#!/usr/bin/perl $version="3.0"; my $verbose; if($ARGV[0] eq "-v") { $verbose =1; shift @ARGV; } my $doonly; if($ARGV[0]) { $doonly = $ARGV[0]; print "only build $doonly\n" if($verbose); } # made once for all targets sub runone { my ($dir, $select, $newl)=@_; my $a; if($doonly && ($doonly ne $dir)) { return; } mkdir "buildv-$dir"; chdir "buildv-$dir"; print "Build in buildv-$dir\n" if($verbose); # build the manual(s) $a = buildit($dir, $select, $newl); chdir ".."; my $o="buildv-$dir/english.voice"; if (-f $o) { my $newo="output/$dir-$version-english.zip"; system("cp $o output/$dir-$version-english.voice"); system("mkdir -p .rockbox/langs"); system("cp $o .rockbox/langs"); system("zip -r $newo .rockbox"); system("rm -rf .rockbox"); print "moved $o to $newo\n" if($verbose); } print "remove all contents in buildv-$dir\n" if($verbose); system("rm -rf buildv-$dir"); return $a; }; sub buildit { my ($dir, $select, $newl)=@_; `rm -rf * >/dev/null 2>&1`; # V (voice), F (festival), L (lame), [blank] (English) my $c = sprintf('printf "%s\n%sa\nv\n\n\nf\n\n" | ../tools/configure', $select, $newl?'\n':""); print "C: $c\n" if($verbose); `$c`; print "Run 'make voice'\n" if($verbose); print `make voice 2>/dev/null`; } # run make in tools first to make sure they're up-to-date `(cd tools && make ) >/dev/null 2>&1`; my $home=$ENV{'HOME'}; my $pool="$home/tmp/rockbox-voices-$version/voice-pool"; `mkdir -p $pool`; `rm -f $pool/*`; $ENV{'POOL'}="$pool"; runone("player", "player", 1); runone("recorder", "recorder", 1); runone("fmrecorder", "fmrecorder", 1); runone("recorderv2", "recorderv2", 1); runone("ondiosp", "ondiosp", 1); runone("ondiofm", "ondiofm", 1); runone("h100", "h100"); runone("h120", "h120"); runone("h300", "h300"); runone("ipodcolor", "ipodcolor"); runone("ipodnano", "ipodnano"); runone("ipod4gray", "ipod4g"); runone("ipodvideo", "ipodvideo", 1); runone("ipod3g", "ipod3g"); runone("ipod1g2g", "ipod1g2g"); runone("iaudiox5", "x5"); runone("iaudiom5", "m5"); runone("iaudiom3", "m3"); runone("ipodmini2g", "ipodmini2g"); runone("ipodmini1g", "ipodmini"); runone("h10", "h10"); runone("h10_5gb", "h10_5gb"); runone("gigabeatf", "gigabeatf"); runone("sansae200", "e200"); runone("sansac200", "c200"); runone("mrobe100", "mrobe100"); #runone("cowond2", "cowond2");