\subsection{PictureFlow} \screenshot{plugins/images/ss-pictureflow}{PictureFlow}{img:pictureflow} PictureFlow provides a visualisation of your albums with their associated cover art. \opt{swcodec}{It is possible to start playback of the selected album from PictureFlow. Playback will start from the selected track. The PictureFlow plugin will continue to run while your tracks are played.} \opt{hwcodec}{ \note{PictureFlow is a visualisation only. It cannot be used to select and play music. Also, using this plugin will cause playback to stop.} } \subsubsection{Requirements} PictureFlow uses both the album art (see \reference{ref:album_art}) and database (see \reference{ref:database}) features of Rockbox. It is therefore important that these are working correctly before attempting to use PictureFlow. In addition, there are some other points of which to be aware: \begin{itemize} \item PictureFlow will accept album art larger than the dimensions of the screen, but the larger the dimensions, the longer they will take to scale. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Keys} \begin{table} \begin{btnmap}{}{} \opt{scrollwheel,IRIVER_H10_PAD}{ \ActionStdPrev{} / \ActionStdNext & \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{ &} Scroll through albums / track list \\ } % only scroll wheel and 'strip' targets use the same action in album and track list \nopt{scrollwheel,IRIVER_H10_PAD}{% % currently the M3 does not use buttons of the main unit which has no display \nopt{IAUDIO_M3_PAD,COWON_D2_PAD}{\ButtonLeft{} / \ButtonRight} & \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{ \opt{IAUDIO_M3_PAD,GIGABEAT_RC_PAD}{\ActionRCStdPrev{} / \ActionRCStdNext} &} Scroll through albums \\ \nopt{IAUDIO_M3_PAD}{\ActionStdPrev{} / \ActionStdNext} & \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{ % even though the M3 uses an Iaudio remote, mapping differs when used with M/X5 \opt{IAUDIO_M3_PAD}{\ButtonRCLeft{} / \ButtonRCRight} \opt{GIGABEAT_RC_PAD}{\ButtonRCVolUp{} / \ButtonRCVolDown} &} Scroll through track list \\ } \nopt{IAUDIO_M3_PAD}{% \nopt{ONDIO_PAD,IRIVER_H10_PAD,RECORDER_PAD,COWON_D2_PAD}{\ButtonSelect} \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonUp} \opt{IRIVER_H10_PAD}{\ButtonRight} \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{\ButtonOn} \opt{COWON_D2_PAD}{\TouchCenter} } & \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{ \opt{IAUDIO_M3_PAD}{\ButtonRCPlay} \opt{GIGABEAT_RC_PAD}{\ButtonRCFF} &} Enter track list \nopt{ONDIO_PAD}{/ Play album from selected track} \\ % Ondio uses a different button in album list and track list \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{ \ButtonMenu & Play album from selected track in track list \\ } \nopt{IAUDIO_M3_PAD,COWON_D2_PAD}{\ButtonLeft} \opt{COWON_D2_PAD}{\ButtonPower{} or \TouchBottomRight} & \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{ \opt{IAUDIO_M3_PAD,GIGABEAT_RC_PAD}{\ActionRCStdCancel} &} Exit track list \\ \nopt{IAUDIO_M3_PAD}{\ActionStdMenu} & \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{ \opt{IAUDIO_M3_PAD,GIGABEAT_RC_PAD}{\ActionRCStdMenu} &} Enter menu \\ \nopt{IAUDIO_M3_PAD}{% \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD,RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonOff} \opt{IAUDIO_X5_PAD,GIGABEAT_PAD,GIGABEAT_S_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD% ,MROBE100_PAD}{\ButtonPower} \opt{SANSA_C200_PAD,IRIVER_H10_PAD,COWON_D2_PAD}{Long \ButtonPower} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD,IPOD_3G_PAD}{Long \ButtonMenu} \opt{SANSA_FUZE_PAD}{Long \ButtonHome} } & \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{ \opt{IAUDIO_M3_PAD}{\ButtonRCRec} \opt{GIGABEAT_RC_PAD}{\ButtonRCRew} &} Exit PictureFlow \\ \end{btnmap} \end{table} \subsubsection{Main Menu} \begin{description} \item[Go to WPS.] Leave PictureFlow and enter the while playing screen. \opt{swcodec}{\item[Playback Control.] Control music playback from within the plugin.} \item[Settings.] Enter the settings menu. \item[Return.] Exit menu. \item[Quit.] Exit PictureFlow plugin. \end{description} \subsubsection{Settings Menu} \begin{description} \item[Show FPS.] Displays frames per second on screen. \item[Spacing.] The distance between the front edges of the side slides, i.e. changes the degree of overlap of the side slides. A larger number means less overlap. Scales with zoom. \item[Centre margin.] The distance, in screen pixels, with zoom at 100, between the centre and side slides. Scales with zoom. \item[Number of slides.] Sets the number of slides at each side, including the centre slide. Therefore if set to 4, there will be 3 slides on the left, the centre slide, and then 3 slides on the right. \item[Zoom.] Changes the distance at which slides are rendered from the "camera". \item[Show album title.] Allows setting the album title to be shown above or below the cover art, or not at all. \item[Resize Covers.] Set whether to automatically resize the covers or to leave them at their original size. \item[Rebuild cache.] Rebuild the PictureFlow cache. This is needed in order for PictureFlow to pick up new albums, and may occasionally be needed if albums are removed. \end{description}