#define _PAGE_ Accessing source code via CVS #include "head.t"
Just go here.
You, obviously, need to have CVS installed to do this.
The examples below use the 'firmware' module, since that's what most people are interested in. Here is a complete list of the available modules:
If you are not a registered developer, use this method. When asked for a password, just press enter:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.rockbox.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/rockbox login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.rockbox.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/rockbox co firmware
A "firmware" directory will be created in your current directory, and all the source files go there.
For this, you need to:
Then run:
export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -z3 -d:ext:username@cvs.rockbox.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/rockbox co firmware
If you are using WinCVS, the procedure is somewhat different.
CVS is a "no-reserve" version control system. This means that you work on your local files without first reserving them. Any conflicts with other developers are detected when you check-in, or "commit" as it's called in CVS:
cvs commit filename
This will start an editor and ask you to describe the changes you've made. If you want, you can use the -m command line option to specify the comment right there:
cvs commit -m "This is my change comment" filename
Since several people commit to the repository, you will need to periodically synchronize your local files with the changes made by others. This operation is called "update":
cvs update -dP
The -d switch tells update to create any new directories that have been created the repository since last update.
The -P switch tells update to delete files that have been removed in the repository.
Adding a file is very simple:
cvs add filename
If you are adding a binary file, you need to specify the -kb flag:
cvs add -kb filename
These changes, like any other change, has to be committed before they will be visible on the server.
Sometimes it is interesting to get a list of the status of your files versus those on the remote repository. This is called "status":
cvs status
The output from "status" can be rather verbose. You may want to filter it with grep:
cvs status | grep Status
To only list files who differ from the server, filter again:
cvs status | grep Status | grep -v Up-to-date
Subscribe to the rockbox-cvs list to get mails sent to you for every commit done to the repostory.
To join this list, send a mail to majordomo@cool.haxx.se, with the following text in the body (no subject) "subscribe rockbox-cvs".
Note that this may cause quite a few mails to get sent during periods of intense development.
Each cvs operation has to be authenticated with ssh. This is normally done by you entering your password. This gets boring fast. Instead, you can register your public ssh key with your SourceForge account. This way, your connection is authenticated automatically.
Log in to your SourceForge account and go to your account options. On the bottom of the page, there is a link to edit your ssh keys. Copy the contents of your local .ssh/identity.pub or .ssh/id_rsa.pub there.
Like many things on SourceForge, the key change doesn't take effect immediately. You'll have to wait a few hours until some magic batch job kicks in and puts your keys where they should be. Then you can use cvs without entering your password.
If you work from several different computers/accounts, you must add the key for each account you are using. #include "foot.t"