--[[ __________ __ ___. Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ $Id$ Port of Chain Reaction (which is based on Boomshine) to Rockbox in Lua. See http://www.yvoschaap.com/chainrxn/ and http://www.k2xl.com/games/boomshine/ Copyright (C) 2009 by Maurus Cuelenaere This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ]]-- require "actions" local CYCLETIME = rb.HZ / 50 local HAS_TOUCHSCREEN = rb.action_get_touchscreen_press ~= nil local DEFAULT_BALL_SIZE = rb.LCD_HEIGHT > rb.LCD_WIDTH and rb.LCD_WIDTH / 30 or rb.LCD_HEIGHT / 30 local MAX_BALL_SPEED = DEFAULT_BALL_SIZE / 2 local DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR = rb.lcd_get_foreground ~= nil and rb.lcd_get_foreground() or 0 local levels = { -- {GOAL, TOTAL_BALLS}, {1, 5}, {2, 10}, {4, 15}, {6, 20}, {10, 25}, {15, 30}, {18, 35}, {22, 40}, {30, 45}, {37, 50}, {48, 55}, {55, 60} } local Ball = { size = DEFAULT_BALL_SIZE, exploded = false, implosion = false } function Ball:new(o) if o == nil then o = { x = math.random(0, rb.LCD_WIDTH - self.size), y = math.random(0, rb.LCD_HEIGHT - self.size), color = random_color(), up_speed = Ball:generateSpeed(), right_speed = Ball:generateSpeed(), explosion_size = math.random(2*self.size, 4*self.size), life_duration = math.random(rb.HZ, rb.HZ*5) } end setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function Ball:generateSpeed() local speed = math.random(-MAX_BALL_SPEED, MAX_BALL_SPEED) if speed == 0 then speed = 1 -- Make sure all balls move end return speed end function Ball:draw() --[[ I know these aren't circles, but as there's no current circle implementation in Rockbox, rectangles will just do fine (drawing circles from within Lua is far too slow). ]]-- set_foreground(self.color) rb.lcd_fillrect(self.x, self.y, self.size, self.size) end function Ball:step() if self.exploded then if self.implosion and self.size > 0 then self.size = self.size - 2 self.x = self.x + 1 -- We do this because we want to stay centered self.y = self.y + 1 elseif self.size < self.explosion_size then self.size = self.size + 2 self.x = self.x - 1 -- We do this for the same reasons as above self.y = self.y - 1 end return end self.x = self.x + self.right_speed self.y = self.y + self.up_speed if (self.right_speed > 0 and self.x + self.size >= rb.LCD_WIDTH) or (self.right_speed < 0 and self.x <= 0) then self.right_speed = -self.right_speed end if (self.up_speed > 0 and self.y + self.size >= rb.LCD_HEIGHT) or (self.up_speed < 0 and self.y <= 0) then self.up_speed = -self.up_speed end end function Ball:checkHit(other) if (other.x + other.size >= self.x) and (self.x + self.size >= other.x) and (other.y + other.size >= self.y) and (self.y + self.size >= other.y) then assert(not self.exploded) self.exploded = true self.death_time = rb.current_tick() + self.life_duration if not other.exploded then other.exploded = true other.death_time = rb.current_tick() + other.life_duration end return true end return false end local Cursor = { size = DEFAULT_BALL_SIZE*2, x = rb.LCD_WIDTH/2, y = rb.LCD_HEIGHT/2 } function Cursor:new() return self end function Cursor:do_action(action) if action == rb.actions.ACTION_TOUCHSCREEN and HAS_TOUCHSCREEN then _, self.x, self.y = rb.action_get_touchscreen_press() return true elseif action == rb.actions.PLA_SELECT then return true elseif (action == rb.actions.PLA_RIGHT) then self.x = self.x + self.size elseif (action == rb.actions.PLA_LEFT) then self.x = self.x - self.size elseif (action == rb.actions.PLA_UP) then self.y = self.y - self.size elseif (action == rb.actions.PLA_DOWN) then self.y = self.y + self.size end if self.x > rb.LCD_WIDTH then self.x = 0 elseif self.x < 0 then self.x = rb.LCD_WIDTH end if self.y > rb.LCD_HEIGHT then self.y = 0 elseif self.y < 0 then self.y = rb.LCD_HEIGHT end return false end function Cursor:draw() set_foreground(DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR) rb.lcd_hline(self.x - self.size/2, self.x - self.size/4, self.y - self.size/2) rb.lcd_hline(self.x + self.size/4, self.x + self.size/2, self.y - self.size/2) rb.lcd_hline(self.x - self.size/2, self.x - self.size/4, self.y + self.size/2) rb.lcd_hline(self.x + self.size/4, self.x + self.size/2, self.y + self.size/2) rb.lcd_vline(self.x - self.size/2, self.y - self.size/2, self.y - self.size/4) rb.lcd_vline(self.x - self.size/2, self.y + self.size/4, self.y + self.size/2) rb.lcd_vline(self.x + self.size/2, self.y - self.size/2, self.y - self.size/4) rb.lcd_vline(self.x + self.size/2, self.y + self.size/4, self.y + self.size/2) rb.lcd_hline(self.x - self.size/4, self.x + self.size/4, self.y) rb.lcd_vline(self.x, self.y - self.size/4, self.y + self.size/4) end function draw_positioned_string(bottom, right, str) local _, w, h = rb.font_getstringsize(str, rb.FONT_UI) rb.lcd_putsxy((rb.LCD_WIDTH-w)*right, (rb.LCD_HEIGHT-h)*bottom, str) end function set_foreground(color) if rb.lcd_set_foreground ~= nil then rb.lcd_set_foreground(color) end end function random_color() if rb.lcd_rgbpack ~= nil then --color target return rb.lcd_rgbpack(math.random(1,255), math.random(1,255), math.random(1,255)) end return math.random(1, rb.LCD_DEPTH) end function start_round(level, goal, nrBalls, total) local player_added, score, exit, nrExpendedBalls = false, 0, false, 0 local balls, explodedBalls = {}, {} local cursor = Cursor:new() -- Initialize the balls for _=1,nrBalls do table.insert(balls, Ball:new()) end -- Make sure there are no unwanted touchscreen presses rb.button_clear_queue() while true do local endtick = rb.current_tick() + CYCLETIME -- Check if the round is over if #explodedBalls == 0 and player_added then break end -- Check for actions local action = rb.get_plugin_action(0) if action == rb.actions.PLA_EXIT or action == rb.actions.PLA_CANCEL then exit = true break end if not player_added and cursor:do_action(action) then local player = Ball:new({ x = cursor.x, y = cursor.y, color = DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR, size = 10, explosion_size = 3*DEFAULT_BALL_SIZE, exploded = true, death_time = rb.current_tick() + rb.HZ * 3 }) table.insert(explodedBalls, player) player_added = true end -- Check for hits for i, ball in ipairs(balls) do for _, explodedBall in ipairs(explodedBalls) do if ball:checkHit(explodedBall) then score = score + 100*level nrExpendedBalls = nrExpendedBalls + 1 table.insert(explodedBalls, ball) table.remove(balls, i) break end end end -- Check if we're dead yet for i, explodedBall in ipairs(explodedBalls) do if rb.current_tick() >= explodedBall.death_time then if explodedBall.size > 0 then explodedBall.implosion = true -- We should be dying else table.remove(explodedBalls, i) -- We're imploded! end end end -- Drawing phase rb.lcd_clear_display() set_foreground(DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR) draw_positioned_string(0, 0, string.format("%d balls expended", nrExpendedBalls)) draw_positioned_string(0, 1, string.format("Level %d", level)) draw_positioned_string(1, 1, string.format("%d level points", score)) draw_positioned_string(1, 0, string.format("%d total points", total+score)) for _, ball in ipairs(balls) do ball:step() ball:draw() end for _, explodedBall in ipairs(explodedBalls) do explodedBall:step() explodedBall:draw() end if not HAS_TOUCHSCREEN and not player_added then cursor:draw() end -- Push framebuffer to the LCD rb.lcd_update() if rb.current_tick() < endtick then rb.sleep(endtick - rb.current_tick()) else rb.yield() end end return exit, score, nrExpendedBalls end -- Helper function to display a message function display_message(to, ...) local message = string.format(...) local _, w, h = rb.font_getstringsize(message, rb.FONT_UI) local x, y = (rb.LCD_WIDTH - w) / 2, (rb.LCD_HEIGHT - h) / 2 rb.lcd_clear_display() set_foreground(DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR) if w > rb.LCD_WIDTH then rb.lcd_puts_scroll(0, y/h, message) else rb.lcd_putsxy(x, y, message) end if to == -1 then local msg = "Press button to exit" w = rb.font_getstringsize(msg, rb.FONT_UI) x = (rb.LCD_WIDTH - w) / 2 if x < 0 then rb.lcd_puts_scroll(0, y/h + 1, msg) else rb.lcd_putsxy(x, y + h, msg) end end rb.lcd_update() if to == -1 then rb.sleep(rb.HZ/2) rb.button_clear_queue() rb.button_get(1) else rb.sleep(to) end rb.lcd_scroll_stop() -- Stop our scrolling message end if HAS_TOUCHSCREEN then rb.touchscreen_set_mode(rb.TOUCHSCREEN_POINT) end rb.backlight_force_on() math.randomseed(os.time()) local idx, highscore = 1, 0 while levels[idx] ~= nil do local goal, nrBalls = levels[idx][1], levels[idx][2] display_message(rb.HZ*2, "Level %d: get %d out of %d balls", idx, goal, nrBalls) local exit, score, nrExpendedBalls = start_round(idx, goal, nrBalls, highscore) if exit then break -- Exiting.. else if nrExpendedBalls >= goal then display_message(rb.HZ*2, "You won!") idx = idx + 1 highscore = highscore + score else display_message(rb.HZ*2, "You lost!") end end end if idx > #levels then display_message(-1, "You finished the game with %d points!", highscore) else display_message(-1, "You made it till level %d with %d points!", idx, highscore) end -- Restore user backlight settings rb.backlight_use_settings()