/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2014 by Michael Sevakis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #define RB_FILESYSTEM_OS #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "system.h" #include "file.h" #include "dir.h" #include "debug.h" #include "pathfuncs.h" #include "string-extra.h" #define SAME_FILE_INFO(lpInfo1, lpInfo2) \ ((lpInfo1)->dwVolumeSerialNumber == (lpInfo2)->dwVolumeSerialNumber && \ (lpInfo1)->nFileIndexHigh == (lpInfo2)->nFileIndexHigh && \ (lpInfo1)->nFileIndexLow == (lpInfo2)->nFileIndexLow) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include static void win32_last_error_errno(void) { switch (GetLastError()) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: errno = ENOENT; break; case ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY: errno = ENOTEMPTY; break; default: errno = EIO; } } #ifdef __MINGW32__ #include #include "rbunicode.h" static HANDLE win32_open(const char *ospath); static int win32_stat(const char *ospath, LPBY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION lpInfo); unsigned short * strcpy_utf8ucs2(unsigned short *buffer, const unsigned char *utf8) { for (wchar_t *ucs2 = buffer; ((utf8 = utf8decode(utf8, ucs2)), *ucs2); ucs2++); return buffer; } #if 0 unsigned char * strcpy_ucs2utf8(unsigned char *buffer, const unsigned short *ucs2) { for (unsigned char *utf8 = buffer; ((utf8 = utf8encode(*ucs2, utf8)), *ucs2); ucs2++); return buffer; } size_t strlen_utf8ucs2(const unsigned char *utf8) { /* This won't properly count multiword ucs2 so use the alternative below for now which doesn't either */ size_t length = 0; unsigned short ucschar[2]; for (unsigned char c = *utf8; c; ((utf8 = utf8decode(utf8, ucschar)), c = *utf8)) length++; return length; } #endif /* 0 */ size_t strlen_utf8ucs2(const unsigned char *utf8) { return utf8length(utf8); } size_t strlen_ucs2utf8(const unsigned short *ucs2) { size_t length = 0; unsigned char utf8char[4]; for (unsigned short c = *ucs2; c; (c = *++ucs2)) length += utf8encode(c, utf8char) - utf8char; return length; } size_t strlcpy_ucs2utf8(char *buffer, const unsigned short *ucs2, size_t bufsize) { if (!buffer) bufsize = 0; size_t length = 0; unsigned char utf8char[4]; for (unsigned short c = *ucs2; c; (c = *++ucs2)) { /* If the last character won't fit, this won't split it */ size_t utf8size = utf8encode(c, utf8char) - utf8char; if ((length += utf8size) < bufsize) buffer = mempcpy(buffer, utf8char, utf8size); } /* Above won't ever copy to very end */ if (bufsize) *buffer = '\0'; return length; } #define _toucs2(utf8) \ ({ const char *_utf8 = (utf8); \ size_t _l = strlen_utf8ucs2(_utf8); \ void *_buffer = alloca((_l + 1)*2); \ strcpy_utf8ucs2(_buffer, _utf8); }) #define _toutf8(ucs2) \ ({ const char *_ucs2 = (ucs2); \ size_t _l = strlen_ucs2utf8(_ucs2); \ void *_buffer = alloca(_l + 1); \ strcpy_ucs2utf8(_buffer, _ucs2); }) int os_open(const char *ospath, int oflag, ...) { return _wopen(_toucs2(ospath), oflag __OPEN_MODE_ARG); } int os_creat(const char *ospath, mode_t mode) { return _wcreat(_toucs2(ospath), mode); } int os_stat(const char *ospath, struct _stat *s) { return _wstat(_toucs2(ospath), s); } int os_remove(const char *ospath) { return _wremove(_toucs2(ospath)); } int os_rename(const char *osold, const char *osnew) { int errnum = errno; const wchar_t *wchosold = _toucs2(osold); const wchar_t *wchosnew = _toucs2(osnew); int rc = _wrename(wchosold, wchosnew); if (rc < 0 && errno == EEXIST) { /* That didn't work; do cheap POSIX mimic */ BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info; if (win32_stat(osold, &info)) return -1; if ((info.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && !RemoveDirectoryW(wchosnew)) { win32_last_error_errno(); return -1; } if (MoveFileExW(wchosold, wchosnew, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING | MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH)) { errno = errnum; return 0; } errno = EIO; } return rc; } bool os_file_exists(const char *ospath) { HANDLE h = win32_open(ospath); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; CloseHandle(h); return true; } _WDIR * os_opendir(const char *osdirname) { return _wopendir(_toucs2(osdirname)); } int os_mkdir(const char *ospath, mode_t mode) { return _wmkdir(_toucs2(ospath)); (void)mode; } int os_rmdir(const char *ospath) { return _wrmdir(_toucs2(ospath)); } int os_dirfd(_WDIR *osdirp) { #ifdef ENOTSUP errno = ENOTSUP; #else errno = ENOSYS; #endif return -1; (void)osdirp; } int os_opendirfd(const char *osdirname) { HANDLE h = win32_open(osdirname); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return -1; BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info; if (!GetFileInformationByHandle(h, &info)) errno = EIO; else if (!(info.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) errno = ENOTDIR; else { /* Convert OS handle to fd; the fd now owns it */ int osfd = _open_osfhandle((long)h, O_RDONLY); if (osfd >= 0) return osfd; } CloseHandle(h); return -2; } #endif /* __MINGW32__ */ static size_t win32_path_strip_root(const char *ospath) { const char *p = ospath; int c = toupper(*p); if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { /* drive */ if ((c = *++p) == ':') return 2; } if (c == '\\' && *++p == '\\') { /* UNC */ while ((c = *++p) && c != '/' && c != '\\'); return p - ospath; } return 0; } static HANDLE win32_open(const char *ospath) { /* FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS is required for this to succeed at opening a directory */ HANDLE h = CreateFileW(_toucs2(ospath), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) win32_last_error_errno(); return h; } static int win32_fstat(int osfd, HANDLE hFile, LPBY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION lpInfo) { /* The file descriptor takes precedence over the win32 file handle */ if (osfd >= 0) hFile = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(osfd); int rc = GetFileInformationByHandle(hFile, lpInfo) ? 0 : -1; if (rc < 0) win32_last_error_errno(); return rc; } static int win32_stat(const char *ospath, LPBY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION lpInfo) { HANDLE h = win32_open(ospath); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return -1; int rc = win32_fstat(-1, h, lpInfo); CloseHandle(h); return rc; } int os_opendir_and_fd(const char *osdirname, _WDIR **osdirpp, int *osfdp) { /* another possible way is to use open() then fdopendir() */ *osdirpp = NULL; *osfdp = -1; _WDIR *dirp = os_opendir(osdirname); if (!dirp) return -1; int rc = 0; int errnum = errno; int fd = os_dirfd(dirp); if (fd < 0) { fd = os_opendirfd(osdirname); rc = 1; } if (fd < 0) { os_closedir(dirp); return -2; } errno = errnum; *osdirpp = dirp; *osfdp = fd; return rc; } int os_fsamefile(int osfd1, int osfd2) { BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info1, info2; if (!win32_fstat(osfd1, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, &info1) || !win32_fstat(osfd2, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, &info2)) return -1; return SAME_FILE_INFO(&info1, &info2) ? 1 : 0; } int os_relate(const char *ospath1, const char *ospath2) { DEBUGF("\"%s\" : \"%s\"\n", ospath1, ospath2); if (!ospath2 || !*ospath2) { errno = ospath2 ? ENOENT : EFAULT; return -1; } /* First file must stay open for duration so that its stats don't change */ HANDLE h1 = win32_open(ospath1); if (h1 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return -2; BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info1; if (win32_fstat(-1, h1, &info1)) { CloseHandle(h1); return -3; } char path2buf[strlen(ospath2) + 1]; *path2buf = 0; ssize_t len = 0; const char *p = ospath2; size_t rootlen = win32_path_strip_root(ospath2); const char *sepmo = PA_SEP_SOFT; if (rootlen) { strmemcpy(path2buf, ospath2, rootlen); ospath2 += rootlen; sepmo = PA_SEP_HARD; } int rc = RELATE_DIFFERENT; while (1) { if (sepmo != PA_SEP_HARD && !(len = parse_path_component(&ospath2, &p))) { break; } char compname[len + 1]; strmemcpy(compname, p, len); path_append(path2buf, sepmo, compname, sizeof (path2buf)); sepmo = PA_SEP_SOFT; int errnum = errno; /* save and restore if not actually failing */ BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info2; if (!win32_stat(path2buf, &info2)) { if (SAME_FILE_INFO(&info1, &info2)) { rc = RELATE_SAME; } else if (rc == RELATE_SAME) { if (name_is_dot_dot(compname)) rc = RELATE_DIFFERENT; else if (!name_is_dot(compname)) rc = RELATE_PREFIX; } } else if (errno == ENOENT && !*GOBBLE_PATH_SEPCH(ospath2) && !name_is_dot_dot(compname)) { if (rc == RELATE_SAME) rc = RELATE_PREFIX; errno = errnum; break; } else { rc = -4; break; } } CloseHandle(h1); return rc; } void volume_size(IF_MV(int volume,) unsigned long *sizep, unsigned long *freep) { ULARGE_INTEGER free = { .QuadPart = 0 }, size = { .QuadPart = 0 }; char volpath[MAX_PATH]; if (os_volume_path(IF_MV(volume, ) volpath, sizeof (volpath)) >= 0) GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(_toucs2(volpath), &free, &size, NULL); if (sizep) *sizep = size.QuadPart / 1024; if (freep) *freep = free.QuadPart / 1024; }