 *             __________               __   ___.
 *   Open      \______   \ ____   ____ |  | _\_ |__   _______  ___
 *   Source     |       _//  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ /| __ \ /  _ \  \/  /
 *   Jukebox    |    |   (  <_> )  \___|    < | \_\ (  <_> > <  <
 *   Firmware   |____|_  /\____/ \___  >__|_ \|___  /\____/__/\_ \
 *                     \/            \/     \/    \/            \/
 * $Id$
 * Copyright (C) 2002 by Alan Korr
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
 * KIND, either express or implied.
#include "config.h"

#include "hwcompat.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "cpu.h"

/*** definitions ***/

#define LCD_SET_LOWER_COLUMN_ADDRESS              ((char)0x00)
#define LCD_SET_HIGHER_COLUMN_ADDRESS             ((char)0x10)
#define LCD_SET_POWER_CONTROL_REGISTER            ((char)0x28)
#define LCD_SET_DISPLAY_START_LINE                ((char)0x40)
#define LCD_SET_CONTRAST_CONTROL_REGISTER         ((char)0x81)
#define LCD_SET_SEGMENT_REMAP                     ((char)0xA0)
#define LCD_SET_LCD_BIAS                          ((char)0xA2)
#define LCD_SET_ENTIRE_DISPLAY_OFF                ((char)0xA4)
#define LCD_SET_ENTIRE_DISPLAY_ON                 ((char)0xA5)
#define LCD_SET_NORMAL_DISPLAY                    ((char)0xA6)
#define LCD_SET_REVERSE_DISPLAY                   ((char)0xA7)
#define LCD_SET_MULTIPLEX_RATIO                   ((char)0xA8)
#define LCD_SET_BIAS_TC_OSC                       ((char)0xA9)
#define LCD_SET_1OVER4_BIAS_RATIO                 ((char)0xAA)
#define LCD_SET_INDICATOR_OFF                     ((char)0xAC)
#define LCD_SET_INDICATOR_ON                      ((char)0xAD)
#define LCD_SET_DISPLAY_OFF                       ((char)0xAE)
#define LCD_SET_DISPLAY_ON                        ((char)0xAF)
#define LCD_SET_PAGE_ADDRESS                      ((char)0xB0)
#define LCD_SET_COM_OUTPUT_SCAN_DIRECTION         ((char)0xC0)
#define LCD_SET_TOTAL_FRAME_PHASES                ((char)0xD2)
#define LCD_SET_DISPLAY_OFFSET                    ((char)0xD3)
#define LCD_SET_READ_MODIFY_WRITE_MODE            ((char)0xE0)
#define LCD_SOFTWARE_RESET                        ((char)0xE2)
#define LCD_NOP                                   ((char)0xE3)

/* LCD command codes */
#define LCD_CNTL_RESET          0xe2    /* Software reset */
#define LCD_CNTL_POWER          0x2f    /* Power control */
#define LCD_CNTL_CONTRAST       0x81    /* Contrast */
#define LCD_CNTL_OUTSCAN        0xc8    /* Output scan direction */
#define LCD_CNTL_SEGREMAP       0xa1    /* Segment remap */
#define LCD_CNTL_DISPON         0xaf    /* Display on */

#define LCD_CNTL_PAGE           0xb0    /* Page address */
#define LCD_CNTL_HIGHCOL        0x10    /* Upper column address */
#define LCD_CNTL_LOWCOL         0x00    /* Lower column address */

#if CONFIG_CPU == AS3525
#include "as3525.h"
#include "clock-target.h"

void lcd_write_command(int byte)
    DBOP_TIMPOL_23 = 0x6006E;
    DBOP_DOUT = byte;

    /* While push fifo is not empty */
    while ((DBOP_STAT & (1<<10)) == 0)
    DBOP_TIMPOL_23 = 0x6E06F;

void lcd_write_data(const fb_data* p_bytes, int count)
    while (count--)
        /* Write pixels */
        DBOP_DOUT = *p_bytes++;

        /* While push fifo is not empty */
        while ((DBOP_STAT & (1<<10)) == 0)
        /* delay a bit. value arbitrary */    
        int i = 0;
        while(i < 15)

static inline void ams3525_dbop_init(void)
    CGU_DBOP |= (1<<3) | CLK_DIV(AS3525_PCLK_FREQ, AS3525_DBOP_FREQ);

    GPIOB_AFSEL = 0x0f; /* DBOP on pin 3:0 */
    GPIOC_AFSEL = 0xff; /* DBOP on pins 7:0 */

    DBOP_CTRL      = 0x50008;
    DBOP_TIMPOL_01 = 0xA167E167;
    DBOP_TIMPOL_23 = 0x6E06F; /* this value is used for data (pixels) write */

/* LCD init, largely based on what OF does */
void lcd_init_device(void)
    int delay;


    GPIOB_DIR |= (1<<4);
    GPIOD_DIR |= (1<<1)|(1<<3);

    GPIOD_PIN(1) = (1<<1); /* backlight on */

    GPIOD_PIN(3) = (1<<3);
    delay = 10; while(delay--) ;

    GPIOB_PIN(4) = (1<<4);
    delay = 10; while(delay--) ;


#elif defined(CPU_TCC77X)

/* TCC77x specific defines */
#define LCD_BASE 0x50000000
#define LCD_CMD   *(volatile unsigned char*)(LCD_BASE)
#define LCD_DATA  *(volatile unsigned char*)(LCD_BASE+1)

void lcd_write_command(int byte)
    LCD_CMD = byte;
    asm volatile (
        "nop      \n\t"
        "nop      \n\t"
        "nop      \n\t"

void lcd_write_data(const fb_data* p_bytes, int count)
    while (count--)
        LCD_DATA = *(p_bytes++);

        asm volatile (
            "nop      \n\t"
            "nop      \n\t"
            "nop      \n\t"

/* LCD init */
void lcd_init_device(void)
    uint32_t bus_width;

    /* Telechips init the same as the original firmware */
    CSCFG1 &= 0xc3ffc000;
    CSCFG1 |= 0x3400101a;
    CSCFG1 |= (1 << 21);
    CSCFG1 &= ~(1 << 21);

    bus_width = ((MCFG >> 11) & 0x3) ^ 3;

    CSCFG1 = (bus_width << 28) |
             (3 << 26) |                 /* MTYPE = 3 */
             ((LCD_BASE >> 28) << 22) |  /* CSBASE = 0x5 */
             (1 << 20) |                 /* Unknown */
             (3 << 11) |                 /* Setup time = 3 cycles */
             (3 << 3) |                  /* Pulse width = 3+1 cycles */
             (1 << 0);                   /* Hold time = 1 cycle */

    /* SSD1815 inits like the original firmware */
    lcd_write_command(LCD_SET_POWER_CONTROL_REGISTER | 7);
               /* power control register: op-amp=1, regulator=1, booster=1 */

    /* 0xc2 = 110 000 10: Osc. Freq 110 - ???
                          TC value 000  - "-0.01%/C (TC0, POR)"
                          Bias ratio 10 - "1/9, 1/7 (POR)"


/* End of TCC77x specific defines */

/** globals **/

static int xoffset; /* needed for flip */

/*** hardware configuration ***/

int lcd_default_contrast(void)
    return 0x1f;

void lcd_set_contrast(int val)

void lcd_set_invert_display(bool yesno)
    if (yesno) 

/* turn the display upside down (call lcd_update() afterwards) */
void lcd_set_flip(bool yesno)
    /* TODO */

/*** Update functions ***/

/* Performance function that works with an external buffer
   note that by and bheight are in 8-pixel units! */
void lcd_blit_mono(const unsigned char *data, int x, int by, int width,
                   int bheight, int stride)
    /* Copy display bitmap to hardware */
    while (bheight--)
        lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_PAGE | (by++ & 0xf));
        lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_HIGHCOL | (((x+xoffset)>>4) & 0xf));
        lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_LOWCOL | ((x+xoffset) & 0xf));

        lcd_write_data(data, width);
        data += stride;

/* Performance function that works with an external buffer
   note that by and bheight are in 8-pixel units! */
void lcd_blit_grey_phase(unsigned char *values, unsigned char *phases,
                         int x, int by, int width, int bheight, int stride)

/* Update the display.
   This must be called after all other LCD functions that change the display. */
void lcd_update(void) ICODE_ATTR;
void lcd_update(void)
    int y;

    /* Copy display bitmap to hardware */
    for (y = 0; y < LCD_FBHEIGHT; y++)
        lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_PAGE | (y & 0xf));
        lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_HIGHCOL | ((xoffset >> 4) & 0xf));
        lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_LOWCOL | (xoffset & 0xf));

        lcd_write_data (FBADDR(0, y), LCD_WIDTH);

/* Update a fraction of the display. */
void lcd_update_rect(int, int, int, int) ICODE_ATTR;
void lcd_update_rect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
    int ymax;

    /* The Y coordinates have to work on even 8 pixel rows */
    ymax = (y + height-1) >> 3;
    y >>= 3;

    if(x + width > LCD_WIDTH)
        width = LCD_WIDTH - x;
    if (width <= 0)
        return; /* nothing left to do, 0 is harmful to lcd_write_data() */
    if(ymax >= LCD_FBHEIGHT)
        ymax = LCD_FBHEIGHT-1;

    /* Copy specified rectange bitmap to hardware */
    for (; y <= ymax; y++)
        lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_PAGE | (y & 0xf));
        lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_HIGHCOL | (((x+xoffset) >> 4) & 0xf));
        lcd_write_command (LCD_CNTL_LOWCOL | ((x+xoffset) & 0xf));

        lcd_write_data (FBADDR(x,y), width);