% $Id$ % \subsection{JPEG viewer} Open a JPEG file in the \setting{File Browser} to view it \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,h1xx}{ using Rockbox's greyscale library}. \note{When an audio file is playing the size of the image is limited as the decoding process needs to share memory with audio tracks. To be able to view a bigger file you may need to stop playback.} \begin{table} \begin{btnmap}{}{} \opt{RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD,IAUDIO_X5_PAD} {\ButtonUp\ / \ButtonDown} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonMenu\ / \ButtonPlay} / \ButtonLeft\ / \ButtonRight & Move around in zoomed in image\\ \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{\ButtonPlay} \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonMenu} \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD,IAUDIO_X5_PAD}{\ButtonSelect} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonScrollFwd} & Zoom in\\ \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{\ButtonOn} \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonMenu+\ButtonDown} \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonMode} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonScrollBack} \opt{IAUDIO_X5_PAD}{Hold \ButtonSelect} & Zoom out\\ \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{\ButtonFThree} \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonMenu+\ButtonRight} \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD}{\ButtonOn} \opt{IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonRec} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonSelect+\ButtonRight} \opt{IAUDIO_X5_PAD}{\ButtonPlay} & Next jpeg in folder\\ \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{\ButtonFTwo} \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonMenu+\ButtonLeft} \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IAUDIO_X5_PAD}{\ButtonRec} \opt{IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonOn} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonSelect+\ButtonLeft} & Previous jpeg in folder\\ \opt{RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonOff} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonSelect+\ButtonMenu} \opt{IAUDIO_X5_PAD}{\ButtonPower} & Show menu\\ \end{btnmap} \end{table} The menu has the following entries. \begin{description} \item[Quit.] Quits the viewer and returns to the \setting{File Browser}. \item[Toggle Slideshow Mode.] Enables or disables the slideshow mode. \item[Change Slideshow Timeout.] You can set the timeout for the slideshow between 1 second and 20 seconds. \item[Show Playback Menu.] From the playback menu you can control the playback of the currently loaded playlist and change the volume of you \dap. \item[Return.] Returns you to the image \end{description} \note{JPEGs that use progressive scan encoding are not supported and will produce an error.}