/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Jörg Hohensohn * Copyright (C) 2020 BILGUS * * * * Usage: Start plugin, it will stay in the background. * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "plugin.h" #include "lib/kbd_helper.h" #include "lib/configfile.h" /****************** constants ******************/ #define MAX_GROUPS 7 #define MAX_ANNOUNCE_WPS 63 #define ANNOUNCEMENT_TIMEOUT 10 #define GROUPING_CHAR ';' #define EV_EXIT MAKE_SYS_EVENT(SYS_EVENT_CLS_PRIVATE, 0xFF) #define EV_OTHINSTANCE MAKE_SYS_EVENT(SYS_EVENT_CLS_PRIVATE, 0xFE) #define EV_STARTUP MAKE_SYS_EVENT(SYS_EVENT_CLS_PRIVATE, 0x01) #define EV_TRACKCHANGE MAKE_SYS_EVENT(SYS_EVENT_CLS_PRIVATE, 0x02) #define CFG_FILE "/VoiceTSR.cfg" #define CFG_VER 1 #if CONFIG_RTC #define K_TIME "DT D1;\n\n" #define K_DATE "DD D2;\n\n" #else #define K_TIME "" #define K_DATE "" #endif #define K_TRACK_TA "TT TA;\n" #define K_TRACK "TE TL TR;\n" #define K_TRACK1 "T1 T2 T3;\n\n" #define K_PLAYLIST "PC PN PR P1 P2;\n" #define K_BATTERY "BP BM B1;\n" #define K_SLEEP "RS R2 R3;\n" #define K_RUNTIME "RT R1;" #define KEYBD_LAYOUT (K_TIME K_DATE K_TRACK_TA K_TRACK K_TRACK1 K_PLAYLIST K_BATTERY K_SLEEP K_RUNTIME) /****************** prototypes ******************/ void print_scroll(char* string); /* implements a scrolling screen */ int get_playtime(void); /* return the current track time in seconds */ int get_tracklength(void); /* return the total length of the current track */ int get_track(void); /* return the track number */ void get_playmsg(void); /* update the play message with Rockbox info */ void thread_create(void); void thread(void); /* the thread running it all */ void thread_quit(void); static int voice_general_info(bool testing); static unsigned char* voice_info_group(unsigned char* current_token, bool testing); int plugin_main(const void* parameter); /* main loop */ enum plugin_status plugin_start(const void* parameter); /* entry */ /****************** data types ******************/ /****************** globals ******************/ /* communication to the worker thread */ static struct { bool exiting; /* signal to the thread that we want to exit */ unsigned int id; /* worker thread id */ struct event_queue queue; /* thread event queue */ long *stack; ssize_t stacksize; void *buf; size_t buf_size; } gThread; static struct { int interval; int announce_on; int grouping; int timeout; int count; unsigned int index; int bin_added; bool show_prompt; unsigned char wps_fmt[MAX_ANNOUNCE_WPS+1]; } gAnnounce; static struct configdata config[] = { {TYPE_INT, 0, 10000, { .int_p = &gAnnounce.interval }, "Interval", NULL}, {TYPE_INT, 0, 2, { .int_p = &gAnnounce.announce_on }, "Announce", NULL}, {TYPE_INT, 0, 10, { .int_p = &gAnnounce.grouping }, "Grouping", NULL}, {TYPE_INT, 0, 10000, { .int_p = &gAnnounce.bin_added }, "Added", NULL}, {TYPE_BOOL, 0, 1, { .bool_p = &gAnnounce.show_prompt }, "Prompt", NULL}, {TYPE_STRING, 0, MAX_ANNOUNCE_WPS+1, { .string = (char*)&gAnnounce.wps_fmt }, "Fmt", NULL}, }; const int gCfg_sz = sizeof(config)/sizeof(*config); /****************** communication with Rockbox playback ******************/ #if 0 /* return the track number */ int get_track(void) { //if (rb->audio_status() == (AUDIO_STATUS_PLAY | AUDIO_STATUS_PAUSE)) struct mp3entry* p_mp3entry; p_mp3entry = rb->audio_current_track(); if (p_mp3entry == NULL) return 0; return p_mp3entry->index + 1; /* track numbers start with 1 */ } #endif static void playback_event_callback(unsigned short id, void *data) { (void)id; (void)data; if (gThread.id > 0) rb->queue_post(&gThread.queue, EV_TRACKCHANGE, 0); } /****************** config functions *****************/ static void config_set_defaults(void) { gAnnounce.bin_added = 0; gAnnounce.interval = ANNOUNCEMENT_TIMEOUT; gAnnounce.announce_on = 0; gAnnounce.grouping = 0; gAnnounce.wps_fmt[0] = '\0'; gAnnounce.show_prompt = true; } static void config_reset_voice(void) { /* don't want to change these so save a copy */ int interval = gAnnounce.interval; int announce = gAnnounce.announce_on; int grouping = gAnnounce.grouping; if (configfile_load(CFG_FILE, config, gCfg_sz, CFG_VER) < 0) { rb->splash(100, "ERROR!"); return; } /* restore other settings */ gAnnounce.interval = interval; gAnnounce.announce_on = announce; gAnnounce.grouping = grouping; } /****************** helper fuctions ******************/ void announce(void) { rb->talk_force_shutup(); rb->sleep(HZ / 2); voice_general_info(false); //rb->talk_force_enqueue_next(); } static void announce_test(void) { rb->talk_force_shutup(); rb->sleep(HZ / 2); voice_info_group(gAnnounce.wps_fmt, true); rb->splash(HZ, "..."); //rb->talk_force_enqueue_next(); } static void announce_add(const char *str) { int len_cur = rb->strlen(gAnnounce.wps_fmt); int len_str = rb->strlen(str); if (len_cur + len_str > MAX_ANNOUNCE_WPS) return; rb->strcpy(&gAnnounce.wps_fmt[len_cur], str); announce_test(); } static int _playlist_get_display_index(struct playlist_info *playlist) { /* equivalent of the function found in playlist.c */ if(!playlist) return -1; /* first_index should always be index 0 for display purposes */ int index = playlist->index; index -= playlist->first_index; if (index < 0) index += playlist->amount; return index + 1; } static enum themable_icons icon_callback(int selected_item, void * data) { (void)data; if(selected_item < MAX_GROUPS && selected_item >= 0) { int bin = 1 << (selected_item); if ((gAnnounce.bin_added & bin) == bin) return Icon_Submenu; } return Icon_NOICON; } static int announce_menu_cb(int action, const struct menu_item_ex *this_item, struct gui_synclist *this_list) { (void)this_item; unsigned short *kbd_p = gThread.buf; size_t kbd_bufsz = gThread.buf_size; int selection = rb->gui_synclist_get_sel_pos(this_list); if(action == ACTION_ENTER_MENUITEM) { rb->gui_synclist_set_icon_callback(this_list, icon_callback); } else if ((action == ACTION_STD_OK)) { //rb->splashf(100, "%d", selection); if (selection < MAX_GROUPS && selection >= 0) /* only add premade tags once */ { int bin = 1 << (selection); if ((gAnnounce.bin_added & bin) == bin) return 0; gAnnounce.bin_added |= bin; } switch(selection) { case 0: /*Time*/ announce_add("D1Dt ;"); break; case 1: /*Date*/ announce_add("D2Dd ;"); break; case 2: /*Track*/ announce_add("TT TA T1TeT2Tr ;"); break; case 3: /*Playlist*/ announce_add("P1PC P2PN ;"); break; case 4: /*Battery*/ announce_add("B1Bp ;"); break; case 5: /*Sleep*/ announce_add("R2RsR3 ;"); break; case 6: /*Runtime*/ announce_add("R1Rt ;"); break; case 7: /* sep */ break; case 8: /*Clear All*/ gAnnounce.wps_fmt[0] = '\0'; gAnnounce.bin_added = 0; rb->splash(HZ / 2, ID2P(LANG_RESET_DONE_CLEAR)); break; case 9: /* inspect it */ if (!kbd_create_layout(KEYBD_LAYOUT, kbd_p, kbd_bufsz)) kbd_p = NULL; rb->kbd_input(gAnnounce.wps_fmt, MAX_ANNOUNCE_WPS, kbd_p); break; case 10: /*test it*/ announce_test(); break; case 11: /*cancel*/ config_reset_voice(); return ACTION_STD_CANCEL; case 12: /* save */ return ACTION_STD_CANCEL; default: return action; } rb->gui_synclist_draw(this_list); /* redraw */ return 0; } return action; } static int announce_menu(void) { int selection = 0; MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(announce_menu, "Announcements", announce_menu_cb, ID2P(LANG_TIME), ID2P(LANG_DATE), ID2P(LANG_TRACK), ID2P(LANG_PLAYLIST), ID2P(LANG_BATTERY_MENU), ID2P(LANG_SLEEP_TIMER), ID2P(LANG_RUNNING_TIME), ID2P(VOICE_BLANK), ID2P(LANG_CLEAR_ALL), ID2P(LANG_ANNOUNCEMENT_FMT), ID2P(LANG_VOICE), ID2P(LANG_CANCEL_0), ID2P(LANG_SAVE)); selection = rb->do_menu(&announce_menu, &selection, NULL, true); if (selection == MENU_ATTACHED_USB) return PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; return 0; } /** Shows the settings menu */ static int settings_menu(void) { int selection = 0; //bool old_val; MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(settings_menu, "Announce Settings", NULL, ID2P(LANG_TIMEOUT), ID2P(LANG_ANNOUNCE_ON), ID2P(LANG_GROUPING), ID2P(LANG_ANNOUNCEMENT_FMT), ID2P(VOICE_BLANK), ID2P(LANG_MENU_QUIT), ID2P(LANG_SAVE_EXIT)); static const struct opt_items announce_options[] = { { STR(LANG_OFF)}, { STR(LANG_TRACK_CHANGE)}, }; do { selection=rb->do_menu(&settings_menu,&selection, NULL, true); switch(selection) { case 0: rb->set_int(rb->str(LANG_TIMEOUT), "s", UNIT_SEC, &gAnnounce.interval, NULL, 1, 1, 360, NULL ); break; case 1: rb->set_option(rb->str(LANG_ANNOUNCE_ON), &gAnnounce.announce_on, INT, announce_options, 2, NULL); break; case 2: rb->set_int(rb->str(LANG_GROUPING), "", 1, &gAnnounce.grouping, NULL, 1, 0, 7, NULL ); break; case 3: announce_menu(); break; case 4: /*sep*/ continue; case 5: return -1; break; case 6: configfile_save(CFG_FILE, config, gCfg_sz, CFG_VER); return 0; break; case MENU_ATTACHED_USB: return PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; default: return 0; } } while ( selection >= 0 ); return 0; } /****************** main thread + helper ******************/ void thread(void) { long interval; long last_tick = *rb->current_tick; /* for 1 sec tick */ struct queue_event ev; while (!gThread.exiting) { rb->queue_wait(&gThread.queue, &ev); interval = gAnnounce.interval * HZ; switch (ev.id) { case SYS_USB_CONNECTED: rb->usb_acknowledge(SYS_USB_CONNECTED_ACK); case EV_EXIT: return; case EV_OTHINSTANCE: if (*rb->current_tick - last_tick >= interval) { last_tick += interval; rb->sleep(HZ / 10); announce(); } break; case EV_STARTUP: rb->beep_play(1500, 100, 1000); break; case EV_TRACKCHANGE: rb->sleep(HZ / 10); announce(); break; } } } void plugin_buffer_init(void) { if (gThread.buf == 0) { rb->memset(&gThread, 0, sizeof(gThread)); gThread.buf = rb->plugin_get_buffer(&gThread.buf_size); ALIGN_BUFFER(gThread.buf, gThread.buf_size, sizeof(long)); } } void thread_create(void) { /* init the worker thread */ gThread.stacksize = gThread.buf_size; gThread.buf_size -= gThread.stacksize; gThread.stack = (long *) gThread.buf; ALIGN_BUFFER(gThread.stack, gThread.stacksize, sizeof(long)); if (gThread.stacksize < DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE) { rb->splash(HZ*2, "Out of memory"); gThread.exiting = true; rb->remove_event(PLAYBACK_EVENT_TRACK_CHANGE, playback_event_callback); gThread.id = UINT_MAX; return; } /* put the thread's queue in the bcast list */ rb->queue_init(&gThread.queue, true); gThread.id = rb->create_thread(thread, gThread.stack, gThread.stacksize, 0, "vTSR" IF_PRIO(, PRIORITY_BACKGROUND) IF_COP(, CPU)); rb->queue_post(&gThread.queue, EV_STARTUP, 0); rb->yield(); } void thread_quit(void) { if (!gThread.exiting) { rb->queue_post(&gThread.queue, EV_EXIT, 0); rb->thread_wait(gThread.id); /* we don't want any more events */ rb->remove_event(PLAYBACK_EVENT_TRACK_CHANGE, playback_event_callback); /* remove the thread's queue from the broadcast list */ rb->queue_delete(&gThread.queue); gThread.exiting = true; } } /* callback to end the TSR plugin, called before a new one gets loaded */ static bool exit_tsr(bool reenter) { if (reenter) { rb->queue_post(&gThread.queue, EV_OTHINSTANCE, 0); return false; /* dont let it start again */ } thread_quit(); return true; } /****************** main ******************/ int plugin_main(const void* parameter) { (void)parameter; bool settings = false; int i = 0; gAnnounce.index = 0; gAnnounce.timeout = 0; rb->splash(HZ / 2, "Announce Status"); if (configfile_load(CFG_FILE, config, gCfg_sz, CFG_VER) < 0) { /* If the loading failed, save a new config file */ config_set_defaults(); configfile_save(CFG_FILE, config, gCfg_sz, CFG_VER); rb->splash(HZ, ID2P(LANG_HOLD_FOR_SETTINGS)); } if (gAnnounce.show_prompt) { if (rb->mixer_channel_status(PCM_MIXER_CHAN_PLAYBACK) != CHANNEL_PLAYING) { rb->talk_id(LANG_HOLD_FOR_SETTINGS, false); } rb->splash(HZ, ID2P(LANG_HOLD_FOR_SETTINGS)); } rb->button_clear_queue(); if (rb->button_get_w_tmo(HZ) > BUTTON_NONE) { while ((rb->button_get(false) & BUTTON_REL) != BUTTON_REL) { if (i & 1) rb->beep_play(800, 100, 1000); if (++i > 15) { settings = true; break; } rb->sleep(HZ / 5); } } plugin_buffer_init(); /* need buffer for custom keyboard layout */ if (settings) { rb->splash(100, ID2P(LANG_SETTINGS)); int ret = settings_menu(); if (ret < 0) return 0; } gAnnounce.timeout = *rb->current_tick; rb->plugin_tsr(exit_tsr); /* stay resident */ if (gAnnounce.announce_on == 1) rb->add_event(PLAYBACK_EVENT_TRACK_CHANGE, playback_event_callback); thread_create(); return 0; } /***************** Plugin Entry Point *****************/ enum plugin_status plugin_start(const void* parameter) { /* now go ahead and have fun! */ int ret = plugin_main(parameter); return (ret==0) ? PLUGIN_OK : PLUGIN_ERROR; } static int voice_general_info(bool testing) { unsigned char* infotemplate = gAnnounce.wps_fmt; if (gAnnounce.index >= rb->strlen(gAnnounce.wps_fmt)) gAnnounce.index = 0; long current_tick = *rb->current_tick; if (*infotemplate == 0) { #if CONFIG_RTC /* announce the time */ voice_info_group("D1Dt ", false); #else /* announce elapsed play for this track */ voice_info_group("T1Te ", false); #endif return -1; } if (TIME_BEFORE(current_tick, gAnnounce.timeout)) { return -2; } gAnnounce.timeout = current_tick + gAnnounce.interval * HZ; rb->talk_shutup(); gAnnounce.count = 0; infotemplate = voice_info_group(&infotemplate[gAnnounce.index], testing); gAnnounce.index = (infotemplate - gAnnounce.wps_fmt) + 1; return 0; } static unsigned char* voice_info_group(unsigned char* current_token, bool testing) { unsigned char current_char; bool skip_next_group = false; gAnnounce.count = 0; while (*current_token != 0) { //rb->splash(10, current_token); current_char = toupper(*current_token); if (current_char == 'D') { /* Date and time functions */ current_token++; current_char = toupper(*current_token); #if CONFIG_RTC struct tm *tm = rb->get_time(); if (true) //(valid_time(tm)) { if (current_char == 'T') { rb->talk_time(tm, true); } else if (current_char == 'D') { rb->talk_date(tm, true); } /* prefix suffix connectives */ else if (current_char == '1') { rb->talk_id(LANG_TIME, true); } else if (current_char == '2') { rb->talk_id(LANG_DATE, true); } } #endif } else if (current_char == 'R') { /* Sleep timer and runtime */ int sleep_remaining = sleep_remaining = rb->get_sleep_timer(); int runtime; current_token++; current_char = toupper(*current_token); if (current_char == 'T') { runtime = rb->global_status->runtime; rb->talk_value(runtime, UNIT_TIME, true); } /* prefix suffix connectives */ else if (current_char == '1') { rb->talk_id(LANG_RUNNING_TIME, true); } else if (testing || sleep_remaining > 0) { if (current_char == 'S') { rb->talk_value(sleep_remaining, UNIT_TIME, true); } /* prefix suffix connectives */ else if (current_char == '2') { rb->talk_id(LANG_SLEEP_TIMER, true); } else if (current_char == '3') { rb->talk_id(LANG_REMAIN, true); } } else if (sleep_remaining == 0) { skip_next_group = true; } } else if (current_char == 'T') { /* Current track information */ current_token++; current_char = toupper(*current_token); struct mp3entry* id3 = rb->audio_current_track(); int elapsed_length = id3->elapsed / 1000; int track_length = id3->length / 1000; int track_remaining = track_length - elapsed_length; if (current_char == 'E') { rb->talk_value(elapsed_length, UNIT_TIME, true); } else if (current_char == 'L') { rb->talk_value(track_length, UNIT_TIME, true); } else if (current_char == 'R') { rb->talk_value(track_remaining, UNIT_TIME, true); } else if (current_char == 'T' && id3->title) { rb->talk_spell(id3->title, true); } else if (current_char == 'A' && id3->artist) { rb->talk_spell(id3->artist, true); } else if (current_char == 'A' && id3->albumartist) { rb->talk_spell(id3->albumartist, true); } /* prefix suffix connectives */ else if (current_char == '1') { rb->talk_id(LANG_ELAPSED, true); } else if (current_char == '2') { rb->talk_id(LANG_REMAIN, true); } else if (current_char == '3') { rb->talk_id(LANG_OF, true); } } else if (current_char == 'P') { /* Current playlist information */ current_token++; current_char = toupper(*current_token); struct playlist_info *pl; int current_track = 0; int remaining_tracks = 0; int total_tracks = rb->playlist_amount(); if (!isdigit(current_char)) { pl = rb->playlist_get_current(); current_track = _playlist_get_display_index(pl); remaining_tracks = total_tracks - current_track; } if (total_tracks > 0 || testing) { if (current_char == 'C') { rb->talk_number(current_track, true); } else if (current_char == 'N') { rb->talk_number(total_tracks, true); } else if (current_char == 'R') { rb->talk_number(remaining_tracks, true); } /* prefix suffix connectives */ else if (current_char == '1') { rb->talk_id(LANG_TRACK, true); } else if (current_char == '2') { rb->talk_id(LANG_OF, true); } } else if (total_tracks == 0) skip_next_group = true; } else if (current_char == 'B') { /* Battery */ current_token++; current_char = toupper(*current_token); if (current_char == 'P') { rb->talk_value(rb->battery_level(), UNIT_PERCENT, true); } else if (current_char == 'M') { rb->talk_value(rb->battery_time() * 60, UNIT_TIME, true); } /* prefix suffix connectives */ else if (current_char == '1') { rb->talk_id(LANG_BATTERY_TIME, true); } } else if (current_char == ' ') { /* Catch your breath */ rb->talk_id(VOICE_PAUSE, true); } else if (current_char == GROUPING_CHAR && gAnnounce.grouping > 0) { gAnnounce.count++; if (gAnnounce.count >= gAnnounce.grouping && !testing && !skip_next_group) break; skip_next_group = false; } current_token++; } return current_token; }