Library: libatrac Imported by : Mohamed Tarek Import date : 10-August-2009 LICENSING INFORMATION ffmpeg is licensed under the Lesser GNU General Public License. IMPORT DETAILS The decoder is based on ffmpeg-svn r18079. The decoder had been modified to use fixed-point arithmetic. TESTING The test program should compile in any Unix-like environment using the command "make -f Makefile.test". For ARM targets add -DCPU_ARM to CFLAGS in Makefile.test to make use of the asm ARM optimisations in rockbox's mdct library. For Big-endian targets, change -D"ROCKBOX_LITTLE_ENDIAN=1" to -D"ROCKBOX_BIG_ENDIAN=1" in Makefile.test. Running "./atractest file.rm" will decode the audio data to a WAV file called "output.wav" in the current directory.