v[0][0])) *(int *)rcvars[i].mem = 1; else if (strchr("0nNfF", v[0][0])) *(int *)rcvars[i].mem = 0; else return -1; return 0; } return -1; } int rc_setvar(char *name, int c, char **v) { int i; i = rc_findvar(name); if (i < 0) return i; return rc_setvar_n(i, c, v); } void *rc_getmem_n(int i) { return rcvars[i].mem; } void *rc_getmem(char *name) { int i; i = rc_findvar(name); if (i < 0) return NULL; return rcvars[i].mem; } int rc_getint_n(int i) { if (i < 0) return 0; switch (rcvars[i].type) { case rcv_int: case rcv_bool: return *(int *)rcvars[i].mem; } return 0; } int *rc_getvec_n(int i) { if (i < 0) return NULL; switch (rcvars[i].type) { case rcv_int: case rcv_bool: case rcv_vector: return (int *)rcvars[i].mem; } return NULL; } char *rc_getstr_n(int i) { if (i < 0) return 0; switch (rcvars[i].type) { case rcv_string: return *(char **)rcvars[i].mem; } return 0; } int rc_getint(char *name) { return rc_getint_n(rc_findvar(name)); } int *rc_getvec(char *name) { return rc_getvec_n(rc_findvar(name)); } char *rc_getstr(char *name) { return rc_getstr_n(rc_findvar(name)); }