/*********************************************************************/ /* menu.c - user menu for rockboy */ /* */ /* Note: this file only exposes one function: do_user_menu(). */ /*********************************************************************/ #include "button.h" #include "rockmacros.h" #include "mem.h" #include "save.h" #include "rtc-gb.h" #include "pcm.h" /* load/save state function declarations */ static void do_opt_menu(void); static void do_slot_menu(bool is_load); static void munge_name(char *buf, size_t bufsiz); /* directory ROM save slots belong in */ #define STATE_DIR ROCKBOX_DIR "/rockboy" static int getbutton(char *text) { int fw, fh; rb->lcd_clear_display(); rb->font_getstringsize(text, &fw, &fh,0); rb->lcd_putsxy(LCD_WIDTH/2-fw/2, LCD_HEIGHT/2-fh/2, text); rb->lcd_update(); rb->sleep(30); while (rb->button_get(false) != BUTTON_NONE) rb->yield(); int button; while(true) { button = rb->button_get(true); button=button&0x00000FFF; return button; } } static void setupkeys(void) { options.UP=getbutton ("Press Up"); options.DOWN=getbutton ("Press Down"); options.LEFT=getbutton ("Press Left"); options.RIGHT=getbutton ("Press Right"); options.A=getbutton ("Press A"); options.B=getbutton ("Press B"); options.START=getbutton ("Press Start"); options.SELECT=getbutton("Press Select"); options.MENU=getbutton ("Press Menu"); } /* * do_user_menu - create the user menu on the screen. * * Returns USER_MENU_QUIT if the user selected "quit", otherwise * returns zero. */ int do_user_menu(void) { bool done=false; int selected=0, ret=0; int result; int time = 0; #if CONFIG_RTC time = rb->mktime(rb->get_time()); #endif #if defined(HAVE_LCD_MODES) && (HAVE_LCD_MODES & LCD_MODE_PAL256) rb->lcd_set_mode(LCD_MODE_RGB565); #endif /* Clean out the button Queue */ while (rb->button_get(false) != BUTTON_NONE) rb->yield(); MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(menu, "Rockboy Menu", NULL, "Load Game", "Save Game", "Options", "Quit"); rockboy_pcm_init(); while(!done) { result = rb->do_menu(&menu, &selected, NULL, false); switch (result) { case 0: /* Load Game */ do_slot_menu(true); break; case 1: /* Save Game */ do_slot_menu(false); break; case 2: /* Options */ do_opt_menu(); break; case 3: /* Quit */ ret = USER_MENU_QUIT; done=true; break; default: done=true; break; } } rb->lcd_setfont(0); /* Reset the font */ rb->lcd_clear_display(); /* Clear display for screen size changes */ /* Keep the RTC in sync */ #if CONFIG_RTC time = (rb->mktime(rb->get_time()) - time) * 60; #endif while (time-- > 0) rtc_tick(); #if defined(HAVE_LCD_MODES) && (HAVE_LCD_MODES & LCD_MODE_PAL256) rb->lcd_set_mode(LCD_MODE_PAL256); #endif return ret; } /* * munge_name - munge a string into a filesystem-safe name */ static void munge_name(char *buf, const size_t bufsiz) { unsigned int i, max; /* check strlen */ max = strlen(buf); max = (max < bufsiz) ? max : bufsiz; /* iterate over characters and munge them (if necessary) */ for (i = 0; i < max; i++) if (!isalnum(buf[i])) buf[i] = '_'; } /* * build_slot_path - build a path to an slot state file for this rom * * Note: uses rom.name. Is there a safer way of doing this? Like a ROM * checksum or something like that? */ static void build_slot_path(char *buf, size_t bufsiz, int slot_id) { char name_buf[17]; /* munge state file name */ strlcpy(name_buf, rom.name, sizeof(name_buf)); munge_name(name_buf, strlen(name_buf)); /* glom the whole mess together */ snprintf(buf, bufsiz, "%s/%s-%d.rbs", STATE_DIR, name_buf, slot_id + 1); } /* * do_file - load or save game data in the given file * * Returns true on success and false on failure. * * @desc is a brief user-provided description (<20 bytes) of the state. * If no description is provided, set @desc to NULL. * */ static bool do_file(char *path, char *desc, bool is_load) { char buf[200], desc_buf[20]; int fd, file_mode; /* set file mode */ file_mode = is_load ? O_RDONLY : (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); /* attempt to open file descriptor here */ if ((fd = open(path, file_mode, 0666)) < 0) return false; /* load/save state */ if (is_load) { /* load description */ read(fd, desc_buf, 20); /* load state */ loadstate(fd); /* print out a status message so the user knows the state loaded */ snprintf(buf, 200, "Loaded state from \"%s\"", path); rb->splash(HZ * 1, buf); } else { /* build description buffer */ memset(desc_buf, 0, 20); if (desc) strlcpy(desc_buf, desc, 20); /* save state */ write(fd, desc_buf, 20); savestate(fd); } /* close file descriptor */ close(fd); /* return true (for success) */ return true; } /* * do_slot - load or save game data in the given slot * * Returns true on success and false on failure. */ static bool do_slot(int slot_id, bool is_load) { char path_buf[256], desc_buf[20]; /* build slot filename, clear desc buf */ build_slot_path(path_buf, 256, slot_id); memset(desc_buf, 0, 20); /* if we're saving to a slot, then get a brief description */ if (!is_load) if ( (rb->kbd_input(desc_buf, 20) < 0) || !strlen(desc_buf) ) { strlcpy(desc_buf, "Untitled", 20); } /* load/save file */ return do_file(path_buf, desc_buf, is_load); } /* * get information on the given slot */ static void slot_info(char *info_buf, size_t info_bufsiz, int slot_id) { char buf[256]; int fd; /* get slot file path */ build_slot_path(buf, 256, slot_id); /* attempt to open slot */ if ((fd = open(buf, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { /* this slot has a some data in it, read it */ if (read(fd, buf, 20) > 0) { buf[20] = '\0'; snprintf(info_buf, info_bufsiz, "%d. %s", slot_id + 1, buf); } else snprintf(info_buf, info_bufsiz, "%d. ERROR", slot_id + 1); close(fd); } else { /* if we couldn't open the file, then the slot is empty */ snprintf(info_buf, info_bufsiz, "%d. %s", slot_id + 1, ""); } } /* * slot_get_name */ static const char* slot_get_name(int selected_item, void * data, char * buffer, size_t buffer_len) { const char (*items)[20] = data; (void) buffer; (void) buffer_len; return items[selected_item]; } /* * list_action_callback */ static int list_action_callback(int action, struct gui_synclist *lists) { (void) lists; if (action == ACTION_STD_OK) return ACTION_STD_CANCEL; return action; } /* * do_slot_menu - prompt the user for a load/save memory slot */ static void do_slot_menu(bool is_load) { bool done=false; char items[5][20]; int result; int i; int num_items = sizeof(items) / sizeof(*items); struct simplelist_info info; /* create menu items */ for (i = 0; i < num_items; i++) slot_info(items[i], 20, i); rb->simplelist_info_init(&info, NULL, num_items, (void *)items); info.get_name = slot_get_name; info.action_callback = list_action_callback; while(!done) { if(rb->simplelist_show_list(&info)) break; result = info.selection; if (result= 0 ) done = do_slot(result, is_load); else done = true; } } static void do_opt_menu(void) { bool done=false; int selected=0; int result; static const struct opt_items onoff[2] = { { "Off", -1 }, { "On" , -1 }, }; static const struct opt_items frameskip[]= { { "0 Max", -1 }, { "1 Max", -1 }, { "2 Max", -1 }, { "3 Max", -1 }, { "4 Max", -1 }, { "5 Max", -1 }, { "6 Max", -1 }, }; #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR static const struct opt_items rotate[] = { { "No rotation", -1 }, { "Rotate Right" , -1 }, { "Rotate Left" , -1 }, }; static const struct opt_items scaling[]= { { "Scaled", -1 }, { "Scaled - Maintain Ratio", -1 }, #if (LCD_WIDTH>=160) && (LCD_HEIGHT>=144) { "Unscaled", -1 }, #endif }; static const struct opt_items palette[]= { { "Brown (Default)", -1 }, { "Gray", -1 }, { "Light Gray", -1 }, { "Multi-Color 1", -1 }, { "Multi-Color 2", -1 }, { "Adventure Island", -1 }, { "Adventure Island 2", -1 }, { "Balloon Kid", -1 }, { "Batman", -1 }, { "Batman: Return of Joker", -1 }, { "Bionic Commando", -1 }, { "Castlvania Adventure", -1 }, { "Donkey Kong Land", -1 }, { "Dr. Mario", -1 }, { "Kirby", -1 }, { "Metroid", -1 }, { "Zelda", -1 }, }; #endif MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(menu, "Options", NULL, "Max Frameskip", "Sound", "Stats", "Set Keys (Buggy)", #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR "Screen Size", "Screen Rotate", "Set Palette", #endif ); options.dirty=1; /* Assume that the settings have been changed */ while(!done) { result = rb->do_menu(&menu, &selected, NULL, false); switch (result) { case 0: /* Frameskip */ rb->set_option("Max Frameskip", &options.maxskip, INT, frameskip, sizeof(frameskip)/sizeof(*frameskip), NULL ); break; case 1: /* Sound */ if(options.sound>1) options.sound=1; rb->set_option("Sound", &options.sound, INT, onoff, 2, NULL ); if(options.sound) sound_dirty(); break; case 2: /* Stats */ rb->set_option("Stats", &options.showstats, INT, onoff, 2, NULL ); break; case 3: /* Keys */ setupkeys(); break; #ifdef HAVE_LCD_COLOR case 4: /* Screen Size */ rb->set_option("Screen Size", &options.scaling, INT, scaling, sizeof(scaling)/sizeof(*scaling), NULL ); setvidmode(); break; case 5: /* Screen rotate */ rb->set_option("Screen Rotate", &options.rotate, INT, rotate, sizeof(rotate)/sizeof(*rotate), NULL ); setvidmode(); break; case 6: /* Palette */ rb->set_option("Set Palette", &options.pal, INT, palette, 17, NULL ); set_pal(); break; #endif default: done=true; break; } } }