\subsection{Text Viewer} This is a Viewer for text files with word wrap. Just open a .txt file to display it. The text viewer features controls to handle various styles of text formatting, has top{}-of{}-file and bottom{}-of{}-file buttons. You can view files without a \fname{.txt} extension by using \emph{Open with} from the \emph{Context Menu} (see \reference{ref:Contextmenu}). \begin{table} \begin{btnmap}{}{} \opt{PLAYER_PAD}{\ButtonLeft} \opt{RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD,IAUDIO_X5_PAD% ,SANSA_E200_PAD,GIGABEAT_PAD,MROBE100_PAD}{\ButtonUp} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD,IPOD_3G_PAD}{\ButtonScrollBack} \opt{IRIVER_H10_PAD}{\ButtonScrollUp} \opt{SANSA_C200_PAD}{\ButtonVolUp} & Scroll{}-up\\ \opt{PLAYER_PAD}{\ButtonRight} \opt{RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD,IAUDIO_X5_PAD% ,SANSA_E200_PAD,GIGABEAT_PAD,MROBE100_PAD}{\ButtonDown} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD,IPOD_3G_PAD}{\ButtonScrollFwd} \opt{IRIVER_H10_PAD}{\ButtonScrollDown} \opt{SANSA_C200_PAD}{\ButtonVolDown} & Scroll{}-down\\ \opt{PLAYER_PAD}{\ButtonMenu+\ButtonLeft} \nopt{PLAYER_PAD}{\ButtonLeft} & Top of file (Narrow mode) / One screen left (Wide mode)\\ \opt{PLAYER_PAD}{\ButtonMenu+\ButtonRight} \nopt{PLAYER_PAD}{\ButtonRight} & Bottom of file (Narrow mode) / One screen right (Wide mode)\\ \opt{RECORDER_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD,SANSA_C200_PAD}{% \opt{RECORDER_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonOn+\ButtonUp} \opt{SANSA_E200_PAD}{\ButtonScrollBack} \opt{SANSA_C200_PAD}{\ButtonUp} & One line up\\ } \opt{RECORDER_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD,SANSA_C200_PAD}{% \opt{RECORDER_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonOn+\ButtonDown} \opt{SANSA_E200_PAD}{\ButtonScrollFwd} \opt{SANSA_C200_PAD}{\ButtonDown} & One line down\\ } \opt{RECORDER_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{ \ButtonOn+\ButtonLeft & One column left\\ } \opt{RECORDER_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{ \ButtonOn+\ButtonRight & One column right\\ } \opt{RECORDER_PAD,PLAYER_PAD,IPOD_4G_PAD,IPOD_3G_PAD,IAUDIO_X5_PAD,IRIVER_H10_PAD}{\ButtonPlay} \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonSelect} \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonMenu} \opt{GIGABEAT_PAD}{\ButtonA} \opt{SANSA_C200_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD}{\ButtonRec} \opt{MROBE100_PAD}{\ButtonDisplay} & Toggle autoscroll\\ \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{\ButtonFOne} \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{Long \ButtonMenu} \opt{PLAYER_PAD,IPOD_4G_PAD,IPOD_3G_PAD,GIGABEAT_PAD,MROBE100_PAD}{\ButtonMenu} \opt{IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonMode} \opt{IAUDIO_X5_PAD,SANSA_C200_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD}{\ButtonSelect} \opt{IRIVER_H10_PAD}{\ButtonRew} & Enter menu\\ \opt{PLAYER_PAD}{\ButtonStop} \opt{RECORDER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonOff} \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD,IPOD_3G_PAD}{\ButtonMenu} \opt{IAUDIO_X5_PAD,IRIVER_H10_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD,SANSA_C200_PAD,GIGABEAT_PAD% ,MROBE100_PAD}{\ButtonPower} & Exit text viewer\\ \end{btnmap} \end{table} \subsubsection{The Viewer's Menu} \begin{description} \item[Quit] Exits the plugin. \item[Viewer Options] \begin{description} \item[Encoding] sets the codepage in the text viewer. % ToDo: wrap some of the following settings into a \opt{lcd_bitmap} to exlude % ones that don't work on charcell - as soon as the plugin itself does Available settings: \setting{UTF-8} (Unicode), \setting{BIG5} (Traditional Chinese), \setting{KSX-1001} (Korean), \setting{GB-2312} (Simple Chinese), \setting{SJIS} (Japanese), \setting{CP1250} (Central European), \setting{ISO-8859-2} (Latin Extended), \setting{ISO-8859-9} (Turkish), \setting{ISO-8859-6} (Arabic), \setting{ISO-8859-11} (Thai), \setting{CP1251} (Cyrillic), \setting{ISO-8859-8} (Hebrew), \setting{ISO-8859-7} (Greek), \setting{ISO-8859-1} (Latin 1). This setting only applies to the plugin and is independent from the \setting{Default Codepage} setting (see \reference{ref:Defaultcodepage}). \item[Word Wrap] toggles between Wrap and Chop. \begin{description} \item[Off (Chop Words)] breaks lines at white space or hyphen. \item[On] breaks lines at the maximum column limit. \end{description} \item[Line Mode] cycles through Normal, Join and Expand and Reflow Lines. \begin{description} \opt{lcd_bitmap}{ \item[Reflow Lines] justifies the text fully. } \item[Expand] adds a blank line. Useful for making the paragraphs clearer in some book style text files. \item[Join] joins lines. Useful for adopting the orphans that occur with e{}-mail style (i.e. pre{}-wrapped) text files. \item[Normal] breaks lines at newline characters. \end{description} \item[Wide View] toggles between Narrow and Wide. \begin{description} \item[Yes] sets maximum column to 114. Useful for navigating large files. (Currently, Wide and Join cannot be selected together.) \item[No (Narrow)] sets maximum column to the screen width. \end{description} \opt{lcd_bitmap}{ \item[Show Scrollbar] toggles scrollbar for the current View mode. If the file fits on one screen, there is no scrollbar and toggling this setting has no effect. \begin{description} \item[On] has a scrollbar by default, until toggled. \item[Off] has no scrollbar by default, until toggled. \end{description} \item[Overlap Pages] toggles between Normal and Overlap. \begin{description} \item[Yes] tells page{}-down/page{}-up to retain one line from previous screen. \item[No] sets page{}-down/page{}-up to one full screen. \end{description} } \item[Scroll Mode] controls the function of the ``Scroll-up'' and ``Scroll-down'' buttons. \begin{description} \item[Scroll by Line] \item[Scroll by Page] \end{description} \item[Auto-scroll Speed] controls the speed of auto-scrolling in number of lines per scroll step, available options are \setting{1} to \setting{10} lines. As an example, a setting of \setting{4} will scroll up the text four lines per second. \end{description} \item[Show Playback Menu] controls the playback of the currently loaded playlist and change the volume of your \dap without leaving the plugin. \item[Return] to the text view. \end{description} \note{The text viewer automatically saves its settings and also stores the current position in the viewed text files (up to the last 46 files).} \subsubsection{Compatibility} \begin{itemize} \item Currently messages are in English \item Does not currently support right{}-to{}-left languages. \end{itemize}