import 'moment/locale/es'; import 'moment/locale/el'; import 'moment/locale/eu'; import 'moment/locale/eo'; import 'moment/locale/de'; import 'moment/locale/zh-cn'; import 'moment/locale/fr'; import 'moment/locale/sv'; import 'moment/locale/ru'; import 'moment/locale/nl'; import 'moment/locale/it'; import 'moment/locale/fi'; import 'moment/locale/ca'; import 'moment/locale/fa'; import 'moment/locale/pl'; import 'moment/locale/pt-br'; import 'moment/locale/ja'; import 'moment/locale/ka'; import 'moment/locale/hi'; import 'moment/locale/gl'; import 'moment/locale/tr'; import 'moment/locale/hu'; import 'moment/locale/uk'; import 'moment/locale/sq'; import 'moment/locale/km'; import 'moment/locale/ga'; import 'moment/locale/sr'; import 'moment/locale/ko'; import 'moment/locale/da'; import { UserOperation, CommentView, UserSafeSettings, SortType, ListingType, SearchType, WebSocketResponse, WebSocketJsonResponse, Search, SearchResponse, PostView, PrivateMessageView, LemmyWebsocket, UserViewSafe, CommunityView, } from 'lemmy-js-client'; import { CommentSortType, DataType, IsoData, CommentNode as CommentNodeI, } from './interfaces'; import { UserService, WebSocketService } from './services'; var Tribute: any; if (isBrowser()) { Tribute = require('tributejs'); } import markdown_it from 'markdown-it'; import markdown_it_sub from 'markdown-it-sub'; import markdown_it_sup from 'markdown-it-sup'; import markdownitEmoji from 'markdown-it-emoji/light'; import markdown_it_container from 'markdown-it-container'; import emojiShortName from 'emoji-short-name'; import Toastify from 'toastify-js'; import tippy from 'tippy.js'; import moment from 'moment'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { retryWhen, delay, take } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { i18n } from './i18next'; export const wsClient = new LemmyWebsocket(); export const favIconUrl = '/static/assets/favicon.svg'; export const favIconPngUrl = '/static/assets/apple-touch-icon.png'; // TODO // export const defaultFavIcon = `${window.location.protocol}//${}${favIconPngUrl}`; export const repoUrl = ''; export const joinLemmyUrl = ''; export const supportLemmyUrl = ''; export const docsUrl = ''; export const helpGuideUrl = ''; // TODO find a way to redirect to the non-en folder export const markdownHelpUrl = `${helpGuideUrl}#markdown-guide`; export const sortingHelpUrl = `${helpGuideUrl}#sorting`; export const archiveUrl = ''; export const elementUrl = ''; export const postRefetchSeconds: number = 60 * 1000; export const fetchLimit: number = 20; export const mentionDropdownFetchLimit = 10; export const languages = [ { code: 'ca', name: 'Català' }, { code: 'en', name: 'English' }, { code: 'el', name: 'Ελληνικά' }, { code: 'eu', name: 'Euskara' }, { code: 'eo', name: 'Esperanto' }, { code: 'es', name: 'Español' }, { code: 'da', name: 'Dansk' }, { code: 'de', name: 'Deutsch' }, { code: 'ga', name: 'Gaeilge' }, { code: 'gl', name: 'Galego' }, { code: 'hu', name: 'Magyar Nyelv' }, { code: 'ka', name: 'ქართული ენა' }, { code: 'ko', name: '한국어' }, { code: 'km', name: 'ភាសាខ្មែរ' }, { code: 'hi', name: 'मानक हिन्दी' }, { code: 'fa', name: 'فارسی' }, { code: 'ja', name: '日本語' }, { code: 'oc', name: 'Occitan' }, { code: 'pl', name: 'Polski' }, { code: 'pt_BR', name: 'Português Brasileiro' }, { code: 'zh', name: '中文' }, { code: 'fi', name: 'Suomi' }, { code: 'fr', name: 'Français' }, { code: 'sv', name: 'Svenska' }, { code: 'sq', name: 'Shqip' }, { code: 'sr_Latn', name: 'srpski' }, { code: 'tr', name: 'Türkçe' }, { code: 'uk', name: 'Українська Mова' }, { code: 'ru', name: 'Русский' }, { code: 'nl', name: 'Nederlands' }, { code: 'it', name: 'Italiano' }, ]; export const themes = [ 'litera', 'materia', 'minty', 'solar', 'united', 'cyborg', 'darkly', 'journal', 'sketchy', 'vaporwave', 'vaporwave-dark', 'i386', 'litely', ]; const DEFAULT_ALPHABET = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; function getRandomCharFromAlphabet(alphabet: string): string { return alphabet.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * alphabet.length)); } export function randomStr( idDesiredLength: number = 20, alphabet = DEFAULT_ALPHABET ): string { /** * Create n-long array and map it to random chars from given alphabet. * Then join individual chars as string */ return Array.from({ length: idDesiredLength }) .map(() => { return getRandomCharFromAlphabet(alphabet); }) .join(''); } export function wsJsonToRes( msg: WebSocketJsonResponse ): WebSocketResponse { return { op: wsUserOp(msg), data:, }; } export function wsUserOp(msg: any): UserOperation { let opStr: string = msg.op; return UserOperation[opStr]; } export const md = new markdown_it({ html: false, linkify: true, typographer: true, }) .use(markdown_it_sub) .use(markdown_it_sup) .use(markdown_it_container, 'spoiler', { validate: function (params: any) { return params.trim().match(/^spoiler\s+(.*)$/); }, render: function (tokens: any, idx: any) { var m = tokens[idx].info.trim().match(/^spoiler\s+(.*)$/); if (tokens[idx].nesting === 1) { // opening tag return `
${md.utils.escapeHtml(m[1])} \n`; } else { // closing tag return '
\n'; } }, }) .use(markdownitEmoji, { defs: objectFlip(emojiShortName), }); export function hotRankComment(comment_view: CommentView): number { return hotRank(comment_view.counts.score, comment_view.comment.published); } export function hotRankActivePost(post_view: PostView): number { return hotRank(post_view.counts.score, post_view.counts.newest_comment_time); } export function hotRankPost(post_view: PostView): number { return hotRank(post_view.counts.score,; } export function hotRank(score: number, timeStr: string): number { // Rank = ScaleFactor * sign(Score) * log(1 + abs(Score)) / (Time + 2)^Gravity let date: Date = new Date(timeStr + 'Z'); // Add Z to convert from UTC date let now: Date = new Date(); let hoursElapsed: number = (now.getTime() - date.getTime()) / 36e5; let rank = (10000 * Math.log10(Math.max(1, 3 + score))) / Math.pow(hoursElapsed + 2, 1.8); // console.log(`Comment: ${comment.content}\nRank: ${rank}\nScore: ${comment.score}\nHours: ${hoursElapsed}`); return rank; } export function mdToHtml(text: string) { return { __html: md.render(text) }; } export function getUnixTime(text: string): number { return text ? new Date(text).getTime() / 1000 : undefined; } export function canMod( user: UserSafeSettings, modIds: number[], creator_id: number, onSelf: boolean = false ): boolean { // You can do moderator actions only on the mods added after you. if (user) { let yourIndex = modIds.findIndex(id => id ==; if (yourIndex == -1) { return false; } else { // onSelf +1 on mod actions not for yourself, IE ban, remove, etc modIds = modIds.slice(0, yourIndex + (onSelf ? 0 : 1)); return !modIds.includes(creator_id); } } else { return false; } } export function isMod(modIds: number[], creator_id: number): boolean { return modIds.includes(creator_id); } const imageRegex = new RegExp( /(http)?s?:?(\/\/[^"']*\.(?:jpg|jpeg|gif|png|svg|webp))/ ); const videoRegex = new RegExp(`(http)?s?:?(\/\/[^"']*\.(?:mp4))`); export function isImage(url: string) { return imageRegex.test(url); } export function isVideo(url: string) { return videoRegex.test(url); } export function validURL(str: string) { return !!new URL(str); } export function communityRSSUrl(actorId: string, sort: string): string { let url = new URL(actorId); return `${url.origin}/feeds${url.pathname}.xml?sort=${sort}`; } export function validEmail(email: string) { let re = /^(([^\s"(),.:;<>@[\\\]]+(\.[^\s"(),.:;<>@[\\\]]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}])|(([\dA-Za-z\-]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,}))$/; return re.test(String(email).toLowerCase()); } export function capitalizeFirstLetter(str: string): string { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } export function routeSortTypeToEnum(sort: string): SortType { return SortType[sort]; } export function listingTypeFromNum(type_: number): ListingType { return Object.values(ListingType)[type_]; } export function sortTypeFromNum(type_: number): SortType { return Object.values(SortType)[type_]; } export function routeListingTypeToEnum(type: string): ListingType { return ListingType[type]; } export function routeDataTypeToEnum(type: string): DataType { return DataType[capitalizeFirstLetter(type)]; } export function routeSearchTypeToEnum(type: string): SearchType { return SearchType[type]; } export async function getPageTitle(url: string) { let res = await fetch(`/iframely/oembed?url=${url}`).then(res => res.json()); let title = await res.title; return title; } export function debounce( func: any, wait: number = 1000, immediate: boolean = false ) { // 'private' variable for instance // The returned function will be able to reference this due to closure. // Each call to the returned function will share this common timer. let timeout: any; // Calling debounce returns a new anonymous function return function () { // reference the context and args for the setTimeout function var context = this, args = arguments; // Should the function be called now? If immediate is true // and not already in a timeout then the answer is: Yes var callNow = immediate && !timeout; // This is the basic debounce behaviour where you can call this // function several times, but it will only execute once // [before or after imposing a delay]. // Each time the returned function is called, the timer starts over. clearTimeout(timeout); // Set the new timeout timeout = setTimeout(function () { // Inside the timeout function, clear the timeout variable // which will let the next execution run when in 'immediate' mode timeout = null; // Check if the function already ran with the immediate flag if (!immediate) { // Call the original function with apply // apply lets you define the 'this' object as well as the arguments // (both captured before setTimeout) func.apply(context, args); } }, wait); // Immediate mode and no wait timer? Execute the function.. if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; } // TODO export function getLanguage(override?: string): string { let user = UserService.Instance.user; let lang = override || (user && user.lang ? user.lang : 'browser'); if (lang == 'browser' && isBrowser()) { return getBrowserLanguage(); } else { return lang; } } // TODO export function getBrowserLanguage(): string { return navigator.language; } export function getMomentLanguage(): string { let lang = getLanguage(); if (lang.startsWith('zh')) { lang = 'zh-cn'; } else if (lang.startsWith('sv')) { lang = 'sv'; } else if (lang.startsWith('fr')) { lang = 'fr'; } else if (lang.startsWith('de')) { lang = 'de'; } else if (lang.startsWith('ru')) { lang = 'ru'; } else if (lang.startsWith('es')) { lang = 'es'; } else if (lang.startsWith('eo')) { lang = 'eo'; } else if (lang.startsWith('nl')) { lang = 'nl'; } else if (lang.startsWith('it')) { lang = 'it'; } else if (lang.startsWith('fi')) { lang = 'fi'; } else if (lang.startsWith('ca')) { lang = 'ca'; } else if (lang.startsWith('fa')) { lang = 'fa'; } else if (lang.startsWith('pl')) { lang = 'pl'; } else if (lang.startsWith('pt')) { lang = 'pt-br'; } else if (lang.startsWith('ja')) { lang = 'ja'; } else if (lang.startsWith('ka')) { lang = 'ka'; } else if (lang.startsWith('hi')) { lang = 'hi'; } else if (lang.startsWith('el')) { lang = 'el'; } else if (lang.startsWith('eu')) { lang = 'eu'; } else if (lang.startsWith('gl')) { lang = 'gl'; } else if (lang.startsWith('tr')) { lang = 'tr'; } else if (lang.startsWith('hu')) { lang = 'hu'; } else if (lang.startsWith('uk')) { lang = 'uk'; } else if (lang.startsWith('sq')) { lang = 'sq'; } else if (lang.startsWith('km')) { lang = 'km'; } else if (lang.startsWith('ga')) { lang = 'ga'; } else if (lang.startsWith('sr')) { lang = 'sr'; } else if (lang.startsWith('ko')) { lang = 'ko'; } else if (lang.startsWith('da')) { lang = 'da'; } else if (lang.startsWith('oc')) { lang = 'oc'; } else { lang = 'en'; } return lang; } export function setTheme(theme: string, forceReload: boolean = false) { if (!isBrowser()) { return; } if (theme === 'browser' && !forceReload) { return; } // This is only run on a force reload if (theme == 'browser') { theme = 'darkly'; } // Unload all the other themes for (var i = 0; i < themes.length; i++) { let styleSheet = document.getElementById(themes[i]); if (styleSheet) { styleSheet.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } } document .getElementById('default-light') ?.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); document.getElementById('default-dark')?.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); // Load the theme dynamically let cssLoc = `/static/assets/css/themes/${theme}.min.css`; loadCss(theme, cssLoc); document.getElementById(theme).removeAttribute('disabled'); } export function loadCss(id: string, loc: string) { if (!document.getElementById(id)) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var link = document.createElement('link'); = id; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.href = loc; = 'all'; head.appendChild(link); } } export function objectFlip(obj: any) { const ret = {}; Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => { ret[obj[key]] = key; }); return ret; } export function showAvatars(): boolean { return ( (UserService.Instance.user && UserService.Instance.user.show_avatars) || !UserService.Instance.user ); } export function isCakeDay(published: string): boolean { // moment(undefined) or moment.utc(undefined) returns the current date/time // moment(null) or moment.utc(null) returns null const userCreationDate = moment.utc(published || null).local(); const currentDate = moment(new Date()); return ( === && userCreationDate.month() === currentDate.month() && userCreationDate.year() !== currentDate.year() ); } export function toast(text: string, background: string = 'success') { if (isBrowser()) { let backgroundColor = `var(--${background})`; Toastify({ text: text, backgroundColor: backgroundColor, gravity: 'bottom', position: 'left', }).showToast(); } } export function pictrsDeleteToast( clickToDeleteText: string, deletePictureText: string, deleteUrl: string ) { if (isBrowser()) { let backgroundColor = `var(--light)`; let toast = Toastify({ text: clickToDeleteText, backgroundColor: backgroundColor, gravity: 'top', position: 'right', duration: 10000, onClick: () => { if (toast) { window.location.replace(deleteUrl); alert(deletePictureText); toast.hideToast(); } }, close: true, }).showToast(); } } interface NotifyInfo { name: string; icon?: string; link: string; body: string; } export function messageToastify(info: NotifyInfo, router: any) { if (isBrowser()) { let htmlBody = info.body ? md.render(info.body) : ''; let backgroundColor = `var(--light)`; let toast = Toastify({ text: `${htmlBody}
${}`, avatar: info.icon ? info.icon : null, backgroundColor: backgroundColor, className: 'text-dark', close: true, gravity: 'top', position: 'right', duration: 5000, onClick: () => { if (toast) { toast.hideToast(); router.history.push(; } }, }).showToast(); } } export function notifyPost(post_view: PostView, router: any) { let info: NotifyInfo = { name:, icon:, link: `/post/${}`, body:, }; notify(info, router); } export function notifyComment(comment_view: CommentView, router: any) { let info: NotifyInfo = { name:, icon: comment_view.creator.avatar, link: `/post/${}/comment/${}`, body: comment_view.comment.content, }; notify(info, router); } export function notifyPrivateMessage(pmv: PrivateMessageView, router: any) { let info: NotifyInfo = { name:, icon: pmv.creator.avatar, link: `/inbox`, body: pmv.private_message.content, }; notify(info, router); } function notify(info: NotifyInfo, router: any) { messageToastify(info, router); if (Notification.permission !== 'granted') Notification.requestPermission(); else { var notification = new Notification(, { icon: info.icon, body: info.body, }); notification.onclick = (ev: Event): any => { ev.preventDefault(); router.history.push(; }; } } export function setupTribute() { return new Tribute({ noMatchTemplate: function () { return ''; }, collection: [ // Emojis { trigger: ':', menuItemTemplate: (item: any) => { let shortName = `:${item.original.key}:`; return `${item.original.val} ${shortName}`; }, selectTemplate: (item: any) => { return `:${item.original.key}:`; }, values: Object.entries(emojiShortName).map(e => { return { key: e[1], val: e[0] }; }), allowSpaces: false, autocompleteMode: true, // TODO // menuItemLimit: mentionDropdownFetchLimit, menuShowMinLength: 2, }, // Users { trigger: '@', selectTemplate: (item: any) => { let it: UserTribute = item.original; return `[${it.key}](${it.view.user.actor_id})`; }, values: (text: string, cb: (users: UserTribute[]) => any) => { userSearch(text, (users: UserTribute[]) => cb(users)); }, allowSpaces: false, autocompleteMode: true, // TODO // menuItemLimit: mentionDropdownFetchLimit, menuShowMinLength: 2, }, // Communities { trigger: '!', selectTemplate: (item: any) => { let it: CommunityTribute = item.original; return `[${it.key}](${})`; }, values: (text: string, cb: any) => { communitySearch(text, (communities: CommunityTribute[]) => cb(communities) ); }, allowSpaces: false, autocompleteMode: true, // TODO // menuItemLimit: mentionDropdownFetchLimit, menuShowMinLength: 2, }, ], }); } var tippyInstance: any; if (isBrowser()) { tippyInstance = tippy('[data-tippy-content]'); } export function setupTippy() { if (isBrowser()) { tippyInstance.forEach((e: any) => e.destroy()); tippyInstance = tippy('[data-tippy-content]', { delay: [500, 0], // Display on "long press" touch: ['hold', 500], }); } } interface UserTribute { key: string; view: UserViewSafe; } function userSearch(text: string, cb: (users: UserTribute[]) => any) { if (text) { let form: Search = { q: text, type_: SearchType.Users, sort: SortType.TopAll, page: 1, limit: mentionDropdownFetchLimit, auth: authField(false), }; WebSocketService.Instance.send(; let userSub = WebSocketService.Instance.subject.subscribe( msg => { let res = wsJsonToRes(msg); if (res.op == UserOperation.Search) { let data = as SearchResponse; let users: UserTribute[] = => { let tribute: UserTribute = { key: `@${}@${hostname(uv.user.actor_id)}`, view: uv, }; return tribute; }); cb(users); userSub.unsubscribe(); } }, err => console.error(err), () => console.log('complete') ); } else { cb([]); } } interface CommunityTribute { key: string; view: CommunityView; } function communitySearch( text: string, cb: (communities: CommunityTribute[]) => any ) { if (text) { let form: Search = { q: text, type_: SearchType.Communities, sort: SortType.TopAll, page: 1, limit: mentionDropdownFetchLimit, auth: authField(false), }; WebSocketService.Instance.send(; let communitySub = WebSocketService.Instance.subject.subscribe( msg => { let res = wsJsonToRes(msg); if (res.op == UserOperation.Search) { let data = as SearchResponse; let communities: CommunityTribute[] = => { let tribute: CommunityTribute = { key: `!${}@${hostname(}`, view: cv, }; return tribute; }); cb(communities); communitySub.unsubscribe(); } }, err => console.error(err), () => console.log('complete') ); } else { cb([]); } } export function getListingTypeFromProps(props: any): ListingType { return props.match.params.listing_type ? routeListingTypeToEnum(props.match.params.listing_type) : UserService.Instance.user ? Object.values(ListingType)[UserService.Instance.user.default_listing_type] : ListingType.Local; } // TODO might need to add a user setting for this too export function getDataTypeFromProps(props: any): DataType { return props.match.params.data_type ? routeDataTypeToEnum(props.match.params.data_type) : DataType.Post; } export function getSortTypeFromProps(props: any): SortType { return props.match.params.sort ? routeSortTypeToEnum(props.match.params.sort) : UserService.Instance.user ? Object.values(SortType)[UserService.Instance.user.default_sort_type] : SortType.Active; } export function getPageFromProps(props: any): number { return ? Number( : 1; } export function getRecipientIdFromProps(props: any): number { return props.match.params.recipient_id ? Number(props.match.params.recipient_id) : 1; } export function getIdFromProps(props: any): number { return Number(; } export function getCommentIdFromProps(props: any): number { return Number(props.match.params.comment_id); } export function getUsernameFromProps(props: any): string { return props.match.params.username; } export function editCommentRes(data: CommentView, comments: CommentView[]) { let found = comments.find(c => ==; if (found) { found.comment.content = data.comment.content; found.comment.updated = data.comment.updated; found.comment.removed = data.comment.removed; found.comment.deleted = data.comment.deleted; found.counts.upvotes = data.counts.upvotes; found.counts.downvotes = data.counts.downvotes; found.counts.score = data.counts.score; } } export function saveCommentRes(data: CommentView, comments: CommentView[]) { let found = comments.find(c => ==; if (found) { found.saved = data.saved; } } export function createCommentLikeRes( data: CommentView, comments: CommentView[] ) { let found = comments.find(c => ===; if (found) { found.counts.score = data.counts.score; found.counts.upvotes = data.counts.upvotes; found.counts.downvotes = data.counts.downvotes; if (data.my_vote !== null) { found.my_vote = data.my_vote; } } } export function createPostLikeFindRes(data: PostView, posts: PostView[]) { let found = posts.find(p => ==; if (found) { createPostLikeRes(data, found); } } export function createPostLikeRes(data: PostView, post_view: PostView) { if (post_view) { post_view.counts.score = data.counts.score; post_view.counts.upvotes = data.counts.upvotes; post_view.counts.downvotes = data.counts.downvotes; if (data.my_vote !== null) { post_view.my_vote = data.my_vote; } } } export function editPostFindRes(data: PostView, posts: PostView[]) { let found = posts.find(p => ==; if (found) { editPostRes(data, found); } } export function editPostRes(data: PostView, post: PostView) { if (post) { =; =; =; =; =; =; =; =; post.saved = data.saved; } } export function commentsToFlatNodes(comments: CommentView[]): CommentNodeI[] { let nodes: CommentNodeI[] = []; for (let comment of comments) { nodes.push({ comment_view: comment }); } return nodes; } export function commentSort(tree: CommentNodeI[], sort: CommentSortType) { // First, put removed and deleted comments at the bottom, then do your other sorts if (sort == CommentSortType.Top) { tree.sort( (a, b) => +a.comment_view.comment.removed - +b.comment_view.comment.removed || +a.comment_view.comment.deleted - +b.comment_view.comment.deleted || b.comment_view.counts.score - a.comment_view.counts.score ); } else if (sort == CommentSortType.New) { tree.sort( (a, b) => +a.comment_view.comment.removed - +b.comment_view.comment.removed || +a.comment_view.comment.deleted - +b.comment_view.comment.deleted || b.comment_view.comment.published.localeCompare( a.comment_view.comment.published ) ); } else if (sort == CommentSortType.Old) { tree.sort( (a, b) => +a.comment_view.comment.removed - +b.comment_view.comment.removed || +a.comment_view.comment.deleted - +b.comment_view.comment.deleted || a.comment_view.comment.published.localeCompare( b.comment_view.comment.published ) ); } else if (sort == CommentSortType.Hot) { tree.sort( (a, b) => +a.comment_view.comment.removed - +b.comment_view.comment.removed || +a.comment_view.comment.deleted - +b.comment_view.comment.deleted || hotRankComment(b.comment_view) - hotRankComment(a.comment_view) ); } // Go through the children recursively for (let node of tree) { if (node.children) { commentSort(node.children, sort); } } } export function commentSortSortType(tree: CommentNodeI[], sort: SortType) { commentSort(tree, convertCommentSortType(sort)); } function convertCommentSortType(sort: SortType): CommentSortType { if ( sort == SortType.TopAll || sort == SortType.TopDay || sort == SortType.TopWeek || sort == SortType.TopMonth || sort == SortType.TopYear ) { return CommentSortType.Top; } else if (sort == SortType.New) { return CommentSortType.New; } else if (sort == SortType.Hot || sort == SortType.Active) { return CommentSortType.Hot; } else { return CommentSortType.Hot; } } export function postSort( posts: PostView[], sort: SortType, communityType: boolean ) { // First, put removed and deleted comments at the bottom, then do your other sorts if ( sort == SortType.TopAll || sort == SortType.TopDay || sort == SortType.TopWeek || sort == SortType.TopMonth || sort == SortType.TopYear ) { posts.sort( (a, b) => - || - || (communityType && - || b.counts.score - a.counts.score ); } else if (sort == SortType.New) { posts.sort( (a, b) => - || - || (communityType && - || ); } else if (sort == SortType.Hot) { posts.sort( (a, b) => - || - || (communityType && - || hotRankPost(b) - hotRankPost(a) ); } else if (sort == SortType.Active) { posts.sort( (a, b) => - || - || (communityType && - || hotRankActivePost(b) - hotRankActivePost(a) ); } } export const colorList: string[] = [ hsl(0), hsl(100), hsl(150), hsl(200), hsl(250), hsl(300), ]; function hsl(num: number) { return `hsla(${num}, 35%, 50%, 1)`; } // function randomHsl() { // return `hsla(${Math.random() * 360}, 100%, 50%, 1)`; // } export function previewLines( text: string, maxChars: number = 300, maxLines: number = 1 ): string { return ( text .slice(0, maxChars) .split('\n') // Use lines * 2 because markdown requires 2 lines .slice(0, maxLines * 2) .join('\n') + '...' ); } export function hostname(url: string): string { let cUrl = new URL(url); return cUrl.port ? `${cUrl.hostname}:${cUrl.port}` : `${cUrl.hostname}`; } export function validTitle(title?: string): boolean { // Initial title is null, minimum length is taken care of by textarea's minLength={3} if (title === null || title.length < 3) return true; const regex = new RegExp(/.*\S.*/, 'g'); return regex.test(title); } export function siteBannerCss(banner: string): string { return ` \ background-image: linear-gradient( rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) ) ,url("${banner}"); \ background-attachment: fixed; \ background-position: top; \ background-repeat: no-repeat; \ background-size: 100% cover; \ width: 100%; \ max-height: 100vh; \ `; } export function isBrowser() { return typeof window !== 'undefined'; } export function setIsoData(context: any): IsoData { let isoData: IsoData = isBrowser() ? window.isoData : context.router.staticContext; return isoData; } export function wsSubscribe(parseMessage: any): Subscription { if (isBrowser()) { return WebSocketService.Instance.subject .pipe(retryWhen(errors => errors.pipe(delay(3000), take(10)))) .subscribe( msg => parseMessage(msg), err => console.error(err), () => console.log('complete') ); } else { return null; } } export function setOptionalAuth(obj: any, auth = UserService.Instance.auth) { if (auth) { obj.auth = auth; } } export function authField( throwErr: boolean = true, auth = UserService.Instance.auth ): string { if (auth == null && throwErr) { toast(i18n.t('not_logged_in'), 'danger'); throw 'Not logged in'; } else { return auth; } } moment.updateLocale('en', { relativeTime: { future: 'in %s', past: '%s ago', s: '<1m', ss: '%ds', m: '1m', mm: '%dm', h: '1h', hh: '%dh', d: '1d', dd: '%dd', w: '1w', ww: '%dw', M: '1M', MM: '%dM', y: '1Y', yy: '%dY', }, }); export function saveScrollPosition(context: any) { let path: string = context.router.route.location.pathname; let y = window.scrollY; sessionStorage.setItem(`scrollPosition_${path}`, y.toString()); } export function restoreScrollPosition(context: any) { let path: string = context.router.route.location.pathname; let y = Number(sessionStorage.getItem(`scrollPosition_${path}`)); window.scrollTo(0, y); }