
417 lines
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// Try to figure out when vblank is and notify steamcompmgr to render some time before it
#include <cstdint>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gpuvis_trace_utils.h"
#include "vblankmanager.hpp"
#include "steamcompmgr.hpp"
#include "wlserver.hpp"
#include "main.hpp"
static int g_vblankPipe[2];
std::atomic<uint64_t> g_lastVblank;
// 3ms by default -- a good starting value.
const uint64_t g_uStartingDrawTime = 3'000'000;
// This is the last time a draw took.
std::atomic<uint64_t> g_uVblankDrawTimeNS = { g_uStartingDrawTime };
// 1.3ms by default. (g_uDefaultMinVBlankTime)
// This accounts for some time we cannot account for (which (I think) is the drm_commit -> triggering the pageflip)
// It would be nice to make this lower if we can find a way to track that effectively
// Perhaps the missing time is spent elsewhere, but given we track from the pipe write
// to after the return from `drm_commit` -- I am very doubtful.
uint64_t g_uMinVblankTime = g_uDefaultMinVBlankTime;
// Tuneable
// 0.3ms by default. (g_uDefaultVBlankRedZone)
// This is the leeway we always apply to our buffer.
uint64_t g_uVblankDrawBufferRedZoneNS = g_uDefaultVBlankRedZone;
// Tuneable
// 93% by default. (g_uVBlankRateOfDecayPercentage)
// The rate of decay (as a percentage) of the rolling average -> current draw time
uint64_t g_uVBlankRateOfDecayPercentage = g_uDefaultVBlankRateOfDecayPercentage;
const uint64_t g_uVBlankRateOfDecayMax = 1000;
static std::atomic<uint64_t> g_uRollingMaxDrawTime = { g_uStartingDrawTime };
//#define VBLANK_DEBUG
void vblankThreadRun( void )
pthread_setname_np( pthread_self(), "gamescope-vblk" );
// Start off our average with our starting draw time.
uint64_t rollingMaxDrawTime = g_uStartingDrawTime;
const uint64_t range = g_uVBlankRateOfDecayMax;
while ( true )
const uint64_t alpha = g_uVBlankRateOfDecayPercentage;
const int refresh = g_nNestedRefresh ? g_nNestedRefresh : g_nOutputRefresh;
const uint64_t nsecInterval = 1'000'000'000ul / refresh;
const uint64_t drawTime = g_uVblankDrawTimeNS;
// This is a rolling average when drawTime < rollingMaxDrawTime,
// and a a max when drawTime > rollingMaxDrawTime.
// This allows us to deal with spikes in the draw buffer time very easily.
// eg. if we suddenly spike up (eg. because of test commits taking a stupid long time),
// we will then be able to deal with spikes in the long term, even if several commits after
// we get back into a good state and then regress again.
// If we go over half of our deadzone, be more defensive about things.
if ( int64_t(drawTime) - int64_t(g_uVblankDrawBufferRedZoneNS / 2) > int64_t(rollingMaxDrawTime) )
rollingMaxDrawTime = drawTime;
rollingMaxDrawTime = ( ( alpha * rollingMaxDrawTime ) + ( range - alpha ) * drawTime ) / range;
// If we need to offset for our draw more than half of our vblank, something is very wrong.
// Clamp our max time to half of the vblank if we can.
rollingMaxDrawTime = std::min( rollingMaxDrawTime, nsecInterval - g_uVblankDrawBufferRedZoneNS );
uint64_t thisMaxDrawTime = std::max<uint64_t>( rollingMaxDrawTime, g_uMinVblankTime );
g_uRollingMaxDrawTime = thisMaxDrawTime;
uint64_t offset = thisMaxDrawTime + g_uVblankDrawBufferRedZoneNS;
// Debug stuff for logging missed vblanks
static uint64_t vblankIdx = 0;
static uint64_t lastDrawTime = g_uVblankDrawTimeNS;
static uint64_t lastOffset = g_uVblankDrawTimeNS + g_uVblankDrawBufferRedZoneNS;
if ( vblankIdx++ % 300 == 0 || drawTime > lastOffset )
if ( drawTime > lastOffset )
fprintf( stderr, " !! missed vblank " );
fprintf( stderr, "redZone: %.2fms decayRate: %lu%% - thisMaxDrawTime: %.2fms lastDrawTime: %.2fms lastOffset: %.2fms - drawTime: %.2fms offset: %.2fms\n",
g_uVblankDrawBufferRedZoneNS / 1'000'000.0,
thisMaxDrawTime / 1'000'000.0,
lastDrawTime / 1'000'000.0,
lastOffset / 1'000'000.0,
drawTime / 1'000'000.0,
offset / 1'000'000.0 );
lastDrawTime = drawTime;
lastOffset = offset;
uint64_t lastVblank = g_lastVblank - offset;
uint64_t now = get_time_in_nanos();
uint64_t targetPoint = lastVblank + nsecInterval;
while ( targetPoint < now )
targetPoint += nsecInterval;
sleep_until_nanos( targetPoint );
// give the time of vblank to steamcompmgr
uint64_t vblanktime = get_time_in_nanos();
ssize_t ret = write( g_vblankPipe[ 1 ], &vblanktime, sizeof( vblanktime ) );
if ( ret <= 0 )
perror( "vblankmanager: write failed" );
gpuvis_trace_printf( "sent vblank" );
// Get on the other side of it now
sleep_for_nanos( offset + 1'000'000 );
int vblank_init( void )
if ( pipe2( g_vblankPipe, O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK ) != 0 )
perror( "vblankmanager: pipe failed" );
return -1;
g_lastVblank = get_time_in_nanos();
std::thread vblankThread( vblankThreadRun );
return g_vblankPipe[ 0 ];
void vblank_mark_possible_vblank( uint64_t nanos )
g_lastVblank = nanos;
// fps limit manager
static std::mutex g_TargetFPSMutex;
static std::condition_variable g_TargetFPSCondition;
static int g_nFpsLimitTargetFPS = 0;
void steamcompmgr_fpslimit_release_commit( int consecutive_missed_frame_count );
void steamcompmgr_fpslimit_release_all();
void steamcompmgr_send_frame_done_to_focus_window();
// Dump some stats.
// 1.80ms for the app's deadzone to account for varying GPU clocks, other variances, etc
uint64_t g_uFPSLimiterRedZoneNS = 1'800'000;
// 1.0ms as the minimum time we consider a 'frame' for scheduling purposes.
// If the app is running at 1000s of FPS, its probably going to vary a lot.
// so best to keep this stable at some minimum.
uint64_t g_uMinFPSLimiter = 1'000'000;
bool g_bFPSLimitThreadRun = true;
void fpslimitThreadRun( void )
pthread_setname_np( pthread_self(), "gamescope-fps" );
uint64_t lastCommitReleased = get_time_in_nanos();
const uint64_t range = g_uVBlankRateOfDecayMax;
uint64_t rollingMaxFrameTime = g_uStartingDrawTime;
uint64_t vblank = 0;
int consecutive_missed_frame_count = 0;
bool last_frame_was_late = false;
while ( true )
int nTargetFPS;
uint64_t targetInterval;
bool no_frame = false;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( g_TargetFPSMutex );
if ( !g_bFPSLimitThreadRun )
nTargetFPS = g_nFpsLimitTargetFPS;
if ( nTargetFPS == 0 )
targetInterval = 1'000'000'000ul / nTargetFPS;
auto wait_time = std::chrono::nanoseconds(int64_t(lastCommitReleased + targetInterval) - get_time_in_nanos());
if ( wait_time > std::chrono::nanoseconds(0) )
no_frame = g_TargetFPSCondition.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::nanoseconds(wait_time)) == std::cv_status::timeout;
no_frame = true;
nTargetFPS = g_nFpsLimitTargetFPS;
const int refresh = g_nNestedRefresh ? g_nNestedRefresh : g_nOutputRefresh;
const uint64_t vblankInterval = 1'000'000'000ul / refresh;
// If the last frame was late, and this isn't a late frame
// ignore it, as this is that late frame.
if ( !last_frame_was_late || no_frame )
if ( no_frame )
consecutive_missed_frame_count = 0;
if ( nTargetFPS )
targetInterval = 1'000'000'000ul / nTargetFPS;
// Check if we are unaligned or not, as to whether
// we call frame callbacks from this thread instead of steamcompmgr based
// on vblank count.
bool useFrameCallbacks = fpslimit_use_frame_callbacks_for_focus_window( nTargetFPS, 0 );
uint64_t t0 = lastCommitReleased;
uint64_t t1 = get_time_in_nanos();
// Not the actual frame time of the game
// this is the time of the amount of work a 'frame' has done.
uint64_t frameTime = t1 - t0;
// If we didn't get a frame, set our frame time as the target interval.
if ( no_frame || !frameTime )
fprintf( stderr, "no frame\n" );
frameTime = targetInterval;
// Currently,
// Only affect rolling max frame time by 0.07%
// Tends to be much more varied than the vblank timings.
// Try to be much more defensive about it.
// Do we want something better here? Right now, because this moves around all the time
// sometimes we can see judder in the mangoapp frametime graph when gpu clocks are changing around
// in the downtime when we aren't rendering as it measures done->done time,
// rather than present->present time, and done->done time changes as we move buffers around.
// Maybe we want to tweak this alpha value to like 99.something% or change this rolling max to something even more defensive
// to keep a more consistent latency. However, I also cannot feel this judder given how small it is, so maybe it doesn't matter?
// We can tune this later by tweaking alpha + range anyway...
const uint64_t alpha = 993;
// If we go over half of our deadzone, be more defensive about things.
if ( int64_t(frameTime) - int64_t(g_uFPSLimiterRedZoneNS / 2) > int64_t(rollingMaxFrameTime) )
rollingMaxFrameTime = frameTime;
rollingMaxFrameTime = ( ( alpha * rollingMaxFrameTime ) + ( range - alpha ) * frameTime ) / range;
rollingMaxFrameTime = std::min( rollingMaxFrameTime, targetInterval );
int64_t targetPoint;
int64_t sleepyTime = targetInterval;
uint64_t rollingMaxDrawTime = g_uRollingMaxDrawTime.load();
uint64_t latency = 0;
if ( refresh % nTargetFPS == 0 )
// Take the min of it to the target interval - the fps limiter redzone
// so that we don't go over the target interval - expected vblank time
sleepyTime -= std::min<int64_t>( std::max( rollingMaxFrameTime, g_uMinFPSLimiter ), targetInterval - g_uFPSLimiterRedZoneNS );
sleepyTime -= int64_t(g_uFPSLimiterRedZoneNS);
// Don't roll back before current vblank
// based on varying frame time otherwise we can become divergent
// if these value change how we do not expect and get stuck in a feedback loop.
sleepyTime = std::max<int64_t>( sleepyTime, 0 );
sleepyTime -= int64_t(rollingMaxDrawTime);
sleepyTime -= int64_t(g_uVblankDrawBufferRedZoneNS);
uint64_t last_vblank = vblank;
vblank = ( ( t1 / targetInterval ) * targetInterval ) + ( g_lastVblank.load() % vblankInterval );
// Make sure we are on the other side of the last vblank.
while ( vblank < last_vblank + targetInterval / 2 )
vblank += targetInterval;
targetPoint = int64_t(vblank) + sleepyTime;
latency = -(sleepyTime - int64_t(targetInterval));
sleepyTime -= int64_t(frameTime);
targetPoint = int64_t(t1) + sleepyTime;
latency = uint64_t(~0ull);
if ( !no_frame )
mangoapp_update( targetInterval, frameTime, latency );
fprintf( stderr, "Sleeping from %lu to %ld (%ld - %.2fms) to reach %d fps - rollingMaxDrawTime: %.2fms vblank: %lu sleepytime: %.2fms rollingMaxFrameTime: %.2fms frametime: %.2fms\n", t1, targetPoint, targetPoint - int64_t(t1), (targetPoint - int64_t(t1)) / 1'000'000.0, nTargetFPS, rollingMaxDrawTime / 1'000'000.0, vblank, sleepyTime / 1'000'000.0, rollingMaxFrameTime / 1'000'000.0, frameTime / 1'000'000.0 );
sleep_until_nanos( targetPoint );
lastCommitReleased = get_time_in_nanos();
steamcompmgr_fpslimit_release_commit( consecutive_missed_frame_count );
// If we aren't vblank aligned, nudge ourselves to process done commits now.
if ( !useFrameCallbacks )
else if ( last_frame_was_late && !no_frame )
if ( nTargetFPS )
uint64_t t0 = lastCommitReleased;
uint64_t t1 = get_time_in_nanos();
uint64_t frametime = t1 - t0 + targetInterval;
uint64_t latency = uint64_t(~0ull);
if ( refresh % nTargetFPS == 0 )
latency = frametime;
mangoapp_update( frametime, frametime, latency );
last_frame_was_late = no_frame;
void fpslimit_init( void )
std::thread fpslimitThread( fpslimitThreadRun );
void fpslimit_shutdown( void )
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(g_TargetFPSMutex);
g_bFPSLimitThreadRun = false;
void fpslimit_mark_frame( void )
bool fpslimit_use_frame_callbacks_for_focus_window( int nTargetFPS, int nVBlankCount )
if ( !nTargetFPS )
return true;
const int refresh = g_nNestedRefresh ? g_nNestedRefresh : g_nOutputRefresh;
if ( refresh % nTargetFPS == 0 )
// Aligned, limit based on vblank count.
return nVBlankCount % ( refresh / nTargetFPS );
// Unaligned from VBlank, never use frame callbacks on SteamCompMgr thread.
// call them from fpslimit
return false;
// Called from steamcompmgr thread
void fpslimit_set_target( int nTargetFPS )
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(g_TargetFPSMutex);
g_nFpsLimitTargetFPS = nTargetFPS;