2185 lines
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2185 lines
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package mp3info;
require 5.006;
use overload;
use strict;
use Carp;
use vars qw(
@mp3_genres %mp3_genres @winamp_genres %winamp_genres $try_harder
@t_bitrate @t_sampling_freq @frequency_tbl %v1_tag_fields
@v1_tag_names %v2_tag_names %v2_to_v1_names $AUTOLOAD
@mp3_info_fields %rva2_channel_types
@ISA = 'Exporter';
@EXPORT = qw(
set_mp3tag get_mp3tag get_mp3info remove_mp3tag
use_winamp_genres, use_mp3_utf8
@EXPORT_OK = qw(@mp3_genres %mp3_genres use_mp3_utf8);
genres => [qw(@mp3_genres %mp3_genres)],
utf8 => [qw(use_mp3_utf8)],
all => [@EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK]
# $Id$
($REVISION) = ' $Revision$ ' =~ /\$Revision:\s+([^\s]+)/;
$VERSION = '1.20';
=head1 NAME
MP3::Info - Manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files
#!perl -w
use MP3::Info;
my $file = 'Pearls_Before_Swine.mp3';
set_mp3tag($file, 'Pearls Before Swine', q"77's",
'Sticks and Stones', '1990',
q"(c) 1990 77's LTD.", 'rock & roll');
my $tag = get_mp3tag($file) or die "No TAG info";
$tag->{GENRE} = 'rock';
set_mp3tag($file, $tag);
my $info = get_mp3info($file);
printf "$file length is %d:%d\n", $info->{MM}, $info->{SS};
my $c = -1;
# set all lower-case and regular-cased versions of genres as keys
# with index as value of each key
%mp3_genres = map {($_, ++$c, lc, $c)} @mp3_genres;
# do it again for winamp genres
$c = -1;
%winamp_genres = map {($_, ++$c, lc, $c)} @winamp_genres;
my $mp3 = new MP3::Info $file;
$mp3->title('Perls Before Swine');
printf "$file length is %s, title is %s\n",
$mp3->time, $mp3->title;
=over 4
=item $mp3 = MP3::Info-E<gt>new(FILE)
OOP interface to the rest of the module. The same keys
available via get_mp3info and get_mp3tag are available
via the returned object (using upper case or lower case;
but note that all-caps "VERSION" will return the module
version, not the MP3 version).
Passing a value to one of the methods will set the value
for that tag in the MP3 file, if applicable.
sub new {
my($pack, $file) = @_;
my $info = get_mp3info($file) or return undef;
my $tags = get_mp3tag($file) || { map { ($_ => undef) } @v1_tag_names };
my %self = (
FILE => $file,
@self{@mp3_info_fields, @v1_tag_names, 'file'} = (
return bless \%self, $pack;
sub can {
my $self = shift;
return $self->SUPER::can(@_) unless ref $self;
my $name = uc shift;
return sub { $self->$name(@_) } if exists $self->{$name};
return undef;
my($self) = @_;
(my $name = uc $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/^.*://;
if (exists $self->{$name}) {
my $sub = exists $v1_tag_fields{$name}
? sub {
if (defined $_[1]) {
$_[0]->{$name} = $_[1];
set_mp3tag($_[0]->{FILE}, $_[0]);
return $_[0]->{$name};
: sub {
return $_[0]->{$name}
no strict 'refs';
*{$AUTOLOAD} = $sub;
goto &$AUTOLOAD;
} else {
carp(sprintf "No method '$name' available in package %s.",
=item use_mp3_utf8([STATUS])
Tells MP3::Info to (or not) return TAG info in UTF-8.
TRUE is 1, FALSE is 0. Default is TRUE, if available.
Will only be able to turn it on if Encode is available. ID3v2
tags will be converted to UTF-8 according to the encoding specified
in each tag; ID3v1 tags will be assumed Latin-1 and converted
to UTF-8.
Function returns status (TRUE/FALSE). If no argument is supplied,
or an unaccepted argument is supplied, function merely returns status.
This function is not exported by default, but may be exported
with the C<:utf8> or C<:all> export tag.
my $unicode_module = eval { require Encode; require Encode::Guess };
my $UNICODE = use_mp3_utf8($unicode_module ? 1 : 0);
sub use_mp3_utf8 {
my($val) = @_;
if ($val == 1) {
if ($unicode_module) {
$Encode::Guess::NoUTFAutoGuess = 1;
} elsif ($val == 0) {
return $UNICODE;
=item use_winamp_genres()
Puts WinAmp genres into C<@mp3_genres> and C<%mp3_genres>
(adds 68 additional genres to the default list of 80).
This is a separate function because these are non-standard
genres, but they are included because they are widely used.
You can import the data structures with one of:
use MP3::Info qw(:genres);
use MP3::Info qw(:DEFAULT :genres);
use MP3::Info qw(:all);
sub use_winamp_genres {
%mp3_genres = %winamp_genres;
@mp3_genres = @winamp_genres;
return 1;
=item remove_mp3tag (FILE [, VERSION, BUFFER])
Can remove ID3v1 or ID3v2 tags. VERSION should be C<1> for ID3v1
(the default), C<2> for ID3v2, and C<ALL> for both.
For ID3v1, removes last 128 bytes from file if those last 128 bytes begin
with the text 'TAG'. File will be 128 bytes shorter.
For ID3v2, removes ID3v2 tag. Because an ID3v2 tag is at the
beginning of the file, we rewrite the file after removing the tag data.
The buffer for rewriting the file is 4MB. BUFFER (in bytes) ca
change the buffer size.
Returns the number of bytes removed, or -1 if no tag removed,
or undef if there is an error.
sub remove_mp3tag {
my($file, $version, $buf) = @_;
my($fh, $return);
$buf ||= 4096*1024; # the bigger the faster
$version ||= 1;
if (not (defined $file && $file ne '')) {
$@ = "No file specified";
return undef;
if (not -s $file) {
$@ = "File is empty";
return undef;
if (ref $file) { # filehandle passed
$fh = $file;
} else {
if (not open $fh, '+<', $file) {
$@ = "Can't open $file: $!";
return undef;
binmode $fh;
if ($version eq 1 || $version eq 'ALL') {
seek $fh, -128, 2;
my $tell = tell $fh;
if (<$fh> =~ /^TAG/) {
truncate $fh, $tell or carp "Can't truncate '$file': $!";
$return += 128;
if ($version eq 2 || $version eq 'ALL') {
my $v2h = _get_v2head($fh);
if ($v2h) {
local $\;
seek $fh, 0, 2;
my $eof = tell $fh;
my $off = $v2h->{tag_size};
while ($off < $eof) {
seek $fh, $off, 0;
read $fh, my($bytes), $buf;
seek $fh, $off - $v2h->{tag_size}, 0;
print $fh $bytes;
$off += $buf;
truncate $fh, $eof - $v2h->{tag_size}
or carp "Can't truncate '$file': $!";
$return += $v2h->{tag_size};
_close($file, $fh);
return $return || -1;
=item set_mp3tag (FILE, $HASHREF)
Adds/changes tag information in an MP3 audio file. Will clobber
any existing information in file.
Fields are TITLE, ARTIST, ALBUM, YEAR, COMMENT, GENRE. All fields have
a 30-byte limit, except for YEAR, which has a four-byte limit, and GENRE,
which is one byte in the file. The GENRE passed in the function is a
case-insensitive text string representing a genre found in C<@mp3_genres>.
Will accept either a list of values, or a hashref of the type
returned by C<get_mp3tag>.
If TRACKNUM is present (for ID3v1.1), then the COMMENT field can only be
28 bytes.
ID3v2 support may come eventually. Note that if you set a tag on a file
with ID3v2, the set tag will be for ID3v1[.1] only, and if you call
C<get_mp3tag> on the file, it will show you the (unchanged) ID3v2 tags,
unless you specify ID3v1.
sub set_mp3tag {
my($file, $title, $artist, $album, $year, $comment, $genre, $tracknum) = @_;
my(%info, $oldfh, $ref, $fh);
local %v1_tag_fields = %v1_tag_fields;
# set each to '' if undef
for ($title, $artist, $album, $year, $comment, $tracknum, $genre,
{$_ = defined() ? $_ : ''}
($ref) = (overload::StrVal($title) =~ /^(?:.*\=)?([^=]*)\((?:[^\(]*)\)$/)
if ref $title;
# populate data to hashref if hashref is not passed
if (!$ref) {
(@info{@v1_tag_names}) =
($title, $artist, $album, $year, $comment, $tracknum, $genre);
# put data from hashref into hashref if hashref is passed
} elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') {
%info = %$title;
# return otherwise
} else {
set_mp3tag (FILE, $HASHREF)
return undef;
if (not (defined $file && $file ne '')) {
$@ = "No file specified";
return undef;
if (not -s $file) {
$@ = "File is empty";
return undef;
# comment field length 28 if ID3v1.1
$v1_tag_fields{COMMENT} = 28 if $info{TRACKNUM};
# only if -w is on
if ($^W) {
# warn if fields too long
foreach my $field (keys %v1_tag_fields) {
$info{$field} = '' unless defined $info{$field};
if (length($info{$field}) > $v1_tag_fields{$field}) {
carp "Data too long for field $field: truncated to " .
if ($info{GENRE}) {
carp "Genre `$info{GENRE}' does not exist\n"
unless exists $mp3_genres{$info{GENRE}};
if ($info{TRACKNUM}) {
$info{TRACKNUM} =~ s/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/$1/;
unless ($info{TRACKNUM} =~ /^\d+$/ &&
$info{TRACKNUM} > 0 && $info{TRACKNUM} < 256) {
carp "Tracknum `$info{TRACKNUM}' must be an integer " .
"from 1 and 255\n" if $^W;
$info{TRACKNUM} = '';
if (ref $file) { # filehandle passed
$fh = $file;
} else {
if (not open $fh, '+<', $file) {
$@ = "Can't open $file: $!";
return undef;
binmode $fh;
$oldfh = select $fh;
seek $fh, -128, 2;
# go to end of file if no tag, beginning of file if tag
seek $fh, (<$fh> =~ /^TAG/ ? -128 : 0), 2;
# get genre value
$info{GENRE} = $info{GENRE} && exists $mp3_genres{$info{GENRE}} ?
$mp3_genres{$info{GENRE}} : 255; # some default genre
local $\;
# print TAG to file
if ($info{TRACKNUM}) {
print pack 'a3a30a30a30a4a28xCC', 'TAG', @info{@v1_tag_names};
} else {
print pack 'a3a30a30a30a4a30C', 'TAG', @info{@v1_tag_names[0..4, 6]};
select $oldfh;
_close($file, $fh);
return 1;
=item get_mp3tag (FILE [, VERSION, RAW_V2])
Returns hash reference containing tag information in MP3 file. The keys
returned are the same as those supplied for C<set_mp3tag>, except in the
case of RAW_V2 being set.
If VERSION is C<1>, the information is taken from the ID3v1 tag (if present).
If VERSION is C<2>, the information is taken from the ID3v2 tag (if present).
If VERSION is not supplied, or is false, the ID3v1 tag is read if present, and
then, if present, the ID3v2 tag information will override any existing ID3v1
tag info.
If RAW_V2 is C<1>, the raw ID3v2 tag data is returned, without any manipulation
of text encoding. The key name is the same as the frame ID (ID to name mappings
are in the global %v2_tag_names).
If RAW_V2 is C<2>, the ID3v2 tag data is returned, manipulating for Unicode if
necessary, etc. It also takes multiple values for a given key (such as comments)
and puts them in an arrayref.
If the ID3v2 version is older than ID3v2.2.0 or newer than ID3v2.4.0, it will
not be read.
Strings returned will be in Latin-1, unless UTF-8 is specified (L<use_mp3_utf8>),
(unless RAW_V2 is C<1>).
Also returns a TAGVERSION key, containing the ID3 version used for the returned
data (if TAGVERSION argument is C<0>, may contain two versions).
sub get_mp3tag {
my ($file, $ver, $raw_v2, $find_ape) = @_;
my ($tag, $v2h, $fh);
my $v1 = {};
my $v2 = {};
my $ape = {};
my %info = ();
my @array = ();
$raw_v2 ||= 0;
$ver = !$ver ? 0 : ($ver == 2 || $ver == 1) ? $ver : 0;
if (not (defined $file && $file ne '')) {
$@ = "No file specified";
return undef;
my $filesize = -s $file;
if (!$filesize) {
$@ = "File is empty";
return undef;
if (ref $file) { # filehandle passed
$fh = $file;
} else {
if (not open $fh, '<', $file) {
$@ = "Can't open $file: $!";
return undef;
binmode $fh;
# Try and find an APE Tag - this is where FooBar2k & others
# store ReplayGain information
if ($find_ape) {
$ape = _parse_ape_tag($fh, $filesize, \%info);
if ($ver < 2) {
$v1 = _get_v1tag($fh, \%info);
if ($ver == 1 && !$v1) {
_close($file, $fh);
$@ = "No ID3v1 tag found";
return undef;
if ($ver == 2 || $ver == 0) {
($v2, $v2h) = _get_v2tag($fh);
if (!$v1 && !$v2 && !$ape) {
_close($file, $fh);
$@ = "No ID3 tag found";
return undef;
if (($ver == 0 || $ver == 2) && $v2) {
if ($raw_v2 == 1 && $ver == 2) {
%info = %$v2;
$info{'TAGVERSION'} = $v2h->{'version'};
} else {
_parse_v2tag($raw_v2, $v2, \%info);
if ($ver == 0 && $info{'TAGVERSION'}) {
$info{'TAGVERSION'} .= ' / ' . $v2h->{'version'};
} else {
$info{'TAGVERSION'} = $v2h->{'version'};
unless ($raw_v2 && $ver == 2) {
foreach my $key (keys %info) {
if (defined $info{$key}) {
$info{$key} =~ s/\000+.*//g;
$info{$key} =~ s/\s+$//;
for (@v1_tag_names) {
$info{$_} = '' unless defined $info{$_};
if (keys %info && exists $info{'GENRE'} && ! defined $info{'GENRE'}) {
$info{'GENRE'} = '';
_close($file, $fh);
return keys %info ? {%info} : undef;
sub _get_v1tag {
my ($fh, $info) = @_;
seek $fh, -128, 2;
read($fh, my $tag, 128);
if (!defined($tag) || $tag !~ /^TAG/) {
return 0;
if (substr($tag, -3, 2) =~ /\000[^\000]/) {
(undef, @{$info}{@v1_tag_names}) =
(unpack('a3a30a30a30a4a28', $tag),
ord(substr($tag, -2, 1)),
$mp3_genres[ord(substr $tag, -1)]);
$info->{'TAGVERSION'} = 'ID3v1.1';
} else {
(undef, @{$info}{@v1_tag_names[0..4, 6]}) =
(unpack('a3a30a30a30a4a30', $tag),
$mp3_genres[ord(substr $tag, -1)]);
$info->{'TAGVERSION'} = 'ID3v1';
if ($UNICODE) {
# Save off the old suspects list, since we add
# iso-8859-1 below, but don't want that there
# for possible ID3 v2.x parsing below.
my $oldSuspects = $Encode::Encoding{'Guess'}->{'Suspects'};
for my $key (keys %{$info}) {
next unless $info->{$key};
# Try and guess the encoding.
my $value = $info->{$key};
my $icode = Encode::Guess->guess($value);
unless (ref($icode)) {
# Often Latin1 bytes are
# stuffed into a 1.1 tag.
while (length($value)) {
$icode = Encode::Guess->guess($value);
last if ref($icode);
# Remove garbage and retry
# (string is truncated in the
# middle of a multibyte char?)
$value =~ s/(.)$//;
$info->{$key} = Encode::decode(ref($icode) ? $icode->name : 'iso-8859-1', $info->{$key});
Encode::Guess->set_suspects(keys %{$oldSuspects});
return 1;
sub _parse_v2tag {
my ($raw_v2, $v2, $info) = @_;
# Make sure any existing TXXX flags are an array.
# As we might need to append comments to it below.
if ($v2->{'TXXX'} && ref($v2->{'TXXX'}) ne 'ARRAY') {
$v2->{'TXXX'} = [ $v2->{'TXXX'} ];
# J.River Media Center sticks RG tags in comments.
# Ugh. Make them look like TXXX tags, which is really what they are.
if (ref($v2->{'COMM'}) eq 'ARRAY' && grep { /Media Jukebox/ } @{$v2->{'COMM'}}) {
for my $comment (@{$v2->{'COMM'}}) {
if ($comment =~ /Media Jukebox/) {
# we only want one null to lead.
$comment =~ s/^\000+//g;
push @{$v2->{'TXXX'}}, "\000$comment";
my $hash = $raw_v2 == 2 ? { map { ($_, $_) } keys %v2_tag_names } : \%v2_to_v1_names;
for my $id (keys %$hash) {
next if !exists $v2->{$id};
if ($id =~ /^UFID?$/) {
my @ufid_list = split(/\0/, $v2->{$id});
$info->{$hash->{$id}} = $ufid_list[1] if ($#ufid_list > 0);
} elsif ($id =~ /^RVA[D2]?$/) {
# Expand these binary fields. See the ID3 spec for Relative Volume Adjustment.
if ($id eq 'RVA2') {
# ID is a text string
($info->{$hash->{$id}}->{'ID'}, my $rvad) = split /\0/, $v2->{$id};
my $channel = $rva2_channel_types{ ord(substr($rvad, 0, 1, '')) };
$info->{$hash->{$id}}->{$channel}->{'REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN'} =
sprintf('%f', _grab_int_16(\$rvad) / 512);
my $peakBytes = ord(substr($rvad, 0, 1, ''));
if (int($peakBytes / 8)) {
$info->{$hash->{$id}}->{$channel}->{'REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK'} =
sprintf('%f', _grab_int_16(\$rvad) / 512);
} elsif ($id eq 'RVAD' || $id eq 'RVA') {
my $rvad = $v2->{$id};
my $flags = ord(substr($rvad, 0, 1, ''));
my $desc = ord(substr($rvad, 0, 1, ''));
# iTunes appears to be the only program that actually writes
# out a RVA/RVAD tag. Everyone else punts.
for my $channel (qw(RIGHT LEFT)) {
my $val = _grab_uint_16(\$rvad) / 256;
# iTunes uses a range of -255 to 255
# to be -100% (silent) to 100% (+6dB)
if ($val == -255) {
$val = -96.0;
} else {
$val = 20.0 * log(($val+255)/255)/log(10);
$info->{$hash->{$id}}->{$channel}->{$type} = $flags & 0x01 ? $val : -$val;
} elsif ($id =~ /^A?PIC$/) {
my $pic = $v2->{$id};
# if there is more than one picture, just grab the first one.
if (ref($pic) eq 'ARRAY') {
$pic = (@$pic)[0];
use bytes;
my $valid_pic = 0;
my $pic_len = 0;
my $pic_format = '';
# look for ID3 v2.2 picture
if ($pic && $id eq 'PIC') {
# look for ID3 v2.2 picture
my ($encoding, $format, $picture_type, $description) = unpack 'Ca3CZ*', $pic;
$pic_len = length($description) + 1 + 5;
# skip extra terminating null if unicode
if ($encoding) { $pic_len++; }
if ($pic_len < length($pic)) {
$valid_pic = 1;
$pic_format = $format;
} elsif ($pic && $id eq 'APIC') {
# look for ID3 v2.3 picture
my ($encoding, $format) = unpack 'C Z*', $pic;
$pic_len = length($format) + 2;
if ($pic_len < length($pic)) {
my ($picture_type, $description) = unpack "x$pic_len C Z*", $pic;
$pic_len += 1 + length($description) + 1;
# skip extra terminating null if unicode
if ($encoding) { $pic_len++; }
$valid_pic = 1;
$pic_format = $format;
# Proceed if we have a valid picture.
if ($valid_pic && $pic_format) {
my ($data) = unpack("x$pic_len A*", $pic);
if (length($data) && $pic_format) {
$info->{$hash->{$id}} = {
'DATA' => $data,
'FORMAT' => $pic_format,
} else {
my $data1 = $v2->{$id};
# this is tricky ... if this is an arrayref,
# we want to only return one, so we pick the
# first one. but if it is a comment, we pick
# the first one where the first charcter after
# the language is NULL and not an additional
# sub-comment, because that is most likely to be
# the user-supplied comment
if (ref $data1 && !$raw_v2) {
if ($id =~ /^COMM?$/) {
my($newdata) = grep /^(....\000)/, @{$data1};
$data1 = $newdata || $data1->[0];
} elsif ($id !~ /^(?:TXXX?|PRIV)$/) {
# We can get multiple User Defined Text frames in a mp3 file
$data1 = $data1->[0];
$data1 = [ $data1 ] if ! ref $data1;
for my $data (@$data1) {
# TODO : this should only be done for certain frames;
# using RAW still gives you access, but we should be smarter
# about how individual frame types are handled. it's not
# like the list is infinitely long.
$data =~ s/^(.)//; # strip first char (text encoding)
my $encoding = $1;
my $desc;
# Comments & Unsyncronized Lyrics have the same format.
if ($id =~ /^(COM[M ]?|USLT)$/) { # space for iTunes brokenness
$data =~ s/^(?:...)//; # strip language
if ($UNICODE) {
if ($encoding eq "\001" || $encoding eq "\002") { # UTF-16, UTF-16BE
# text fields can be null-separated lists;
# UTF-16 therefore needs special care
# foobar2000 encodes tags in UTF-16LE
# (which is apparently illegal)
# Encode dies on a bad BOM, so it is
# probably wise to wrap it in an eval
# anyway
$data = eval { Encode::decode('utf16', $data) } || Encode::decode('utf16le', $data);
} elsif ($encoding eq "\003") { # UTF-8
# make sure string is UTF8, and set flag appropriately
$data = Encode::decode('utf8', $data);
} elsif ($encoding eq "\000") {
# Only guess if it's not ascii.
if ($data && $data !~ /^[\x00-\x7F]+$/) {
# Try and guess the encoding, otherwise just use latin1
my $dec = Encode::Guess->guess($data);
if (ref $dec) {
$data = $dec->decode($data);
} else {
# Best try
$data = Encode::decode('iso-8859-1', $data);
} else {
# If the string starts with an
# UTF-16 little endian BOM, use a hack to
# convert to ASCII per best-effort
my $pat;
if ($data =~ s/^\xFF\xFE//) {
$pat = 'v';
} elsif ($data =~ s/^\xFE\xFF//) {
$pat = 'n';
if ($pat) {
$data = pack 'C*', map {
(chr =~ /[[:ascii:]]/ && chr =~ /[[:print:]]/)
? $_
: ord('?')
} unpack "$pat*", $data;
# We do this after decoding so we could be certain we're dealing
# with 8-bit text.
if ($id =~ /^(COM[M ]?|USLT)$/) { # space for iTunes brokenness
$data =~ s/^(.*?)\000//; # strip up to first NULL(s),
# for sub-comments (TODO:
# handle all comment data)
$desc = $1;
} elsif ($id =~ /^TCON?$/) {
my ($index, $name);
# Turn multiple nulls into a single.
$data =~ s/\000+/\000/g;
# Handle the ID3v2.x spec -
# just an index number, possibly
# paren enclosed - referer to the v1 genres.
if ($data =~ /^ \(? (\d+) \)?\000?$/sx) {
$index = $1;
# Paren enclosed index with refinement.
# (4)Eurodisco
} elsif ($data =~ /^ \( (\d+) \)\000? ([^\(].+)$/x) {
($index, $name) = ($1, $2);
# List of indexes: (37)(38)
} elsif ($data =~ /^ \( (\d+) \)\000?/x) {
my @genres = ();
while ($data =~ s/^ \( (\d+) \)\000?//x) {
push @genres, $mp3_genres[$1];
$data = \@genres;
# Text based genres will fall through.
if ($name && $name ne "\000") {
$data = $name;
} elsif (defined $index) {
$data = $mp3_genres[$index];
if ($raw_v2 == 2 && $desc) {
$data = { $desc => $data };
if ($raw_v2 == 2 && exists $info->{$hash->{$id}}) {
if (ref $info->{$hash->{$id}} eq 'ARRAY') {
push @{$info->{$hash->{$id}}}, $data;
} else {
$info->{$hash->{$id}} = [ $info->{$hash->{$id}}, $data ];
} else {
# User defined frame
if ($id eq 'TXXX') {
my ($key, $val) = split(/\0/, $data);
$info->{uc($key)} = $val;
} elsif ($id eq 'PRIV') {
my ($key, $val) = split(/\0/, $data);
$info->{uc($key)} = unpack('v', $val);
} else {
$info->{$hash->{$id}} = $data;
sub _get_v2tag {
my($fh) = @_;
my($off, $end, $myseek, $v2, $v2h, $hlen, $num, $wholetag);
$v2 = {};
$v2h = _get_v2head($fh) or return;
if ($v2h->{major_version} < 2) {
carp "This is $v2h->{version}; " .
"ID3v2 versions older than ID3v2.2.0 not supported\n"
if $^W;
# use syncsafe bytes if using version 2.4
# my $bytesize = ($v2h->{major_version} > 3) ? 128 : 256;
# alas, that's what the spec says, but iTunes and others don't syncsafe
# the length, which breaks MP3 files with v2.4 tags longer than 128 bytes,
# like every image file.
my $bytesize = 256;
if ($v2h->{major_version} == 2) {
$hlen = 6;
$num = 3;
} else {
$hlen = 10;
$num = 4;
$off = $v2h->{ext_header_size} + 10;
$end = $v2h->{tag_size} + 10; # should we read in the footer too?
seek $fh, $v2h->{offset}, 0;
read $fh, $wholetag, $end;
$wholetag =~ s/\xFF\x00/\xFF/gs if $v2h->{unsync};
$myseek = sub {
my $bytes = substr($wholetag, $off, $hlen);
return unless $bytes =~ /^([A-Z0-9]{$num})/
|| ($num == 4 && $bytes =~ /^(COM )/); # stupid iTunes
my($id, $size) = ($1, $hlen);
my @bytes = reverse unpack "C$num", substr($bytes, $num, $num);
for my $i (0 .. ($num - 1)) {
$size += $bytes[$i] * $bytesize ** $i;
my $flags = {};
if ($v2h->{major_version} > 3) {
my @bits = split //, unpack 'B16', substr($bytes, 8, 2);
$flags->{frame_unsync} = $bits[14];
$flags->{data_len_indicator} = $bits[15];
return($id, $size, $flags);
while ($off < $end) {
my($id, $size, $flags) = &$myseek or last;
my $bytes = substr($wholetag, $off+$hlen, $size-$hlen);
my $data_len;
if ($flags->{data_len_indicator}) {
$data_len = 0;
my @data_len_bytes = reverse unpack 'C4', substr($bytes, 0, 4);
$bytes = substr($bytes, 4);
for my $i (0..3) {
$data_len += $data_len_bytes[$i] * 128 ** $i;
# perform frame-level unsync if needed (skip if already done for whole tag)
$bytes =~ s/\xFF\x00/\xFF/gs if $flags->{frame_unsync} && !$v2h->{unsync};
# if we know the data length, sanity check it now.
if ($flags->{data_len_indicator} && defined $data_len) {
carp "Size mismatch on $id\n" unless $data_len == length($bytes);
if (exists $v2->{$id}) {
if (ref $v2->{$id} eq 'ARRAY') {
push @{$v2->{$id}}, $bytes;
} else {
$v2->{$id} = [$v2->{$id}, $bytes];
} else {
$v2->{$id} = $bytes;
$off += $size;
return($v2, $v2h);
=item get_mp3info (FILE)
Returns hash reference containing file information for MP3 file.
This data cannot be changed. Returned data:
VERSION MPEG audio version (1, 2, 2.5)
LAYER MPEG layer description (1, 2, 3)
STEREO boolean for audio is in stereo
VBR boolean for variable bitrate
BITRATE bitrate in kbps (average for VBR files)
FREQUENCY frequency in kHz
SIZE bytes in audio stream
OFFSET bytes offset that stream begins
SECS total seconds
MM minutes
SS leftover seconds
MS leftover milliseconds
TIME time in MM:SS
COPYRIGHT boolean for audio is copyrighted
PADDING boolean for MP3 frames are padded
MODE channel mode (0 = stereo, 1 = joint stereo,
2 = dual channel, 3 = single channel)
FRAMES approximate number of frames
FRAME_LENGTH approximate length of a frame
VBR_SCALE VBR scale from VBR header
On error, returns nothing and sets C<$@>.
sub get_mp3info {
my($file) = @_;
my($off, $byte, $eof, $h, $tot, $fh);
if (not (defined $file && $file ne '')) {
$@ = "No file specified";
return undef;
if (not -s $file) {
$@ = "File is empty";
return undef;
if (ref $file) { # filehandle passed
$fh = $file;
} else {
if (not open $fh, '<', $file) {
$@ = "Can't open $file: $!";
return undef;
$off = 0;
$tot = 8192;
# Let the caller change how far we seek in looking for a header.
if ($try_harder) {
$tot *= $try_harder;
binmode $fh;
seek $fh, $off, 0;
read $fh, $byte, 4;
if ($off == 0) {
if (my $v2h = _get_v2head($fh)) {
$tot += $off += $v2h->{tag_size};
seek $fh, $off, 0;
read $fh, $byte, 4;
$h = _get_head($byte);
my $is_mp3 = _is_mp3($h);
# the head wasn't where we were expecting it.. dig deeper.
unless ($is_mp3) {
# do only one read - it's _much_ faster
seek $fh, $off, 0;
read $fh, $byte, $tot;
my $i;
# now walk the bytes looking for the head
for ($i = 0; $i < $tot; $i++) {
last if ($tot - $i) < 4;
my $head = substr($byte, $i, 4) || last;
next if (ord($head) != 0xff);
$h = _get_head($head);
$is_mp3 = _is_mp3($h);
last if $is_mp3;
# adjust where we are for _get_vbr()
$off += $i;
if ($off > $tot && !$try_harder) {
_close($file, $fh);
$@ = "Couldn't find MP3 header (perhaps set " .
'$MP3::Info::try_harder and retry)';
return undef;
my $vbr = _get_vbr($fh, $h, \$off);
seek $fh, 0, 2;
$eof = tell $fh;
seek $fh, -128, 2;
$eof -= 128 if <$fh> =~ /^TAG/ ? 1 : 0;
_close($file, $fh);
$h->{size} = $eof - $off;
$h->{offset} = $off;
return _get_info($h, $vbr);
sub _get_info {
my($h, $vbr) = @_;
my $i;
# No bitrate or sample rate? Something's wrong.
unless ($h->{bitrate} && $h->{fs}) {
return {};
$i->{VERSION} = $h->{IDR} == 2 ? 2 : $h->{IDR} == 3 ? 1 :
$h->{IDR} == 0 ? 2.5 : 0;
$i->{LAYER} = 4 - $h->{layer};
$i->{VBR} = defined $vbr ? 1 : 0;
$i->{COPYRIGHT} = $h->{copyright} ? 1 : 0;
$i->{PADDING} = $h->{padding_bit} ? 1 : 0;
$i->{STEREO} = $h->{mode} == 3 ? 0 : 1;
$i->{MODE} = $h->{mode};
$i->{SIZE} = $vbr && $vbr->{bytes} ? $vbr->{bytes} : $h->{size};
$i->{OFFSET} = $h->{offset};
my $mfs = $h->{fs} / ($h->{ID} ? 144000 : 72000);
$i->{FRAMES} = int($vbr && $vbr->{frames}
? $vbr->{frames}
: $i->{SIZE} / ($h->{bitrate} / $mfs)
if ($vbr) {
$i->{VBR_SCALE} = $vbr->{scale} if $vbr->{scale};
$h->{bitrate} = $i->{SIZE} / $i->{FRAMES} * $mfs;
if (not $h->{bitrate}) {
$@ = "Couldn't determine VBR bitrate";
return undef;
$h->{'length'} = ($i->{SIZE} * 8) / $h->{bitrate} / 10;
$i->{SECS} = $h->{'length'} / 100;
$i->{MM} = int $i->{SECS} / 60;
$i->{SS} = int $i->{SECS} % 60;
$i->{MS} = (($i->{SECS} - ($i->{MM} * 60) - $i->{SS}) * 1000);
# $i->{LF} = ($i->{MS} / 1000) * ($i->{FRAMES} / $i->{SECS});
# int($i->{MS} / 100 * 75); # is this right?
$i->{TIME} = sprintf "%.2d:%.2d", @{$i}{'MM', 'SS'};
$i->{BITRATE} = int $h->{bitrate};
# should we just return if ! FRAMES?
$i->{FRAME_LENGTH} = int($h->{size} / $i->{FRAMES}) if $i->{FRAMES};
$i->{FREQUENCY} = $frequency_tbl[3 * $h->{IDR} + $h->{sampling_freq}];
return $i;
sub _get_head {
my($byte) = @_;
my($bytes, $h);
$bytes = _unpack_head($byte);
@$h{qw(IDR ID layer protection_bit
bitrate_index sampling_freq padding_bit private_bit
mode mode_extension copyright original
emphasis version_index bytes)} = (
($bytes>>19)&3, ($bytes>>19)&1, ($bytes>>17)&3, ($bytes>>16)&1,
($bytes>>12)&15, ($bytes>>10)&3, ($bytes>>9)&1, ($bytes>>8)&1,
($bytes>>6)&3, ($bytes>>4)&3, ($bytes>>3)&1, ($bytes>>2)&1,
$bytes&3, ($bytes>>19)&3, $bytes
$h->{bitrate} = $t_bitrate[$h->{ID}][3 - $h->{layer}][$h->{bitrate_index}];
$h->{fs} = $t_sampling_freq[$h->{IDR}][$h->{sampling_freq}];
return $h;
sub _is_mp3 {
my $h = $_[0] or return undef;
return ! ( # all below must be false
$h->{bitrate_index} == 0
$h->{version_index} == 1
($h->{bytes} & 0xFFE00000) != 0xFFE00000
$h->{bitrate_index} == 15
$h->{sampling_freq} == 3
$h->{emphasis} == 2
($h->{bytes} & 0xFFFF0000) == 0xFFFE0000
($h->{ID} == 1 && $h->{layer} == 3 && $h->{protection_bit} == 1)
# mode extension should only be applicable when mode = 1
# however, failing just becuase mode extension is used when unneeded is a bit strict
# ||
#($h->{mode_extension} != 0 && $h->{mode} != 1)
sub _vbr_seek {
my $fh = shift;
my $off = shift;
my $bytes = shift;
my $n = shift || 4;
seek $fh, $$off, 0;
read $fh, $$bytes, $n;
$$off += $n;
sub _get_vbr {
my($fh, $h, $roff) = @_;
my($off, $bytes, @bytes, %vbr);
$off = $$roff;
$off += 4;
if ($h->{ID}) { # MPEG1
$off += $h->{mode} == 3 ? 17 : 32;
} else { # MPEG2
$off += $h->{mode} == 3 ? 9 : 17;
_vbr_seek($fh, \$off, \$bytes);
return unless $bytes eq 'Xing';
_vbr_seek($fh, \$off, \$bytes);
$vbr{flags} = _unpack_head($bytes);
if ($vbr{flags} & 1) {
_vbr_seek($fh, \$off, \$bytes);
$vbr{frames} = _unpack_head($bytes);
if ($vbr{flags} & 2) {
_vbr_seek($fh, \$off, \$bytes);
$vbr{bytes} = _unpack_head($bytes);
if ($vbr{flags} & 4) {
_vbr_seek($fh, \$off, \$bytes, 100);
# Not used right now ...
# $vbr{toc} = _unpack_head($bytes);
if ($vbr{flags} & 8) { # (quality ind., 0=best 100=worst)
_vbr_seek($fh, \$off, \$bytes);
$vbr{scale} = _unpack_head($bytes);
} else {
$vbr{scale} = -1;
$$roff = $off;
return \%vbr;
sub _get_v2head {
my $fh = $_[0] or return;
my($v2h, $bytes, @bytes);
$v2h->{offset} = 0;
# check first three bytes for 'ID3'
seek $fh, 0, 0;
read $fh, $bytes, 3;
# TODO: add support for tags at the end of the file
if ($bytes eq 'RIF' || $bytes eq 'FOR') {
_find_id3_chunk($fh, $bytes) or return;
$v2h->{offset} = tell $fh;
read $fh, $bytes, 3;
return unless $bytes eq 'ID3';
# get version
read $fh, $bytes, 2;
$v2h->{version} = sprintf "ID3v2.%d.%d",
@$v2h{qw[major_version minor_version]} =
unpack 'c2', $bytes;
# get flags
read $fh, $bytes, 1;
my @bits = split //, unpack 'b8', $bytes;
if ($v2h->{major_version} == 2) {
$v2h->{unsync} = $bits[7];
$v2h->{compression} = $bits[8];
$v2h->{ext_header} = 0;
$v2h->{experimental} = 0;
} else {
$v2h->{unsync} = $bits[7];
$v2h->{ext_header} = $bits[6];
$v2h->{experimental} = $bits[5];
$v2h->{footer} = $bits[4] if $v2h->{major_version} == 4;
# get ID3v2 tag length from bytes 7-10
$v2h->{tag_size} = 10; # include ID3v2 header size
$v2h->{tag_size} += 10 if $v2h->{footer};
read $fh, $bytes, 4;
@bytes = reverse unpack 'C4', $bytes;
foreach my $i (0 .. 3) {
# whoaaaaaa nellllllyyyyyy!
$v2h->{tag_size} += $bytes[$i] * 128 ** $i;
# get extended header size
$v2h->{ext_header_size} = 0;
if ($v2h->{ext_header}) {
read $fh, $bytes, 4;
@bytes = reverse unpack 'C4', $bytes;
# use syncsafe bytes if using version 2.4
my $bytesize = ($v2h->{major_version} > 3) ? 128 : 256;
for my $i (0..3) {
$v2h->{ext_header_size} += $bytes[$i] * $bytesize ** $i;
return $v2h;
sub _find_id3_chunk {
my($fh, $filetype) = @_;
my($bytes, $size, $tag, $pat, $mat);
read $fh, $bytes, 1;
if ($filetype eq 'RIF') { # WAV
return 0 if $bytes ne 'F';
$pat = 'a4V';
$mat = 'id3 ';
} elsif ($filetype eq 'FOR') { # AIFF
return 0 if $bytes ne 'M';
$pat = 'a4N';
$mat = 'ID3 ';
seek $fh, 12, 0; # skip to the first chunk
while ((read $fh, $bytes, 8) == 8) {
($tag, $size) = unpack $pat, $bytes;
return 1 if $tag eq $mat;
seek $fh, $size, 1;
return 0;
sub _unpack_head {
unpack('l', pack('L', unpack('N', $_[0])));
sub _grab_int_16 {
my $data = shift;
my $value = unpack('s',substr($$data,0,2));
$$data = substr($$data,2);
return $value;
sub _grab_uint_16 {
my $data = shift;
my $value = unpack('S',substr($$data,0,2));
$$data = substr($$data,2);
return $value;
sub _grab_int_32 {
my $data = shift;
my $value = unpack('V',substr($$data,0,4));
$$data = substr($$data,4);
return $value;
sub _parse_ape_tag {
my ($fh, $filesize, $info) = @_;
my $ape_tag_id = 'APETAGEX';
seek $fh, -256, 2;
read($fh, my $tag, 256);
my $pre_tag = substr($tag, 0, 128, '');
# Try and bail early if there's no ape tag.
if (substr($pre_tag, 96, 8) ne $ape_tag_id && substr($tag, 96, 8) ne $ape_tag_id) {
seek($fh, 0, 0);
return 0;
my $id3v1_tag_size = 128;
my $ape_tag_header_size = 32;
my $lyrics3_tag_size = 10;
my $tag_offset_start = 0;
my $tag_offset_end = 0;
seek($fh, (0 - $id3v1_tag_size - $ape_tag_header_size - $lyrics3_tag_size), 2);
read($fh, my $ape_footer_id3v1, $id3v1_tag_size + $ape_tag_header_size + $lyrics3_tag_size);
if (substr($ape_footer_id3v1, (length($ape_footer_id3v1) - $id3v1_tag_size - $ape_tag_header_size), 8) eq $ape_tag_id) {
$tag_offset_end = $filesize - $id3v1_tag_size;
} elsif (substr($ape_footer_id3v1, (length($ape_footer_id3v1) - $ape_tag_header_size), 8) eq $ape_tag_id) {
$tag_offset_end = $filesize;
seek($fh, $tag_offset_end - $ape_tag_header_size, 0);
read($fh, my $ape_footer_data, 32);
my $ape_footer = _parse_ape_header_or_footer($ape_footer_data);
if (keys %{$ape_footer}) {
my $ape_tag_data = '';
if ($ape_footer->{'flags'}->{'header'}) {
seek($fh, ($tag_offset_end - $ape_footer->{'tag_size'} - $ape_tag_header_size), 0);
$tag_offset_start = tell($fh);
read($fh, $ape_tag_data, $ape_footer->{'tag_size'} + $ape_tag_header_size);
} else {
$tag_offset_start = $tag_offset_end - $ape_footer->{'tag_size'};
seek($fh, $tag_offset_start, 0);
read($fh, $ape_tag_data, $ape_footer->{'tag_size'});
my $ape_header_data = substr($ape_tag_data, 0, $ape_tag_header_size, '');
my $ape_header = _parse_ape_header_or_footer($ape_header_data);
for (my $c = 0; $c < $ape_header->{'tag_items'}; $c++) {
# Loop through the tag items
my $tag_len = _grab_int_32(\$ape_tag_data);
my $tag_flags = _grab_int_32(\$ape_tag_data);
$ape_tag_data =~ s/^(.*?)\0//;
my $tag_item_key = uc($1 || 'UNKNOWN');
$info->{$tag_item_key} = substr($ape_tag_data, 0, $tag_len, '');
seek($fh, 0, 0);
return 1;
sub _parse_ape_header_or_footer {
my $bytes = shift;
my %data = ();
if (substr($bytes, 0, 8, '') eq 'APETAGEX') {
$data{'version'} = _grab_int_32(\$bytes);
$data{'tag_size'} = _grab_int_32(\$bytes);
$data{'tag_items'} = _grab_int_32(\$bytes);
$data{'global_flags'} = _grab_int_32(\$bytes);
# trim the reseved bytes
$data{'flags'}->{'header'} = ($data{'global_flags'} & 0x80000000) ? 1 : 0;
$data{'flags'}->{'footer'} = ($data{'global_flags'} & 0x40000000) ? 1 : 0;
$data{'flags'}->{'is_header'} = ($data{'global_flags'} & 0x20000000) ? 1 : 0;
return \%data;
sub _close {
my($file, $fh) = @_;
unless (ref $file) { # filehandle not passed
close $fh or carp "Problem closing '$file': $!";
@mp3_genres = (
'Classic Rock',
'New Age',
'Death Metal',
'Sound Clip',
'Instrumental Pop',
'Instrumental Rock',
'Southern Rock',
'Top 40',
'Christian Rap',
'Native American',
'New Wave',
'Acid Punk',
'Acid Jazz',
'Rock & Roll',
'Hard Rock',
@winamp_genres = (
'National Folk',
'Fast Fusion',
'Gothic Rock',
'Progressive Rock',
'Psychedelic Rock',
'Symphonic Rock',
'Slow Rock',
'Big Band',
'Easy Listening',
'Chamber Music',
'Booty Bass',
'Porn Groove',
'Slow Jam',
'Power Ballad',
'Rhythmic Soul',
'Punk Rock',
'Drum Solo',
'Dance Hall',
'Drum & Bass',
'Polsk Punk',
'Christian Gangsta Rap',
'Heavy Metal',
'Black Metal',
'Contemporary Christian',
'Christian Rock',
'Thrash Metal',
@t_bitrate = ([
[0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256],
[0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160],
[0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160]
[0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448],
[0, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384],
[0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320]
@t_sampling_freq = (
[11025, 12000, 8000],
[undef, undef, undef], # reserved
[22050, 24000, 16000],
[44100, 48000, 32000]
@frequency_tbl = map { $_ ? eval "${_}e-3" : 0 }
map { @$_ } @t_sampling_freq;
@mp3_info_fields = qw(
%rva2_channel_types = (
0x00 => 'OTHER',
0x01 => 'MASTER',
0x02 => 'FRONT_RIGHT',
0x03 => 'FRONT_LEFT',
0x04 => 'BACK_RIGHT',
0x05 => 'BACK_LEFT',
0x06 => 'FRONT_CENTER',
0x07 => 'BACK_CENTER',
0x08 => 'SUBWOOFER',
%v1_tag_fields =
(TITLE => 30, ARTIST => 30, ALBUM => 30, COMMENT => 30, YEAR => 4);
%v2_to_v1_names = (
# v2.2 tags
'TT2' => 'TITLE',
'TP1' => 'ARTIST',
'TAL' => 'ALBUM',
'TYE' => 'YEAR',
'TCO' => 'GENRE', # not clean mapping, but ...
# v2.3 tags
'TIT2' => 'TITLE',
'TPE1' => 'ARTIST',
'TALB' => 'ALBUM',
'TYER' => 'YEAR',
'TCON' => 'GENRE',
# v2.3 tags - needed for MusicBrainz
'UFID' => 'Unique file identifier',
'TXXX' => 'User defined text information frame',
%v2_tag_names = (
# v2.2 tags
'BUF' => 'Recommended buffer size',
'CNT' => 'Play counter',
'COM' => 'Comments',
'CRA' => 'Audio encryption',
'CRM' => 'Encrypted meta frame',
'ETC' => 'Event timing codes',
'EQU' => 'Equalization',
'GEO' => 'General encapsulated object',
'IPL' => 'Involved people list',
'LNK' => 'Linked information',
'MCI' => 'Music CD Identifier',
'MLL' => 'MPEG location lookup table',
'PIC' => 'Attached picture',
'POP' => 'Popularimeter',
'REV' => 'Reverb',
'RVA' => 'Relative volume adjustment',
'SLT' => 'Synchronized lyric/text',
'STC' => 'Synced tempo codes',
'TAL' => 'Album/Movie/Show title',
'TBP' => 'BPM (Beats Per Minute)',
'TCM' => 'Composer',
'TCO' => 'Content type',
'TCR' => 'Copyright message',
'TDA' => 'Date',
'TDY' => 'Playlist delay',
'TEN' => 'Encoded by',
'TFT' => 'File type',
'TIM' => 'Time',
'TKE' => 'Initial key',
'TLA' => 'Language(s)',
'TLE' => 'Length',
'TMT' => 'Media type',
'TOA' => 'Original artist(s)/performer(s)',
'TOF' => 'Original filename',
'TOL' => 'Original Lyricist(s)/text writer(s)',
'TOR' => 'Original release year',
'TOT' => 'Original album/Movie/Show title',
'TP1' => 'Lead artist(s)/Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)/Performing group',
'TP2' => 'Band/Orchestra/Accompaniment',
'TP3' => 'Conductor/Performer refinement',
'TP4' => 'Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by',
'TPA' => 'Part of a set',
'TPB' => 'Publisher',
'TRC' => 'ISRC (International Standard Recording Code)',
'TRD' => 'Recording dates',
'TRK' => 'Track number/Position in set',
'TSI' => 'Size',
'TSS' => 'Software/hardware and settings used for encoding',
'TT1' => 'Content group description',
'TT2' => 'Title/Songname/Content description',
'TT3' => 'Subtitle/Description refinement',
'TXT' => 'Lyricist/text writer',
'TXX' => 'User defined text information frame',
'TYE' => 'Year',
'UFI' => 'Unique file identifier',
'ULT' => 'Unsychronized lyric/text transcription',
'WAF' => 'Official audio file webpage',
'WAR' => 'Official artist/performer webpage',
'WAS' => 'Official audio source webpage',
'WCM' => 'Commercial information',
'WCP' => 'Copyright/Legal information',
'WPB' => 'Publishers official webpage',
'WXX' => 'User defined URL link frame',
# v2.3 tags
'AENC' => 'Audio encryption',
'APIC' => 'Attached picture',
'COMM' => 'Comments',
'COMR' => 'Commercial frame',
'ENCR' => 'Encryption method registration',
'EQUA' => 'Equalization',
'ETCO' => 'Event timing codes',
'GEOB' => 'General encapsulated object',
'GRID' => 'Group identification registration',
'IPLS' => 'Involved people list',
'LINK' => 'Linked information',
'MCDI' => 'Music CD identifier',
'MLLT' => 'MPEG location lookup table',
'OWNE' => 'Ownership frame',
'PCNT' => 'Play counter',
'POPM' => 'Popularimeter',
'POSS' => 'Position synchronisation frame',
'PRIV' => 'Private frame',
'RBUF' => 'Recommended buffer size',
'RVAD' => 'Relative volume adjustment',
'RVRB' => 'Reverb',
'SYLT' => 'Synchronized lyric/text',
'SYTC' => 'Synchronized tempo codes',
'TALB' => 'Album/Movie/Show title',
'TBPM' => 'BPM (beats per minute)',
'TCOM' => 'Composer',
'TCON' => 'Content type',
'TCOP' => 'Copyright message',
'TDAT' => 'Date',
'TDLY' => 'Playlist delay',
'TENC' => 'Encoded by',
'TEXT' => 'Lyricist/Text writer',
'TFLT' => 'File type',
'TIME' => 'Time',
'TIT1' => 'Content group description',
'TIT2' => 'Title/songname/content description',
'TIT3' => 'Subtitle/Description refinement',
'TKEY' => 'Initial key',
'TLAN' => 'Language(s)',
'TLEN' => 'Length',
'TMED' => 'Media type',
'TOAL' => 'Original album/movie/show title',
'TOFN' => 'Original filename',
'TOLY' => 'Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s)',
'TOPE' => 'Original artist(s)/performer(s)',
'TORY' => 'Original release year',
'TOWN' => 'File owner/licensee',
'TPE1' => 'Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)',
'TPE2' => 'Band/orchestra/accompaniment',
'TPE3' => 'Conductor/performer refinement',
'TPE4' => 'Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by',
'TPOS' => 'Part of a set',
'TPUB' => 'Publisher',
'TRCK' => 'Track number/Position in set',
'TRDA' => 'Recording dates',
'TRSN' => 'Internet radio station name',
'TRSO' => 'Internet radio station owner',
'TSIZ' => 'Size',
'TSRC' => 'ISRC (international standard recording code)',
'TSSE' => 'Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding',
'TXXX' => 'User defined text information frame',
'TYER' => 'Year',
'UFID' => 'Unique file identifier',
'USER' => 'Terms of use',
'USLT' => 'Unsychronized lyric/text transcription',
'WCOM' => 'Commercial information',
'WCOP' => 'Copyright/Legal information',
'WOAF' => 'Official audio file webpage',
'WOAR' => 'Official artist/performer webpage',
'WOAS' => 'Official audio source webpage',
'WORS' => 'Official internet radio station homepage',
'WPAY' => 'Payment',
'WPUB' => 'Publishers official webpage',
'WXXX' => 'User defined URL link frame',
# v2.4 additional tags
# note that we don't restrict tags from 2.3 or 2.4,
'ASPI' => 'Audio seek point index',
'EQU2' => 'Equalisation (2)',
'RVA2' => 'Relative volume adjustment (2)',
'SEEK' => 'Seek frame',
'SIGN' => 'Signature frame',
'TDEN' => 'Encoding time',
'TDOR' => 'Original release time',
'TDRC' => 'Recording time',
'TDRL' => 'Release time',
'TDTG' => 'Tagging time',
'TIPL' => 'Involved people list',
'TMCL' => 'Musician credits list',
'TMOO' => 'Mood',
'TPRO' => 'Produced notice',
'TSOA' => 'Album sort order',
'TSOP' => 'Performer sort order',
'TSOT' => 'Title sort order',
'TSST' => 'Set subtitle',
# grrrrrrr
'COM ' => 'Broken iTunes comments',
If you find a bug, please send me a patch (see the project page in L<"SEE ALSO">).
If you cannot figure out why it does not work for you, please put the MP3 file in
a place where I can get it (preferably via FTP, or HTTP, or .Mac iDisk) and send me
mail regarding where I can get the file, with a detailed description of the problem.
If I download the file, after debugging the problem I will not keep the MP3 file
if it is not legal for me to have it. Just let me know if it is legal for me to
keep it or not.
=head1 TODO
=over 4
=item ID3v2 Support
Still need to do more for reading tags, such as using Compress::Zlib to decompress
compressed tags. But until I see this in use more, I won't bother. If something
does not work properly with reading, follow the instructions above for
ID3v2 I<writing> is coming soon.
=item Get data from scalar
Instead of passing a file spec or filehandle, pass the
data itself. Would take some work, converting the seeks, etc.
=item Padding bit ?
Do something with padding bit.
=item Test suite
Test suite could use a bit of an overhaul and update. Patches very welcome.
=over 4
=item *
Revamp getset.t. Test all the various get_mp3tag args.
=item *
Test Unicode.
=item *
=item *
Test error handling, check more for missing files, bad MP3s, etc.
=item Other VBR
Right now, only Xing VBR is supported.
=head1 THANKS
Edward Allen,
Vittorio Bertola,
Michael Blakeley,
Per Bolmstedt,
Tony Bowden,
Tom Brown,
Sergio Camarena,
Chris Dawson,
Anthony DiSante,
Luke Drumm,
Kyle Farrell,
Jeffrey Friedl,
brian d foy,
Ben Gertzfield,
Brian Goodwin,
Todd Hanneken,
Todd Harris,
Woodrow Hill,
Kee Hinckley,
Roman Hodek,
Ilya Konstantinov,
Peter Kovacs,
Johann Lindvall,
Alex Marandon,
Peter Marschall,
Trond Michelsen,
Dave O'Neill,
Christoph Oberauer,
Jake Palmer,
Andrew Phillips,
David Reuteler,
John Ruttenberg,
Matthew Sachs,
Hermann Schwaerzler,
Chris Sidi,
Roland Steinbach,
Brian S. Stephan,
Dan Sully,
Jeffery Sumler,
Predrag Supurovic,
Bogdan Surdu,
Pierre-Yves Thoulon,
Pass F. B. Travis,
Tobias Wagener,
Ronan Waide,
Andy Waite,
Ken Williams,
Ben Winslow,
Meng Weng Wong.
Dan Sully E<lt>dan | at | slimdevices.comE<gt> & Slim Devices, Inc.
Chris Nandor E<lt>pudge@pobox.comE<gt>, http://pudge.net/
Copyright (c) 2006 Dan Sully & Slim Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Chris Nandor. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item Slim Devices
=item mp3tools
=item mpgtools
=item mp3tool
=item ID3v2
=item Xing Variable Bitrate
=item MP3Ext
=item Xmms