CC=gcc LD=ld OC=objcopy CROSS_PREFIX=arm-elf-eabi- REGS_PATH=../../../firmware/target/arm/imx233/regs CFLAGS=-mcpu=arm926ej-s -std=gnu99 -I. -I$(REGS_PATH) -nostdlib -ffreestanding -fomit-frame-pointer -O LDFLAGS= # Edit the following variables when adding a new target. # mkimxboot.c also needs to be edited to refer to these # To add a new target x you need to: # 1) add x to the list in TARGETS # 2) create a variable named OPT_x of the form: # OPT_x=target specific defines TARGETS=zenmozaic zenxfi zen OPT_zenmozaic=-DCREATIVE_ZENMOZAIC -DIMX233_SUBTARGET=3700 OPT_zenxfi=-DCREATIVE_ZENXFI -DIMX233_SUBTARGET=3700 OPT_zen=-DCREATIVE_ZEN -DIMX233_SUBTARGET=3700 BOOTLDS=$(patsubst %,, $(TARGETS)) BOOTOBJS=$(patsubst %, dualboot_%.o, $(TARGETS)) BOOTBINS=$(patsubst %, dualboot_%.arm-bin, $(TARGETS)) BOOTELFS=$(patsubst %, dualboot_%.arm-elf, $(TARGETS)) all: ../dualboot.h ../dualboot.c $(BOOTELFS) # Dualboot bootloaders dualboot_%.o: dualboot.c $(CROSS_PREFIX)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OPT_$(@:dualboot_%.o=%)) -c -o $@ $^ $(CROSS_PREFIX)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OPT_$( -E -x c - < $< | sed '/#/d' > $@ dualboot_%.arm-elf: dualboot_%.o $(CROSS_PREFIX)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -T$( -o $@ $< # Rules for the ARM code embedded in mkamsboot - assemble, link, then extract # the binary code and finally convert to .h for building in mkamsboot %.arm-bin: %.arm-elf $(CROSS_PREFIX)$(OC) -O binary $< $@ ../dualboot.c ../dualboot.h: $(BOOTBINS) bin2c ./bin2c ../dualboot $(BOOTBINS) bin2c: bin2c.c $(CC) -o bin2c bin2c.c clean: rm -f *~ bin2c $(BOOTBINS) $(BOOTOBJS) $(BOOTELFS) $(BOOTLDS)