--Bilgus 4/2021 Menu with subitems and context demo require("printsubmenu") local scrpath = rb.current_path() local function get_ctx_menu(parent, sel, menu_t, func_t) local mt = {"Context menu " .. (menu_t[parent] or "ROOT") .. " : " .. menu_t[sel], "Quit", "Action 1", "Action 2"} local ft = {false, function() menu_ctx.quit = true return true end} return mt, ft end local function ITEM_MENU() local function flung(i, menu_t, func_t) local parent = submenu_get_parent() or 0 rb.splash(100, "flung " .. (menu_t[parent] or "?")) end local function foo(i, menu_t, func_t) local parent = submenu_get_parent() or 0 rb.splash(100, "FOO " .. menu_t[parent]) end local function far(i, menu_t, func_t) local parent = submenu_get_parent() or 0 rb.splash(100, "far" .. menu_t[parent]) end return {"Flung", "FOO", "Far"}, {flung, foo, far} end local function USERITEMS() local lv = 2 local mt = {"Item_1", "Item_2", "Item_3"} local ft = {} local function insert_item(i, name, func) --closure submenu_insert(mt, i, name) submenu_insert(ft, i, func) end for i = 1, #mt, 1 do ft[i] = submenu_create(lv, ITEM_MENU()) end local function add_new(i, menu_t, func_t) local parent, lv = submenu_get_parent(lv - 1) local last = #mt local name = "Item_" .. tostring(last) local func = submenu_create(lv + 1, ITEM_MENU()) local lv_out, item_out, removed = submenu_collapse(parent, lv + 1)-- collapse others submenu_collapse(parent, lv) -- collapse the parent insert_item(last, name, func) func_t[parent](parent, menu_t, func_t) -- reopen parent menu_ctx.start = i - removed return true end local next = #mt + 1 insert_item(next, "Add New", add_new) return mt, ft end local function MAIN_MENU() local function go_back(i, m, f) local parent = submenu_get_parent() or 0 if parent > 0 then f[parent](parent, m, f) else menu_ctx.quit = true end menu_ctx.start = parent - 1 return true end local mt = { [1] = "lua Menu Demo", [2] = "Items", [3] = "Back", } local ft = { [0] = go_back, --if user cancels do this function [1] = false, -- shouldn't happen title occupies this slot [2] = submenu_create(1, USERITEMS()), [3] = go_back, } return mt, ft, get_ctx_menu end function ShowMain() set_menu(MAIN_MENU()) end --ShowMainMenu() ShowMain() rb.lcd_clear_display() rb.lcd_update() local lu = collectgarbage("collect") local used, allocd, free = rb.mem_stats() local lu = collectgarbage("count") local fmt = function(t, v) return string.format("%s: %d Kb\n", t, v /1024) end -- this is how lua recommends to concat strings rather than .. local s_t = {} s_t[1] = "rockbox:\n" s_t[2] = fmt("Used ", used) s_t[3] = fmt("Allocd ", allocd) s_t[4] = fmt("Free ", free) s_t[5] = "\nlua:\n" s_t[6] = fmt("Used", lu * 1024) s_t[7] = "\n\nNote that the rockbox used count is a high watermark" rb.splash_scroller(5 * rb.HZ, table.concat(s_t)) --require("print_lua_func") os.exit(1, "Goodbye")