#define NO_MMSUPP_DEFINES #include "plugin.h" #include "lib/configfile.h" #include "mikmod.h" #undef SYNC #ifdef SIMULATOR #define SYNC #elif NUM_CORES > 1 #define USETHREADS #endif #define MAX_CHARS LCD_WIDTH/6 #define MAX_LINES LCD_HEIGHT/8 #define LINE_LENGTH 80 #define DIR_PREV 1 #define DIR_NEXT -1 #define DIR_NONE 0 #define PLUGIN_NEWSONG 10 /* Persistent configuration */ #define MIKMOD_CONFIGFILE "mikmod.cfg" #define MIKMOD_SETTINGS_MINVERSION 1 #define MIKMOD_SETTINGS_VERSION 1 #ifdef USETHREADS #define EV_EXIT 9999 #define THREAD_STACK_SIZE DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE + 0x200 static unsigned int thread_id; static struct event_queue thread_q SHAREDBSS_ATTR; /* use long for aligning */ unsigned long thread_stack[THREAD_STACK_SIZE/sizeof(long)]; #endif /* the current full file name */ static char np_file[MAX_PATH]; static int curfile = 0, direction = DIR_NEXT, entries = 0; /* list of the mod files */ static char **file_pt; /* The MP3 audio buffer which we will use as heap memory */ static unsigned char* audio_buffer; /* amount of bytes left in audio_buffer */ static size_t audio_buffer_free; bool quit; int playingtime IBSS_ATTR; MODULE *module IBSS_ATTR; char gmbuf[BUF_SIZE*NBUF]; int textlines; int vscroll = 0; int hscroll = 0; bool screenupdated = false; enum { DISPLAY_INFO = 0, DISPLAY_SAMPLE, DISPLAY_INST, DISPLAY_COMMENTS, } display; /* * strncat wrapper */ char* mmsupp_strncat(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) { char *s = s1; /* Loop over the data in s1. */ while (*s != '\0') s++; /* s now points to s1's trailing null character, now copy up to n bytes from s2 into s1 stopping if a null character is encountered in s2. It is not safe to use strncpy here since it copies EXACTLY n characters, NULL padding if necessary. */ while (n != 0 && (*s = *s2++) != '\0') { n--; s++; } if (*s != '\0') *s = '\0'; return s1; } /* * sprintf wrapper */ int mmsupp_sprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, ... ) { bool ok; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); ok = rb->vsnprintf(buf, LINE_LENGTH, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return ok; } /* * printf wrapper */ void mmsupp_printf(const char *fmt, ...) { static int p_xtpt = 0; char p_buf[LINE_LENGTH]; /* bool ok; */ va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); /* ok = */ (void)rb->vsnprintf(p_buf, sizeof(p_buf), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); int i=0; /* Device LCDs display newlines funny. */ for(i=0; p_buf[i]!=0; i++) if(p_buf[i] == '\n') p_buf[i] = ' '; rb->lcd_putsxy(1, p_xtpt, (unsigned char *)p_buf); rb->lcd_update(); p_xtpt += 8; if(p_xtpt > LCD_HEIGHT-8) { p_xtpt = 0; rb->lcd_clear_display(); } } /************************* File Access ***************************/ /* support function for qsort() */ /* not used static int compare(const void* p1, const void* p2) { return rb->strcasecmp(*((char **)p1), *((char **)p2)); } */ static bool mod_ext(const char ext[]) { if(!ext) return false; if(!rb->strcasecmp(ext,".669") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".amf") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".asy") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".dsm") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".far") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".gdm") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".gt2") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".imf") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".it") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".m15") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".med") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".mod") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".mtm") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".okt") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".s3m") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".stm") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".stx") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".ult") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".uni") || !rb->strcasecmp(ext,".xm") ) return true; else return false; } /*Read directory contents for scrolling. */ static void get_mod_list(void) { struct tree_context *tree = rb->tree_get_context(); struct entry *dircache = rb->tree_get_entries(tree); int i; char *pname; file_pt = (char **) audio_buffer; /* Remove path and leave only the name.*/ pname = rb->strrchr(np_file,'/'); pname++; for (i = 0; i < tree->filesindir && audio_buffer_free > sizeof(char**); i++) { if (!(dircache[i].attr & ATTR_DIRECTORY) && mod_ext(rb->strrchr(dircache[i].name,'.'))) { file_pt[entries] = dircache[i].name; /* Set Selected File. */ if (!rb->strcmp(file_pt[entries], pname)) curfile = entries; entries++; audio_buffer += (sizeof(char**)); audio_buffer_free -= (sizeof(char**)); } } } static int change_filename(int direct) { bool file_erased = (file_pt[curfile] == NULL); direction = direct; curfile += (direct == DIR_PREV? entries - 1: 1); if (curfile >= entries) curfile -= entries; if (file_erased) { /* remove 'erased' file names from list. */ int count, i; for (count = i = 0; i < entries; i++) { if (curfile == i) curfile = count; if (file_pt[i] != NULL) file_pt[count++] = file_pt[i]; } entries = count; } if (entries == 0) { rb->splash(HZ, "No supported files"); return PLUGIN_ERROR; } rb->strcpy(rb->strrchr(np_file, '/')+1, file_pt[curfile]); return PLUGIN_NEWSONG; } /***************************************************************************** * Playback */ bool swap = false; bool lastswap = true; static inline void synthbuf(void) { char *outptr; #ifndef SYNC if (lastswap == swap) return; lastswap = swap; outptr = (swap ? gmbuf : gmbuf + BUF_SIZE); #else outptr = gmbuf; #endif VC_WriteBytes(outptr, BUF_SIZE); } static void get_more(const void** start, size_t* size) { #ifndef SYNC if (lastswap != swap) { //printf("Buffer miss!"); } #else synthbuf(); #endif *size = BUF_SIZE; #ifndef SYNC *start = swap ? gmbuf : gmbuf + BUF_SIZE; swap = !swap; #else *start = gmbuf; #endif } static void showinfo(void) { char statustext[LINE_LENGTH]; if (!module) { return; } rb->lcd_clear_display(); playingtime = (int)(module->sngtime >> 10); sprintf(statustext, "Name: %s", module->songname); rb->lcd_putsxy(1, 1, statustext); sprintf(statustext, "Type: %s", module->modtype); rb->lcd_putsxy(1, 11, statustext); sprintf(statustext, "Samples: %d", module->numsmp); rb->lcd_putsxy(1, 21, statustext); if ( module->flags & UF_INST ) { sprintf(statustext, "Instruments: %d", module->numins); rb->lcd_putsxy(1, 31, statustext); } sprintf(statustext, "pat: %03d/%03d %2.2X", module->sngpos, module->numpos - 1, module->patpos); rb->lcd_putsxy(1, 51, statustext); sprintf(statustext, "spd: %d/%d", module->sngspd, module->bpm); rb->lcd_putsxy(1, 61, statustext); sprintf(statustext, "vol: %ddB", rb->global_settings->volume); rb->lcd_putsxy(1, 71, statustext); sprintf(statustext, "time: %d:%02d", (playingtime / 60) % 60, playingtime % 60); rb->lcd_putsxy(1, 81, statustext); if (module->flags & UF_NNA) { sprintf(statustext, "chn: %d/%d+%d->%d", module->realchn, module->numchn, module->totalchn - module->realchn, module->totalchn); } else { sprintf(statustext, "chn: %d/%d", module->realchn, module->numchn); } rb->lcd_putsxy(0, 91, statustext); rb->lcd_update(); } static void showsamples(void) { int i; char statustext[LINE_LENGTH]; if ( screenupdated ) { return; } rb->lcd_clear_display(); for( i=0; inumsmp; i++ ) { sprintf(statustext, "%02d %s", i+vscroll+1, module->samples[i+vscroll].samplename); rb->lcd_putsxy(1, 1+(8*i), statustext); } rb->lcd_update(); screenupdated = true; } static void showinstruments(void) { int i; char statustext[LINE_LENGTH]; if ( screenupdated ) { return; } rb->lcd_clear_display(); for( i=0; inumins; i++ ) { sprintf(statustext, "%02d %s", i+vscroll+1, module->instruments[i+vscroll].insname); rb->lcd_putsxy(1, 1+(8*i), statustext); } rb->lcd_update(); screenupdated = true; } static void showcomments(void) { int i, j=0, k=0, l; char statustext[LINE_LENGTH]; if ( screenupdated ) { return; } rb->lcd_clear_display(); for(i=0; module->comment[i]!='\0'; i++) { if(module->comment[i] != '\n') { statustext[j] = module->comment[i]; j++; } if(module->comment[i] == '\n' || j>LINE_LENGTH-1) { rb->lcd_putsxy(1-(6*hscroll), 1+(8*k)-(8*vscroll), statustext); for( l=0; l0) { rb->lcd_putsxy(1-(6*hscroll), 1+(8*k)-(8*vscroll), statustext); } rb->lcd_update(); screenupdated = true; } static void changedisplay(void) { display = (display+1) % 4; if (display == DISPLAY_SAMPLE) { textlines = module->numsmp; } if (display == DISPLAY_INST) { if ( module->flags & UF_INST ) { textlines = module->numins; } else { display = DISPLAY_COMMENTS; } } if (display == DISPLAY_COMMENTS) { if (module->comment) { textlines = 100; } else { display = DISPLAY_INFO; } } screenupdated = false; vscroll = 0; hscroll = 0; } struct mikmod_settings { int pansep; int reverb; bool interp; bool reverse; bool surround; bool boost; }; static struct mikmod_settings settings = { 128, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 }; static struct mikmod_settings old_settings; static struct configdata config[] = { { TYPE_INT, 0, 128, { .int_p = &settings.pansep }, "Panning Separation", NULL}, { TYPE_INT, 0, 15, { .int_p = &settings.reverb }, "Reverberation", NULL}, { TYPE_BOOL, 0, 1, { .bool_p = &settings.interp }, "Interpolation", NULL}, { TYPE_BOOL, 0, 1, { .bool_p = &settings.reverse }, "Reverse Channels", NULL}, { TYPE_BOOL, 0, 1, { .bool_p = &settings.surround }, "Surround", NULL}, { TYPE_BOOL, 0, 1, { .bool_p = &settings.boost }, "CPU Boost", NULL}, }; static void applysettings(void) { md_pansep = settings.pansep; md_reverb = settings.reverb; md_mode = DMODE_STEREO | DMODE_16BITS | DMODE_SOFT_MUSIC | DMODE_SOFT_SNDFX; if ( settings.interp ) { md_mode |= DMODE_INTERP; } if ( settings.reverse ) { md_mode |= DMODE_REVERSE; } if ( settings.surround ) { md_mode |= DMODE_SURROUND; } #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ if ( Player_Active() ) { rb->cpu_boost(settings.boost); } #endif } /** Shows the settings menu */ static int settings_menu(void) { int selection = 0; MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(settings_menu, "Mikmod Settings", NULL, "Panning Separation", "Reverberation", "Interpolation", "Reverse Channels", "Surround", #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ "CPU Boost" #endif ); do { selection=rb->do_menu(&settings_menu,&selection, NULL, false); switch(selection) { case 0: rb->set_int("Panning Separation", "", 1, &(settings.pansep), NULL, 8, 0, 128, NULL ); applysettings(); break; case 1: rb->set_int("Reverberation", "", 1, &(settings.reverb), NULL, 1, 0, 15, NULL ); applysettings(); break; case 2: rb->set_bool("Interpolation", &(settings.interp)); applysettings(); break; case 3: rb->set_bool("Reverse Channels", &(settings.reverse)); applysettings(); break; case 4: rb->set_bool("Surround", &(settings.surround)); applysettings(); break; case 5: rb->set_bool("CPU Boost", &(settings.boost)); applysettings(); break; case MENU_ATTACHED_USB: return PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; } } while ( selection >= 0 ); return 0; } /** Show the main menu */ static int main_menu(void) { int selection = 0; int result; MENUITEM_STRINGLIST(main_menu,"Mikmod Main Menu",NULL, "Settings", "Return", "Quit"); while (1) { switch (rb->do_menu(&main_menu,&selection, NULL, false)) { case 0: result = settings_menu(); if ( result != 0 ) return result; break; case 1: return 0; case 2: return -1; case MENU_ATTACHED_USB: return PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; default: return 0; } } } #ifdef USETHREADS /* double buffering thread */ static void thread(void) { struct queue_event ev; while (1) { synthbuf(); rb->queue_wait_w_tmo(&thread_q, &ev, HZ/20); switch (ev.id) { case EV_EXIT: return; } } } #endif static void mm_errorhandler(void) { rb->splashf(HZ, "%s", MikMod_strerror(MikMod_errno)); quit = true; } static int playfile(char* filename) { int vol = 0; int button; int retval = PLUGIN_OK; bool changingpos = false; int menureturn; playingtime = 0; rb->splashf(HZ, "Loading %s", filename); module = Player_Load(filename, 64, 0); if (!module) { rb->splashf(HZ, "%s", MikMod_strerror(MikMod_errno)); retval = PLUGIN_ERROR; quit = true; } else { display = DISPLAY_INFO; Player_Start(module); rb->pcm_play_data(&get_more, NULL, NULL, 0); } #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ if ( settings.boost ) rb->cpu_boost(true); #endif #ifdef USETHREADS rb->queue_init(&thread_q, true); if ((thread_id = rb->create_thread(thread, thread_stack, sizeof(thread_stack), 0, "render buffering thread" IF_PRIO(, PRIORITY_PLAYBACK) IF_COP(, CPU))) == 0) { rb->splash(HZ, "Cannot create thread!"); return PLUGIN_ERROR; } #endif while (!quit && Player_Active() && retval == PLUGIN_OK) { #if !defined(SYNC) && !defined(USETHREADS) synthbuf(); #endif switch (display) { case DISPLAY_SAMPLE: showsamples(); break; case DISPLAY_INST: showinstruments(); break; case DISPLAY_COMMENTS: showcomments(); break; default: showinfo(); } rb->yield(); /* Prevent idle poweroff */ rb->reset_poweroff_timer(); button = rb->get_action(CONTEXT_WPS, TIMEOUT_NOBLOCK); switch (button) { case ACTION_WPS_VOLUP: if ( display != DISPLAY_INFO ) { if ( textlines-vscroll >= MAX_LINES ) { vscroll++; screenupdated = false; } break; } vol = rb->global_settings->volume; if (vol < rb->sound_max(SOUND_VOLUME)) { vol++; rb->sound_set(SOUND_VOLUME, vol); rb->global_settings->volume = vol; } break; case ACTION_WPS_VOLDOWN: if ( display != DISPLAY_INFO ) { if ( vscroll > 0 ) { vscroll--; screenupdated = false; } break; } vol = rb->global_settings->volume; if (vol > rb->sound_min(SOUND_VOLUME)) { vol--; rb->sound_set(SOUND_VOLUME, vol); rb->global_settings->volume = vol; } break; case ACTION_WPS_SKIPPREV: if(entries>1 && !changingpos) { if ((int)(module->sngtime >> 10) > 2) { Player_SetPosition(0); module->sngtime = 0; } else { retval = change_filename(DIR_PREV); } } else { changingpos = false; } break; case ACTION_WPS_SEEKBACK: if ( display != DISPLAY_INFO ) { if ( hscroll > 0 ) { hscroll--; screenupdated = false; } break; } Player_PrevPosition(); changingpos = true; break; case ACTION_WPS_SKIPNEXT: if(entries>1 && !changingpos) { retval = change_filename(DIR_NEXT); } else { changingpos = false; } break; case ACTION_WPS_SEEKFWD: if ( display != DISPLAY_INFO ) { hscroll++; screenupdated = false; break; } Player_NextPosition(); changingpos = true; break; case ACTION_WPS_PLAY: if(!Player_Paused()) { rb->pcm_play_stop(); } else { rb->pcm_play_data(&get_more, NULL, NULL, 0); } Player_TogglePause(); break; case ACTION_WPS_BROWSE: changedisplay(); break; case ACTION_WPS_MENU: menureturn = main_menu(); if ( menureturn != 0 ) { quit = true; if ( menureturn == PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED ) { retval = menureturn; } } rb->lcd_setfont(FONT_SYSFIXED); screenupdated = false; break; case ACTION_WPS_STOP: quit = true; break; default: if (rb->default_event_handler(button) == SYS_USB_CONNECTED) { quit = true; retval = PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED; } } } #ifdef USETHREADS rb->queue_post(&thread_q, EV_EXIT, 0); rb->thread_wait(thread_id); rb->queue_delete(&thread_q); #endif #ifdef HAVE_ADJUSTABLE_CPU_FREQ if ( settings.boost ) rb->cpu_boost(false); #endif Player_Stop(); Player_Free(module); memset(gmbuf, '\0', sizeof(gmbuf)); if ( retval == PLUGIN_OK && entries > 1 && !quit ) { retval = change_filename(DIR_NEXT); } return retval; } /* * Plugin entry point * */ enum plugin_status plugin_start(const void* parameter) { enum plugin_status retval; if (parameter == NULL) { rb->splash(HZ*2, " Play .mod, .it, .s3m, .xm file "); return PLUGIN_OK; } rb->lcd_setfont(FONT_SYSFIXED); rb->pcm_play_stop(); #if INPUT_SRC_CAPS != 0 /* Select playback */ rb->audio_set_input_source(AUDIO_SRC_PLAYBACK, SRCF_PLAYBACK); rb->audio_set_output_source(AUDIO_SRC_PLAYBACK); #endif rb->pcm_set_frequency(SAMPLE_RATE); audio_buffer = rb->plugin_get_audio_buffer((size_t *)&audio_buffer_free); rb->strcpy(np_file, parameter); get_mod_list(); if(!entries) { return PLUGIN_ERROR; } //add_pool(audio_buffer, audio_buffer_free); init_memory_pool(audio_buffer_free, audio_buffer); MikMod_RegisterDriver(&drv_nos); MikMod_RegisterAllLoaders(); MikMod_RegisterErrorHandler(mm_errorhandler); md_mixfreq = SAMPLE_RATE; configfile_load(MIKMOD_CONFIGFILE, config, ARRAYLEN(config), MIKMOD_SETTINGS_MINVERSION); rb->memcpy(&old_settings, &settings, sizeof (settings)); applysettings(); if (MikMod_Init("")) { rb->splashf(HZ, "%s", MikMod_strerror(MikMod_errno)); return PLUGIN_ERROR; } do { retval = playfile(np_file); } while (retval == PLUGIN_NEWSONG); MikMod_Exit(); rb->pcm_play_stop(); rb->pcm_set_frequency(HW_SAMPR_DEFAULT); if (retval == PLUGIN_OK) { rb->splash(0, "Saving Settings"); if (rb->memcmp(&settings, &old_settings, sizeof (settings))) { configfile_save(MIKMOD_CONFIGFILE, config, ARRAYLEN(config), MIKMOD_SETTINGS_MINVERSION); } } destroy_memory_pool(audio_buffer); return retval; }